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04:47:00 new tape************** ++France Ricin 1:59 APTN Clients Only NEW Traces of ricin found in Paris railway station 04:52:35 jordan hospital ++Jordan Hospital 2:30 APTN Clients Only NEW German NGOs prepare mobile hospital near border with Iraq 04:56:19 +++SIraq Convoy 2:30 APTN Clients Only siraq convoy (SAME FOOTAGE FROM APTN CHARLIE) NEW Long convoy of US and British troops near Umm Qasr 04:59:31 HELICOPTER DOWN/REPLAY 05:06:54 BOMBERS TAKING OFF********** FROM RAF FAIRFORD, ENGLAND US B-52 05:09:22 BOMBER TAKING OFF********** 05:15:15 TAKE OFF 05:26:17 NIGHT FOOTAGE OF CONVOY MOVING 05:26:30 RED CROSS JEEP 05:26:41 MORE EQUIPMENT 05:30:35 PLANE TAKING OFF 05:31:00 NIGHT FOOTAGE OF BOMBING NORTH KUWAIT 05:31:33 IRAQ CITY FIRE /BUG 05:32:57 WS OFM OIL FIELD AND SMOKE DAY SHOTS 05:33:19 SUV COMING ACROSS SAND 05:33:25 PAN RT OF OIL FIELD W/BLACK CLDOUD OVER HEAD 05:33:39 AMERICANS N/GULF MISSION PLANES 05:33:47 INSIDE CONTROL ROOM OF CARRIER 05:34:04 NICE HSOT OF MISSLE FIRED 05:34:09 OVERHEAD SHOT OF DECK AP-APTN-1000: Gulf Missiles Planes 2 Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: Gulf Missiles Planes 2 - WRAP Missiles launched from McCain, planes from Constellation, Kitty Hawk LENGTH: 2:35 FIRST RUN: 0010 RESTRICTIONS: Part No UK/Ireland/CNNi/Euronews/Net TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: APTN/SKY STORY NUMBER: 366723 DATELINE: Gulf, 20 March 2003 SHOTLIST: (FIRST RUN 2300 AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND, 20 MARCH 2003) At sea somewhere in the Persian Gulf, aboard the USS John S. McCain destroyer 1. Various of cruise missiles being fired from USS John S. McCain 2. View of the bridge 3. Various of interior of combat room 4. Various of Cruise missiles being fired from USS John S. McCain (FIRST RUN 2030 AMERICA LATE, 20 MARCH 2003) At sea, aboard USS Constellation aircraft carrier 5. Set up shot of Rear Admiral Barry Costello 6. Cutaway of media 7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Rear Admiral Barry Costello, Commander USS Constellation: "And they had nothing to do per se, the strikes, with anything else that was going on today other than to continue to prep (prepare) the battlefield, to clear a path, for further on air strikes and ground operations. Nothing like what we've done before." 8. Various of bombs laid out in hangar 9. Night shot of crew on flight deck 10. Various of F18 Hornet jet taking off (FIRST RUN 0010 IRAQ SPECIAL, 21 MARCH 2003) SKY - No Access UK/Ireland/CNNi/Euronews/Internet At sea, aboard USS Kitty Hawk carrier 11. Various of missiles on USS Kitty Hawk 12. Various of fighter jets taking of from USS Kitty Hawk 13. Various of missiles 14. Various of fighter jets coming in to land with empty bomb rails 15. SOUNDBITE(English) Matt Moffatt, US Vice Admiral: "What we try to do is cut down the collateral damage, make sure that we get the ordinates on the specific target we want to take out, because that's really the most important thing." 16. Jets taking of from USS Kitty Hawk STORYLINE: The destroyer USS John S. McCain fired its first missiles in the war on Iraq on Thursday night. Several low flying Tomahawk guided missiles were successfully launched from the ship in the second night of the operation. Meanwhile a commander of one of the five US aircraft carriers in the Gulf has confirmed that warplanes under his command flew 24 bombing missions overnight on Wednesday striking military targets in Iraq. The strikes were separate from the more than 40 Tomahawk missiles launched at strategic targets near Baghdad earlier on Thursday, said Rear Admiral Barry Costello, commander of the USS Constellation. Costello also said that EA-6B Prowler planes - which are able to block radar transmissions - launched from the Constellation overnight to support F1-17 Stealth Bombers over Iraq. This comes as a new wave of jets took off for unknown targets from the USS Constellation on Thursday night, beginning a second night of air attacks against Iraq. On board another aircraft carrier in the region, the USS Kitty Hawk, the numbers of sorties flown in the last 24 hours has increased by 50% in last 24 hours. But US Vice Admiral Matt Moffatt insists that everything is being done to prevent any civilians being hurt. Each of the aircraft carriers has more than 70 warplanes. 05:35:45 DAY FOOTAGE OF PLANE TAKING OFF 05:35:49 BOMBS ON DECK 05:35:52 LANDING OF PLANE 05:35:59 CU OF PLANE TURNING 05:36:24 KUWAIT HELICOPTER 3 AP-APTN-1000: Kuwait Helicopter 3 Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: Kuwait Helicopter 3 - WRAP Adds British FM expressing condolences to families of crash victims LENGTH: 1:16 FIRST RUN: 0900 RESTRICTIONS: See Script TYPE: Eng/Nat SOURCE: POOL/APTN/SKY STORY NUMBER: 366780 DATELINE: Various, 21 March 2003/FILE SHOTLIST: POOL FILE - APTN Clients Only 1. Sea Knight helicopter hovers over USS Sacramento 2. Helicopter picks up a pallet POOL -APTN Clients Only Kuwait - 21 March 2003 (FIRST RUN 0715 ASIA PACIFIC LATE - 21 MARCH 2003) 3. SOUNDBITE: (English) Lt Col Ben Curry, Spokesman, Royal Marines 3 Commando Brigade: "Regrettably during the deployment phase a US helicopter crashed. There were eight UK servicemen from three commando brigade and four US aircrew on board. None survived the crash." POOL FILE - APTN Clients Only 4. Wide from Sacramento as helicopter lands on USS Carl Vinson 5. Forklift on Sacramento APTN - APTN Clients Only Qatar-21 March 2003 (FIRST RUN 0831 FLASH - 21 MARCH 2003) 5. SOUNDBITE: (English) Group Captain Al Lockwood - National contingent spokesman Royal Air Force: "I can confirm the aircraft was not lost through enemy fire. The reason for the crash is being investigated at the moment". 6. Cutaway of cameraman SKY - NO ACCESS UK/IRELAND/CNNi/Euronews/Internet BRUSSELS - 21 MARCH 2003 7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Jack Straw, British Foreign Secretary: "It's obviously an accident and a serious one and our hearts and prayers go out to those who perished and their loved ones". POOL FILE - APTN Clients Only 8. Helicopter takes off with USS Carl Vinson in background STORYLINE: A US Marine helicopter crashed in Kuwait on Friday, killing the eight British and four American soldiers aboard, military officials said. Officials said the cause of the crash was under investigation, adding that hostile fire had not been reported in the area. Earlier, US officials had said 12 Britons and four Americans had died. The CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter was assigned to the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force. It crashed at 00:37 GMT Friday morning in Kuwait - about 9 miles (15 kilometers) away from the border with Iraq, military officials said. Lt. Col. Ben Curry, a British Royal Marines spokesman, said the crash occurred as troops were being deployed to seize oil fields on the Al Faw peninsula in southern Iraq. Otherwise the operation had been a success, he added. Curry said the "aim of the assault was to capture intact an oil pumping station and pipeline valve in order to prevent their destruction by Iraqi forces and the subsequent environmental pollution of the Persian Gulf." "Iraqi resistance has been light and their have been enemy casualties and prisoners," he added. Group Capt. Al Lockwood, spokesman for British forces in the Gulf, also said the helicopter had not been shot down. Britain's foreign secretary, Jack Straw, who was in Brussels, described the crash as an "accident" and expressed condolences to the families of the soldiers killed. The Marines use the Sea Knight, a bus-like helicopter with two large rotors, to fly troops from ships at sea or base camps to forward positions. The Navy and Marines grounded all 291 Sea Knight helicopters in August after an inspection of one helicopter in North Carolina found a crack in a rotor assembly. A Marine Corps CH-46 crashed in 2001, killing three Marines and injuring two. 05:37:45 KUWAIT HARRIERS AP-APTN-1000: Kuwait Harriers Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: Kuwait Harriers - REPLAY British Harrier jets from base in Kuwait LENGTH: 3:09 FIRST RUN: 0900 RESTRICTIONS: APTN Clients Only TYPE: English/Natsound SOURCE: UK POOL STORY NUMBER: 366771 DATELINE: 19/20 March 2003 SHOTLIST: 19 March 2003 1. Various air-to-air night shots of Harriers (++MUTE++) 20 March 2003 2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Group Captain Mike Harwood, Royal Airforce: "This is not an exercise anymore. Everything you've done, everything you've trained for, this is what it's all about. At last, no more bloody exercises, this is the real mccoy." 3. SOUNDBITE: (English) Group Captain Mike Harwood, Royal Airforce: "Commander in Chief obviously sends you his best wishes and wanted to make it clear that the British population is way behind you." 4. Pull back to reveal lit 5. Pilots kitting up Pilots in NBC suits 6. Pilot getting into Harrier 7. Various shots of Harrier taxiing 8. Various shots of Harrier taking off 9. A Harrier returning minus one bomb 10. Various shots of empty bomb rack 11. Pilot climbs down from cockpit 12. SOUNDBITE (English) Squadron Leader David Bradshaw, Pilot: "There's so much happening up there. There are people dropping flares. There is the triple A being fired up into the air. There's artillery firing into across from the border. There's, I'm assuming rockets being fired as well from our side of the lines. All sorts of stuff happening in the air, so it's quite difficult to work out exactly what is being fired at you and what is being fired by your own guys, and you just try and keep away from it all really." 13. Tent with equipment 14. SOUNDBITE (English) US Pilot Who Is Seconded to the Royal Airforce, Full name Unavailable: "We were flying up on a mission into southern Iraq and we got shot at from some sort of surface to air missile even before we'd crossed the border ." 15. Pilots walking away from Harriers 16. Crew inspecting Harrier STORYLINE: Britain's Royal Airforce pilots have conducted operations over Iraq, with some of the pilots coming under fire. One pilot, Squadron Leader David Bradshaw, said during the operation he was saw anti aircraft artillery being fired into the air. "All sorts of stuff happening in the air, so it's quite difficult to work out exactly what is being fired at you and what is being fired by your own guys, and you just try and keep away from it," he said. Another pilot said he was flying into southern Iraq when a surface to air missile was launched at him, but it missed. There were no reported casualties from the operation. 05:41:09 ROMANIAN AIRBASE AP-APTN-1000: Romania Airbase Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: Romania Airbase - REPLAY US planes taking off from Constanta LENGTH: 2:22 FIRST RUN: 0900 RESTRICTIONS: No Access Romania TYPE: Natsound SOURCE: REALITATEA TV STORY NUMBER: 366770 DATELINE: Constanta, 21 March 2003 SHOTLIST: (Night) 1. Tracking shot, right to left, of planes visible at airbase from the the road 2. Long shot of plane, tracking left to right 3. Wide pan of airbase with landing lights 4. Plane visible taking off 5. Tracking shot, right to left with cargo doors open at rear of plane, zooms in to show cargo doors 6. Various of police, buses and security at base 7. Tracking shot of exterior of airbase showing buses and planes visible STORYLINE: US military planes could be seen taking off from Romania's Constanta airport on Thursday night. There are between three and four thousand U.S. troops based at Constanta airport, which has been turned into an air bridge for equipment and personnel flying between airbases in Germany and the Gulf. Constanta is on the Black Sea, 250 kilometres (155 miles) east of Romania's capital, Bucharest. 05:43:31 BAGDAD AFTERMATH AP-APTN-1000: Baghdad Aftermath 2 Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: Baghdad Aftermath 2 - WRAP Strike, immediate aftermath plus morning scenes LENGTH: 3:04 FIRST RUN: 0715 RESTRICTIONS: Part No Access UK TYPE: Natsound SOURCE: APTN/UK POOL STORY NUMBER: 366766 DATELINE: Baghdad, 21 March 2003 SHOTLIST: ** PLEASE NOTE: Part No Access UK - See Shotlist ** (FIRST RUN 0715 GMT ASIA PACIFIC LATE, 21 MARCH 2003) APTN - APTN Clients Only Night shots 1. Night vision footage missiles hitting Baghdad building, AUDIO of missile fire, large plumes of smoke coming from building 2. Night vision - flashes of light from missiles over Baghdad, audio of missile fire 3. Night vision footage - AUDIO missiles hitting Baghdad building, large plumes of smoke coming from building 4. Ambulance driving through street (FIRST RUN 0600 GMT AUSTRALIA NZEALAND UPDATE, 21 MARCH 2003) APTN - APTN Clients Only Night shots 5. Multi-storey building on fire 6. Various of building on fire 7. Wide shot of Baghdad, flashes in sky UK POOL - APTN Clients Only Day shots 8. Various of traffic in Baghdad streets 9. Pan down from flag to sandbags outside building 10. Various of armed guard outside building 11. Various of men in military fatigues walking down streets 12. Various of traffic in street (FIRST RUN 0715 GMT ASIA PACIFIC LATE, 21 MARCH 2003) APTN - No Access UK 13. Various long shots of damaged building 14. Wide pan along river bank to show buildings 15. Various long shots of buildings 16. Wide shot of river with buildings in background STORYLINE: Flames continued to burn in some Baghdad buildings as the US strikes on the Iraqi capital entered its second day on Friday. Flashes were seen across the night sky and the streets were empty as people sought safety in shelters, their homes or the countryside. The Iraqi military said four soldiers were killed and six others wounded in the strikes, during which it said a total of 72 cruise missiles were fired. On Friday morning, central Baghdad was quiet with few cars venturing onto the road. 05:45:13 IRAQUI SOLDIER STANDS GUARD 05:46:46 BAGHDAD AT NIGHT 05:47:34 BUILDING ON FIRE 05:47:39 NICE VIDEO 05:47:42 US RUMSFELD 4 STORY: US Rumsfeld 4 - WRAP Defence Secretary addresses troops, says 'things are going well' LENGTH: 2:37 FIRST RUN: 0400 RESTRICTIONS: Part No NAmerica/Internet TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: VARIOUS STORY NUMBER: 366745 DATELINE: Washington DC, 20 March 2003 SHOTLIST: (FIRST RUN 2300 AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND, 20 MARCH 2003) 1. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defence: "The Iraqi regime is a grave and gathering danger. With each passing day Saddam Hussein advances his arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and could pass them along to terrorists. If he was allowed to do so the result could be the deaths, not of three thousand people as on September 11th, but of 30-thousand or 300-thousand or more innocent people. Our responsibility, your mission, is to prevent that from happening and to eliminate the Iraqi regime as a threat." (FIRST RUN 0010 IRAQ SPECIAL, 21 MARCH 2003) 2. Rumsfeld speaks with reporters 3. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defence: "Things are going very well. General Franks and his team are first rate, they are enormously capable they have a plan that in my judgement is excellent and they are proceeding with it and there is no questions that that regime will not be there in the future and at some point the people of Iraq and the military of Iraq will register that fact. The people will be enormously relieved they will be liberated and the military, if they are wise, will refuse to obey orders and particualry will refuse to obey any order involving the use of weapons of mass destruction." (FIRST RUN 0200 EUROPE OVERNIGHT, 21 MARCH 2003) 4. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defence: "What in the world are you folks doing up so late? You all ought to be home in bed. We still hope that it is possible that they will not be there without the full force and fury of a war. There are communications in every conceivable mode and method, public and private to the Iraqi forces that they can act with honour and turn over the weapons and walk away from them and they will not be hurt and anyone who, conversely, anyone who engages in the use of weapons of mass destruction or supports that regime will wish they had not. Good evening." 4. Follows Rumsfeld walking away STORYLINE: US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the US military operation in the Gulf was "going very well" and expressed his support for the work of the American troops late on Thursday. Americans pursued communications with Iraqis aimed at surrender or a coup Rumsfeld said after briefing the US House of Representatives on developments. He said the communications included Iraq's elite Republican Guard and he was optimistic that it was still possible to unseat Saddam Hussein's regime without a massive US attack. American and British combat units rumbled across the desert into Iraq from the south and bombed limited targets in Baghdad. But military commanders withheld the massive onslaught that would signal all-out war as U.S. officials tried to talk the Iraqi regime into giving up. 05:50:24 US ANTI WAR 2 STORY: US Rumsfeld 4 - WRAP Defence Secretary addresses troops, says 'things are going well' LENGTH: 2:37 FIRST RUN: 0400 RESTRICTIONS: Part No NAmerica/Internet TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: VARIOUS STORY NUMBER: 366745 DATELINE: Washington DC, 20 March 2003 SHOTLIST: (FIRST RUN 2300 AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND, 20 MARCH 2003) 1. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defence: "The Iraqi regime is a grave and gathering danger. With each passing day Saddam Hussein advances his arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and could pass them along to terrorists. If he was allowed to do so the result could be the deaths, not of three thousand people as on September 11th, but of 30-thousand or 300-thousand or more innocent people. Our responsibility, your mission, is to prevent that from happening and to eliminate the Iraqi regime as a threat." (FIRST RUN 0010 IRAQ SPECIAL, 21 MARCH 2003) 2. Rumsfeld speaks with reporters 3. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defence: "Things are going very well. General Franks and his team are first rate, they are enormously capable they have a plan that in my judgement is excellent and they are proceeding with it and there is no questions that that regime will not be there in the future and at some point the people of Iraq and the military of Iraq will register that fact. The people will be enormously relieved they will be liberated and the military, if they are wise, will refuse to obey orders and particualry will refuse to obey any order involving the use of weapons of mass destruction." (FIRST RUN 0200 EUROPE OVERNIGHT, 21 MARCH 2003) 4. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defence: "What in the world are you folks doing up so late? You all ought to be home in bed. We still hope that it is possible that they will not be there without the full force and fury of a war. There are communications in every conceivable mode and method, public and private to the Iraqi forces that they can act with honour and turn over the weapons and walk away from them and they will not be hurt and anyone who, conversely, anyone who engages in the use of weapons of mass destruction or supports that regime will wish they had not. Good evening." 4. Follows Rumsfeld walking away STORYLINE: US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the US military operation in the Gulf was "going very well" and expressed his support for the work of the American troops late on Thursday. Americans pursued communications with Iraqis aimed at surrender or a coup Rumsfeld said after briefing the US House of Representatives on developments. He said the communications included Iraq's elite Republican Guard and he was optimistic that it was still possible to unseat Saddam Hussein's regime without a massive US attack. American and British combat units rumbled across the desert into Iraq from the south and bombed limited targets in Baghdad. But military commanders withheld the massive onslaught that would signal all-out war as U.S. officials tried to talk the Iraqi regime into giving up. 05:54:21 EU SUMMIT AP-APTN-0900: ++EU Summit Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: ++EU Summit - NEW European leaders gather for second day of summit LENGTH: 2:32 FIRST RUN: 0900 RESTRICTIONS: APTN Clients Only TYPE: Natsound SOURCE: EBS STORY NUMBER: 366775 DATELINE: Brussels, 21 March 2003 SHOTLIST: 1. Various of car arriving and French President Jacques Chirac entering building 2. Various of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi entering 3. Various of German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder entering 4. Wide of summit hall 5. UK Prime Minister Tony Blair entering room 6. Various of heads of state talking to each other 7. Wide of hall 8. Various of different leaders talking 9. Various shots of leaders sitting down before start of summit meeting STORYLINE: European Union leaders, meeting in a sombre mood on Friday as war in Iraq highlighted their deep divisions, mapped out a limited role to help Iraq recover from years of dictatorship and conflict. Late on Thursday, the 15 leaders agreed on the need to U-R-G-E-N-Tly address the humanitarian needs of the Iraqi people, offered to support the creation of representative government and urged the United Nations be given a, "central role during and after the current crisis". There was not a word in the EU statement on the rights or wrongs of the US-led war which tore European opinion apart for weeks before the outbreak of hostilities. Those differences were evident, most notably between the anti-war French and the British, the only EU nation participating actively in the attack on Iraq. After weeks of diplomatic barbs and harsh criticism, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and French President Jacques Chirac shook hands at the summit, aides said. However, they were not seen on camera together. The Iraq issue has split the EU as Spain, Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands and Portugal backed Britain's pro-American stance, while others lined up with France and Germany in opposing war. 05:56:52 FRANCE RICINE AP-APTN-1000: France Ricin Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: France Ricin - REPLAY Traces of ricin found in Paris railway station LENGTH: 1:59 FIRST RUN: 0900 RESTRICTIONS: APTN Clients Only TYPE: French/Natsound SOURCE: APTN STORY NUMBER: 366778 DATELINE: Paris, 21 March 2003 SHOTLIST: 1. Exterior wide shot of Gare de Lyon train station 2. Medium shot of Gare de Lyon sign 3. Various interior shots of Gare de Lyon train station 4. Medium shot of a TGV train 5. Medium shot of people waiting 6. VOXPOP: (French) Bruno Sourbier, Passenger: "I'm not sure I believe it, the information, because all of a sudden, bizarrely, war in Iraq is declared. We are being bombarded with information and I'm not sure that, well I haven't really followed (the story) it I just heard the (news) flash, and I don't know the rest of the story. Now we need to see what happens, whether it's true or not." 7. Wide interior shot of Gare de Lyon train station with an information board in the background 8. Medium shot of two people looking at the information board 9. VOXPOP (French) Eric Weller, Passenger: "I'm not necessarily making a causal link between the traces of this poison that were maybe found at Gare de Lyon station and the tense situation in Iraq. I don't necessarily see a connection, and in so much as a a firm link cannot be established then I don't think there is a real reason to worry, and we must also have faith in the people whose role it is to watch over us and keep us safe." 10. Various interior shots of Gare de Lyon station. STORY Police seized two vials with traces of the highly toxic poison ricin from a locker at a Paris train station this week, as it heightened security against terrorism during the US-led campaign in Iraq. The containers were removed from the Gare de Lyon station on Monday after police were informed of their presence by officials from SNCF, the state-run train authority, a ministry statement said. In the locker, agents found two vials of powder, a bottle of liquid and two other vials also with liquid. Tests showed the last two vials "contained traces of ricin in a mixture which has been proven to be a very toxic poison," the statement said. Ricin, which is derived from the castor bean plant, can kill within days. There is no antidote or treatment. It has been linked in the past to al-Qaida and Iraq. 05:59:01 BAGDAD HOSPITAL--NEW VIDEO 06:02:42 IRAQ SADDAM-REPLAY IN MEETING AP-APTN-1000: Iraq Saddam Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: Iraq Saddam - REPLAY Iraqi TV shows what it says is Saddam meeting with cabinet LENGTH: 0:45 FIRST RUN: 2300 RESTRICTIONS: No Access Iraq TYPE: Natsound SOURCE: IRAQI TV STORY NUMBER: 366715 DATELINE: Unknown SHOTLIST: 1. Various of what Iraqi TV says is Iraqi president Saddam Hussein reportedly meeting with his cabinet STORYLINE: Iraqi TV has broadcast what it says are pictures of Iraqi president Saddam Hussein meeting with his cabinet on Thursday. Meanwhile, allied forces crossed into southern Iraq on Thursday, following a barrage of artillery that put Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein on notice that the ground phase of the war had begun. 06:03:55 JORDAN HOSPITAL ABCN1:JordanHospital FOREIGN **************************************************************************** FEED: NEWSONE SUNRISE-LINEUP 03:00 AM SCRIPT #29 DATE: FRIDAY 21 MARCH 2003 SATELLITE: CHANNEL 8 CATEGORY: FOREIGN **************************************************************************** Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: ++Jordan Hospital - NEW German NGOs prepare mobile hospital near border with Iraq LENGTH: 2:09 FIRST RUN: 0900 RESTRICTIONS: APTN Clients Only TYPE: Natsound SOURCE: APTN STORY NUMBER: 366777 DATELINE: Raweishid, 21 March 2003 SHOTLIST: 1. Various of hospital tent being erected 2. German flag in background as people prepare tents 3. Set-up of Werner Hosen entering tent 4. SOUNDBITE: (German) Werner Hosen, NGO worker: "The goal is to get supplies to the local hospital, where we are building a 20-bed hospital. We have specialists also for battle injuries which might arise." 5. Various of medical and other equipment inside tent 6. Various of refugee children playing football 7. Various of refugees eating 8. Various of UNHCR food distribution point 9. Various of buses arriving 10. Various of people sleeping inside bus 11. Various of buses arriving STORYLINE: German Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) were preparing a mobile hospital inside the Jordan border on Friday. Jordan has assigned two plots of land on its border with Iraq, on the outskirts of Ruweishid to accommodate an estimated 30 thousand Iraqi refugees and foreign workers. Ruweishid hosted around one and-a-half million (M) Iraqi refugees and foreign workers in 1991. -- 06:05:54 END OF AMERICAS N APTN FEED
Footage Information
Source | ABCNEWS VideoSource |
Title: | APTN / RS 055 / 4:47 - 6:07 AM |
Date: | 03/21/2003 |
Library: | ABC |
Tape Number: | NYBY17900F |
Content: | 04:47:00 new tape************** ++France Ricin 1:59 APTN Clients Only NEW Traces of ricin found in Paris railway station 04:52:35 jordan hospital ++Jordan Hospital 2:30 APTN Clients Only NEW German NGOs prepare mobile hospital near border with Iraq 04:56:19 +++SIraq Convoy 2:30 APTN Clients Only siraq convoy (SAME FOOTAGE FROM APTN CHARLIE) NEW Long convoy of US and British troops near Umm Qasr 04:59:31 HELICOPTER DOWN/REPLAY 05:06:54 BOMBERS TAKING OFF********** FROM RAF FAIRFORD, ENGLAND US B-52 05:09:22 BOMBER TAKING OFF********** 05:15:15 TAKE OFF 05:26:17 NIGHT FOOTAGE OF CONVOY MOVING 05:26:30 RED CROSS JEEP 05:26:41 MORE EQUIPMENT 05:30:35 PLANE TAKING OFF 05:31:00 NIGHT FOOTAGE OF BOMBING NORTH KUWAIT 05:31:33 IRAQ CITY FIRE /BUG 05:32:57 WS OFM OIL FIELD AND SMOKE DAY SHOTS 05:33:19 SUV COMING ACROSS SAND 05:33:25 PAN RT OF OIL FIELD W/BLACK CLDOUD OVER HEAD 05:33:39 AMERICANS N/GULF MISSION PLANES 05:33:47 INSIDE CONTROL ROOM OF CARRIER 05:34:04 NICE HSOT OF MISSLE FIRED 05:34:09 OVERHEAD SHOT OF DECK AP-APTN-1000: Gulf Missiles Planes 2 Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: Gulf Missiles Planes 2 - WRAP Missiles launched from McCain, planes from Constellation, Kitty Hawk LENGTH: 2:35 FIRST RUN: 0010 RESTRICTIONS: Part No UK/Ireland/CNNi/Euronews/Net TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: APTN/SKY STORY NUMBER: 366723 DATELINE: Gulf, 20 March 2003 SHOTLIST: (FIRST RUN 2300 AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND, 20 MARCH 2003) At sea somewhere in the Persian Gulf, aboard the USS John S. McCain destroyer 1. Various of cruise missiles being fired from USS John S. McCain 2. View of the bridge 3. Various of interior of combat room 4. Various of Cruise missiles being fired from USS John S. McCain (FIRST RUN 2030 AMERICA LATE, 20 MARCH 2003) At sea, aboard USS Constellation aircraft carrier 5. Set up shot of Rear Admiral Barry Costello 6. Cutaway of media 7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Rear Admiral Barry Costello, Commander USS Constellation: "And they had nothing to do per se, the strikes, with anything else that was going on today other than to continue to prep (prepare) the battlefield, to clear a path, for further on air strikes and ground operations. Nothing like what we've done before." 8. Various of bombs laid out in hangar 9. Night shot of crew on flight deck 10. Various of F18 Hornet jet taking off (FIRST RUN 0010 IRAQ SPECIAL, 21 MARCH 2003) SKY - No Access UK/Ireland/CNNi/Euronews/Internet At sea, aboard USS Kitty Hawk carrier 11. Various of missiles on USS Kitty Hawk 12. Various of fighter jets taking of from USS Kitty Hawk 13. Various of missiles 14. Various of fighter jets coming in to land with empty bomb rails 15. SOUNDBITE(English) Matt Moffatt, US Vice Admiral: "What we try to do is cut down the collateral damage, make sure that we get the ordinates on the specific target we want to take out, because that's really the most important thing." 16. Jets taking of from USS Kitty Hawk STORYLINE: The destroyer USS John S. McCain fired its first missiles in the war on Iraq on Thursday night. Several low flying Tomahawk guided missiles were successfully launched from the ship in the second night of the operation. Meanwhile a commander of one of the five US aircraft carriers in the Gulf has confirmed that warplanes under his command flew 24 bombing missions overnight on Wednesday striking military targets in Iraq. The strikes were separate from the more than 40 Tomahawk missiles launched at strategic targets near Baghdad earlier on Thursday, said Rear Admiral Barry Costello, commander of the USS Constellation. Costello also said that EA-6B Prowler planes - which are able to block radar transmissions - launched from the Constellation overnight to support F1-17 Stealth Bombers over Iraq. This comes as a new wave of jets took off for unknown targets from the USS Constellation on Thursday night, beginning a second night of air attacks against Iraq. On board another aircraft carrier in the region, the USS Kitty Hawk, the numbers of sorties flown in the last 24 hours has increased by 50% in last 24 hours. But US Vice Admiral Matt Moffatt insists that everything is being done to prevent any civilians being hurt. Each of the aircraft carriers has more than 70 warplanes. 05:35:45 DAY FOOTAGE OF PLANE TAKING OFF 05:35:49 BOMBS ON DECK 05:35:52 LANDING OF PLANE 05:35:59 CU OF PLANE TURNING 05:36:24 KUWAIT HELICOPTER 3 AP-APTN-1000: Kuwait Helicopter 3 Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: Kuwait Helicopter 3 - WRAP Adds British FM expressing condolences to families of crash victims LENGTH: 1:16 FIRST RUN: 0900 RESTRICTIONS: See Script TYPE: Eng/Nat SOURCE: POOL/APTN/SKY STORY NUMBER: 366780 DATELINE: Various, 21 March 2003/FILE SHOTLIST: POOL FILE - APTN Clients Only 1. Sea Knight helicopter hovers over USS Sacramento 2. Helicopter picks up a pallet POOL -APTN Clients Only Kuwait - 21 March 2003 (FIRST RUN 0715 ASIA PACIFIC LATE - 21 MARCH 2003) 3. SOUNDBITE: (English) Lt Col Ben Curry, Spokesman, Royal Marines 3 Commando Brigade: "Regrettably during the deployment phase a US helicopter crashed. There were eight UK servicemen from three commando brigade and four US aircrew on board. None survived the crash." POOL FILE - APTN Clients Only 4. Wide from Sacramento as helicopter lands on USS Carl Vinson 5. Forklift on Sacramento APTN - APTN Clients Only Qatar-21 March 2003 (FIRST RUN 0831 FLASH - 21 MARCH 2003) 5. SOUNDBITE: (English) Group Captain Al Lockwood - National contingent spokesman Royal Air Force: "I can confirm the aircraft was not lost through enemy fire. The reason for the crash is being investigated at the moment". 6. Cutaway of cameraman SKY - NO ACCESS UK/IRELAND/CNNi/Euronews/Internet BRUSSELS - 21 MARCH 2003 7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Jack Straw, British Foreign Secretary: "It's obviously an accident and a serious one and our hearts and prayers go out to those who perished and their loved ones". POOL FILE - APTN Clients Only 8. Helicopter takes off with USS Carl Vinson in background STORYLINE: A US Marine helicopter crashed in Kuwait on Friday, killing the eight British and four American soldiers aboard, military officials said. Officials said the cause of the crash was under investigation, adding that hostile fire had not been reported in the area. Earlier, US officials had said 12 Britons and four Americans had died. The CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter was assigned to the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force. It crashed at 00:37 GMT Friday morning in Kuwait - about 9 miles (15 kilometers) away from the border with Iraq, military officials said. Lt. Col. Ben Curry, a British Royal Marines spokesman, said the crash occurred as troops were being deployed to seize oil fields on the Al Faw peninsula in southern Iraq. Otherwise the operation had been a success, he added. Curry said the "aim of the assault was to capture intact an oil pumping station and pipeline valve in order to prevent their destruction by Iraqi forces and the subsequent environmental pollution of the Persian Gulf." "Iraqi resistance has been light and their have been enemy casualties and prisoners," he added. Group Capt. Al Lockwood, spokesman for British forces in the Gulf, also said the helicopter had not been shot down. Britain's foreign secretary, Jack Straw, who was in Brussels, described the crash as an "accident" and expressed condolences to the families of the soldiers killed. The Marines use the Sea Knight, a bus-like helicopter with two large rotors, to fly troops from ships at sea or base camps to forward positions. The Navy and Marines grounded all 291 Sea Knight helicopters in August after an inspection of one helicopter in North Carolina found a crack in a rotor assembly. A Marine Corps CH-46 crashed in 2001, killing three Marines and injuring two. 05:37:45 KUWAIT HARRIERS AP-APTN-1000: Kuwait Harriers Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: Kuwait Harriers - REPLAY British Harrier jets from base in Kuwait LENGTH: 3:09 FIRST RUN: 0900 RESTRICTIONS: APTN Clients Only TYPE: English/Natsound SOURCE: UK POOL STORY NUMBER: 366771 DATELINE: 19/20 March 2003 SHOTLIST: 19 March 2003 1. Various air-to-air night shots of Harriers (++MUTE++) 20 March 2003 2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Group Captain Mike Harwood, Royal Airforce: "This is not an exercise anymore. Everything you've done, everything you've trained for, this is what it's all about. At last, no more bloody exercises, this is the real mccoy." 3. SOUNDBITE: (English) Group Captain Mike Harwood, Royal Airforce: "Commander in Chief obviously sends you his best wishes and wanted to make it clear that the British population is way behind you." 4. Pull back to reveal lit 5. Pilots kitting up Pilots in NBC suits 6. Pilot getting into Harrier 7. Various shots of Harrier taxiing 8. Various shots of Harrier taking off 9. A Harrier returning minus one bomb 10. Various shots of empty bomb rack 11. Pilot climbs down from cockpit 12. SOUNDBITE (English) Squadron Leader David Bradshaw, Pilot: "There's so much happening up there. There are people dropping flares. There is the triple A being fired up into the air. There's artillery firing into across from the border. There's, I'm assuming rockets being fired as well from our side of the lines. All sorts of stuff happening in the air, so it's quite difficult to work out exactly what is being fired at you and what is being fired by your own guys, and you just try and keep away from it all really." 13. Tent with equipment 14. SOUNDBITE (English) US Pilot Who Is Seconded to the Royal Airforce, Full name Unavailable: "We were flying up on a mission into southern Iraq and we got shot at from some sort of surface to air missile even before we'd crossed the border ." 15. Pilots walking away from Harriers 16. Crew inspecting Harrier STORYLINE: Britain's Royal Airforce pilots have conducted operations over Iraq, with some of the pilots coming under fire. One pilot, Squadron Leader David Bradshaw, said during the operation he was saw anti aircraft artillery being fired into the air. "All sorts of stuff happening in the air, so it's quite difficult to work out exactly what is being fired at you and what is being fired by your own guys, and you just try and keep away from it," he said. Another pilot said he was flying into southern Iraq when a surface to air missile was launched at him, but it missed. There were no reported casualties from the operation. 05:41:09 ROMANIAN AIRBASE AP-APTN-1000: Romania Airbase Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: Romania Airbase - REPLAY US planes taking off from Constanta LENGTH: 2:22 FIRST RUN: 0900 RESTRICTIONS: No Access Romania TYPE: Natsound SOURCE: REALITATEA TV STORY NUMBER: 366770 DATELINE: Constanta, 21 March 2003 SHOTLIST: (Night) 1. Tracking shot, right to left, of planes visible at airbase from the the road 2. Long shot of plane, tracking left to right 3. Wide pan of airbase with landing lights 4. Plane visible taking off 5. Tracking shot, right to left with cargo doors open at rear of plane, zooms in to show cargo doors 6. Various of police, buses and security at base 7. Tracking shot of exterior of airbase showing buses and planes visible STORYLINE: US military planes could be seen taking off from Romania's Constanta airport on Thursday night. There are between three and four thousand U.S. troops based at Constanta airport, which has been turned into an air bridge for equipment and personnel flying between airbases in Germany and the Gulf. Constanta is on the Black Sea, 250 kilometres (155 miles) east of Romania's capital, Bucharest. 05:43:31 BAGDAD AFTERMATH AP-APTN-1000: Baghdad Aftermath 2 Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: Baghdad Aftermath 2 - WRAP Strike, immediate aftermath plus morning scenes LENGTH: 3:04 FIRST RUN: 0715 RESTRICTIONS: Part No Access UK TYPE: Natsound SOURCE: APTN/UK POOL STORY NUMBER: 366766 DATELINE: Baghdad, 21 March 2003 SHOTLIST: ** PLEASE NOTE: Part No Access UK - See Shotlist ** (FIRST RUN 0715 GMT ASIA PACIFIC LATE, 21 MARCH 2003) APTN - APTN Clients Only Night shots 1. Night vision footage missiles hitting Baghdad building, AUDIO of missile fire, large plumes of smoke coming from building 2. Night vision - flashes of light from missiles over Baghdad, audio of missile fire 3. Night vision footage - AUDIO missiles hitting Baghdad building, large plumes of smoke coming from building 4. Ambulance driving through street (FIRST RUN 0600 GMT AUSTRALIA NZEALAND UPDATE, 21 MARCH 2003) APTN - APTN Clients Only Night shots 5. Multi-storey building on fire 6. Various of building on fire 7. Wide shot of Baghdad, flashes in sky UK POOL - APTN Clients Only Day shots 8. Various of traffic in Baghdad streets 9. Pan down from flag to sandbags outside building 10. Various of armed guard outside building 11. Various of men in military fatigues walking down streets 12. Various of traffic in street (FIRST RUN 0715 GMT ASIA PACIFIC LATE, 21 MARCH 2003) APTN - No Access UK 13. Various long shots of damaged building 14. Wide pan along river bank to show buildings 15. Various long shots of buildings 16. Wide shot of river with buildings in background STORYLINE: Flames continued to burn in some Baghdad buildings as the US strikes on the Iraqi capital entered its second day on Friday. Flashes were seen across the night sky and the streets were empty as people sought safety in shelters, their homes or the countryside. The Iraqi military said four soldiers were killed and six others wounded in the strikes, during which it said a total of 72 cruise missiles were fired. On Friday morning, central Baghdad was quiet with few cars venturing onto the road. 05:45:13 IRAQUI SOLDIER STANDS GUARD 05:46:46 BAGHDAD AT NIGHT 05:47:34 BUILDING ON FIRE 05:47:39 NICE VIDEO 05:47:42 US RUMSFELD 4 STORY: US Rumsfeld 4 - WRAP Defence Secretary addresses troops, says 'things are going well' LENGTH: 2:37 FIRST RUN: 0400 RESTRICTIONS: Part No NAmerica/Internet TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: VARIOUS STORY NUMBER: 366745 DATELINE: Washington DC, 20 March 2003 SHOTLIST: (FIRST RUN 2300 AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND, 20 MARCH 2003) 1. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defence: "The Iraqi regime is a grave and gathering danger. With each passing day Saddam Hussein advances his arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and could pass them along to terrorists. If he was allowed to do so the result could be the deaths, not of three thousand people as on September 11th, but of 30-thousand or 300-thousand or more innocent people. Our responsibility, your mission, is to prevent that from happening and to eliminate the Iraqi regime as a threat." (FIRST RUN 0010 IRAQ SPECIAL, 21 MARCH 2003) 2. Rumsfeld speaks with reporters 3. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defence: "Things are going very well. General Franks and his team are first rate, they are enormously capable they have a plan that in my judgement is excellent and they are proceeding with it and there is no questions that that regime will not be there in the future and at some point the people of Iraq and the military of Iraq will register that fact. The people will be enormously relieved they will be liberated and the military, if they are wise, will refuse to obey orders and particualry will refuse to obey any order involving the use of weapons of mass destruction." (FIRST RUN 0200 EUROPE OVERNIGHT, 21 MARCH 2003) 4. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defence: "What in the world are you folks doing up so late? You all ought to be home in bed. We still hope that it is possible that they will not be there without the full force and fury of a war. There are communications in every conceivable mode and method, public and private to the Iraqi forces that they can act with honour and turn over the weapons and walk away from them and they will not be hurt and anyone who, conversely, anyone who engages in the use of weapons of mass destruction or supports that regime will wish they had not. Good evening." 4. Follows Rumsfeld walking away STORYLINE: US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the US military operation in the Gulf was "going very well" and expressed his support for the work of the American troops late on Thursday. Americans pursued communications with Iraqis aimed at surrender or a coup Rumsfeld said after briefing the US House of Representatives on developments. He said the communications included Iraq's elite Republican Guard and he was optimistic that it was still possible to unseat Saddam Hussein's regime without a massive US attack. American and British combat units rumbled across the desert into Iraq from the south and bombed limited targets in Baghdad. But military commanders withheld the massive onslaught that would signal all-out war as U.S. officials tried to talk the Iraqi regime into giving up. 05:50:24 US ANTI WAR 2 STORY: US Rumsfeld 4 - WRAP Defence Secretary addresses troops, says 'things are going well' LENGTH: 2:37 FIRST RUN: 0400 RESTRICTIONS: Part No NAmerica/Internet TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: VARIOUS STORY NUMBER: 366745 DATELINE: Washington DC, 20 March 2003 SHOTLIST: (FIRST RUN 2300 AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND, 20 MARCH 2003) 1. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defence: "The Iraqi regime is a grave and gathering danger. With each passing day Saddam Hussein advances his arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and could pass them along to terrorists. If he was allowed to do so the result could be the deaths, not of three thousand people as on September 11th, but of 30-thousand or 300-thousand or more innocent people. Our responsibility, your mission, is to prevent that from happening and to eliminate the Iraqi regime as a threat." (FIRST RUN 0010 IRAQ SPECIAL, 21 MARCH 2003) 2. Rumsfeld speaks with reporters 3. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defence: "Things are going very well. General Franks and his team are first rate, they are enormously capable they have a plan that in my judgement is excellent and they are proceeding with it and there is no questions that that regime will not be there in the future and at some point the people of Iraq and the military of Iraq will register that fact. The people will be enormously relieved they will be liberated and the military, if they are wise, will refuse to obey orders and particualry will refuse to obey any order involving the use of weapons of mass destruction." (FIRST RUN 0200 EUROPE OVERNIGHT, 21 MARCH 2003) 4. SOUNDBITE (English) Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defence: "What in the world are you folks doing up so late? You all ought to be home in bed. We still hope that it is possible that they will not be there without the full force and fury of a war. There are communications in every conceivable mode and method, public and private to the Iraqi forces that they can act with honour and turn over the weapons and walk away from them and they will not be hurt and anyone who, conversely, anyone who engages in the use of weapons of mass destruction or supports that regime will wish they had not. Good evening." 4. Follows Rumsfeld walking away STORYLINE: US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the US military operation in the Gulf was "going very well" and expressed his support for the work of the American troops late on Thursday. Americans pursued communications with Iraqis aimed at surrender or a coup Rumsfeld said after briefing the US House of Representatives on developments. He said the communications included Iraq's elite Republican Guard and he was optimistic that it was still possible to unseat Saddam Hussein's regime without a massive US attack. American and British combat units rumbled across the desert into Iraq from the south and bombed limited targets in Baghdad. But military commanders withheld the massive onslaught that would signal all-out war as U.S. officials tried to talk the Iraqi regime into giving up. 05:54:21 EU SUMMIT AP-APTN-0900: ++EU Summit Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: ++EU Summit - NEW European leaders gather for second day of summit LENGTH: 2:32 FIRST RUN: 0900 RESTRICTIONS: APTN Clients Only TYPE: Natsound SOURCE: EBS STORY NUMBER: 366775 DATELINE: Brussels, 21 March 2003 SHOTLIST: 1. Various of car arriving and French President Jacques Chirac entering building 2. Various of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi entering 3. Various of German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder entering 4. Wide of summit hall 5. UK Prime Minister Tony Blair entering room 6. Various of heads of state talking to each other 7. Wide of hall 8. Various of different leaders talking 9. Various shots of leaders sitting down before start of summit meeting STORYLINE: European Union leaders, meeting in a sombre mood on Friday as war in Iraq highlighted their deep divisions, mapped out a limited role to help Iraq recover from years of dictatorship and conflict. Late on Thursday, the 15 leaders agreed on the need to U-R-G-E-N-Tly address the humanitarian needs of the Iraqi people, offered to support the creation of representative government and urged the United Nations be given a, "central role during and after the current crisis". There was not a word in the EU statement on the rights or wrongs of the US-led war which tore European opinion apart for weeks before the outbreak of hostilities. Those differences were evident, most notably between the anti-war French and the British, the only EU nation participating actively in the attack on Iraq. After weeks of diplomatic barbs and harsh criticism, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and French President Jacques Chirac shook hands at the summit, aides said. However, they were not seen on camera together. The Iraq issue has split the EU as Spain, Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands and Portugal backed Britain's pro-American stance, while others lined up with France and Germany in opposing war. 05:56:52 FRANCE RICINE AP-APTN-1000: France Ricin Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: France Ricin - REPLAY Traces of ricin found in Paris railway station LENGTH: 1:59 FIRST RUN: 0900 RESTRICTIONS: APTN Clients Only TYPE: French/Natsound SOURCE: APTN STORY NUMBER: 366778 DATELINE: Paris, 21 March 2003 SHOTLIST: 1. Exterior wide shot of Gare de Lyon train station 2. Medium shot of Gare de Lyon sign 3. Various interior shots of Gare de Lyon train station 4. Medium shot of a TGV train 5. Medium shot of people waiting 6. VOXPOP: (French) Bruno Sourbier, Passenger: "I'm not sure I believe it, the information, because all of a sudden, bizarrely, war in Iraq is declared. We are being bombarded with information and I'm not sure that, well I haven't really followed (the story) it I just heard the (news) flash, and I don't know the rest of the story. Now we need to see what happens, whether it's true or not." 7. Wide interior shot of Gare de Lyon train station with an information board in the background 8. Medium shot of two people looking at the information board 9. VOXPOP (French) Eric Weller, Passenger: "I'm not necessarily making a causal link between the traces of this poison that were maybe found at Gare de Lyon station and the tense situation in Iraq. I don't necessarily see a connection, and in so much as a a firm link cannot be established then I don't think there is a real reason to worry, and we must also have faith in the people whose role it is to watch over us and keep us safe." 10. Various interior shots of Gare de Lyon station. STORY Police seized two vials with traces of the highly toxic poison ricin from a locker at a Paris train station this week, as it heightened security against terrorism during the US-led campaign in Iraq. The containers were removed from the Gare de Lyon station on Monday after police were informed of their presence by officials from SNCF, the state-run train authority, a ministry statement said. In the locker, agents found two vials of powder, a bottle of liquid and two other vials also with liquid. Tests showed the last two vials "contained traces of ricin in a mixture which has been proven to be a very toxic poison," the statement said. Ricin, which is derived from the castor bean plant, can kill within days. There is no antidote or treatment. It has been linked in the past to al-Qaida and Iraq. 05:59:01 BAGDAD HOSPITAL--NEW VIDEO 06:02:42 IRAQ SADDAM-REPLAY IN MEETING AP-APTN-1000: Iraq Saddam Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: Iraq Saddam - REPLAY Iraqi TV shows what it says is Saddam meeting with cabinet LENGTH: 0:45 FIRST RUN: 2300 RESTRICTIONS: No Access Iraq TYPE: Natsound SOURCE: IRAQI TV STORY NUMBER: 366715 DATELINE: Unknown SHOTLIST: 1. Various of what Iraqi TV says is Iraqi president Saddam Hussein reportedly meeting with his cabinet STORYLINE: Iraqi TV has broadcast what it says are pictures of Iraqi president Saddam Hussein meeting with his cabinet on Thursday. Meanwhile, allied forces crossed into southern Iraq on Thursday, following a barrage of artillery that put Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein on notice that the ground phase of the war had begun. 06:03:55 JORDAN HOSPITAL ABCN1:JordanHospital FOREIGN **************************************************************************** FEED: NEWSONE SUNRISE-LINEUP 03:00 AM SCRIPT #29 DATE: FRIDAY 21 MARCH 2003 SATELLITE: CHANNEL 8 CATEGORY: FOREIGN **************************************************************************** Friday, 21 March 2003 STORY: ++Jordan Hospital - NEW German NGOs prepare mobile hospital near border with Iraq LENGTH: 2:09 FIRST RUN: 0900 RESTRICTIONS: APTN Clients Only TYPE: Natsound SOURCE: APTN STORY NUMBER: 366777 DATELINE: Raweishid, 21 March 2003 SHOTLIST: 1. Various of hospital tent being erected 2. German flag in background as people prepare tents 3. Set-up of Werner Hosen entering tent 4. SOUNDBITE: (German) Werner Hosen, NGO worker: "The goal is to get supplies to the local hospital, where we are building a 20-bed hospital. We have specialists also for battle injuries which might arise." 5. Various of medical and other equipment inside tent 6. Various of refugee children playing football 7. Various of refugees eating 8. Various of UNHCR food distribution point 9. Various of buses arriving 10. Various of people sleeping inside bus 11. Various of buses arriving STORYLINE: German Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) were preparing a mobile hospital inside the Jordan border on Friday. Jordan has assigned two plots of land on its border with Iraq, on the outskirts of Ruweishid to accommodate an estimated 30 thousand Iraqi refugees and foreign workers. Ruweishid hosted around one and-a-half million (M) Iraqi refugees and foreign workers in 1991. -- 06:05:54 END OF AMERICAS N APTN FEED |
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