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NAME: US MICHELLE 20081106I TAPE: EF08/1123 IN_TIME: 10:17:48:19 DURATION: 00:03:35:03 SOURCES: AP TELEVISION/ABC/POOL DATELINE: Various RESTRICTIONS: Check shotlist for details SHOTLIST: AP Television Chicago, Illinois - November 5, 2008 1. US President-Elect, Barack Obama , his wife Michelle ant their two daughters waving at crowd before Obama's victory speech 2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Barack Obama, US President-Elect: "I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years, the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next First Lady, Michelle Obama." AP Television FILE: Osage, Iowa - December 19, 2007 3. Various of Michelle Obama hugging supporters of Obama's presidential campaign 4. SOUNDBITE: (English) Michelle Obama, future first lady of the United States: "That's why I married Barack, because of those values. He was cute, too. That helped. I want to be realistic here, he's cute." 5. Michelle Obama hugging supporters of Obama's presidential campaign POOL FILE: Denver, Colorado - August 25, 2008 6. Various of Michelle Obama at the Democratic National Convention 7. Mid of Obama's supporter waving banner 8. Various shots of Michelle on stage 9. Wide of supporters AP Television New York, NY - November 6, 2008 10. SOUNDBITE: (English) Betty Boyd Caroli, First Lady historian: "In the 22 months that we've seen her on the campaign trail, I think we can agree that she brings some really great qualities to the job. First I would say her comfort in speaking to large groups, her ease, I think the years of professional experience, her law degree, she seems as comfortable in front of three-thousand people as her husband does." POOLFILE: Denver, Colorado - August 25, 2008 11. Various of Michelle Obama hugging her daughters, Sasha and Malia on stage 12. Wide of supporters with Michelle Obama and her daughters on stage ABC - No Access N America/Internet FILE: Butte, Montana - July 4, 2008 13. Mid of Barack Obama and his family waving US flag and clapping at a July 4th parade 14. Wide of Barack Obama and his family walking in street AP Television New York, NY - November 6, 2008 15. SOUNDBITE: (English) Betty Boyd Caroli, First Lady historian: "I think the biggest advantage that Michelle Obama brings to the White House will be the two young daughters. You know we only get children this age about every 50 years. You have to go back to the Kennedys to get children as young as the younger Obama daughter, and Americans love children in the White House." AP Television Chicago, Illinois - November 6, 2008 16. Street scene of the Obama's neighbourhood in Chicago 17. Woman raking leaves 18. Another woman pushing stroller down the street 19. Michelle and Biden signs hanging in window 20. SOUNDBITE: (English) Derrick Thomas, Obama's family neighbour: "Oh, loving, caring, I see that she loves her kids. She definitely loves her kids, her and Barack Obama. I see nothing but love and a close, tight family." 21. SOUNDBITE: (English) Jean Scott, Obama's family neighbour: "She's intelligent, she's a nice-looking young lady. She seems to be a very good mother and she kind of reminds me of Jackie O (Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, who was the wife of President John F. Kennedy)." POOL Chicago, Illinois - November 5, 2008 22. Michelle Obama walks out onto stage with Jill Biden after Obama's victory speech 23. Various of Obamas and Bidens on stage 24. Mid of Obama's kissing and hugging 25. Wide of stage 26. Various of Obamas and the Bidens STORYLINE: For 22 months, Michelle Obama has been juggling the roles of wife, mother and chief surrogate to her husband on the campaign trail. She has described herself as a "multitasker." Her husband, the President-elect, has called her his "rock." Now, Michelle Obama is preparing to take on a new role: that of the first African-American First Lady of the United States. "I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years, the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next First Lady, Michelle Obama," said Barack Obama during his victory speech on Tuesday night. Despite a high-powered career of her own and two young daughters at home in Chicago, Michelle Obama was a frequent presence on the campaign trail, as she set out to introduce herself to the nation and sell her husband as the best man for the job. Though she encountered criticism on everything from her patriotism to her outfits, Obama was embraced by supporters as an intelligent and eloquent campaigner with a genuine style and sharp sense of humour. Speaking to a group of women in Iowa last December, Obama injected a bit of wit into her impassioned speech about her husband. "That's why I married Barack, because of those values. He was cute, too. That helped. I want to be realistic here, he's cute," she said. Obama has said she never sought the spotlight herself, but on the campaign trail, she seemed at ease and at home. Historian Betty Boyd Caroli, who has written books about US first ladies, said Michelle Obama's natural charisma and gift for public speaking will be a huge asset as she embarks upon her new role. With two young girls to look after - 7-year-old Sasha and 10-year-old Malia - Obama has said her daughters will be her number one priority, and she won't seek a major policy role in her husband's administration. Still, Obama said recently she hopes to be a voice for working mothers. Caroli said that platform, and Obama's relationship with her daughters, could be her biggest asset in winning over an American public. Neighbours who live near the Obamas' home in Chicago said the family bond is strong.
Footage Information
Source | ABCNEWS VideoSource |
Title: | US Michelle - Look at what changes first lady-elect may bring to White House |
Date: | 11/06/2008 |
Library: | APTN |
Tape Number: | VSAP584586 |
Content: | NAME: US MICHELLE 20081106I TAPE: EF08/1123 IN_TIME: 10:17:48:19 DURATION: 00:03:35:03 SOURCES: AP TELEVISION/ABC/POOL DATELINE: Various RESTRICTIONS: Check shotlist for details SHOTLIST: AP Television Chicago, Illinois - November 5, 2008 1. US President-Elect, Barack Obama , his wife Michelle ant their two daughters waving at crowd before Obama's victory speech 2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Barack Obama, US President-Elect: "I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years, the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next First Lady, Michelle Obama." AP Television FILE: Osage, Iowa - December 19, 2007 3. Various of Michelle Obama hugging supporters of Obama's presidential campaign 4. SOUNDBITE: (English) Michelle Obama, future first lady of the United States: "That's why I married Barack, because of those values. He was cute, too. That helped. I want to be realistic here, he's cute." 5. Michelle Obama hugging supporters of Obama's presidential campaign POOL FILE: Denver, Colorado - August 25, 2008 6. Various of Michelle Obama at the Democratic National Convention 7. Mid of Obama's supporter waving banner 8. Various shots of Michelle on stage 9. Wide of supporters AP Television New York, NY - November 6, 2008 10. SOUNDBITE: (English) Betty Boyd Caroli, First Lady historian: "In the 22 months that we've seen her on the campaign trail, I think we can agree that she brings some really great qualities to the job. First I would say her comfort in speaking to large groups, her ease, I think the years of professional experience, her law degree, she seems as comfortable in front of three-thousand people as her husband does." POOLFILE: Denver, Colorado - August 25, 2008 11. Various of Michelle Obama hugging her daughters, Sasha and Malia on stage 12. Wide of supporters with Michelle Obama and her daughters on stage ABC - No Access N America/Internet FILE: Butte, Montana - July 4, 2008 13. Mid of Barack Obama and his family waving US flag and clapping at a July 4th parade 14. Wide of Barack Obama and his family walking in street AP Television New York, NY - November 6, 2008 15. SOUNDBITE: (English) Betty Boyd Caroli, First Lady historian: "I think the biggest advantage that Michelle Obama brings to the White House will be the two young daughters. You know we only get children this age about every 50 years. You have to go back to the Kennedys to get children as young as the younger Obama daughter, and Americans love children in the White House." AP Television Chicago, Illinois - November 6, 2008 16. Street scene of the Obama's neighbourhood in Chicago 17. Woman raking leaves 18. Another woman pushing stroller down the street 19. Michelle and Biden signs hanging in window 20. SOUNDBITE: (English) Derrick Thomas, Obama's family neighbour: "Oh, loving, caring, I see that she loves her kids. She definitely loves her kids, her and Barack Obama. I see nothing but love and a close, tight family." 21. SOUNDBITE: (English) Jean Scott, Obama's family neighbour: "She's intelligent, she's a nice-looking young lady. She seems to be a very good mother and she kind of reminds me of Jackie O (Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, who was the wife of President John F. Kennedy)." POOL Chicago, Illinois - November 5, 2008 22. Michelle Obama walks out onto stage with Jill Biden after Obama's victory speech 23. Various of Obamas and Bidens on stage 24. Mid of Obama's kissing and hugging 25. Wide of stage 26. Various of Obamas and the Bidens STORYLINE: For 22 months, Michelle Obama has been juggling the roles of wife, mother and chief surrogate to her husband on the campaign trail. She has described herself as a "multitasker." Her husband, the President-elect, has called her his "rock." Now, Michelle Obama is preparing to take on a new role: that of the first African-American First Lady of the United States. "I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years, the rock of our family, the love of my life, the nation's next First Lady, Michelle Obama," said Barack Obama during his victory speech on Tuesday night. Despite a high-powered career of her own and two young daughters at home in Chicago, Michelle Obama was a frequent presence on the campaign trail, as she set out to introduce herself to the nation and sell her husband as the best man for the job. Though she encountered criticism on everything from her patriotism to her outfits, Obama was embraced by supporters as an intelligent and eloquent campaigner with a genuine style and sharp sense of humour. Speaking to a group of women in Iowa last December, Obama injected a bit of wit into her impassioned speech about her husband. "That's why I married Barack, because of those values. He was cute, too. That helped. I want to be realistic here, he's cute," she said. Obama has said she never sought the spotlight herself, but on the campaign trail, she seemed at ease and at home. Historian Betty Boyd Caroli, who has written books about US first ladies, said Michelle Obama's natural charisma and gift for public speaking will be a huge asset as she embarks upon her new role. With two young girls to look after - 7-year-old Sasha and 10-year-old Malia - Obama has said her daughters will be her number one priority, and she won't seek a major policy role in her husband's administration. Still, Obama said recently she hopes to be a voice for working mothers. Caroli said that platform, and Obama's relationship with her daughters, could be her biggest asset in winning over an American public. Neighbours who live near the Obamas' home in Chicago said the family bond is strong. |
Media Type: | Summary |