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World War II (WW II) Tape #10 - D-Day
NVS0181 Subject: World War II (WW II) Tape #10 - D-Day Source: BMT 01:00:10 BMT ISSUE 782A (6/1/44) RAF ALL OUT BLITZ The RAF continues to fly thousands of sorties over Europe bombing military objectives, communications and coastal sites. Industry too is being blasted day and night. Cut story - Line of Mosquitos with engines turning over. Line of Bostons ditto. Mosquitos & Bostons, taxiing & taking off. Map of France, marked with indication points showing enemy targets etc. Mitchells in formation. Bombs fall, explosions, some of the bombing is pattern bombing. Aerial shots of bombs falling away from camera. Cut ins of Mitchells, then more bombs. Various aerial shots of explosions. Flying through flak. Bostons in flight. Flying over enemy territory. Map of France with E-boats, gunsites, coast guns animated on map. Cuts - Line of Mitchells. Dusk shots of Lancasters preparing to take off, Lancasters taking off, disappears into darkness. Various shots of Mosquitos, Mitchells, Bostons in flight. Shot of Lancasters in flight at night. CU bombs leaving bomb bay. S smoke covered target. Night shot of markers being dropped, large explosions, & fires burning, (this bit of night material we have had before). Mosquitos in formation. Run up to Denain Steel & Loco Works, bombs fall, explosions. LS looking over smoking target. 01:03:30 BMT ISSUE 738A (6/8/44) SECOND FRONT - ATTACK! God speed to our arms and our men now in action. Paratroops prepare for the biggest airborne operation the world has ever seen. Troops embark for the Channel crossing and a few hours after these pictures had been taken the invasion of Normandy had begun. Cut story - Wireless mast flashing out signals. Map of Europe with V zoom. Shots of gliders being attached to planes with "Attack" zooming up to fore. B/ship fires double broadside. Signaller sends out message with flashlamps. Dusk or dawn shot of LCI off beaches. Troops (British) come ashore wading. Battleships firing double broadside. Gliders take off various angles, towed by C.47s. Shots of same in air. Parachutists jump from plane, masses of parachutists fall to earth. Gliders land, troops jump out. Various shots of troops running through smoke screens, mixing with one another. Several shots of tanks along road. End sub-title which reads "GOD SPEED TO OUR ARMS & OUR MEN NOW IN ACTION". Then followed authentic scenes. USAAF - U.S. Paratroops board plane, CU boarding. C.47s take off at dawn with navigation lights on, various angles, also into camera). Lorry pushes LCI off beach, various shots of LCIs gathering. Churchill, SCU of him on board" Scylla" with cigar in mouth. (AFU - British troops aboard LCIs, also boarding, some with cycles, others with collapsible motor cycles. CU types passing camera). GV of LCIs under way all flying barrage balloons. (USAAF - Marauders in formation, aerial shot of water craft armada, aerial shots of islands off France & France proper. Bombs falling & hitting target, mass explosions, this was at night. LSTs & balloons. Shots of convoy under way, LSTs and LCIs.) Cuts - AFU - Various shots of British troops boarding landing craft, also on board. USAAF - Explosions on French coast, near Cherbourg Peninsula. Marauders fly through thick flak. The islands the aircraft pass over are Isle of Alderney & lighthouse rock of Guernsey, General Brereton gives rabbit food to one of the paratrooper, MS Brereton. These are paratroopers of the 101st & 502nd Battalion. Admiral Ramsay met by Captain Allen RNVR. CU Allen. Ramsay chats with Allen on bridge. Admiral's flag flies from mizzen Churchill, Smuts & Bevin aboard ship. Party leave ship. Loading bulldozers aboard. 01:08:21 BMT ISSUE 784 (6/12/44) LIBERATING ARMIES INVADE NORMANDY D-Day landings of the Allied Forces on the Normandy Coast. A great armada crossed the Channel carrying forces of the United Nations, with United Kingdom, American and Canadian troops predominating. Minesweepers were the pathfinders leading the vessels across. Casualties received First Aid treatment on the beaches and were then evacuated. After a grim battle the little village of Bernieres was captured. Traffic across the beaches became two way with more troops landing and German prisoners being taken away.Cut story - KS. GV Destroyer fires gun: background LCIs. AFU - jeeps driven across aerodrome followed by paratroopers. Pan of paratroops on ground. Paratroop cleans rifle, load jeep with arms and Bren-gun ammunition. Paratroops issued with 48 hours ration. Groundstaff paint recognition mark on C.47s. Jeep loaded onto glider. Elevated shot of RAF Officers and paratroops briefed. CU Airborne troops (types). Airborne troops sharpen knives. Painting of Hitler, knives thrown at same. Paratroops set watches, march onto planes. British troops march through streets, boarding LSTs, march through streets, troops pass camera up gangway. Bren Carriers loaded onto LTCs. Elevated shots of tightly packed landing craft alongside each other. AFU - Eisenhower and Ramsay leave building, walk up to camera, enter car which drives off. (CU Montgomery - Library). GV of armada, several fly barrage balloons, LSTs, LTCs, LCIs etc. Ships pass camera. Aerial of Marauders in flight. Aerial of LCIs under way, also dawn shot. Aerial pan of drome covered with C.47 and gliders. Yank starts engine of plane. Planes and gliders taxi and take-off. GS of them over drome. Aerial of armada. (GV Minesweeper, this is Ramsden's material, various shots of craft off French coast, fire their guns, dawn shot of French coast smouldering, small fires, LCIs go in - bomb burst around them. CU on bridge, officers look through field glasses. Destroyer makes smoke, more LCIs come in). AFU - LTCs approach beach step through water to shore, GS AA (Bofors) beach. Beaches crammed with troops. GS wounded soldiers (in leg) attended to. Wounded on stretchers landed from LTD back in this country. Shots CU wounded troops. Back at sea off the coast of France, Yanks down nets over of ? LCIs. Troops off LCIs wade ashore, aerial of beaches, craft fire guns. Bren-carriers and troops along beaches, Sherman ditched in sea. GV French coast shows town of Bernieres and shots of smouldering and wrecked houses. Group in streets, have German prisoners, Frenchman with small Stars and Stripes Flag, prances about, picks up German helmet and slings same on ground. More pans of town. General views of activity on beach, shows Shermans, Bren-Carriers, Jeeps etc. crowded on beach. Cuts - Ramsden - LS of smoke rising on horizon CU Captain of "Scorpion" (Lt. Commander Clouston) (Minesweeper). Destroyer lays smoke screen, CU funnel. SLS of 'Middleton' (Minesweeper) bombarding coast. GV of armada. Various troops landing on beaches, etc. Canadian - loading LCIs with ammunition. Tozer - Various shots of armada, hospital ship 'Prague'. Marauders and Fortresses overhead. British troops embark on tugs and ferries to be taken out of LSTs. Various troops embarkations. Paratroops clean their weapons, rifles, Bren-guns, hand-grenades placed in pouches. LTCs in line ahead into camera.AFU - British troops (Para and Airborne) play cricket. Equipment loaded onto drome 'trains' unloaded from lorry. Motor cycles wheeled onto plan. GV gliders on drome, jeeps boarding. Glider towed by tractor. Ground staff paint white markings (lines) on planes and gliders. Pan of drome filled with gliders and planes. Airborne troops march across drome to mess. Painting of Hitler, Paratroops throw their knives at him. GV of RAF Officers & gilder pilots, heads only. GS large group ? troops, with pigeon, board lorries which drive off. Dusk of Airborne troops approach their planes. Pathfinders black their faces, CU types, one helps with kit, group drinking. AA gun in background. Paratroops inspect shrapnel mines. GV. motor cycles overhauled. Painting white star on cover of car. Soldier dances to entertain other soldiers. Paratroops & Royal Engineers load container with PIAT guns. Airborne issued with rations (for 48 hours). Ammunition loaded onto jeeps. Paratroops overhaul small arms, hand grenades etc. Grenades placed in pouch. Boxes of Bren-mags. Airborne handed foreign currency. CU foreign currency. paratroops sharpen knives on grinding stone. Windsock flies over hangar. - A.700/25/3, A.725/3/1-2, A.700/25/3/3-4. (APS - Maynard - British & U.S. Security Guard patrol pavilion, AA gun background. Sign on LST. Rangers pass along street, through coffee and doughnut tent, eating etc. Rangers board LST. Various of Rangers in LCIs. LCI launched from LST. Rangers climb aboard, camera travelling away from LST. Shots of LSTs, LCIs etc. LCI hoisted along LST, to deck level so that Rangers can just walk straight on. Rangers inside LCI. Rangers play cards. B.471.) (Universal - Colwyn Wood - Morning service aboard ship. Flagship flies 'Good Luck, Drive On' from mast. Pan shots of armada, ship all types get under way.) (9th USAAF - Aerial shots of gliders and C.47s tightly parked on drome, gliders towed by C.47s across drome, GS of many gliders passing over camera and drome, aerial of same over sea and coast of France. Ground shot shows runway lined with C.47s and gliders). (8th USAAF - Aerial of sea, armada under way. Bombing of French coast, bombs falling and explosions.) (AFU - A.700/24 - shots of mock warfare in this). (9th USAAF - armada under way - aerial shots, also French coast, Marauder in fore).AFU - A.700/29 - various landings on French coast, troops run up beaches, LTCs to beach. Wounded placed in LTCs, same under way, back home placed in ambulances. LS Battleships in channel. Sea rather choppy. 'Ducks' along road in the Country. Wounded off LTCs, CU types etc. (RAFFU - Aerial night of explosions caused by bombing Lancasters (unseen) target, St. Pierre du Mont. Formation of Lancasters seen in clouds stretched piece of coastline as bombs hit. Typhoon (unseen) attack targets (radio & installations) in France and Islands off France. Typhoons used rocket guns, rockets seen to go down & explode. Very useful). RCAF - On board 'Prince David' view or armada, shots of men down scramble nets, men come aboard ship, pan of LCIs leave in formation, many fly balloons, Wounded on deck treated, hoisted onto landing craft. LTCs come alongside. Shots on bridge. APS - American, Canadian & British naval vessels. Shots of 'Alonquin'. Service on board. LCIs lay off ship. Men board destroyer. 9th USAAF - Marauders in formation, aerial shots of armada. Barges land on French beaches. Marauders unload bombs on important marshalling yards just inside French coast. All planes since invasion have recognition lines on them. NB - In the cuts of the RAF are shots of rockets dropping from Typhoons. The Typhoons are not in the picture. These must by remembered for future reference. Ramdsen: N.S.35 - Boat on side in harbour. Smashed up sheds and railway sidings, also trucks loaded with mines. GS sailors in battledress with 'Royal Navy' shoulder flashes. Shots of U.S. sailors in battledress. Yanks man German coast guns. One uses davits lamp. British naval officer in battledress talks to U.S. Officer. Sailor is helped into diving suit and lowered over quayside into water. (All sailors in this story are wearing battledress with 'Royal Navy' shoulder flashes, and naval hats. Very good material). Location Cherbourg. 1190ft. KEYWORDS: Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ike); Admiral Sir Bertram H. Ramsay; W.S. Clouston; Lancaster Bombers; English Channel; C47 Transports; B26 Marauder Bombers, D-Day ; D DAY DDAY 01:19:08 BMT ISSUE 784A (6/15/44) BATTLE OF THE BEACHES WON The landings on the beaches continue in the face of opposition. Cut story - KS. Marauders fly over armada off French coast. Marauders in formation. Aerial shot of armada. Ground shot of armada, majority LTCs, LCIs, etc. Various shots of troops wading ashore. GS LCI ploughing through rather heavy sea. SCU men in LCI. More troops landing. GV coast cliffs etc., where Americans landed, few on beach. Dawn shot American through water run up beaches, four are seen to fall wounded. Americans run along lane, Bren carrier along land, down the road house (ammunition dump) blows up. "Duck" [sic] turns corner in street. Various shots of wrecked houses. Marauders in formation bombs dropped, and mass explosions, more forms. and bombing. Precision bombing of forests, bridges etc.(AFU - Various shots of LCIs making for shore, in LCI Canadians, open doors and jump out into water, and run for beach, this was at dawn. More troops land from craft, gangway each side of bows. Various shots of troops charging over fields etc. Shot from German pillbox GS of LTCs, LCIs, just off beach. Various shots of troops as they make their way along road.)German buried in sand up to his neck. GV German pillbox, fire burns inside. GS armada flying balloons. Eisenhower and Ramsay "Hillary" sailors line deck at attention. GS & CU Ramsay & Eisenhower. Monty assisted over rails aboard. GS & SCU of Eisenhower, Ramsay & Monty, Eisenhower wears a "Mae West". (AFU - Monty on "Duck" approaches beach, on beach Monty jumps off, walks off beach. Elevated shot of Sherman tanks through La Delivrande, also guns ? transport. French wave to Sherman crews as they pass. LS of Canadian Commandos attack on strong points on beach at Langrun-aur-snipe troops snipe from ruins and along road, various shots. Troops over rubble. German prisoners lined up by Commandos.) German prisoners into camera with hands up, Yanky in fore. American troops on way to front, pass Germans brought back. Various shots of POWs embarking onto TLCs and various shots of same lounging on decks on craft. AFU disembarking somewhere in England, various shots of them lined up on quays. The bombing in this is very good. Cuts - Troops through barbed wire on beaches. (AFU - Monty into Jeep which waits with him on beach, and drives off inland. LS view of transport through La Delivrande, in fore church spire. Various shots of Shermans through town. Pan of wooded country, troops board vehicles, also infantry patrol sets off out of camera, across fields. POW in train in Britain, CU types, enter cage, LCIs into camera CU wash of same. Dawn landings, soldier pushes bike up beach. Ship beaches, fire amid ships. Commandos embark. French wave handkerchiefs. Prisoners brought back by Canadian Commandos. The above is also CAFU.) (GS & CU of Captain William J. Adams who is said to have captured 150 Germans, Adams with a few souvenirs. - USAAF.) (Pathe - Various shots of heavy equipment waiting transport to France. Wounded off LCTs, various shots, also placed on quay. CU wounded other wounded troops walk off LCTs. Various of craft on way over to France, fly balloons, GS of "Belfast" & "Glasgow" (I believe). Dawn shot off coast of France, fires burn ashore, aircraft pass over, tracers fired from LCIs.) (APS - Prisoners on beaches. Town of Ste. Mer Eglise, Yanks on horseback pass through streets, bulldozers through water and up beaches. Americans through water and onto beach. Wrecked German MK II tank in road. Yanks in captured German amphibious Jeep. Various aerial shots of gliders en route to France. Ships - craft heavily laden with equipment etc.) (RAFFU - Mitchells in flight attack German HQ. Aerial shots of beaches. Target well hit. Beaufighter in formation over sea, various shots of them on aerodrome.) (Paramount - Monty of board ship with Vian it is believed. Various naval material.) (CAFU - Troops drilling hole in Atlantic Wall, also long lines of prisoners.) (USAAF - Moonlight shots of planes, Flying Fortresses taking off. Aerial shots of FFs in formation, leaving condensation trails. Gliders with fuselages detached scatter over countryside. CUs of prisoners treated wounds. Various dead in dugouts, beaches etc. Marauders in formation bombing etc. Marauders just after take off, low over drome. Marauders just after take off, low over drome. Bombing bridges, railway junctions etc. GS "Frobisher"? CU masthead, and pan down. GS of Eisenhower flags on board being flown (4 star flag). CU Ramsay with field glasses. Yanks directed by French. Yanks march along road in England. GS of battleships. Service on board ship, shots of preacher and men. Some of the bombing is very good, but is scratched. Ducks on beaches, wounded laid on beaches, attended by Americans, loading wounded on ambulances from C.47s various shots. Loading wounded onto C.47s. C.47s tow gliders (in sound). Various shots of bulldozers at work building airstrip in France, churning up earth, levelling out etc. Shot of C.47, first to land in France to evacuate wounded. Damaged Thunderbolt towed across airstrip KEYWORDS:Admiral Sir Bertram H. Ramsay; Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery of Alamein; Admiral Sir Philip Vian; DUKW Amphibious Cargo Carriers; C47 Transports; B26 Marauder Bombers; P47 Thunderbolt Fighters 01:26:57 BMT ISSUE 785 (6/19/44) CONSOLIDATING IN NORMANDY More and more reinforcements and supplies arrive in Normandy each day. In the skies Allied air power continues to bomb and strafe the enemy. Captured German film shows Rommel and Von Rundstedt visiting the vast concrete fortifications on the coast which were thought to be impassable. Mr. Churchill arrived onboard HMS Kelvin and was greeted by General Montgomery as he came ashore. Cut story - Dusk or dawn shot of destroyer with sun rising or sinking in background. Sunrise with armada in fore. Yanks board LCIs. Shots of LCTs. Beached equipment unloaded. GV of activity on beach. British troops of LTC. CU Tedder on bridge of ship. GS of Ramsay & Vian. Tedder, Ramsay & Vian walk along raft into camera. Elevated shot of activity on beach, very good. Troops build airstrip, bulldozers etc. at work. Plane takes off. Camera gun - shooting up trains, transport, & other targets, several large explosions. British pass through street, Frenchmen look on. AFU - British soldiers at look-out with field glasses. Troops (Canadian or British) run through fields & wooded country. Troops through street, French clap. Army transport passes through street, directed by soldier. Yanks march through streets. POW along roads, & over beach, wade out to LCT, one attempts to pull up sock while walking. Captured German reel GS of Rommel & Rundstedt. CU Rommel. SCU of coastal guns, & various shots of fortifications, pillboxes etc. Rommel & Rundstedt walk round inspecting same, look at double barrel coastal gun. SCU of barrel of guns, & various shots of Atlantic Wall (AFU British troops knock part of "Wall" down which they have captured). Eisenhower, Marshall & Arnold on bridge of ship. GV of destroyer Kelvin at sea - very good. CU Churchill in Trinity House uniform, wearing glasses. Churchill assists Brooke with "Mae West" life jackets. Both seated on deck "Kelvin" at sea. CU Churchill. Kelvin passes Nelson, Ramilies & other warships also large part of armada. Churchill transfers ... ships, sailors cheer as he leaves. CU Churchill. CU Smuts both very good. Churchill, Smuts & Brooke in "Duck" [sic]. Churchill leans over side talks to Montgomery, Churchill alights from "Duck". Shakes hands with Monty. The above four in group on beach, walk through crowds of soldiers. AFU - Monty stands on raised platform addresses troops (silent) Monty & Churchill through crowds. Churchill with Monty & climbs into Jeep. Cuts - Tozer - Armada en route, elevated shot of troops on decks. CU winch. GV of "Warwick" destroyer - ???. Parts of ship AA guns manned. Soldiers with "Seaborne" on shoulder looks through field glasses. GS of large transport. GV of destroyer of the "Tribal" class. GV of MTBs at speed. LS smoke screen over sea. Monitor ship & tank crews aboard ship. Tug tows MTB alongside ship. Soldiers asleep on decks of ship. Pan of convoy shows cruisers, destroyers escort etc. British troops in LCIs off LSTs, troops down rope netting into LCIs which pull away. GS cruiser firing her guns. "Oerlikon" gun loaded. (8th USAAF. Mostly camera gun material, explosions, tracers fired at targets.) (AFU - A.700/37/3 - Troops advance along road, pass German sign "Achtung Mines". Troops & transport through narrow streets, French people look on. German POW along side of road into camera, pass British troops & Sherman tanks stationary. British troops pass on Bren Carrier. DR. along road, small artillery in field. Crowds French cheer. Listen to speech (silent) bouquets handed to officers, this takes place in wooded glen. Troops jump into ditch side of road. Red Cross flag flies from window. Royal Marine Commandos ashore go forward with advancing troops. CU French girls lighting cigarettes for British soldiers. German waves white flag.) A.700/4 - Churchill, Smuts, Brooke & Monty enter latter's caravan. Smuts with cine-camera, takes shots of the above. A.700/41/1 - Ducks come ashore with equipment, unloaded. Beyeaux signpost, traffic directed by "Tommy". Elevated shot of damaged church tower. Royal Marines unload transport, AA guns unloaded, three French sailors greeted by locals. French assist in unloading equipment, supplies etc. Royal Engineers destroy road obstacles, using hammers & acetylene burners. A.700/41/2 - LS formations of Fortresses & Mitchells. Over St. Leger. Ships in first French port captured. Shots of detached gliders (fuselage severed) about field, many wrecked. A.700/41/3-8 - German POW. Shots of Airborne troops & RM Commandos. Dead horse dragged through streets of Amfreville. LS barrage being laid. A.700/39/1-3 - Crowds in Bayeaux greet soldiers etc. Two captured German ambulances. (Sullivan cameraman - Various shots of reinforcements at sea, wounded from LCIs hoisted aboard LSTs. Ships were manned by Americans. Shots of service for Yanks, GV of Cemetery. U.S. troops fire salute, also flag dipped. Priests go forward along road. U.S. trumpetter. 90mm gun fires. Coloured troops used as infantry. Lightning P.38 lands on airstrip. LS beachhead, shots of pillboxes, shots of American field hospital.) RCAF - Making aerodrome, bulldozers, & other peculiar vehicles at work on same. Airmen rake earth over. GS of drome. Dusk shot of drome, unload petrol etc. from lorries. Plane taxies to take off. LS plane take off. At sea decks off. LTCs loaded with transport. Pontoon boats used as quay. (Woof - Universal - Boxing on board ship. Cases containing bottles of blood, loaded onto Dukw [sic], Duck away up beach, & onto field hospital, where same is rushed to necessary spot. British troops with background (pillbox). GS of Normandy coast shows fires & smoke rising. CU Signaller sending message in morse (lamp).) 8th USAAF this can be junked - LS Flying Fortresses in formation cross coast, most of this beyond use. Pathe - GS of transport off (through bows) onto pontoon quay. Dense smoke from fires on beaches. LCIs off beach. Paramount - Vian, Ramsay & Tedder. Prisoners. CU Vian. Shots of West Wall. Churchill, Smuts, Brooke on board launch. CU of all three. Various scenes on beach. POW enter prison cages. C.47s tow gliders, landing etc. Prisoners push tree trunks. Gliders on fields, & troops off. Carentan signpost, mechanised & infantry units pass. POW, Red Cross tents, Jeeps & ducks along road. Can 7740 - Wounded on stretchers. Firing (quick) 90mm gun. Residents of Ste. Mere Eglise return to homes. Prisoners march through town, GS wrecked bridges, KO German gun. Signpost Ste. Mere Eglise. GVs of town & roads. Soldiers give order of fire. GV of 150mm guns fired. Gliders in halves on fields. Stinson planes land. Soldiers eating, nurses at field hospitals. Troops of 101st Parachute Battalion have wounds tended at F/Hosp. Various shots of attention being given (Hoar - cameraman). Canadian troops off ship (gangway each side of bow) wade ashore. March through town. Yanks play dice. Pass shrine at side of road. Yanks through streets. Writing on van. Troops shave, wash, also wash their own clothes. U.S. Navy - shots of mine-sweepers, mine detonated off French coast. Gliders towed past over mine-sweepers. (Sullivan - White Russian soldier captured with German prisoners, GS of him. Red Cross Depot. Yanks give French kids food.) (RN - GV beaches, jeep off. LTCs through water to beach. Various shots. Also other equipment, guns etc. unloaded.) (APS - Yanks packed tightly aboard LCIs various shots of Eisenhower, Arnold & Marshall on LCI. Smuts walks into camera. Marshall in jeep. Eisenhower out of plane, Eisenhower, Arnold & Marshall drive off in jeep. Various shots of Churchill, Smuts & Brooke on board ship, already mentioned. Yanks attend to wounded. Elevated shot of activity on beaches. With the American general is Admiral Allen G. Kirk. (RCAF - Monty on quay, in launch are Churchill, Ramsay, Brooke & Smuts. Churchill & Ramsay in pinnace.) (MOI Captured German Newsreel - Various shots of Rommel & Rundstedt inspecting West Wall. Heavy coastal guns out of "Hangar" on railway track. CU muzzles of guns. Shots of coastal guns under camouflage. All guns etc. very cleverly camouflaged. Head on view of muzzle - very good.) (Cotter - Air Ambulances, Cotter flew with one of the planes, various interior shots.) 01:34:58 BMT ISSUE 785 (6/19/44) CONSOLIDATING IN NORMANDY More and more reinforcements and supplies arrive in Normandy each day. In the skies Allied air power continues to bomb and strafe the enemy. Captured German film shows Rommel and Von Rundstedt visiting the vast concrete fortifications on the coast which were thought to be impassable. Mr. Churchill arrived onboard HMS Kelvin and was greeted by General Montgomery as he came ashore. Cut story - Dusk or dawn shot of destroyer with sun rising or sinking in background. Sunrise with armada in fore. Yanks board LCIs. Shots of LCTs. Beached equipment unloaded. GV of activity on beach. British troops of LTC. CU Tedder on bridge of ship. GS of Ramsay & Vian. Tedder, Ramsay & Vian walk along raft into camera. Elevated shot of activity on beach, very good. Troops build airstrip, bulldozers etc. at work. Plane takes off. Camera gun - shooting up trains, transport, & other targets, several large explosions. British pass through street, Frenchmen look on. AFU - British soldiers at look-out with field glasses. Troops (Canadian or British) run through fields & wooded country. Troops through street, French clap. Army transport passes through street, directed by soldier. Yanks march through streets. POW along roads, & over beach, wade out to LCT, one attempts to pull up sock while walking. Captured German reel GS of Rommel & Rundstedt. CU Rommel. SCU of coastal guns, & various shots of fortifications, pillboxes etc. Rommel & Rundstedt walk round inspecting same, look at double barrel coastal gun. SCU of barrel of guns, & various shots of Atlantic Wall (AFU British troops knock part of "Wall" down which they have captured). Eisenhower, Marshall & Arnold on bridge of ship. GV of destroyer Kelvin at sea - very good. CU Churchill in Trinity House uniform, wearing glasses. Churchill assists Brooke with "Mae West" life jackets. Both seated on deck "Kelvin" at sea. CU Churchill. Kelvin passes Nelson, Ramilies & other warships also large part of armada. Churchill transfers ... ships, sailors cheer as he leaves. CU Churchill. CU Smuts both very good. Churchill, Smuts & Brooke in "Duck" [sic]. Churchill leans over side talks to Montgomery, Churchill alights from "Duck". Shakes hands with Monty. The above four in group on beach, walk through crowds of soldiers. AFU - Monty stands on raised platform addresses troops (silent) Monty & Churchill through crowds. Churchill with Monty & climbs into Jeep. Cuts - Tozer - Armada en route, elevated shot of troops on decks. CU winch. GV of "Warwick" destroyer - ???. Parts of ship AA guns manned. Soldiers with "Seaborne" on shoulder looks through field glasses. GS of large transport. GV of destroyer of the "Tribal" class. GV of MTBs at speed. LS smoke screen over sea. Monitor ship & tank crews aboard ship. Tug tows MTB alongside ship. Soldiers asleep on decks of ship. Pan of convoy shows cruisers, destroyers escort etc. British troops in LCIs off LSTs, troops down rope netting into LCIs which pull away. GS cruiser firing her guns. "Oerlikon" gun loaded. (8th USAAF. Mostly camera gun material, explosions, tracers fired at targets.) (AFU - A.700/37/3 - Troops advance along road, pass German sign "Achtung Mines". Troops & transport through narrow streets, French people look on. German POW along side of road into camera, pass British troops & Sherman tanks stationary. British troops pass on Bren Carrier. DR. along road, small artillery in field. Crowds French cheer. Listen to speech (silent) bouquets handed to officers, this takes place in wooded glen. Troops jump into ditch side of road. Red Cross flag flies from window. Royal Marine Commandos ashore go forward with advancing troops. CU French girls lighting cigarettes for British soldiers. German waves white flag.) A.700/4 - Churchill, Smuts, Brooke & Monty enter latter's caravan. Smuts with cine-camera, takes shots of the above. A.700/41/1 - Ducks come ashore with equipment, unloaded. Beyeaux signpost, traffic directed by "Tommy". Elevated shot of damaged church tower. Royal Marines unload transport, AA guns unloaded, three French sailors greeted by locals. French assist in unloading equipment, supplies etc. Royal Engineers destroy road obstacles, using hammers & acetylene burners. A.700/41/2 - LS formations of Fortresses & Mitchells. Over St. Leger. Ships in first French port captured. Shots of detached gliders (fuselage severed) about field, many wrecked. A.700/41/3-8 - German POW. Shots of Airborne troops & RM Commandos. Dead horse dragged through streets of Amfreville. LS barrage being laid. A.700/39/1-3 - Crowds in Bayeaux greet soldiers etc. Two captured German ambulances. (Sullivan cameraman - Various shots of reinforcements at sea, wounded from LCIs hoisted aboard LSTs. Ships were manned by Americans. Shots of service for Yanks, GV of Cemetery. U.S. troops fire salute, also flag dipped. Priests go forward along road. U.S. trumpetter. 90mm gun fires. Coloured troops used as infantry. Lightning P.38 lands on airstrip. LS beachhead, shots of pillboxes, shots of American field hospital.) RCAF - Making aerodrome, bulldozers, & other peculiar vehicles at work on same. Airmen rake earth over. GS of drome. Dusk shot of drome, unload petrol etc. from lorries. Plane taxies to take off. LS plane take off. At sea decks off. LTCs loaded with transport. Pontoon boats used as quay. (Woof - Universal - Boxing on board ship. Cases containing bottles of blood, loaded onto Dukw [sic], Duck away up beach, & onto field hospital, where same is rushed to necessary spot. British troops with background (pillbox). GS of Normandy coast shows fires & smoke rising. CU Signaller sending message in morse (lamp).) 8th USAAF this can be junked - LS Flying Fortresses in formation cross coast, most of this beyond use. Pathe - GS of transport off (through bows) onto pontoon quay. Dense smoke from fires on beaches. LCIs off beach. Paramount - Vian, Ramsay & Tedder. Prisoners. CU Vian. Shots of West Wall. Churchill, Smuts, Brooke on board launch. CU of all three. Various scenes on beach. POW enter prison cages. C.47s tow gliders, landing etc. Prisoners push tree trunks. Gliders on fields, & troops off. Carentan signpost, mechanised & infantry units pass. POW, Red Cross tents, Jeeps & ducks along road. Can 7740 - Wounded on stretchers. Firing (quick) 90mm gun. Residents of Ste. Mere Eglise return to homes. Prisoners march through town, GS wrecked bridges, KO German gun. Signpost Ste. Mere Eglise. GVs of town & roads. Soldiers give order of fire. GV of 150mm guns fired. Gliders in halves on fields. Stinson planes land. Soldiers eating, nurses at field hospitals. Troops of 101st Parachute Battalion have wounds tended at F/Hosp. Various shots of attention being given (Hoar - cameraman). Canadian troops off ship (gangway each side of bow) wade ashore. March through town. Yanks play dice. Pass shrine at side of road. Yanks through streets. Writing on van. Troops shave, wash, also wash their own clothes. U.S. Navy - shots of mine-sweepers, mine detonated off French coast. Gliders towed past over mine-sweepers. (Sullivan - White Russian soldier captured with German prisoners, GS of him. Red Cross Depot. Yanks give French kids food.) (RN - GV beaches, jeep off. LTCs through water to beach. Various shots. Also other equipment, guns etc. unloaded.) (Gaumont - Shots of "Kelvin" etc. most of this used in reel.) (APS - Yanks packed tightly aboard LCIs various shots of Eisenhower, Arnold & Marshall on LCI. Smuts walks into camera. Marshall in jeep. Eisenhower out of plane, Eisenhower, Arnold & Marshall drive off in jeep. Various shots of Churchill, Smuts & Brooke on board ship, already mentioned. Yanks attend to wounded. Elevated shot of activity on beaches. With the American general is Admiral Allen G. Kirk. (RCAF - Monty on quay, in launch are Churchill, Ramsay, Brooke & Smuts. Churchill & Ramsay in pinnace.) (MOI Captured German Newsreel - Various shots of Rommel & Rundstedt inspecting West Wall. Heavy coastal guns out of "Hangar" on railway track. CU muzzles of guns. Shots of coastal guns under camouflage. All guns etc. very cleverly camouflaged. Head on view of muzzle - very good.) (Cotter - Air Ambulances, Cotter flew with one of the planes, various interior shots.) 01:43:12 BMT ISSUE 786 (6/26/44) KILLING THE FLYING BOMB Southern England has already been hit by Hitler's latest weapon, the Flying Bomb or "Doodlebug". Every effort is being made to shoot down these bombs and the RAF is striking at the launch sites in France. Cut story - RAFFI - Various shots of crashed (wreckage) "flying bomb" (Doodlebug). RAF Officers look at same. Aerial shots of flying over France, low flying explosions from supposed ramps, from which flying bombs take off. Still of rising smoke from explosions. More flying shots of same. Several shots of "Flying bomb" in flight, one of these is RAF material. Shot of "Flying Bomb" exploding in mid air. Cuts - Various shots of flying bomb in flight, also with searchlights playing on same. Flying through flak. The bracketted material is RAF. Various shots of damage, at Deptford (Cotter); Brentwood - Tozer; Fulham - Hanshaw; Goodge Street - Harris; All damage has been censored out. The above however, shows rescue parties, various pans of ruins, wreckage etc. 01:45:01 BMT ISSUE 786 (6/26/44) RAF - FLYING ARTILLERY The newest of the RAF weapons is the rocket flying "Typhoon". Every day these aircraft are over enemy territory shooting up German Headquarters, radiolocation stations, gun positions. Rocket firing Typhoons. Cut story - Various shots of ground crews preparing rockets, for fitting to planes, ie fitting fins, fitting explosives etc. Rockets being attached to typhoons taxiing & taking off. Various shots of targets, radio instalations etc being attacked, rockets being fired, planes unseen, (library material also RAF). More shots of aerial attacks on targets, various shots of rockets speeding to & hitting targets. Cuts - Various shots of ground crews at work. Typhoons taking off. 01:47:02 BMT ISSUE 786 (6/26/44) CHERBOURG DRIVE The battle for the Cherbourg Peninsular is very important. American troops, have fought a dogged and successful battle for control of the port itself. The drive forward from the beaches continues. The villages of Quineville, St. Mere Eglise, St. Sauveur and Barneville were all captured in the first great drive. Cut story - KS - GS cruiser firing her guns. Various pans of ships approaching beach-head. Cruisers fire guns. Destroyer fires her guns. LS of explosions behind beaches. Destroyers fire broadside, LS explosion behind beaches. Various shots of Sherman tanks off LCTs, several angles. Sherman tanks through ruined street, also various shots of Yanks walking through streets. This is the cruiser "Orion". GV of ruined village. Yank infantry on march. Yanks lie on ground fire guns, artillery. (This is a line of them along ditch in road). Troops fire mortars from field. AFU - GV of house with smashed roof & burning. More shots of ruins, Americans clear streets of rubble. Jeeps over bridge built by Royal Engineers & up over mound of earth, into camera. American infantry march over rubble. Prisoners march through streets, various shots & pans. Cuts - (APS - In Sauveur Le Vicomte, various shots of Shermans through smashed town, wrecked railway & equipment, also smashed stage coaches. Yank stands over pile of small arms on ground. Wrecked station at Vicomte. Signpost with many towns on same Cherbourg, etc. this incidently was used in reel.) (RAFFU - Formations of Mitchells, bombs away, explosions on marshalling yards at Mezidon. Full screen of smoke from explosions.) (AFU - Shots of French population listening to BBC broadcast outside Town Hall of Bayeaux. Shermans pass along country road. Ruins of Cuitot, pans etc. Fires still smouldering ocassionally bursting into flames. Dead cattle on farm. GV shrine & CU of same at roadside. (Cross of Salvary).) (APS - Wounded German has blood transfusion, various shots, shots of American graves. American armoured division passes through town.) (Ramsden - Various shots on board "Sirius". Gun crews rest after all day bombardment. Various shots of naval bombardment.) (APS - Yanks in Quineville firing from lying positions.) 01:51:28 BMT ISSUE 787A (7/6/44) AFTER CHERBOURG -- THE 2ND ARMY'S ADVANCE While the Second Army was at close grips with Rommel's main force near Caen, the Americans were winning a great victory in the Cherbourg peninsular. Cherbourg, the first big city in France to be liberated, was handed over to the French in a brief ceremony. Then work began in the surrounding areas rounding up prisoners. Film just released shows the new Scorpian tank in action. It has been fitted with a flail of chains which revolve at high speed lashing the ground exploding mines and clearing a safe passage. The advance forward continues through the woods and small villages of France. Cut story - KS. LS Smoke rising caused by explosions, near the coast. GV of country with rail track across same. American infantry march through street, also over rubble. Fires burn in houses, smoke etc., also smoke from 88mm German gun, in Octeville. Americans mop up in streets, fire artillery, in Cherbourg. "Cherbourg" sign on wall, French girls with small Union Jacks walk through street. Americans enter Cherbourg GV outside hotel, American band plays, Ensign, Tricolour & U.S. flag fly from balcony. Americans paraded, present arms, come to attention, cut ins crowds applauding, shot of three flags again. POW on run, various shots of them in barbed wire cages. Shot of Hitler stuck on barbed wire, fellow makes himself up as Hitler. Yanks issue food (two cans) to POW. Various shots of POW running across fields etc. POW march through Cherbourg with hands on their heads, few French look on. Various shots of large convoy off coast, including LSTs, LCTs etc., also unloading cargo onto beaches. AFU "Scorpion" tank mine detector, demonstrating how same works, careering across field, slashing same with flail of chains, infantry follow behind laying white tape. Terrific clouds of dust caused by same. Shots of General Dempsey, General Monty & HM King. Group enter car. Various shots of British troops advancing across cornfields in the Tilly sector. Bren Carriers along roads, also through villages, firing artillery from fields, shots of rubble & fires burning. Shots of rubble & fires burning. Various shots of German Tiger tanks. K.O. Bren Carrier passes K.O. Sherman & K.O. Tiger blocking road. British troops drive captured "Tiger" tank into ?, various street fighting, sniping houses, to house etc. British go along country roads. Advancing through woods, & across fields, passed K.O. tanks, GV of observation post. CU British soldier firing rifle from same, all in Caen area. Cuts - Pathe - Various shots of Russian wives begging, weeping for their husband (German) to save them from being shot. Yank explains to them. GS POW captured in Cherbourg, girl prisoners captured. Russian soldiers & wives made to fight for Germans captured. Various shots of ramps for flying bombs, heavily camouflaged. Various shots of British Naval officers & American Army officers on bridge of LST. Yanks also shown light guns. Elevated shot of crew & Yanky soldiers on deck, one has a monkey. GV of convoy at sea, also off beach. GVs unloading tanks, artillery etc. onto beaches, off LCTs. POW in vans in Cherbourg. CU POW feet march through mud & water. Trucking shot of ruins, Yanks single file through streets. Yanks mix with French POW, one is pulled along in a barrow. Shots of Schlieben & Hennecke arriving, received by Collins. U.S. Navy - German POW & Russians wives. Wives weeping etc. APS - Russian prisoners released from German captivity, rejoice, joke with Yanks. All in Cherbourg. CU types of French partisans MS & CU soldier drinking wine. Americans inspect captured artillery. MS & CU Eddy trying on German helmet. LS Cherbourg. Fire artillery from under camouflage netting. Burning streets of Octeville. Feeding French civvies in Fontenay. Americans in trenches, barbed wire entanglements across fields. Yank plays concertina. Dead in streets. AFU - A.700/58/1 etc - LS ammunition truck following up. In Tilly sector, dead cattle in fields. British troops in street fighting. South of Caen, night barrage, also daylight shots of 5.5 guns firing. British infantry & Churchill tanks across cornfields. Bren Carriers through streets of Fontenay. British infantry single file through streets. GS of new German mine. Camouflaged tanks near Cully. A.700/59/etc, A.700/60/etc. - Stretcher cases carried across fields. "Tourville" sign, pan of ruins. British dig in, CU British "Tommy" smoking. Prisoners questioned by British. CU types with hands on their heads. Bren carriers & D.R.'s through water etc. Artillery fires from hedge bordering field. Stripped British troops wash down, various shots etc. 25 pounders fire from fields. GS Shermans advance across cornfields. POW with spotty uniforms. Red Cross ambulance picks up wounded. A.700/49/1 - Various shots of General Dempsey, with the King & Montgomery somewhere in England. Shots various of the Scorpion mine detector. (U.S.F. - Flying Ammunition to France. Dupe 900ft. Piper Cub take off Dakota lands.) KEYWORDS: General Sir Miles Dempsey; Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery of Alamein; Royalty; George VI of Great Britain; General Karl von Schlieben; Admiral Hennecke; Major General Collins; General Manton Eddy END TAPE
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