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UK India
AP-APTN-2230: UK India Monday, 2 January 2012 STORY:UK India- REPLAY Vigil for murdered student, suspect arrives at court LENGTH: 02:30 FIRST RUN: 1930 RESTRICTIONS: See Script TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: SKY/POLICE HANDOUT STORY NUMBER: 721495 DATELINE: Manchester/Salford - 2 Jan 2012 LENGTH: 02:30 SKY - NO ACCESS UK/AL JAZEERA ENGLISH/BLOOMBERG POLICE HANDOUT - AP CLIENTS ONLY SHOTLIST SKY - NO ACCESS UK/AL JAZEERA ENGLISH/BLOOMBERG Ordsall, Salford - 2 January 2012 ++NIGHT SHOTS++ 1. Group of Anuj Bidve's friends and members of local community chanting during candlelit vigil 2. Close up of woman holding candle 3. Wide pan of large crowd of people taking part in vigil on street where Bidve was killed 4. Tilt up from candle in man's hand to his face 5. Mid of family with candles 6. Two women holding candles 7. Mid of candles and photograph of Bidve on street marking place where he died 8. Tilt up of boy and young woman holding candles 9. Mid of British MP, Keith Vaz, chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee 10. SOUNDBITE (English) Keith Vaz, British Member of Parliament and Chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee: "Obviously the community here and throughout the United Kingdom has been very moved by this terrible death. It was a senseless act. What we see today is the whole community here in Ordsall united with people from different parts of the country. I'm pleased that someone has been arrested and charged and now we have to await the process of justice." 11. Tilt up of couple holding candles 12. People gathered around makeshift memorial 13. SOUNDBITE (English) Chris Edmondson, Bishop of Bolton: "I think it's a uniting in the shock and horror of this crime, but also a standing together for peace and harmony, and a way of expressing across the thousands of miles that there are between us and India, for the family there who have experienced this tragic loss, our common commitment for their concern, for their well-being, and hopefully some kind of sign of encouragement to them in their grief." 14. Pan of Edmondson and others gathered ahead of vigil 15. Various of people placing candles at memorial before vigil POLICE HANDOUT - AP CLIENTS ONLY Date and Location unknown 16. STILL: Undated handout photo issued by Greater Manchester Police of Anuj Bidve, a 23-year old Lancaster University student who was shot dead in Salford, near Manchester SKY - NO ACCESS UK/AL JAZEERA ENGLISH/BLOOMBERG Manchester - 2 January 2012 17. Police van carrying suspect Kiaran Stapleton, who gave his name in court as "Psycho Stapleton", being driven to court STORYLINE A candlelit vigil was held in northern England on Monday evening for an Indian student who was shot dead in a seemingly unprovoked attack. Anuj Bidve was shot on December 26 in the city of Salford. The vigil took place in the street where he was killed. A large number of people from the local area, as well as Bidve's friends and fellow students, gathered to pay their respects and leave candles and flowers at the place where he died. Chris Edmondson, Bishop of Bolton, said he hoped the vigil would be a way of expressing the community's concern for the well-being of Bidve's family in India. A 20-year-old British man appeared at the City of Manchester Magistrates Court on Monday charged with Bidve's murder. Kiaran Stapleton said during the court appearance that his name was "Psycho Stapleton." Prosecutor Ben Southam said Stapleton will be held in custody for 24 hours and sent to Manchester Crown Court, which deals with murder cases. Police are investigating whether the crime was racially motivated. Bidve was from the western Indian city of Pune and enrolled in a postgraduate course in microelectronics at Lancaster University in northern England. He was on a holiday break with a group of nine friends when he was shot. He had arrived in Britain just three months ago. Two Greater Manchester Police officers have flown to India to meet with Bidve's family. His father, Subhash Bidve, has criticised how British and Indian authorities have handled the case. He found out about his son's death on Facebook before UK police could contact him. 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