
Footage Information

ABCNEWS VideoSource
Taiwan Protest - Thousands demonstrate against US beef
NAME: TAI PROTEST 20091114I TAPE: EF09/1067 IN_TIME: 11:14:35:06 DURATION: 00:01:20:07 SOURCES: AP TELEVISION DATELINE: Taipei - 14 Nov 2009 RESTRICTIONS: SHOTLIST 1. Wide pan of anti-US beef protesters marching 2. Mid protesters holding poster reading: (Mandarin) "Protest against US beef to protect our health" 3. Close-up protesters wearing yellow ribbon on forehead reading: (Mandarin) "Anti-diseased beef " 4. Tilt-up on "No US beef " poster 5. Wide of anti-US beef protest 6. Close-up opposition party leader, Tsai Ying -wen, woman in black, marching in crowd 7. Close-up man holding poster reading "Mad Cow Ma" 8. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Mr Lin, local resident "We are protesting against US beef imports. We don't want diseased beef because we are afraid of mad cow disease." 9. Wide of opposition party leader giving speech 10. Wide of journalists 11. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Tsai Ying-wen, Opposition Democratic Progressive Party leader: "The government should renegotiate with the US on beef imports to better guard against mad cow disease and protect the health of Taiwanese people. If the government fails to do so we would call on the president to step down." 12. Wide of protesters on truck before crowd chanting slogan UPOUND: chanting (Mandarin) "President Ma, step down " 13. Close-up child sitting on father's shoulders 14. Wide of anti-US beef protest STORYLINE Thousands took to the streets of the Taiwanese capital Taipei on Saturday to protest against a government decision to lift a long-standing ban on the import of certain US beef cuts. In the opposition-led protest, the demonstrators demanded that the government renegotiate beef imports with Washington to better guard against mad cow disease. Last month the Taiwan government decided to end the six-year-old ban on bone-in beef, minced beef and offal. Health experts say while bone-in beef may be safe, minced beef and offal carry higher mad cow risks. The US is one of Taiwan's biggest trade partners and President Ma Ying-jeou has rejected demands to renegotiate the issue for fear it could hurt the island's international credibility.