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ABCNEWS VideoSource
US Car - Man caught on camera driving vehicle through shopping mall
NAME: US CAR 20070310I TAPE: EF07/0294 IN_TIME: 10:53:29:00 DURATION: 00:01:23:18 SOURCES: Police Handout DATELINE: Augusta, 9 March 2007 RESTRICTIONS: SHOTLIST Surveillance Video Released By Richmond County, Georgia, Sheriff's Office - AP Clients Only 1. Surveillance video showing SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) crashing through mall entrance 2. Various of SUV driving through mall 3. SUV driving through mall food court 4. SUV crashes through doors, exiting mall STORYLINE A mall in Augusta, Georgia turned into a driving course for a man who drove his Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) straight through the building's glass doors. The incident, which was captured on surveillance, shows the driver ramming his vehicle through the mall's entrance and then casually driving around the mall, past closed shops and through the food court. Attempts made by security guards to stop the driver were unsuccessful. Fortunately the mall was empty as the incident occurred after closing hours. Authorities have identified the driver as 47-year old Stephen Lowe. Investigators said Lowe smashed his vehicle into the building following an argument with his wife.