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WALTER REED-TRAINING CENTER-MEDIA PREVIEW Walter Reed Army Medical Center offers media preview opportunities including interviews, from 7am-3pm at the Military Advanced Training Center which is scheduled for its "grand opening" on Thursday. Contact advises "best time" today with the most activity is between 9am and 12noon. The new 31,000 square-foot facility offers "one-stop shopping," for services including therapy and exercise areas, computer simulation training, offices for psychologists, social workers, benefits counselors, researchers, physicians and others WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL CENTER New - Military Advanced Training Center Media Day - tour TAPE 2 of 3- various physical therapy formats In front of the rock climbing wall 00:42 "as much as it is for physical it is good for the mental.. any time you can have a major accomplishment, after you get blown up , it just makes you better in your head, and your mind, it makes you all better. 01:14 the rock wall is good for everybody who comes thru, whether they are amputees or not, as mush as for mental , as for physical, just being able to accomplish something, getting to the top, getting past your fears, knowing that you can do the things you used to do, knowing you are an amputee now. 02:16 elevated parallel bars, one of a kind in the world Adjust from zero to 30 degrees.. 3:01 tread wall - 3:36 Sgt. Edwards, PAO, 4:05 Capt. Joe Miller, Chief, Orthodic and Prosthetic Service, Walter Reed and National Naval Medical Center 04:30 holding a prosthetic arm, using electrodes of hand 04:40 CU of 2 arms, shows difference with custom cosmetic glove 04:50 CU of 3 arms 5:03 "three different types of upper extremity prostheses, a conventional system which is a body powered, a cosmetic one, and also an external powered system that is battery powered or maybe with mio-electrics. This is different that the private sector which is either one or the other. 05:23 typically we may start the patient on . 5:30 vertical compression foot 5:48 micro processor knee 6:20 non- micro processor 6:33 "this knee unit is the first that has powered capabilities. I they are sitting..this knee will propel them up, or propel them upstairs, or up ramps." 07:00 CU prosthetic leg - protocol sea-leg with Otto Bock corporation to be used with wet weather and sand 07:25 CU running prosthesis 07:48 "if interested in shooting, they can place the butt of the weapon in there" 08:22 customized prosthesis covers with prints, camouflage 09:05 "our team at Walter Reed is a combination of govt. employees, private sector contractors, and what we call staff contractors" 10:12 "the idea of having one team in a coordinated building is a big plus for us, cuz we can just walk out the doorway or upstairs." 10:30 "we have increased in our govt. positions, as well as thru our various contractor mechanisms, " 10:45 "I'll have anywhere from six to sixteen prostheses in a given week, so prior to the war, we would have two" 10:52 "It's not the total number of patients we are seeing, but, if you think about it in the total numb of visits, we see them a lot more because of the different types of devices they may be wearing , the progression they go thru rehab, and the different types of training they are doing, perhaps to go back to active doing, or sports training, so that requires more visits to us to modify and change or make something new." 11:27 CU prostheses 12:00 AUDIO-"studies being done on the carrying of military rucksacks.." 12:09 CU of fingers of prostheses 13:02 CU of foot in shoe 13:35 pan up prostheses leg to flag cover 13:49 single amputee working on shoe lace tying template 14:15 CU hand and prostheses tying knot 14:47 "I would say I am doing OK" 15:00 "Most of the time they don't really.. they tell us we are doing good, we take our little test, and what not, they don't really tell us if we did good or bad for the test, they jus tell us we did good." 15:15 CU of prosthesis 16:25 "for me it is mainly the things that , the day to day things, like getting dressed, eating, tying my shoes, . the things you want to do on your own, with out the help of a family member, even if it is nice to have the help there, it is nice to do on your own ." 16:42 woman sitting behind amputee 18:01 putting Marco, double amputee, in track harness 18:55 pan down from harness to patient 19:31 "I need my cane please" 19:44 walking on track in harness*** 20:05 CU one prostheses and one regular leg 20:25 "this is how I got my confidence" 21:07 view of back 21:27 walking in harness *** 22:04 muscle testing, from Otto Bock**** 22:22 2-shot of tech and patient, Kenny, Massachusetts 22:46 computer screen of electrode moving screen 23:10 moving car between gates without crashing. 23:39 car moving on screen 24:00 hand opening on screen 24:27 first hand...prostheses 24:44 flex and close of prostheses / "party trick" 27:20 double amputee standing from wheel chair 27:54 setting up for exercise 28:40 Marco walking toward camera-being taken off harness/track 29:15 "you'll start walking on your own after this"
Footage Information
Source | ABCNEWS VideoSource |
Title: | Walter Reed Training Center - Media Preview |
Date: | 09/12/2007 |
Library: | ABC |
Tape Number: | DCBA140753B |
Content: | WALTER REED-TRAINING CENTER-MEDIA PREVIEW Walter Reed Army Medical Center offers media preview opportunities including interviews, from 7am-3pm at the Military Advanced Training Center which is scheduled for its "grand opening" on Thursday. Contact advises "best time" today with the most activity is between 9am and 12noon. The new 31,000 square-foot facility offers "one-stop shopping," for services including therapy and exercise areas, computer simulation training, offices for psychologists, social workers, benefits counselors, researchers, physicians and others WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL CENTER New - Military Advanced Training Center Media Day - tour TAPE 2 of 3- various physical therapy formats In front of the rock climbing wall 00:42 "as much as it is for physical it is good for the mental.. any time you can have a major accomplishment, after you get blown up , it just makes you better in your head, and your mind, it makes you all better. 01:14 the rock wall is good for everybody who comes thru, whether they are amputees or not, as mush as for mental , as for physical, just being able to accomplish something, getting to the top, getting past your fears, knowing that you can do the things you used to do, knowing you are an amputee now. 02:16 elevated parallel bars, one of a kind in the world Adjust from zero to 30 degrees.. 3:01 tread wall - 3:36 Sgt. Edwards, PAO, 4:05 Capt. Joe Miller, Chief, Orthodic and Prosthetic Service, Walter Reed and National Naval Medical Center 04:30 holding a prosthetic arm, using electrodes of hand 04:40 CU of 2 arms, shows difference with custom cosmetic glove 04:50 CU of 3 arms 5:03 "three different types of upper extremity prostheses, a conventional system which is a body powered, a cosmetic one, and also an external powered system that is battery powered or maybe with mio-electrics. This is different that the private sector which is either one or the other. 05:23 typically we may start the patient on . 5:30 vertical compression foot 5:48 micro processor knee 6:20 non- micro processor 6:33 "this knee unit is the first that has powered capabilities. I they are sitting..this knee will propel them up, or propel them upstairs, or up ramps." 07:00 CU prosthetic leg - protocol sea-leg with Otto Bock corporation to be used with wet weather and sand 07:25 CU running prosthesis 07:48 "if interested in shooting, they can place the butt of the weapon in there" 08:22 customized prosthesis covers with prints, camouflage 09:05 "our team at Walter Reed is a combination of govt. employees, private sector contractors, and what we call staff contractors" 10:12 "the idea of having one team in a coordinated building is a big plus for us, cuz we can just walk out the doorway or upstairs." 10:30 "we have increased in our govt. positions, as well as thru our various contractor mechanisms, " 10:45 "I'll have anywhere from six to sixteen prostheses in a given week, so prior to the war, we would have two" 10:52 "It's not the total number of patients we are seeing, but, if you think about it in the total numb of visits, we see them a lot more because of the different types of devices they may be wearing , the progression they go thru rehab, and the different types of training they are doing, perhaps to go back to active doing, or sports training, so that requires more visits to us to modify and change or make something new." 11:27 CU prostheses 12:00 AUDIO-"studies being done on the carrying of military rucksacks.." 12:09 CU of fingers of prostheses 13:02 CU of foot in shoe 13:35 pan up prostheses leg to flag cover 13:49 single amputee working on shoe lace tying template 14:15 CU hand and prostheses tying knot 14:47 "I would say I am doing OK" 15:00 "Most of the time they don't really.. they tell us we are doing good, we take our little test, and what not, they don't really tell us if we did good or bad for the test, they jus tell us we did good." 15:15 CU of prosthesis 16:25 "for me it is mainly the things that , the day to day things, like getting dressed, eating, tying my shoes, . the things you want to do on your own, with out the help of a family member, even if it is nice to have the help there, it is nice to do on your own ." 16:42 woman sitting behind amputee 18:01 putting Marco, double amputee, in track harness 18:55 pan down from harness to patient 19:31 "I need my cane please" 19:44 walking on track in harness*** 20:05 CU one prostheses and one regular leg 20:25 "this is how I got my confidence" 21:07 view of back 21:27 walking in harness *** 22:04 muscle testing, from Otto Bock**** 22:22 2-shot of tech and patient, Kenny, Massachusetts 22:46 computer screen of electrode moving screen 23:10 moving car between gates without crashing. 23:39 car moving on screen 24:00 hand opening on screen 24:27 first hand...prostheses 24:44 flex and close of prostheses / "party trick" 27:20 double amputee standing from wheel chair 27:54 setting up for exercise 28:40 Marco walking toward camera-being taken off harness/track 29:15 "you'll start walking on your own after this" |
Media Type: | Beta |