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In NY interplay as: 5116 CAMPAIGN 2012 ROMNEY COUNCIL BLUFFS IA 060812 FTG OF GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE MITT ROMNEY SPEAKING OUTSIDE AT A RALLY IN COUNCIL BLUFFS IA DC slug: 1120 ROMNEY COUNCIL BLUFFS RS9 78 11:59:37 Romney bus enters 12:01:21 Romney walks towards stage, waves. gets on stage (12:01:37) 12:01:53 Members of morning roundtable stand behind him 12:42:42 Good glad handing b-roll (post event, but flagging up top here) --- good shots with kids: 12:50:01 Good shot of TIME Magazine cover "Raising Romney", Romney takes it and signs it 12:52:20 Romney shakes hands with members of the roundtable 12:06:40 Boy It's good to be back in Iowa and in Council Bluffs on such a beautiful day. This is extraordinary, what a wonderful day. And to see old friends - I've got some friends that I haven't seen for a number of years, and we're gonna finally have our way and get out the White House thanks to you guys. Thanks so much. Now this morning, the President had a press conference - I don't know if you heard it - but he called a press conference and pulled people in, he said a number of things and one of the most interesting things he said was this - he said the private sector is doing fine. He said the private sector is doing fine. Is he really that out of touch? I think he's defining what it means to be detached and out of touch with the American people. Has there ever been an American president who is so far from reality as to believe in an America where 23 million Americans are out of work or have stopped for work, or can only find part time jobs, and need full time jobs. Where the economy grew in the first quarter of the year at only 1.9 percent. Where the median income has dropped by 10 percent over the last four years. Where there have been (a) record of home foreclosures. For the President of the United States to stand up and say the private sector is doing fine is going to go down in history as an extraordinary miscalculation and misunderstanding by a president who's out of touch. And we're gonna take back this country and get America working again. 12:08:31 And his answer for economic vitality by the way was of course pushing aside the private sector, which he said is doing fine, instead he wants to add more to government. He wants another stimulus, he wants to hire more government workers. He says we need more firemen, more policemen, more teachers, did he not get the message in Wisconsin? The American people did. It's time for us to cut back on government and help the American people! CROWD CHEERS 12:09:00 Now he said something else pretty interesting the other night in a fundraising speech in Beverly Hills. He said I keep a little checklist in my desk at the Oval Office. I've got a to-do list he said. And every so often I take a look at it and say you know what? We're doing OK. Isn't that amazing? Again, these comments he's making just suggest someone who doesn't understand what's happening in the country he has been elected to lead. The people in Iowa saw his campaign launched here in Iowa. It was a campaign of hope and optimism. It was a campaign of getting America stronger again and cutting back on the deficit. How disappointed the people of Iowa have become over these last 3 ½ years and how committed we are to having real change that gets the American people back to work again and sees rising incomes again. CROWD CHEERS 12:10:00 I got a copy here of his to-do list from his desk. You see, I was able to sneak that out. There are a few things that are missing. Missing is lead a real recovery. Missing is reduce the deficit. Missing is save Medicare and Social Security. Missing is help small business. There were some things on the list I wish he'd take off - one was pass Obamacare. CROWD BOOS 12:10:34 One of was stall the development of coal, oil and natural gas. One was multiple regulations on small business, and one was divide the American people. It's time to have a president who remembers that we are one nation under God, and I will be (CROWD CHEERS). And I won't have to have a long to-do list in my drawer at the White House. My to-do list is written on my heart and the first three entries are these - jobs, jobs and jobs. I'm going to go to work to get America working again. You see, I've traveled the country over the last couple of years, and seen people of all walks of life and these are tough times for a lot of people. People are having a hard time making ends meet in the corners of our country. I was in Fort Meyers Florida, met a guy named Chris Davis. Chris Davis and his son traveled with me. He said even though he has a job at the YMCA and is able to make his bank payments, the bank has decided to foreclose on his home. It's been a snafu. And he said his wife is due to have their next baby on the very day I was with him. And he said we wonder when we get home tonight whether we'll be able to go to our home or whether it's locked up by the bank. This is just a tragedy in a country like this. And then of course I was with a college graduate in Philadelphia. She was graduating, probably right about now. She said she wasn't able to find a job. So she's had to take on three part time positions and she said they're just barely enough to make it possible for her to pay her rent and for her food and she's wondering how she's going to start paying back her student loans. You realize 50 percent of the kids graduating from college this year can't find jobs. 12:12:35 This is not a private sector that is doing just fine. I had the chance of being with a couple in Appleton, WI. They both work as sales people. And they're very concerned about their future, they're about ready to retire. They're concerned they're going to lose their jobs, one works at a very small business, about a million in revenues, and he's worried that they're not going to be able to afford him as a salesman anymore. The other one is working as a fragrance salesperson, she wonders whether the fragrance company can keep her hired. And so the challenge is their retirement because they bought two duplexes. And they presumed the sale of those duplexes would pay for their retirement. But now home values have dropped so much that they're not going to be able to have the income they expected,. By the way, have you looked at the kind of return you're getting on your CDs, on your retirement account? Yea not so good. A lot of people who are in retirement, they wonder how they can make ends meet, and they wonder whether socials security and Medicare are going to be there for coming generations. Look, this is an America that's uncertain right now and it's concerned about the future. And the president's in all this is - have you heard his campaign slogan? Forward. Forward. Forward over a cliff CROWD LAUGHS AND CHEERS 12:13:50 And so he's looking around, he's looking for someone to blame, he tries to blame President George W. Bush, that happened so long ago people have forgotten that. He's trying to blame Congress. Congress was his with a super majority for two years. He had his way with Congress. And what he did didn't produce the kind of results we're looking for. And so he's out of ideas, as you saw this morning. He's out of excuses and in 2012 the people of Iowa are going to make sure we put him out of office. CROWD CHEERS 12:14:39 He's gonna do his very best to see if he can take hope and change and turn it into hoping to change the subject. But I'll tell you he's going to try and find any glimmer of hope. He's going to say by the way the recession ended and we've been growing. Well yea, all recessions end, and the growth hasn't been as much as it should have and people aren't back to work yet. You ask yourself is he part of the solution or part of the problem? And you look at his policies and ask did they help create jobs? Did Obamacare help create jobs in America? CROWD SAYS NO 12:15:13 Romney: How about Dodd Frank did that make it any easier for small banks to make small loans to small businesses? And then of course how about his energy policies, did that get more energy in this country? How about deficits? Did that encourage businesses to grow and expand in America? How about higher taxes and regulations, did that make it easier for the American people or businesses to hire people? No his policies did not get America to work. He instead focused on his liberal agenda and the American people are suffering because of it. He just doesn't understand and appreciate the power of free enterprise. Of free people pursuing their dreams. CROWD CHEERS 12:16:00 You do. I understand you do. I've had the fun of going across the country and seeing American people who are innovative, creative, whose ideas lift one another. I was in Las Vegas and met a woman who has a small business. She rents furniture to casinos and to conventioners that come to Las Vegas. She has these black sofas and these black coffee tables, and she was afraid that with the collapse of the economy, her business would go out of business and her employees would lose their jobs. So she did something creative. She taught them how to make furniture, not just rent it. And now they make those sofas and they make those coffee tables. And they sell them around the country. 12:16:41 I met another entrepreneur this is a woman who owns her own business. I said how did you get into business. She said well my husband lost his job and he took a class in upholstering. And she said because she was kind of the better business mind in the family, she decided to start a business of her own and she hired her husband as her first employee. And she's gone on to hire 39 other people who are upholsterers and now she has an upholstery business. I met a guy, a Russian immigrant, named Alexis Lukainav. He has back problem, looked at how we do surgery here, came up with an idea for a better way of using vetebro when people have back problems and began a little business to teach doctors how to use this technology and buy his techniques. Now that little business is called Newvasive and employees 1,300 people. This is America! That kind of innovation I think flows, I think it flows from the very beginning of the country when the founders said in the Declaration of Independence said that we were endowed by our creator with our rights, not by the government. We're the sovereign in this country., not the government. And among those rights they described were life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We would be free in this country to pursue happiness as we choose and people with dreams, with freedom, economic freedom, have helped build an America and this president is trying to substitute government for freedom and it will not work and we will stop it. CROWD CHEERS 12:18:24 I trust the American people. I have confidence in the ingenuity of the American people. He has confidence in boards and commissions and appointees and czars. He's substituting freedom and entrepreneurship and innovation with federal mandates and waivers and tax credits and guidelines and grants and guarantees. He's putting companies like Solyndra ahead of the free enterprises of the American people. It's time in this country to realize what it is that makes America great and it is the freedom of the American people who have dreams, who are not jealous and envious of others, who celebrate success and don't divide themselves from others based upon that. 12:19:11 I saw Marco Rubio the other day, we were at a rally (crowd cheers). He said something that will stay with me a long time - he said when I was a boy living poor in this country with my family, we saw some other homes, great big homes and fancy cars. He said I never heard my parents say why can't we have some of what they have. Instead my parents said aren't we lucky to live in a country where with education and hard work, there's a shot we have of earning that ourselves. That's the nature of America! We're a land of opportunity. 12:19:54 And so we're at a crossroads in this country. We're going to have to decide if we want to become Europe. With big government taking a larger and larger share of our economy and telling us how to live our lives. If I'm the president of the United States we're gonna stop this out of control spending, this prairie fire of debt, we must stop it to preserve the future for our kids CROWD CHEERS 12:20:17 If I'm the president we're gonna get rid of Obamacare, and return health care responsibility to people. I happen to believe that rather than seeing dismal days ahead where more Americans are thinking the future is dim for their kids, not bright, I happen to believe the future is going to be extraordinarily brilliant and powerful. That America's economy is going to come rushing back. That you're gonna see a resurgence in manufacturing and innovation in this country. And it's going to flow from policies that draw on the skills and capabilities of the American people. Not on government. And I'm going to make sure that we get this underway by a number of things - making sure we tame these deficits and reign in the size of government. And number two - we take advantage of our energy. I want to develop oil and our coal and our natural gas. There are bright days ahead, there are terrific days ahead. I have confidence in America. I love this country. I love America, I love the American experiment, I love what it proved to the world, I love the hope of the world that is resident in this country. I was able to almost on a day like this, in San Diego, on Memorial Day, and it was warm. And it was sunny. And I had a chance of seeing a number of veterans as well as members of our armed forces today. I introduced three members of our veterans team that were there from the Second World War. One of whom in particular I recall, he was a lookout on the USS Tennessee on the day of Pearl Harbor. And he said he looked into the eyes of a pilot flying an aircraft carrying armament that would come attack his ship. Locked eyes with him. And he was injured in the attack on Pearl Harbor. He went on however to serve for 33 years in the US Navy and I had him stand and receive applause from the audience. But you know I noticed as I saw these men and women who had served in that great war, men and women of the greatest generation that they're getting older. And there aren't as many of them as there were in the past. And they can't hold the torch of freedom as high as they held it in the past because of their age and their dwindling numbers. It's time for us to seize that torch for this generation and this state and these people. And this is a torch of freedom and hope and opportunity. It's not America's torch. But it's America's duty and our honor to hold that torch for the world. This is our time to life it, to hold it high, to make sure America remains the hope of the earth! We can do it on November 6th! I need your help! We need to take back America! We need to grow America's strength! We need to go back to work to provide the principles that make America the hope of the earth. Thank you so much!
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