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BROLL WITH BOB WOODRUFF AT SHANGHAI DISNEY / BOB WOODRUFF IN SHANGHAI DISNEY SUNNY DAY Bob with Jodi (Imagineer) 12:20:31- Bob talks with Jodi after riding the TRON 12:21:30- Don't eat breakfast right before you go on this thing. BEST BITES FROM BOB & JODI about The TRON 12:23:33- Bob- Is it frightening when people do it? 12:23:35- Jodi- Umm I don't think it's frightening I think it's thrilling. I think the thrill takes over the fear a little bit so as we get into the story we would become a part of that so it's actually really fun. 12:24:41- It's the fastest Disney coaster. I'm not sure about other coasters around the world but this is certainly the fastest one we've got. (Gets really loud towards the end) 12:26:23- We wanted to do something different here because we're in a new market where this is the first Disney Park in mainland China so we really wanted to bring to the guests something innovative, exciting, thrilling, fun. 12:29:30- Bob- My kids will be very jealous when I go on this so let's do it. 12:33:10- TRON sign 12:33:38- Bob walks into the line to get on the Tron. 12:34:07- Long line of people waiting to get on the Tron. 12:37:17- Families walking through the park 12:38:31- Bob plays with a Minnie mouse lightsaber. Play fights with a sales associate. 12:40:25 (Bob MOS) - Bob- what do you think of Disney? -I think it's a magical place. Everybody work for here is very very nice. Our guests are very nice too. I work here I feel very happy. 12:43:08-Bob Swipes His Card And Walks Into The Park 12:43:25- Is this Disney Land? Thanks.Alright heres the map. Alright here we go. This is where we're gonna go, right here. (Bob shows us the map) 12:43:45- GOOD BITE- ( Bob To Camera) We're gonna do about 7 different rides. Seven different attractions. I think we're gonna go to Tron, we'll see Dumbo 12:44:12- Close up of Bob's map 12:45:08- Bob walks around the park 12:45:12- So now we're gonna meet the imaginer who created this. Sounds like the greatest job on the planet earth. Think it took 17 years but it's amazing. 12:46:55- Wow check it out man..bob points "whoah" I definitely feel like I'm in a world that doesn't exist anywhere but here. 12:47:20- Alright I think my hope is to go to the very.the top of that castle. It's the biggest one, and the widest one, and the biggest one. Of all of the castles that exist in the parks at Disney. 12:47:54- Bob walks up to little girl and asks her what she's looking at on the map. (It's cute.) 12:48:36- B-roll of Bob walking around the park. 12:50:26- Bob with Jodi "It's great to see that, the older grandma's and the kids all ridding together this has the most range in age probably on this one" GOOD MULTI GENERATIONAL FAMILIES BITE FOR BOB PIECE 12:50:36- Jodi- We really designed the whole park and the attractions with multi-generational families in mind. Grandparents can go, parents, friends. So there's something for everyone to do in any family grouping. 13:11:52- B-roll of Bob and Jodi walking towards Pirates of the Caribbean ride 13:11:56- Jodi- Pirates of the Caribbean Battle for the Sunken Treasure. It's probably the single most innovative attraction we've done combining layers and layers of technology in both design. PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN 13:12:14- Pirates of the Caribbean Sign 13:13:03- Jodi - Certainly fans of captain Jack Sparrow .you get to meet them in the attraction. It's a very immersive experience. It's very strong story telling. You're literally in the attraction. 13:14:04- Jodi and Bob walk and talk about pirates of the Caribbean GOOD SOUND FOR THE SECRETS OF THE IMAGINEERS PIECE 13:15:28- Jodi- This is all part of the fort you can see some of the damage that was caused by the cannon fire between the pirates and the townspeople. We have probably in this land more layers of paint and color and theme plaster than any other land in the park. So that's how we use a lot of, when you think about visual story telling we use it in a lot of our finishes. A lot of our architecture for this, the paint colors..layers and layers of theme paint that really bring out the richness of the becomes again part of the theme story and the place making. 13:16:03- We're inspired by a lot of colors that we replicated here, capturing the sense of some of those villages of the Caribbean. So really trying to replicate what those places were like. What these ancient forts were like so, even though it's you know a fantasy environment it's still rooted in certain real world places that inspire the team. 13:16:24- Jodi-It's almost like art. This must there some expert that does this kind of work? 13:16:35- Jodi- We have a huge chain of field art directors that specialize in finishes. And we've partnered our art directors with a team of local artists and really had an opportunity to meet some incredible talent, local talent that came with jewels of the trade. They understood plaster. 13:17:10- We have a huge international team of imagineers that pick up people from south America and Europe, and really partnering with the local artists here in China. 13:19:54- B-roll of people getting off and getting on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. 13:21:46- Bob getting on the Pirates of the Caribbean Attraction 13:23:22- People buying Pirates of the Caribbean merchandise 13:24:31- Kids playing with the water cannons (This is super cute!) 13:25:03- Bob playing with Water Cannons (GREAT!!) VOYAGE TO THE CRYSTAL GROTTO 13:33:38- this is the Voyage to the Crystal Grotto it's a boat ride with a bunch of princess and princesses and I'm not going by myself. I've got to find a family. 13:33:49- Voyage to the Crystal Grotto sign 13:33:58- Bob speaking mandarin to a little girl.presumably asking her to take the ride with him. They're walking hand in hand (CUTE) 13:34:31- Bob- This is an exciting boat ok. (Bob walks with little girl to boat) 13:38:15- Bob and little girl get on boat. 13:38:20- Alright, she's gonna take me on an adventure. This is Kate. She's my new rented princess. (Bob and family ride the Crystal Grotto) 13:48:37- Bob waves goodby to the family 13:48:57- Bob Stand Up- So I found a perfect princess and it really gave me this idea that maybe don't tell my wife this yet but I want to have now, a grandchild so don't tell my son don't tell my daughter but I just decided that I want to be a grandfather. So I'm just glad I didn't ride that myself. I'm glad I had a sp? Which means my boss. SO she was telling me what to do. And what to see and how to react she was beautiful.
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