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ABCNEWS VideoSource
US Middle East - Protest against Israel's military action in Gaza Strip
NAME: US MEAST 20090911I TAPE: EF09/0041 IN_TIME: 10:10:34:24 DURATION: 00:01:59:03 SOURCES: AP TELEVISION DATELINE: Washington DC - 10 Jan 2009 RESTRICTIONS: SHOTLIST: 1. Wide of protesters carrying signs, chanting 2. Mid of child carrying sign reading "Let Gaza live" 3. Protester yelling 4. Person stapling signs together 5. Protesters chanting with signs 6. Protesters with signs, chanting with speaker 7. Man giving out signs to children 8. SOUNDBITE (English) Mustapha Aboulhouda, Pro-Gaza protester: "We're going to stop the bloodshed, and its senseless. All this senseless killing. It's not serving any purpose whatsoever." 9. Various of protest 11. SOUNDBITE (English) Connie Hair, Pro-Israel protester: "It will not ever end because it does not seem that's in the capacity of the Palestinians to lay down their arms and have peace. Israel defends itself." 12. March organiser addressing the protesters 13. Woman chanting while pushing stroller 14. SOUNDBITE (English) Huma Akbar, Protester: "You know what, the thing is, even the Palestinians are right now, they want the cease fire, they want it to stop. They want all this madness to end. They don't care. They're like, 'you know what, keep the land you've taken from us, keep it. Fine. Just let us live by our own rules. Stop governing when we get our water, when we get our electricity, we get our food.'" 15. Various of protest STORYLINE: At least a thousand people marched in Washington, DC on Saturday, protesting against the Israeli offensive on Hamas and the Gaza population. The protest started with speakers on a stage in a park across from the White House. Marchers then made their way down streets in Washington, headed for businesses they deemed sympathetic to the Israeli cause. Those on the list included the Washington Post newspaper and aircraft maker and defence contractor Boeing. There were also some supporters of Israel present at the protest. At least 814 Palestinians, roughly half of them civilians, have died since conflict broke out on December 27, according to Palestinian medical officials. Thirteen Israelis, including 10 soldiers, have been killed.