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IN INTERPLAY AS : NNS 02 CAMPAGIN 2012 ROMNEY CINCINNATI WKRC 061412 (better feed) & RS 5112 CAMPAIGN 2012 ROMNEY CINCINNATI 061412 FTG OF GOP PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE MITT ROMNEY SPEAKING IN CINCINNATI OHIO 13:37:27 Mitt Romney is introduced (as the next president of the United States but his name is never said) BROLL of Romney walking on to the stage from behind an America flag. Romney shakes hands. 13:37:51 Romney : "Thank you, thank you Ken. Thank you, what a great day to be in such a warm place. I was going to say can you sit down? Yeah, you can sit down I didn't know if there was chairs here. That's good. Thank you Ken. He built this enterprise and Dave is running this enterprise and others like it. Ken has built and employs a lot of people. Creates good jobs in the United States. Ken for your entrepreneurship and the work you do we express our appreciation, thank you. To you and a lot of people like you, thank you. (Applause) 13:38:30 Thank you also to Brad for leading us in the pledge of allegiance. Best of luck to him in his election. We have got to get that man elected and put into Washington DC (Applause) and a special thanks to Rob Portman and Governor Kasich. Senator Portman and Governor Kasich, good friends of mine who in a significant measure are responsible for me having won the primary in Ohio and had that not happened I may not be the nominee so to Rob Portman and John Kasich thank you very much, great leaders. I express great appreciation for them. (Applause) 13:39:12 Now you may have heard that president Obama is on the other side of the state and he is going to be delivering a speech on the economy. He is doing that because he hasn't delivered a recovery FOR the economy. And he is going to be a person of elegance as he describes his plans for making the economy better but don't forget, he's been president for 3 ½ years and TALK IS CHEAP; actions speak very loud. And if you want to see the results of his economic policies look around Ohio, look around the country and you'll see that a lot of people are hurting, a lot of people have had some real tough times. The policies the president have put into place did not make America create more jobs, as a matter of fact he made it harder for America to create more jobs. 13:40:04 Now when he was recently elected he went on the today show and he was asked about what he would do, how he would measure his success and he said look; "If I can't turn the economy around in 3 years I'll be looking at a one term proposition." And he's right he's looking at a one term proposition. (Applause) 13:40:27 He's going to be saying today that he wants four more years. He may have forgotten he talked about a one term proposition if he couldn't turn the economy around in three years but we're going to hold him to his word. Now, I know he is going to have all sorts of excuses and he'll have all sorts of ideas that he'll describe how he'll make things better but what he says and what he does is not always the same exact thing. And so if people want to know how his economic policies have worked and preformed why they can talk to their neighbor and ask if things are better, they can talk to the 50% of college kids graduating from college this year and can't find a job. They can talk to the people who represent the unemployed, the president said that if we let him borrow $787 billion for his stimulus he would keep unemployment below 8% nationally. We've now gone 40 straight months with unemployment above 8%. 13:41:35 But then he'll say the things he's been doing have been good and created growth, and put people back to work. Oh really?? Go check on that. Go to small employers or big employers that you know in your community. Talk to people like Ken or Dave. Talk to other employers in this room, talk to people you know that run a retail store or a small manufacturer and say, "Did president Obama's policies help put people back to work or did it make it less likely for you to hire people?" And I have a prediction to make because I have done that all over the country. And talking to small employers and big employers and talking day in and day out they feel this administration sees them as the enemy. They feel the Obama policies have made it harder for them to put people back to work. Almost everything the president has done has made it harder for entrepreneurs to start a business. Has made it less likely for businesses like this to hire more people. And again, go ask business people. You can do your own survey. Anyone who doesn't know how to go out there and vote, doesn't know who can do a better job getting this economy going can go talk to the people. Talk to the people in business who do the hiring. Talk to the employee's that want to be hired and ask them, "do the president's policies make things better or worse for getting jobs?" Let's just go through them one-by-one. 13:42:58 That stimulus didn't work. That stimulus didn't put more private sector people to work. How about Obama Care? The President said the other day that he didn't know that Obama Care was hard for small business. Oh really?? The Chamber of Commerce carried out a survey, some 1500 businesses across America; 75% of those people surveyed said Obama Care made it LESS LIKELY for them to hire people. Think of that. Then there was his financial regulatory reform, Dodd Frank. You got some bankers. Everyone goes to a bank time to time, go to your credit union or bank and ask them "did Dodd Frank help you out? Did it make it more likely for you as a bank to renegotiate loans with small businesses or help people with their mortgages? Did it make it easier for you to make new loans? Or did Dodd Frank make it harder for you in the banking business? Did it make you pull back?" And what you're going to hear is that small business was not helped by Dodd Frank and that small banks, community banks weren't helped to make loans because of Dodd Frank. 13:44:07 Then there were the Presidents energy policies. Now I know today he's going to talk all about how he's gonna really give a boost to energy. But talk to the people in the coal industry and talk about whether his regulations have helped them mine coal, and what they'll tell you is on every front he has made it harder to get coal from the ground and made it less likely for people to use it. As a matter of fact as a candidate if you build a coal fired plant, you'll go bankrupt if his policies are implemented. So we're not taking advantage of the coal we could. 13:44:41 How about gas? Go talk to the people in the natural gas world and ask them what it's like under the Obama Administration and they'll tell you that the administration has tried to push itself to regulate the production of natural gas in such a way that it is less reliable and harder to use our gas. Talk to the oil people, they'll tell you he put a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf, you can't drill in Anwar, aren't drilling in the outer continental shelf off of Virginia. On all three of those resources that we have in abundance this is a president who's made it harder for us to create jobs there and to get low coast energy to manufacturers like this one. And there's one more. You don't have to ask people about this one. You already know the answer. Did he get that pipeline in from Canada? No, I can guarantee you if I am president on day one we're going to get the approval for that pipeline from Canada and if I have to build it myself to get it here I'll get that oil into America. (Applause) 13:45:44 One of the things Ken spoke to you about briefly and he's actually been to Washington to testify about is TRADE IS GOOD. The business people I met with just a few minutes ago, a number of them said that their business relies pretty substantially on selling products to other nations. It's good for us to be able to trade with other nations. It creates jobs here. I happen to think there are enormous opportunities in places like Latin America, HUGE market area so close to us where we have natural competitive advantages and some of these businesses are taking advantage of that. Now China and the nations of the European Union over the last 3 ½ years have made real in roads in Latin America and other places in the world with trade agreements and negotiate trade agreements; 44 different trade agreements being negotiated by China and European nations with other nations around the world. Guess how many trade agreements our president has negotiated? None. NONE. And then of course there are the ones that we have. Now and then people sign agreements but then they don't live up to them. I heard today about a number of circumstances where our friends in China who are important trading partners and hopefully will be on the same page as us with training matters but none the less they seem to have a pension for stealing intellectual property, counterfeiting our goods, stealing our technology, our brand names, our trademarks, our know how. That kills American jobs. 13:47:18 Every now and then you hear about presidential candidates talk about how they are going to crack down on it. Well on day one I'll label China a currency manipulator and that will allow me to apply tariffs where they steal our intellectual property AND KILL JOBS! (Applause) 13:47:37 So as you look at the presidents record it is long on words and short on action that created jobs. And again, talk is cheap, actions speaks loudly. Look what's happened across this country. If you think things have been going swimmingly, if you think the presidents right when he said "the private sector is doing fine" well then he's the guy to vote for. But when he said that there was such a outpouring in response from the 23 million Americans out of work or under employed that I think today he's not going to say it again. I think it's more likely that he's going to say give me four more years even though I didn't get it done in the first 3 ½. In my experience in thinking about people I want to have work for me whether it's my doctor or it's going to be painting the house I want to make sure they did a good job the first time and if they didn't I want someone who can do a better job. 13:48:34 Let me tell you where I'd take the country. I LOVE America. I happen to believe the principles that made the powerhouse we economically are have been eroded by this president. I think he's made it harder for small business people to open their doors, for entrepreneurs to build businesses, for companies like this to know that their products won't be stolen by competitors overseas. I think he's made it harder for the American enterprise system to work and I want to change that. I want to make it once again, America once again the most attractive place in the world for job creators and it's not just because I love job creators IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE JOBS. I WANT MORE GOOD JOBS FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND I WANT SUCH COMPETITION FOR GOOD WORKERS THAT SALARIES AND WAGES GO UP SO PEOPLE MAKE MORE MONEY. I WANT TO HELP THE MIDDLE CLASS OF AMERICA AND I'M GOING TO DO IT. (Applause) 13:49:34 And I happened to be convinced having been able to go all across the country that we're poised to see a resurgence of American economic vitality with companies growing, with jobs growing, with employers bringing jobs back to America as opposed to sending them elsewhere. That won't happen under this president. That'll happen if we change the course of this country. Let me tell you how I'd do it. 13:50:01 Let me mention just a few things, first energy. You see I happen to like the sources of energy that we have in abundance in this country; oil, coal, and natural gas and I'm going to take advantage of those to get the energy costs low so we can have more jobs, manufacturing jobs and bring them back to this country. That's number one. (Applause) 13:50:26 Number two, I'm gonna take, I'm gonna get rid of this great big overhang that came from one piece of legislation that has frightened businesses small and large and made them less likely to hire people. I'm gonna get rid of Obama Care. (Applause) 13:50:50 So number one energy, number two Obama Care, number three I'm going to go after the deficit. You see I think people who were thinking about investing in America and making this their future and putting their life's savings into America to build a business and have it here for decades they wonder what the dollar is going to be worth when they see our country year, after year, after year spending more money then we take in. Trillions of dollars of debts, this president has put together, he has put together almost as much public debt as all the prior presidents combined. You want four more years of that? You call that forward?? That's forward over a cliff! That's forward on the way to Greece. I don't want that I will finally get America on track to get a balance budget and we will limit the size of government. (Applause) 13:51:49 Those are three big ideas. Let me tell you some others. I want to open up new markets for American goods and I want to crack down on nations like China when they cheat. I will not allow them to consistently steal our intellectual property and manipulate their currency in a way that kills American jobs. That has to stop. (Applause) 13:52:13 Look, it's coming back folks. America is a great nation, the entrepreneurship here, the passion of our people, our conviction in the hope for tomorrow, our affection for our kids and coming generations, these things combined with policies that encourage the private sector will cause a resurgence, a rebirth of Americas economy that's going to surprise people all over the world. I'm convinced of it. I've had the chance to go across the country and see entrepreneurs of all kinds. I'm inspired by them. I met a woman who owns a business I said to her, "how did you start your company?" She said, "well, my husband lost his job and he took a class he always wanted to take in upholstery." And she said "because I was a little better a manager I started a company and hired him as my first employee." And she went on to hire other people. She now has 40 people who work in her upholstering company. 13:53:10 I met a woman from Las Vegas who has a business renting furniture to Casinos and to conventioneers that come to Las Vegas. When president Obama said "no need to go to Las Vegas for company meetings, no need to spend money there" her business collapsed. And she wondered whether she'd lose it and lose the jobs of the people who worked for her. She had an idea, instead of just renting these black naugahyde sofas and black coffee tables that's what it look like she had in the warehouse that I saw. She decided to teach her people how to make those things and so she now makes that furniture with those same employees and sells it not just to the convention area but also around the country. 13:53:53 I met a guy who had a back problem, a Russian immigrant (pauses to think for a second) Alexis Lukianov, San Diego. He had a better idea for how to do back surgery, started a little company to do that. Now employs 1,300 people a company called NuVasive. It's just amazing to go across the country and see what is so unique about this country. I saw Marco Rubio the other day, he spoke to a group of people. He said something that struck me well, he said when he was a boy he lived in a very modest home and he said there were some pretty fancy homes that could be seen around the Miami area. He said, "you know what? I never heard my parents say 'why won't those people give us some of what they have?'" He said "I never heard my parents say 'Why won't the government give us some of what they have?' instead they said 'isn't it great to live in a country where with hard work and education, and risk taking, and maybe a little luck you could achieve that yourself?'" AMERICA IS THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. We want good jobs here, we want to make it the place that people want to come with their ideas, we want this to become the home of dreamers. We want them to start enterprises and to hire one another and to cause our wages to go up again. It's an extraordinary country. The sacrifices made by the people of America to give us the opportunities we enjoy really can't be counted. 13:55:21 Memorial Day I was in San Diego, and I had the privilege of people with a number of veterans. I introduced three of them, one a second World War vet. was a lookout on the USS Tennessee, he happened to be there on Pearl Harbor. He said his eyes locked on the eyes of the pilot bringing armament, bringing bombardment to attack their ships. And he was injured in the attack but he went on to serve for 33 years in the United States Navy. I had him stand and be recognized but I noticed there wasn't as many second World War vets as there used to be at Memorial Days when I was younger. And they're a little older, they can't hold the torch as high as they used to. That torch is going to have to be seized by us, by our generations. It's a torch of freedom and hope and opportunity. It's not Americas torch but it's Americas duty and honor to hold that torch high so it can be seen by the world. 13:56:30 This is our time. We can either continue to be on a path to become more and more like Europe, with bigger and bigger government taking more and more from the American people. Directing our lives and telling us how to run our enterprises. If we take that path we know where it leads, it leads to chronic high unemployment like Europe has, low wage growth like Europe has and potential fiscal calamity like we're seeing at the doorstep of Europe today. Or we can instead return to the principles that made America, America. We can once again have a nation that leads the world in entrepreneurship, in innovation, in job creation, in economic vitality, in wage growth. That's the America I want. I spend my life in private enterprise, 25 years. I know how businesses work, I know what causes them to leave and what will bring them back. I want to use that experience to get America working again. For me it's all about good jobs for the American people and a bright a prosperous future and I am going to bring it with your help! Thank you so much, thank you! 13:57:37 BROLL Mitt waves and walks off the stage towards Ken and Dave to shake hands. Romney then glad hands with attendees of the rally.
Footage Information
Source | ABCNEWS VideoSource |
Direct Link: | View details on ABCNEWS VideoSource site |
Date: | 06/14/2012 |
Library: | ABC |
Tape Number: | CAM5016 |
Content: | IN INTERPLAY AS : NNS 02 CAMPAGIN 2012 ROMNEY CINCINNATI WKRC 061412 (better feed) & RS 5112 CAMPAIGN 2012 ROMNEY CINCINNATI 061412 FTG OF GOP PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE MITT ROMNEY SPEAKING IN CINCINNATI OHIO 13:37:27 Mitt Romney is introduced (as the next president of the United States but his name is never said) BROLL of Romney walking on to the stage from behind an America flag. Romney shakes hands. 13:37:51 Romney : "Thank you, thank you Ken. Thank you, what a great day to be in such a warm place. I was going to say can you sit down? Yeah, you can sit down I didn't know if there was chairs here. That's good. Thank you Ken. He built this enterprise and Dave is running this enterprise and others like it. Ken has built and employs a lot of people. Creates good jobs in the United States. Ken for your entrepreneurship and the work you do we express our appreciation, thank you. To you and a lot of people like you, thank you. (Applause) 13:38:30 Thank you also to Brad for leading us in the pledge of allegiance. Best of luck to him in his election. We have got to get that man elected and put into Washington DC (Applause) and a special thanks to Rob Portman and Governor Kasich. Senator Portman and Governor Kasich, good friends of mine who in a significant measure are responsible for me having won the primary in Ohio and had that not happened I may not be the nominee so to Rob Portman and John Kasich thank you very much, great leaders. I express great appreciation for them. (Applause) 13:39:12 Now you may have heard that president Obama is on the other side of the state and he is going to be delivering a speech on the economy. He is doing that because he hasn't delivered a recovery FOR the economy. And he is going to be a person of elegance as he describes his plans for making the economy better but don't forget, he's been president for 3 ½ years and TALK IS CHEAP; actions speak very loud. And if you want to see the results of his economic policies look around Ohio, look around the country and you'll see that a lot of people are hurting, a lot of people have had some real tough times. The policies the president have put into place did not make America create more jobs, as a matter of fact he made it harder for America to create more jobs. 13:40:04 Now when he was recently elected he went on the today show and he was asked about what he would do, how he would measure his success and he said look; "If I can't turn the economy around in 3 years I'll be looking at a one term proposition." And he's right he's looking at a one term proposition. (Applause) 13:40:27 He's going to be saying today that he wants four more years. He may have forgotten he talked about a one term proposition if he couldn't turn the economy around in three years but we're going to hold him to his word. Now, I know he is going to have all sorts of excuses and he'll have all sorts of ideas that he'll describe how he'll make things better but what he says and what he does is not always the same exact thing. And so if people want to know how his economic policies have worked and preformed why they can talk to their neighbor and ask if things are better, they can talk to the 50% of college kids graduating from college this year and can't find a job. They can talk to the people who represent the unemployed, the president said that if we let him borrow $787 billion for his stimulus he would keep unemployment below 8% nationally. We've now gone 40 straight months with unemployment above 8%. 13:41:35 But then he'll say the things he's been doing have been good and created growth, and put people back to work. Oh really?? Go check on that. Go to small employers or big employers that you know in your community. Talk to people like Ken or Dave. Talk to other employers in this room, talk to people you know that run a retail store or a small manufacturer and say, "Did president Obama's policies help put people back to work or did it make it less likely for you to hire people?" And I have a prediction to make because I have done that all over the country. And talking to small employers and big employers and talking day in and day out they feel this administration sees them as the enemy. They feel the Obama policies have made it harder for them to put people back to work. Almost everything the president has done has made it harder for entrepreneurs to start a business. Has made it less likely for businesses like this to hire more people. And again, go ask business people. You can do your own survey. Anyone who doesn't know how to go out there and vote, doesn't know who can do a better job getting this economy going can go talk to the people. Talk to the people in business who do the hiring. Talk to the employee's that want to be hired and ask them, "do the president's policies make things better or worse for getting jobs?" Let's just go through them one-by-one. 13:42:58 That stimulus didn't work. That stimulus didn't put more private sector people to work. How about Obama Care? The President said the other day that he didn't know that Obama Care was hard for small business. Oh really?? The Chamber of Commerce carried out a survey, some 1500 businesses across America; 75% of those people surveyed said Obama Care made it LESS LIKELY for them to hire people. Think of that. Then there was his financial regulatory reform, Dodd Frank. You got some bankers. Everyone goes to a bank time to time, go to your credit union or bank and ask them "did Dodd Frank help you out? Did it make it more likely for you as a bank to renegotiate loans with small businesses or help people with their mortgages? Did it make it easier for you to make new loans? Or did Dodd Frank make it harder for you in the banking business? Did it make you pull back?" And what you're going to hear is that small business was not helped by Dodd Frank and that small banks, community banks weren't helped to make loans because of Dodd Frank. 13:44:07 Then there were the Presidents energy policies. Now I know today he's going to talk all about how he's gonna really give a boost to energy. But talk to the people in the coal industry and talk about whether his regulations have helped them mine coal, and what they'll tell you is on every front he has made it harder to get coal from the ground and made it less likely for people to use it. As a matter of fact as a candidate if you build a coal fired plant, you'll go bankrupt if his policies are implemented. So we're not taking advantage of the coal we could. 13:44:41 How about gas? Go talk to the people in the natural gas world and ask them what it's like under the Obama Administration and they'll tell you that the administration has tried to push itself to regulate the production of natural gas in such a way that it is less reliable and harder to use our gas. Talk to the oil people, they'll tell you he put a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf, you can't drill in Anwar, aren't drilling in the outer continental shelf off of Virginia. On all three of those resources that we have in abundance this is a president who's made it harder for us to create jobs there and to get low coast energy to manufacturers like this one. And there's one more. You don't have to ask people about this one. You already know the answer. Did he get that pipeline in from Canada? No, I can guarantee you if I am president on day one we're going to get the approval for that pipeline from Canada and if I have to build it myself to get it here I'll get that oil into America. (Applause) 13:45:44 One of the things Ken spoke to you about briefly and he's actually been to Washington to testify about is TRADE IS GOOD. The business people I met with just a few minutes ago, a number of them said that their business relies pretty substantially on selling products to other nations. It's good for us to be able to trade with other nations. It creates jobs here. I happen to think there are enormous opportunities in places like Latin America, HUGE market area so close to us where we have natural competitive advantages and some of these businesses are taking advantage of that. Now China and the nations of the European Union over the last 3 ½ years have made real in roads in Latin America and other places in the world with trade agreements and negotiate trade agreements; 44 different trade agreements being negotiated by China and European nations with other nations around the world. Guess how many trade agreements our president has negotiated? None. NONE. And then of course there are the ones that we have. Now and then people sign agreements but then they don't live up to them. I heard today about a number of circumstances where our friends in China who are important trading partners and hopefully will be on the same page as us with training matters but none the less they seem to have a pension for stealing intellectual property, counterfeiting our goods, stealing our technology, our brand names, our trademarks, our know how. That kills American jobs. 13:47:18 Every now and then you hear about presidential candidates talk about how they are going to crack down on it. Well on day one I'll label China a currency manipulator and that will allow me to apply tariffs where they steal our intellectual property AND KILL JOBS! (Applause) 13:47:37 So as you look at the presidents record it is long on words and short on action that created jobs. And again, talk is cheap, actions speaks loudly. Look what's happened across this country. If you think things have been going swimmingly, if you think the presidents right when he said "the private sector is doing fine" well then he's the guy to vote for. But when he said that there was such a outpouring in response from the 23 million Americans out of work or under employed that I think today he's not going to say it again. I think it's more likely that he's going to say give me four more years even though I didn't get it done in the first 3 ½. In my experience in thinking about people I want to have work for me whether it's my doctor or it's going to be painting the house I want to make sure they did a good job the first time and if they didn't I want someone who can do a better job. 13:48:34 Let me tell you where I'd take the country. I LOVE America. I happen to believe the principles that made the powerhouse we economically are have been eroded by this president. I think he's made it harder for small business people to open their doors, for entrepreneurs to build businesses, for companies like this to know that their products won't be stolen by competitors overseas. I think he's made it harder for the American enterprise system to work and I want to change that. I want to make it once again, America once again the most attractive place in the world for job creators and it's not just because I love job creators IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE JOBS. I WANT MORE GOOD JOBS FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND I WANT SUCH COMPETITION FOR GOOD WORKERS THAT SALARIES AND WAGES GO UP SO PEOPLE MAKE MORE MONEY. I WANT TO HELP THE MIDDLE CLASS OF AMERICA AND I'M GOING TO DO IT. (Applause) 13:49:34 And I happened to be convinced having been able to go all across the country that we're poised to see a resurgence of American economic vitality with companies growing, with jobs growing, with employers bringing jobs back to America as opposed to sending them elsewhere. That won't happen under this president. That'll happen if we change the course of this country. Let me tell you how I'd do it. 13:50:01 Let me mention just a few things, first energy. You see I happen to like the sources of energy that we have in abundance in this country; oil, coal, and natural gas and I'm going to take advantage of those to get the energy costs low so we can have more jobs, manufacturing jobs and bring them back to this country. That's number one. (Applause) 13:50:26 Number two, I'm gonna take, I'm gonna get rid of this great big overhang that came from one piece of legislation that has frightened businesses small and large and made them less likely to hire people. I'm gonna get rid of Obama Care. (Applause) 13:50:50 So number one energy, number two Obama Care, number three I'm going to go after the deficit. You see I think people who were thinking about investing in America and making this their future and putting their life's savings into America to build a business and have it here for decades they wonder what the dollar is going to be worth when they see our country year, after year, after year spending more money then we take in. Trillions of dollars of debts, this president has put together, he has put together almost as much public debt as all the prior presidents combined. You want four more years of that? You call that forward?? That's forward over a cliff! That's forward on the way to Greece. I don't want that I will finally get America on track to get a balance budget and we will limit the size of government. (Applause) 13:51:49 Those are three big ideas. Let me tell you some others. I want to open up new markets for American goods and I want to crack down on nations like China when they cheat. I will not allow them to consistently steal our intellectual property and manipulate their currency in a way that kills American jobs. That has to stop. (Applause) 13:52:13 Look, it's coming back folks. America is a great nation, the entrepreneurship here, the passion of our people, our conviction in the hope for tomorrow, our affection for our kids and coming generations, these things combined with policies that encourage the private sector will cause a resurgence, a rebirth of Americas economy that's going to surprise people all over the world. I'm convinced of it. I've had the chance to go across the country and see entrepreneurs of all kinds. I'm inspired by them. I met a woman who owns a business I said to her, "how did you start your company?" She said, "well, my husband lost his job and he took a class he always wanted to take in upholstery." And she said "because I was a little better a manager I started a company and hired him as my first employee." And she went on to hire other people. She now has 40 people who work in her upholstering company. 13:53:10 I met a woman from Las Vegas who has a business renting furniture to Casinos and to conventioneers that come to Las Vegas. When president Obama said "no need to go to Las Vegas for company meetings, no need to spend money there" her business collapsed. And she wondered whether she'd lose it and lose the jobs of the people who worked for her. She had an idea, instead of just renting these black naugahyde sofas and black coffee tables that's what it look like she had in the warehouse that I saw. She decided to teach her people how to make those things and so she now makes that furniture with those same employees and sells it not just to the convention area but also around the country. 13:53:53 I met a guy who had a back problem, a Russian immigrant (pauses to think for a second) Alexis Lukianov, San Diego. He had a better idea for how to do back surgery, started a little company to do that. Now employs 1,300 people a company called NuVasive. It's just amazing to go across the country and see what is so unique about this country. I saw Marco Rubio the other day, he spoke to a group of people. He said something that struck me well, he said when he was a boy he lived in a very modest home and he said there were some pretty fancy homes that could be seen around the Miami area. He said, "you know what? I never heard my parents say 'why won't those people give us some of what they have?'" He said "I never heard my parents say 'Why won't the government give us some of what they have?' instead they said 'isn't it great to live in a country where with hard work and education, and risk taking, and maybe a little luck you could achieve that yourself?'" AMERICA IS THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. We want good jobs here, we want to make it the place that people want to come with their ideas, we want this to become the home of dreamers. We want them to start enterprises and to hire one another and to cause our wages to go up again. It's an extraordinary country. The sacrifices made by the people of America to give us the opportunities we enjoy really can't be counted. 13:55:21 Memorial Day I was in San Diego, and I had the privilege of people with a number of veterans. I introduced three of them, one a second World War vet. was a lookout on the USS Tennessee, he happened to be there on Pearl Harbor. He said his eyes locked on the eyes of the pilot bringing armament, bringing bombardment to attack their ships. And he was injured in the attack but he went on to serve for 33 years in the United States Navy. I had him stand and be recognized but I noticed there wasn't as many second World War vets as there used to be at Memorial Days when I was younger. And they're a little older, they can't hold the torch as high as they used to. That torch is going to have to be seized by us, by our generations. It's a torch of freedom and hope and opportunity. It's not Americas torch but it's Americas duty and honor to hold that torch high so it can be seen by the world. 13:56:30 This is our time. We can either continue to be on a path to become more and more like Europe, with bigger and bigger government taking more and more from the American people. Directing our lives and telling us how to run our enterprises. If we take that path we know where it leads, it leads to chronic high unemployment like Europe has, low wage growth like Europe has and potential fiscal calamity like we're seeing at the doorstep of Europe today. Or we can instead return to the principles that made America, America. We can once again have a nation that leads the world in entrepreneurship, in innovation, in job creation, in economic vitality, in wage growth. That's the America I want. I spend my life in private enterprise, 25 years. I know how businesses work, I know what causes them to leave and what will bring them back. I want to use that experience to get America working again. For me it's all about good jobs for the American people and a bright a prosperous future and I am going to bring it with your help! Thank you so much, thank you! 13:57:37 BROLL Mitt waves and walks off the stage towards Ken and Dave to shake hands. Romney then glad hands with attendees of the rally. |
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