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FTG FOR COVERAGE OF THE BRITISH PETROLEUM COMPANY (BP) OIL RIG EXPLOSION / DISASTER / AND MASSIVE OIL SPILL IN THE GULF OF MEXICO Pensacola Beach wide shot Orange Beach MOS - local reax to possible hurricanes/tropical storms Orange Beach broll Gulf Shore broll starts with a woman in a blue shirt in parking lot 17:57:09 we're just. That would be the worst thing to happen we would be wiping it off our condos if it did . literally it would hit. The oil would hit the condos because it would come further ashore. I don't know.just that would not be good at all. It would prolong it , them fixing it. Were at a stand still. We don't know what to do. We don't know to wait it out or leave 17:58:02 I haven't heard anything Any preparatiosn? 17:58:11 no I don't think bp has had to experience anything like this. Weve never had to. I don't know what they would do. I cant talk for them. Cant answer that. I am upset with them but cant answer for them Are they prepared? Whats gonna happen? 17:58:57 no I don't because they would have to start from scratch theyd have to get all the skimmers out. And start from day one. After the storm passes , if its bad, it could be realy bad. Start from scratch 17:59:28 we went through ivan here. And I have been thru quite a few. I cant say exactly what would happen of course. I don't know. I just pray for the best. Hopefully you don't want it to hit here. 18:00:56 im concerned now. I mean the beaches already.doesn't even look like anyones doing anything. If youwalk, just lines and lines of oil. Not gonna let my kids swim in I cant imagine them doing less. And that's just from my pov but I don't know what theyre doing in the boats but they look horrible. You could see the change in the beach 18:01:39 I don't see anyone out here. I don't know 18:01:48 I think if I hurricant comes in it will be disastrous.the ssand is beautiful. It's a beautiful white beach. And if a hurricane blows up how are you gonna get oil out from oiup here? Just the tid e alone.but once its up here and on buildings. Its gonna be distastrous. One thing to run a tractor down there, but you cant run a tractor up here. All it will come up disgusting 18:03:04 I think . I think bps efforts are kind of , theyre trying to cover themselves of course. Trying to get our of this with out financial hardhship. Don't want to be bad guy but don't want to go bankrupts. If a hurricant comes here I don't know what they could do . I don't know what amount of money could stop damage 18:03:52 I don't think even with our government and obp.I don't care how much money. How are you gonna stop this oil?it will take years to get back to how it is now. I don't care how much man power. 18:04:22 and then you gotta think about the smell and wildlife and others that depend on this. Its irreplaceable. Even if u had manpower it would take years. I don't know . I think theyir biggest thing is get this ting stopped somhow. They implode wells, but they gotta have some, if they gotta blow a big hold down there. 18:05:17 its gonna be disastrous. Its disastrous now with the evffort much less if a storm came and brought everything in. it will be a mess and will take years before its all picked up .. we can just pray the storm turns. We're praying riht now. Or they find some sort of way to capture the oil. 18:06:12 weve been coming here for quite a while and my parents came here. Its not gonna be the same. How can you bring your kids if they cant go in the water? 18:06:55 my grandparents came here , and then .this is childhood memories and stuff. My grandparents, my parents, my family. And all that.its just something that we do. We have great fishing and stuff, but if you want a nice beach this is where you came. Close to home for la folks. This is where we always came. I bring my family here. Anyway its pretty sad to know that they'll be lucky to bring their kids the time they get old enough and have kids.hopefully it will be fixed by then. Pretty depressing. That's the main reason we came down last shot before everything gets so bad. You can tell the difference from 18:08:24 the end of the week to the beginning of the week. And you can t just tell your kid to go play in that. It will probably be our last year here. The hurricane will be sdisastrous. Especially if there are a bunch in a row. 18:08:59 weven our wetlands. We live on the wetlands on la. Its just as bad there. That's what we do, that's our When we;'re not catching it, we're eating it. 18:09:25 we survived a few hurricants. Our last house was hit and when they came thru we had flooding and had another house hit by Katrina and had damage from that. And we had .its just a lot oto take. Its not like a hurricane and you see a scary imnage. But its just a long on going thing 18:10:08 all the wildlife all the fish. And that's what you come here for. You come here for rfishing, get a boat and go with your family. I take my kid fishing and now you don't know if you can eat anything anymore. Getting good crabs, bad? How will the oysters be? But that's the sad thing. We will probably have to import now. 18:10:56 they gonna pay for that? That's gonna be more expensive to get foods were used to growing up on. I don't see how they can put a monetary value on this.but I don't see hwo they can put a value on what they have destrouyed. If there was a ny way possible, they could have stopped this they should be held actable because this is ridiculous bc no amount will be worth what I have to lose. 18:11:49 .brian pennington and Jennifer pennington fro baton rouge, la 18:12:07 james wells from orange beach Alabama: 18:12:20 well I live in orange beach and I am just aseeing the real impact but its just shifting here with the wind. I believe we are just at the tip of the iceburg. I believe there is a potential for lot of damages and ive been looking on the internet and the dispersant is banned in eurpor ebecause its so toxic. .and it can be taken up into the atmosphere 18:13:49 this is gonna be a worldwide problem before its over. It will go around world with dcurrents in 18 months. If you take these caosts, theres not enough money in tehw orld to make this right. 18:14:23 I do not believe bp is prepared for anything no t prepared for spill or storm plans. ..but I don't think they have plans 18:15:01 but what this .I was reading online about a report that was prepared two days ago and they said this is gonna be the worst disaster catastrophe of any in the world of recorded time.bc of dispersants 18:15:44 I think they need to hire some high power business man to take care of this project and take out bureaucracy. We need to be focused on this and get a solution. Get someone who can run this like a professional thing. 18:16:54 it needs to be caught on water before it comes on shore. The waves just keep coming. This will take whole ecosystem out 18:17:18 its gonna come here and spred towards st pete.go through tip of fl and down there.wipe that out and up east coast. 18:18:11 broll of beach goers. Tanners. People under umprellas 18:18:38 people on chairs, watching water 18:18:53 people standing on shore looking at water. Walking back up the sand 18:19:02 flags. 18:19:39 ive lived here for six years and id take an earthquake any day ofver a hurricant . it worries me what will happen to the gulf.. (wasn't looking at cam) 18:20:10 ive moved here six years ago from southern California and ill take a quake any day over hurricant and what kind of effect it will have on coast, none of us know. It breaks our in Alabama we say we are fixing to have a rather have a quake. I pray for us and hope they get messs cleaned 18:21:02 .paula dawson from foley Alabama Broll: 18:21:12 broll playing volleyball on beach infront of clean up crews in hazmat suits. Tractors next to beachgoers and volleyball players. `cealn up crews. 18:21:51 red flags blowing in wind 18:22:13 entrance to beach. Pan to tractors and clean up crews next to volleyball players and beachgoers 18:22:37 close up of volleyball players at net. 18:23:06 clean up seen thru volley ball net. Cealn up crews and volleyball players. 18:23:36 clean up crews seen thru volleyball net 18:23:43 tractor and clean up crews and people sitting on beach. Clean up crew walking to bags with oil on shore. 18:24:15 tractor moves next to beachgoers on shore. Two people watch tractor and clean up crews. 18:24:45 people walk on beach right next to clean up crews throwing garbage bags in to tractor Mos: 18:24:59 I don't know .if it lblows it up here theres not much we can do about it at this point.tehrs so much out there. I don't know what they could do. They just have to wait til it gets here and clean it up. 18:26:04 I don't know how much is out ther. But if its a lot it could be bad. .james Broll: 18:26:49 tractor and clean up crew in yellow suits next to beach umbrella and sunbathers. View of horizon and boats in distance 18:27:24 tractor and clean up crews. 18:28:04 yellow suits walking along shore. 18:28:27 girls and parents walking next to clean up crews and tractor 18:28:37 view of beach with tractors and clean up . sand in foreground. Pan beach. 18:29:31 boys and mothers looking at water. Waering life vests. Boy with bucket and shovel. Clean up carts in background. Pan along beach to other clean up trucks. 18:30:04 boys and mothers turn back. 18:30:18 sunbathers. Water in background. 18:30:41
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