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PROGRAM FEED FROM THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION AT THE WELLS FARGO CENTER IN PHILADELPHIA / COLORADO GOVERNOR JOHN HICKENLOOPER 20:04:33 Thirty years ago, almost to the day, I lost my job. Whether it's being laid off, downsized, or fired, it's not funny, and its not a reality show punchline when it happens to you. And it wasn't just me, a whole generation of geologists lost their careers in that recession. It is hard when you feel you aren't wanted anymore. After many months looking for work with hardly an interview, a buddy and I decided to start the first brewpub in Colorado. We had no money. Even my own mother wouldn't invest. Finally, 18 months later, we opened in an abandoned warehouse district in downton Denver. We got 34 small investors, two bank loans, a loan from the city, and a loan from the SBA but we opened. And slowly but surely, we grew, and thrived, and expanded. 20:05:44 Now I've never hosted a reality TV show, but I know that the true mark of a successful businessman is not the number of times you say, "You're fired"; it's the number of times you say, "You're hired." That's right, I'm the business guy I am a busines guy. But unlike Trumps businesses, my business didn't go bankrupt six times.Success is sweeter when it's shared - and that's just as true in business as it is in life. 20;06:21 In our neighborhood there were a handful of other entrepreneurs trying to develop lofts or start businesses. Together, we worked with the Downtown Denver Partnership, the tourism board, and the city to create a sense of place. More entrepreneurs arrived to start more businesses. The neighborhood took off, and so did Denver.Sure, it was my buddy and I that took the risk. But as Hillary Clinton says, "It takes a village" - businesses, government, non profits - working together to create opportunity. She understands that even in Colorado, land of "rugged individualism," our economy is Stronger Together. 20:07:07 As a small businessman, then mayor of Denver, and now governor, I've seen how partnerships drive economies. Today, Denver is the fastest-growing big city in America, and Colorado has the second strongest economy in the country. Compare that to Donald Trump's trickle-down economics - where he doesn't pay his bills and small businesses go out of business. I've spent some time with Hillary and I can tell you, from a small business perspective, she gets it. 20:07:47 Tremendous changes in our economy are making people feel that they aren't wanted anymore. I remember that feeling. Many of the skills that would have been tickets to the middle class are no longer needed. That's why we discussed not only the importance of education and training, but streamlining regulations, expanding access to loans, incentivizing innovation, and how to support the transformation of new ideas into jobs. I told her about Colorado's new apprenticeship initiative that allows kids to both work, and take classes that help them to be more successful in their jobs. 20:08:27 And Hillary Clinton understands that, that especially in these economic times, partnerships can lead to opportunity, which is why she wants to offer tax incentives to companies that offer apprenticeships in underserved areas. She's going to make the largest single investment in jobs since World War II. She'll cut red tape and taxes so it's easier to start and grow a small business. Hillary Clinton is going to work for the young entrepreneur who wants to start a brewpub, or launch a start-up, or even create a drapery business, just like her dad, Hugh Rodham, did all those years ago in Chicago. 20:09:15 Tonight, Hillary Clinton accepts the nomination for President of the United States of America. And tomorrow, we're going to get down to business. So I say to you put down your Pokemon Go for just a second, and go to, if you sign up before midnight you can have a chance to win an opportunity to be with her on the campaign trail. We all have a job to do: electing Hillary Clinton. So, let's get to work! God bless you. TED DANSON & MARY STEENBURGEN 20:10:46 Mary: I'm Mary Steenburgen, a train conductor's daughter from my beloved state of Arkansas. Ted: And I'm Ted Danson, an archaeologist's son from Flagstaff, Arizona. Mary: I've been blessed to call Hillary Clinton one of my closest friends since 1978. That's a whole lot of life. How would I describe her? Loves to laugh, especially at herself; world class listener; quick to forgive; sensitive; empathetic. But, like her mother, Dorothy, if she gets knocked down seven times, she will get up eight. 20:11:44 Mary: One night in Arkansas, many years ago, a group of us went back to their place for dessert. We were sitting on the kitchen counters, and Bill and Hillary were talking in deep nuance about health care for children. As they were talking, I remember looking at Bill and thinking, "I wish you could become President someday." Then I looked at Hillary and I thought, "Wouldn't it say something to our daughters, to our sons, to all those people whose lives I know you could touch if you became President? Because I know you. I know you will never stop working your heart out for them!" That was 38 years ago. Then, it seemed like too much to dream for. But tonight, it seems very, very possible. 20:12:48 Ted: Anybody can brag. Anybody can talk. Hers is the poetry of doing. Mary: When people ask us how she is still standing, we say, "It's simple. She's got more guts than anybody in the room." Ted: The guts to fight for people like the six Americans you're about to meet. HENRIETTA IVEY 20:13:34 My name is Henrietta Ivey. and I am a Detroit home care worker, I am a mother of four and a proud grandmother of seven grandchildren. I am blessed to do the work I believe in: keeping families in their homes and caring for people in need. But even as I work my fingers to the bone, I don't always feel the support I need from the leaders I'm supposed to trust. I work two jobs at minimum wage and can barely make ends meet. 20:14:11 I remember looking at my babies' faces when they were little, and fighting back tears. Because I always taught them to dream big, but I didn't always know if they would live those dreams. When I first met Hillary Clinton, we connected right away as mothers and as people who have led lives in service. Because I know she will fight to raise the minimum wage. In Michigan, we are "Fighting for 15!" A $15 minimum wage and a union! Because NO working family should have to be forced to live in poverty! I stand with Hillary Clinton because I see myself in her, and I believe she sees herself in me. I believe her steady hand in the oval office will help people like me breath easier and achieve more. 20;15:22 That makes this election bigger than politics for me, all homecare workers across the nation and my family, this is personal. That's why I'm with Hillary. Because I know she's with me! Thank you, and God bless you all. DAVE WILLS 20:16:02 Like generations of Americans, I've always dreamed about making that proud walk across a graduation stage to get my college degree. In 2005, that dream came true at Grand Valley State University, which prepared me to do what I love - teach back home at North Carolina. Then came the bill. $40,000 in student debt, and all the anxiety and struggle that comes with it. 20:16:35 Now, teaching offers so many rewards. A big salary isn't one of them. The $300 check I write every month represents savings I can't put away, car repairs I can't make, medical costs I have to put off. And with my wife, Amanda, in school after taking time off to help care for her sick mother, another $30,000 bill is on the way. Life feels like we're running on a treadmill. No matter how hard we try, we can't get ahead. And I'm not alone. Student debt has more than doubled in the last decade and now exceeds $1.2 trillion. 20:17:24 None of us are looking for guaranteed success - just a fair chance at it. That's why I'm so proud to support Hillary Clinton for president of the united states. She's going to make college debt-free for all and she's going to help millions of people like me, with existing debt, save thousands of dollars. Now I don't know her. But, it feels like she knows me. Hillary Clinton has our backs. Let's make sure we have hers this November. Thank you very much. BETH MATHIAS 20:18:05 My name is Beth Mathias and four months ago, Hillary Clinton sat with me in a doughnut shop in Marion, Ohio, and she asked to hear my story. I told her that my husband and I work three jobs just to make ends meet. Between us, we work for 24 hours a day. We only see each other when we pass each other in the doorway - when one of us is coming home, and the other is leaving. And I only see my kids when they're already in bed. I get home too late to spend any quality time with them. Our life is consumed by work, but we're still crushed by debt: medical, student loans. We have no savings. 20:18:45 We work hard, and yet it feels like the world is against us. But I told Hillary Clinton that even though every day is a struggle, we don't want a handout. We want a hand to help us up. And she understood, because she believes that America is strongest when we look out for one another; when no one who works full time has to choose between making a car payment and feeding their children. 20:19:09 That's why I'm here - taking time off from both of my jobs - to ask you to put in the time to elect Hillary Clinton, and help make life better for me and millions of people just like me. I believe we can do it. And I believe in Hillary Clinton. Thank you. JENSEN WALCOTT & JAKE REED 20:19:33 Jake: I'm Jake Reed. I was so happy after I got hired last month at Pizza Studio that I immediately shared the news on SnapChat. My friend Jensen messaged me and told me she got hired there, too. We were excited that we'd be working together. Then we started talking and figured out that I would be making $8.25 an hour, but Jensen was only offered $8 an hour. We are the same age. We were hired for the same job on the same day. And as far as we could tell, we both had the same knowledge of pizza. So we didn't understand why we wouldn't be paid the same amount. 20:20:08 Jensen: I'm Jensen Walcott. I thought it was a mistake, so I called our new boss to ask. Instead of fixing it, she fired me and Jake for talking about our wages. And she never answered my question about why I was going to be paid less. Then our story started getting out. We couldn't believe it when Hillary Clinton tweeted her support for me and shared our story. I may have lost my job, but I am proud that I spoke up for myself, and I am glad that Jake stood with me too. And we're both glad that Hillary Clinton stood with us. 20:20:49 Jake: Our story isn't just about fighting for equal pay. It's about doing the right thing and having each other's back. Because if we don't do that, nothing will change. Jensen: It doesn't matter how old you are. We all need to be brave enough to speak up for ourselves and stand up for each other. That's what this country is all about. We are stronger when we Stand Together. PENNSYLVANIA GOVERNOR TOM WOLF 20:21:50 As Governor of Pennsylvania, it has been an honor to host you here in Philadelphia this week. Two years ago, I ran for Governor on the fundamental belief that society can only succeed when we build prosperity, and share it broadly. But this wasn't a lesson I learned in politics. It was a lesson I learned in business. 20:22:21 After serving in the Peace Corps and earning a Ph.D. at M.I.T., I surprised my family and friends by coming home to Central Pennsylvania to work in the family business, a building materials company where I started out driving a forklift. Eventually, I bought the company along with two of my cousins and we became one of the largest suppliers of kitchen cabinets in North America.One of the keys to our success was that we recognized that in business, you are only as good as the people you have in your company, and thus, you had to treat everyone like they mattered. Because, the truth is, they do. Now, I understand that not all business people see it this way. When we contracted with a vendor, we paid that vendor. 20:23:12 Donald Trump? He stiffed hundreds of small businesses, from plumbers to painters, ruining their companies as he sought to enrich himself. At our company, like at many others all across the country, we treated our female employees with respect. When they had kids, we celebrated them, and gave them paid leave. Donald Trump said that pregnant workers are an "inconvenience," so it's no surprise that he has put forward no plan for paid family leave. 20:23:57 Finally, another important part of our business model was that we had a profit-sharing plan. We knew our employees contributed to our growth. So, in addition to good wages , good family sustaining wages and really good benefits, we shared between 20 and 30 percent of our profit with our employees directly 20:24:25 Just to give you an example,in 2013,which was a turnaround year for our company all of workers hundreds of them received an average on average of $5,000 each in profit sharing that they coul d use for college tuition, a well-earned vacation, or anything else they wanted to spend it on. Donald Trump? He runs businesses so that they only help who?- you guessed it - Donald Trump. 20:24:55 In his six, six bankruptcy filings, he used the process to protect himself and even enrich himself while his employees were left out of luck. We didn't do what we did because we were looking for awards. We did it because it was the right thing to do for our workers. And we did because it was great for our company's bottom line. It was smart business, plain and simple. We were a stronger, more successful business because we were all in it together. Hillary Clinton believes that too. 20:25:33 And that's why, as president, Hillary Clinton will reward companies that share profits with employees, not just executives. Under her proposal, companies will get tax credits worth 15 percent of the profits they share with their employees. The credits would last two years and would be larger for smaller businesses. Because Hillary believes that if you work hard, you should share in your company's success! She will also fight to raise the minimum wage, she will ensure equal pay for women, and guarantee up to 12 weeks of paid family leave, plus affordable childcare. That's fair, it's smart, and it's great for our economy because it's good for workers and it's good for business. 20:26:30 At this moment, when we need to restore the fundamental American idea that if you work hard, you can get ahead and stay there, we need a president who recognizes that an economy that doesn't work for everyone, doesn't work at all. We need a president who believes that our society can only succeed when economic prosperity is shared broadly. We need Hillary Clinton! FORMER MICHIGAN GOVERNOR JENNIFER GRANHOLM 20:27:20 Alright democrats! I actually want to speak tonight to those Americans who feel you've been left behind. The Americans who believe you've been cheated. Who believe that those at the top don't care about you. Now, I know a little something about this because I was Governor of Michigan - the epicenter of America's manufacturing rise, and its painful fall, AND its resurgence. Michigan built the automobile and the automobile built America. But when the manufacturing industry fell on hard times, so did Michigan. So did many of your states. And we, we were angry about it - about jobs going to low-wage countries. About unfair trade. 20:28:15 But we were also determined, determined to build the industries of the future. We said we wanted advanced manufacturing. We wanted new jobs. So We started this hard process of moving in that direction. And then, in 2008, we elected a Democratic President to work with us. And you know what he did? 20:28:45 He saved the American auto industry. And then that renewed auto industry paid America back in full. And THAT is what we can do when we work together. Now I like many of you am a fierce Democrat. But I know there are Democrats AND Republicans across the country who want to create jobs in America. Liberals and conservatives. Public sector and private industry. Because we're not in this alone - we're all in this together. 20:29:32 One candidate for President gets that. And one candidate, as Joe Biden said last night, doesn't have a clue. Some people are worried. Some people are angry. I get that. But the answer isn't to tear our country down, it's to build our country up. Not to build walls that keep the rest of the world OUT, but to keep building the industries and universities that the rest of the world wishes they could get into. 20:30:10 Hillary Clinton gets it. That's why she has huge plans to create good-paying jobs in America. Imagine that! Imagine that - actual plans! I must have missed that night of the Republican Convention!Detailed plans, people! Written down! Plans wiith numbers! That add up! Wanna see them? You can actually see them! Just text JOBS to 47246. Now, last week, we heard about Trump's hopeless vision of our country. Then he said: "I alone can fix it." 20:30:57 Imagine Donald Trump's version of the Constitution: "I, the person, in order to form a more perfect union."Or, centuries later, "I, shall overcome." [singing]Or, "Ask not what I can do for my country, ask what my country can do for me!" Donald, Donald, You're so vain, you probably think this speech is about you.Don't you now. Here's what I know: WE have got to stop Donald Trump! 20:31:55 Our great country spans a continent, but we're all connected to each other, no matter where we live. So when a miner in Virginia has the dignity of a new job in the advanced steel industry, we ALL have dignity. When the engineering student in the Sunshine State builds the solar panels of the future, we ALL succeed. When the autoworker in Detroit builds the electric vehicle, that drives us forward. We all win right? Whether you're in Michigan or Maryland or Missouri or Montana. 20:32:43 And this, too: When Flint's water poisons its children, it hurts all of us. These are our children. We are all Flint! Right, Philadelphia? Our next President knows that a nation is a village. That we are ONE family. And in a family, NO ONE gets left behind: Not the steelworker in Pennsylvania! Not the farmer in Iowa! Not the DREAMer in Nevada! Not the factory worker in Ohio! 20:33:30 As our next president says we're Stronger Together. We're Stronger. How? Together! We're going to keep America great. How? Together! And we're going to work our hearts out to elect Hillary Clinton President. How? Together! Let's do this, brothers and sisters! Together! DOUG ELMETS FORMER REAGAN ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL 20:34:22 It's an honor to be here; candidly, it's also a shock. Not because of the momentous nature of this event, or the size of the crowd.It's a shock because, unlike many of you, I'm a Republican. Forty years ago, I cast my first vote for president, voting Republican that day like I would do time and again. 20:34:51 I haven't just voted Republican, I worked in President Reagan's White House. I recently led an effort to place a statue of Ronald Reagan in California's Capitol. I'm here tonight to say: I knew Ronald Reagan; I worked for Ronald Reagan. Donald Trump, you are no Ronald Reagan. 20:35:19 President Reagan famously said, "Tear down this wall." Trump says, "Build the wall," - because that will "Make America Great Again." Reagan saw nuance. Trump sees the world as us vs. them, where somebody with brown skin or a foreign-sounding name is likely to blame for our troubles. 20:35:44 Reagan knew that a leader needs diplomacy to steer a safe, prosperous course forward. Trump is a petulant, dangerously unbalanced reality star who will coddle tyrants and alienate allies. I shudder to think where he might lead our great nation. Fortunately, I don't believe he'll get that chance.While Hillary holds many policy positions that differ from my own, her qualifications are indisputable. 20:36:21 Hillary knows that our strength as a nation lies in uniting, not dividing. This year's Republican platform is the most alarming I've ever seen. It's laced with anti-immigrant, anti-gay, anti-women positions that do not represent the views of most Americans. That is why this year, I will vote for a Democrat for the first time. 29:36:52 To my fellow Republicans: If you believe like i do you believe loyalty to our country is more important than loyalty to party; if you want a President with a good judgment, a steady hand, and the temperament to represent our Nation to the world - and our children; I ask you to join me in voting for Hillary Clinton as President of the United States. JENNIFER PIEROTTI LIM 20:37:28 One of my first memories is standing outside our Richmond, Virginia polling place with my dad to hand out campaign literature in support of our chosen candidates, our chosen Republican candidates. When it comes to campaigning, I have done it all: phone banked voters and knocked on so many doors. I bet a lot of you did the same. One difference though: I campaigned exclusively for the GOP.until this election. 20:38:00 I've voted Republican my entire life. I believe in the bedrock values of the Republican Party: liberty, equality, and the belief that there are individual rights that cannot be taken away. These are values to be proud of. And because the Republican party has abandoned those values this year, this Republican is voting for Hillary Clinton. In Donald Trump's America, it doesn't matter what I've accomplished as an attorney and a policy expert, all that matters is how attractive I am on a scale of one to ten. 20:38:38 Trump's loathsome comments about women and our appearances are too many to repeat and too crass to repeat. But they are too important to ignore though. Trump can discount our accomplishments, he can disrespect our abilities, but come November he can't disregard our votes! 20:38:59 There are some who will say I'm voting for Hillary Clinton because she's a woman. People who say that dismiss my voice and Hillary's long record of public service. And I know there are some contemplating staying home this November. Your voice can help define the next chapter of American values, American policy, and American leadership around the world - for better, or for worse. 20:39:16 I'm here tonight to ask all of you to join me not only OPPOSE Donald Trump, but to SUPPORT Hillary Clinton. Because we're not just Democrats and Republicans , we're Americans. Thank you. DALLAS SHERIFF LUPE VALDEZ 20:40:09 Good evening! I am the youngest of eight children born to migrant workers. When I told my father that I was going to join the police, he got angry. You see, he and my older brothers had been beaten by the police for no legitimate reason. But I stuck with my decision. Years later, whenever I visited, he'd show my badge off to all his friends. He saw the good I was doing and he was proud of me. 20:40:46 And I am proud of my fellow officers. When my officers report for duty, they have no idea what might come up that day. When they respond to a domestic violence call, they don't know whether a victim or an abuser with a gun will meet them at the door. When they stop a vehicle, they have no idea whether the driver is racing to the hospital to deliver a baby or fleeing the scene of crime. They don't know whether the next 911 call will be their last. But they keep answering the call. They keep putting their lives on the line. They are doing the best they can to protect our communities. We put on our badge every day to serve and protect, not to hate and discriminate. 20:41:56 We lost five officers in Dallas on July 7. They were killed as they were protecting citizens protesting the police. It has been a tough time for =law enforcement communities all across America who have lost officers to violence. I've been trying to make some kind of sense out of it.But violence is not the answer. Yelling and screaming and calling each other names is not going to do it. Talking within our own group in a language only where our group understands leads nowhere. We have to start listening to each other. 20:42:43 My deputies have worked hard to reach out to the communities we serve. We attend all sorts of events: Ramadan, Cinco de Mayo, Juneteenth, Pride, veterans' parades - you name it. We show up, and some of our officers are uncomfortable at first. But, the only way to serve your community is to know your community. 20:43:18 Last Sunday, after working in the morning, I went in uniform to meet my partner for lunch at a nice restaurant. As I handed the server my credit card, he smiled and said that at least four tables had offered to pay for our meal. My girlfriend and I both teared up. There wasn't a single person in that restaurant that I personally knew. The people of Dallas knew that even though our men and women in uniform are hurting, we never stop doing the job. 20:44:09 Please help me in honor ALL of America's fallen officers with a moment of silence. I am privileged to introduce to you some of the family members of our fallen officers, Wayne walker, wayne and barbara owens and jennifer loudon. WAYNE WALKER 20:45:39 >> Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. For 19 years my son Moses Walker protected us as a Philadelphia police officer. Every morning for 19 years Moses put on his uniform. One morning on the way home from the third shift he was shot and killed. In Moses' living room I found a pile wrapped Christmas presents. It was in August, but Moses, he always thought ahead. He bought gifts for relatives, for single parents, for strangers down on their luck. One of these presents didn't even have a name on it. I still have it. Moses didn't live long enough to give all of the gifts he had to give. While we're here, we must do the good we can. BARBARA OWENS 20:47:06 We hear a lot about the problems in big cities. Our son Derek Owens joined the Cleveland police force to be part of the solution. His wife worked mornings, so he was the one who combed his daughter's hair. His friends joked and said he made it harder for the other dads because he did such a good job. After Derek was killed we heard from so many people about his positive influence. One woman said that when she was a troubled teenager, Derek saw in her what she couldn't see in herself, and because of him she's a better mother. Thank you. This, this was just one of the many stories we heard. Derek has left a legacy of service, integrity and love, and we -- we never want the sacrifice of Derek and all of the other fallen officers to ever be forgotten. Thank you JENNIFER LOUDON 20:48:45 My husband and best friend, Thor soderberg joined the Chicago police to help people. Once he got a call about a boy who had stolen a belt. The boy only had a rope to keep his pants up. Thor negotiated and the charges were dropped. He also paid for the belt. He did not want that boy to start his life with a record. Thor knew that every interaction he had mattered, that every word he spoke and yes, even every arrest he made defined what it meant to serve and protect. He knew effective policing require treating people with kindness and respect especially when he was most often called to their worst moments. When I lost Thor I had no idea it was possible to lose so much in an entire lifetime, much less in a single moment. And I know that in light of recent events, some of us have lost faith. 20:49:55 But I want all Americans to know about Moses, Derek, Thor and all the officers out there who every day risk their lives protecting all of us. Let us honor all of the fallen officers who weren't named here today by acting as our officers did. Helping others, bridging communities and building peace. Thank you. REVEREND WILLIAM BARBER 20:55:39 Good evening. My brothers and sisters, I come before you tonight as a preacher, a son of a preacher, preacher immersed in the movement at 5 years old. I don't come tonight representing any organization, but I come to talk about faith and morality. I'm a preacher and I'm a theologically conservative liberal evangelical biblicist. I know it may sound strange but I'm a conservative because I work to conserve a divine tradition that teaches us to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our god. 20:56:40 I've had the privilege of traveling the country with the reverend Dr. James Forbes and reverend Dr. Tracy Blackman and sister Simone Campbell. As we are working together in the revival and calling for a moral revolution of values. And as we travel the country and we see some things, that's why I'm so concerned about those that say so much about what god says so little while saying so little about what god says so much. 20:57:18 And so in my heart, I'm troubled and I'm worried about the way faith is cynically used by some to serve hate, fear, racism and greed. We need to heed the voice of the scriptures. We need to listen to the ancient chorus in which deep calls unto deep. The prophet Isaiah cries out what I'm interested in seeing you doing, says the lord as a nation is pay people what they deserve, share your food with the hungry, do this and then your nation shall be called a repairer of the breach. 20:58:14 Jesus, Jesus, a brown-skinned Palestinian Jew, called us, called us-- called us to preach good news to the poor, the broken and the bruised, and all those who are made to feel unaccepted. Our constitution calls us to commit our government to establishment justice, to promote the general welfare, to provide for the common defense and to ensure domestic tranquility. Now, to be true, we have never lived this vision perfectly, but this ought to be the goal at the heart of our democracy. And when religion is used to camouflage meanness, we know that we have a heart problem in America. 20:59:17 There-- there have always been forces that wanted to harden, even stop the heart of our democracy, but there have also always been people who stood together to stir what sister Dorothy Day called a revolution of the heart, and what Dr. King called a radical revolution of values. I say to you tonight that some issues are not left versus right or liberal versus conservative, they are right versus wrong. 21:00:01 We need-- we need to embrace our deepest moral values and push for revival of the heart of our democracy. When we fight to reinstate the power of the voting rights act, and we break the interposition and nullification of the current congress, we in the South especially know that when we do that, we are reviving the heart of our democracy. When we fight for $15 and a union, and universal health care, and public education, and immigrant rights and lgbqt rights, we are reviving the heart of our democracy. 21:01:05 When we develop tax and trade policies that no longer funnel our prosperity to the wealthy few, we are reviving the heart of our democracy. When we hear the legitimate discontent of black lives matter and we come together to renew justice in our criminal justice system, we are embracing our deepest moral values and reviving the heart of our democracy. 21:01:50 When we love the jewish child and the Palestinian child, the Muslim and the Christian and the hindu and the buddhist and those who have no faith but they love this nation, we are reviving the heart of our democracy. When we fight for peace and when we resist the proliferation of military style weapons on our streets and when we stand against the anti-democratic stronghold of the NRA, we are reviving the heart of our democracy. 21:02:55 In times like these, we have to make some decisions and I might not normally be here as a preacher and an individual, but when I hear Hillary's voice and positions, I hear and I know that she is working to embrace our deepest moral values, and we should embrace her. But let me be clear. Let me be clear that she, nor any person, can do it alone. The watchword of this democracy and the watchword of faith is "We." The heart of our democracy is on the line this November and beyond. 21:03:44 Now, my friends, they tell me that when the heart is in danger, somebody has to call an emergency code, and somebody with a good heart will bring a defibrillator to work on the bad heart. Because it's possible to shock a bad heart and revive the pulse. In this season when some want to harden and stop the heart of our democracy, we are being called like our foremothers and fathers to be the moral defibrillators of our time. 21:04:31 We must-- we must shock this nation with the power of love. We must shock this nation with the power of mercy. We must shock this nation and fight for justice for all. We can't give up on the heart of our democracy, not now, not ever. And so, and so I stopped by here tonight to ask, is there a heart in this house? Is there a heart in America? Is there somebody that has a heart for the poor? And a heart for the vulnerable? Then stand up, vote together, organize together, fight for the heart of this nation, and while you're fighting, sing that old hymn, revive us again. Fill each heart with that love. May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. Hallelujah! KAREEM ABDUL-JABBAR 21:06:48 Hello everyone. I am Michael Jordan and I am here with Hillary. I said that because I know that Donald Trump couldn't tell the difference. Good evening everyone. I am Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. And I am here to tell you about Captain Humayun Khan who is one of 14 American Muslim soldiers who have died in combat serving the United States since 9/11. 21:07:41 His family emigrated to the United States from the United Arab Emirates, where Capt. Khan was born. The first place they visited upon arriving in America was the Jefferson Memorial. The words engraved there read: "I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." 21:08:04 Donald Trump's idea to register Muslims and prevent them from entering our country is the very tyranny Jefferson abhorred. In 1777, Jefferson drafted the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, which later became a model for the First Amendment. Today's so-called "religious freedom" acts, like the one signed by Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana, they are the opposite of what Jefferson wanted: because they allow discrimination. 21:08:50 And at its core, discrimination is the result of fear. Those who think Americans scare easily enough to abandon our country's ideals in exchange for a false sense of security underestimate our resolve. To them we can say only this: Not here! Not ever! Thank you. [VIDEO PLAYS] KHIZR KHAN 21:12:33 First our thoughts and prayers are with our veterans and those who serve today. Tonight, we are honored to stand here as the parents of Capt. Humayun Khan, and as patriotic American Muslims- [applause]-- as patriotic american muslims with undivided loyalty to our country. Like many immigrants, we came to this country empty-handed. We believed in American democracy - that with hard work and the goodness of this country, we could share in and contribute to its blessings. 21:14:11 We were blessed to raise our three sons in a nation where they were free to be themselves and follow their dreams. Our son, Humayun, had dreams too of being a military lawyer. But he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed his life to save his fellow soldiers. Hillary Clinton was right when she called my son "the best of America." If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America. Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims.He disrespects other minorities[Crowd: yeah!], women,[Crowd: yeah!] judges[Crowd: yeah!], even his own party leadership[Crowd: yeah!]. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country. 21:16:01 Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with their future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the United States Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy.[takes constitution book out] In this document, look for the words "liberty" and "equal protection of law."Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending America - you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities. 21:17:12 You have sacrificed nothing and no one. We cannot, we cannot solve our problems by building walls and sowing division. We are Stronger Together. And we will keep getting stronger when Hillary Clinton becomes our President. 21:17:56 In conclusion I ask every patriot american, all muslim immigrants and all immigrants to not take this election lightly. This is a historic election and I request to honor the sacrifice of my son. And on election day take the time to get out and vote. 21:18:35 And vote for the healer, vote for the strongest most qualified candidate Hillary Clinton, not the divider. Glad bless you, thank you. God Bless you. U.S. REPRESENTATIVE TED LIEU (CALIFORNIA) 21:19:16 Good evening. I wasn't born in America, but every this great country every day, As a Colonel in the Air Force Reserves, a Member of Congress, and an immigrant whose parents chose this country, I care deeply about who serves as our Commander-in-Chief. And I can't wait til January 20, when that person is Hillary Clinton. But you don't have to serve in Congress or serve in the military to demand that the person we entrust with the safety of our country, the lives of our troops, and our nuclear launch codes has a steady hand. All you have to do is be a voter. 21:20:03 You know, the scariest part of Donald Trump's acceptance speech wasn't the apocalyptic vision of America that he believes he sees. It's that he said, "I alone can fix it." Every military commander I've ever met knows you can't do it alone, you can't be brash, and you can't make stuff up. Because when you ignore facts, people will die. Hillary Clinton knows that each of us and all of our elements of national power make us strong: Smart diplomacy. A powerful economy. Educated children. We are Stronger Together. 21:20:48 Donald Trump said - and I am not making this up - "I know more about ISIS than the generals do." Well, please welcome the general who knows more about ISIS than anyone, the President's former Special Envoy to the Global Coalition against ISIS, retired Marine Gen. John Allen. GENERAL JOHN ALLEN (RET. USMC) 21:21:58 My fellow Americans, I stand with you tonight as a retired four-star general of the United States Marine Corps, and I am joined by my fellow generals and admirals, and with these magnificent young veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. They went there and risked their lives because they love this country. They are here before you because this is the most consequential election is the greatest one in our memory for the Presidency of the United State's. 21:33:45 The stakes are enormous. We must not, we could not stand on the sidelines. This election can carry us to a future of unity and hope, or to a dark place of discord and fear. We must choose hope. Every American, in uniform in the White House or at home [CROWD CHANT USA USA, GENERAL CHANTS ALSO], we must be a force for unity in America, for a vision that includes all of us: every man and woman, every race, every ethnicity[CROWD CHANT USA USA], every faith and creed, including the americans who are our precious muslims. And every gender and every gender orientation - all of us together pursuing our common values. 21:24:20 My fellow americans from the battlefield to the capitals of our allies, and friends, and partners, the free peoples of the world look to America as the last best hope for peace and liberty for all humankind. For we ARE, we are the greatest country on this planet. 21:24:55 So we stand before you tonight to endorse Hillary Clinton for the President of the United States of America. We trust in her judgment. We trust in her judgement, we believe in her vision for a united America. We believe in her vision of an America as a just and strong leader against the forces of hatred, the forces of chaos, and darkness. We know that she - as no other - knows how to use all instruments of American power, not just the military, to keep us all SAFE and FREE. [CHANTING: USA!] 21:25:45 My fellow americans I tell you without any hesitation or reservation that Hillary Clinton will be EXACTLY, exactly the kind of Commander-in-Chief America needs. I know this, I know this because I served with her. I know this as the former Special Presidential Envoy to the Global Coalition to counter ISIS. With her as our Commander-in-Chief, America will continue to lead this volatile world. We will oppose and resist tyranny as we will defeat evil. America, America will defeat ISIS and protect the homeland. America will honor our treaty obligations. We will lead and strengthen NATO, and the Atlantic Alliance, and our allies in East Asia and around the world whom we have sworn a solemn oath to defend. 21:27:05 My fellow americans, we will stop the spread of nuclear weapons and keep them from the hands of dangerous states and groups. Our armed forces will be stronger. They will have the finest weapons, the greatest equipment. They will have the support of the American people, YOU and the American military will continue to be THE shining example of America at our very best. Our veterans will be thanked by a grateful nation, and they will be cared for in the manner they deserve for the sacrifices they have made for all of us, for this great country, and for world peace. 21:28:11 Ladies and gentleman. But I also know that with her as our Commander-in-Chief, our international relations will NOT be reduced to a business transaction. I also know that our armed forces will NOT become an instrument of torture, and they will NOT be engaged in murder or carry out other illegal activities. With Hillary Clinton as our Commander-in-Chief, the United States will continue to be that indispensable, transformational power in the world. 21:28:57 To our allies and to our friends and partners, listen closely: We are with you. America will not abandon you. To those, to those acting against peace, acting against civilization, and the world order: We will oppose you. And to our enemies, to our enemies: We will pursue you as ONLY America can. You will fear us. And to ISIS and others: We will defeat you. 21:29:44 Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, my fellow americans, my fellow veterans this is THE moment. This is THE opportunity for our future and that of the world. We MUST seize this moment to elect Hillary Clinton as President of the United States of America. Thank you and God bless you and God bless America. 21:30:15 [CHANTING: PEACE NOT WAR] FLORENT GROBERG 21:31:12 Good evening. I'm here tonight not as a Democrat or a Republican. I'm here as a proud immigrant to this country, a proud veteran of the United States Army, and the proud recipient of our country's highest military honor. Soldiers spend years training for one moment. We don't know when it will come. We don't know what it will require. But we know that when it arrives, we'll be ready. My moment came four years ago in Afghanistan. 21:41:53 A suicide bomber approached my men. I grabbed him by the vest. I threw him as far as I could - because that's exactly what I was trained to do. The vest exploded. It took a part of my leg with it. I was a runner in college. But the run to that vest was the last run of my life. America lost four heroes that day: Command Sgt. Air Force Maj. Griffin, Maj. Gray, Maj. Kennedy, and Foreign Service Officer Ragaei Abdelfattah.I remind you, in their memory, that your military protects you with their lives. Our President should protect us in return. 21:32:49 Hillary Clinton has been training for this moment for decades. In the Senate, she worked across the aisle to support wounded warriors and our families. As President, she will reform the VA - not privatize it. She'll help heal the invisible wounds that lead to suicide. And as Commander-in-Chief, she will defeat ISIS. When Hillary's moment comes, she will be ready. Ready to serve. Ready to lead. And ready to defend those who defend you. Thank you. Go army. CHLOE GRACE MORETZ 21:33:51 >> So this is my very first Democrat national convention. And this November I will be voting in my very first general election. And I am so excited to be able to say that my first vote for president will be for Hillary Clinton. You see, I registered to vote at the DMV on the same day I got my driver's license and it took just a minute but I knew it gave me the power of a lifetime. The power to make my voice heard and to shape the future of our country. I'm a millennial, a member of -- [laughs] [ cheering ] 21:34:36 A member of the largest generation of Americans born since the baby boomers. But what's wild is that nearly 4 out of 5 young people actually stayed home in the 2014 congressional elections. So just imagine, imagine what can happen if we all make our voices heard this November at the ballot box! We can elect a president who will fight to give every American a chance to graduate from college debt-free. We can elect a president who will fight for equal pay for equal work! [ Cheering ] 21:35:17 >> My amazing mother became a single parent when I was just 13 years old and it wasn't easy she had to balance a job and caring for her entire family. But imagine the difference equal pay can make for today's working moms and their families. So listen, if you haven't registered to vote yet get registered right away. Check out for even more information about yourstates deadlines and make sure that you're registerd. That's OK don't miss this chance to make your vote count. This is your chance for your voice to be heard. 21:35:59 Because if you show up this november 8th, if we all show up together, we can make sure that Hillary Clinton is the next president of the United States of America!Thank you. U.S. SENATOR SHERROD BROWN (OHIO) 21:36:30 It is an honor to be in the birthplace of our democracy this evening. I grew up in Mansfield, Ohio. My dad was the town doctor. I never saw him turn a patient away. He didn't see profit margins; he saw people who needed help. My mother, who grew up in Mansfield, Georgia, raised three Eagle Scouts, she taught each of us to fight for justice. 21:37:01 My wife, Connie, grew up in Ashtabula, Ohio. Her father worked at the electric plant, he was a proud member of Utility Workers Local 270. Her mother was a nurse's aide and a hospice home care worker. They wore their bodies out working long days so their children could go to college. For too many Americans today, that same hard work is not paying off. People work longer hours, they produce more. But while corporate profits have gone up, workers' wages haven't kept pace. Hillary Clinton knows that a job is not just a paycheck. It's about building a better life for your family. She's a progressive who gets things done. And she has a real plan to give American workers the chance to share in the profits they create. 21:38:03 Now, Donald Trump believes "wages are too high." Those are his words. Too high? And he wants to be president? How do you help Americans build better lives for their families when you outsource jobs? This suit I'm wearing? Made by union workers ten miles from my Cleveland home, in Brooklyn, Ohio. Trump suits? Made in Mexico. Trump glassware? Made in Europe, not Toledo, America's glass city. Trump furniture? Made in Turkey, not (Norwalk), Ohio. Donald Trump's hat may be stamped with "Make America Great Again," but his ties are stamped "Made in China." 21:38:57 Now, I've been fighting for a trade agenda for more than 20 years that puts American workers first. And I can tell you, in all those years, I've never even ever even seen Donald Trump. No, the only thing I've seen Donald Trump do when it comes to U.S. trade policy is run his mouth and line his pockets. 21:39:26 While Trump outsources jobs, Hillary Clinton has a real plan to bring jobs back to America, $10 billion "Made in America" tax credits to revitalize manufacturing. Now, now Trump proposes tax cuts, too - $3 trillion for millionaires like himself and $2 trillion for corporations like his. Of course we can't really say for sure how much Trump will take for himself, because he's refused to share his tax returns with the American people. But the one thing we know for sure is, Donald Trump looks out only for Donald Trump, no matter who he steps on along the way. 21:40:16 Just ask the Friel family, they had a cabinet making business based here in Philadelphia. That is, until they signed a contract with Trump Plaza. They finished their work, but Trump refused to pay them what they were owed, starting a downward spiral that ended in bankruptcy. Five decades they had spent 5 decades in business providing jobs and livelihoods to workers and families in community and it all came crashing down after a contract with Donald Trump. 21:40:54 Trump says he wants to run our country like one of his businesses. I guess that means he wants to slap his name on it, make false promises, and then scam innocent people out of their savings. There's no question we've got work to do. We face serious challenges today. Too many families struggle just to get by, let alone get a little bit ahead. Donald Trump thinks people in states like mine will choose his counterfeit campaign over the genuine solutions we're fighting for tonight. 21:41:28 He is wrong. He looks at towns in the middle of America and sees a "Rust Belt" of decay. We reject the term "Rust Belt." Hillary, my friend Tim Kaine, and I see vibrant and innovative communities throughout the industrial heartland. Cleveland, Cleveland is pioneering the country's first freshwater wind farm in Lake Erie. Youngstown is leading the way in manufacturing, advanced manufacturing. And that power plant where Connie's father worked in (name)? It's not rusting. It's been converted to a water processing plant, supporting hundreds and hundreds of Ohio jobs. That's how you rebuild a thriving American middle class. 21:42:19 Those are the kind of solutions Hillary Clinton will deliver - solutions that make a real difference in real people's lives. And that's why Hillary will win Ohio. Because as everyone in this great hall knows, as Ohio goes, so goes the nation. In this hall on tuesday , Connie and I were overtaken with emotion when our longtime friend Bernie Sanders moved to nominate Hillary Clinton to lead our party on to victory in November. It took me back to Mansfield, when I was a third grader at Brinkerhoff Elementary School. 21:42:01 I remember looking up at the poster on the wall of our American presidents on the wall. Other than a moustaches and powedered wigs, they all looked pretty much like me. My two granddaughters and three grandsons are too young , they are too young to appreciate the historic nature of this moment. But when they go to school and look up at those same presidential posters in their classrooms, they won't see faces that look only like mine. They'll see Barack Obama, and because of the work we do over the next hundred days, my granddaughters will see themselves in the face of President Hillary Rodham Clinton. U.S. REPRESENTATIVE XAVIER BECERRA (CALIFORNIA) 21:44:16 Good evening! Buenas noches! Thank you! Hey, how about we thank all the volunteers, the police officers, and security; the workers who set up, cleaned up, fed us - who've made this convention a success. 21:44:37 Now, anyone here an immigrant or child or grandchild of immigrants? Anyone the first in your family to go to college? Who here makes a living working with your hands, making this country better? This, this is what a GREAT America looks like. So when I hear someone say, "America isn't great," it hits me, like when someone says, "your father was just a ditch digger; your mother wasn't even born here." 21:45:15 This election is about us. It's personal. It's about telling every little boy and every little girl: You can be President of the United States of America. When she was 18, my mom came from Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. She was the boss. She judged so many things so well, she juggled her jobs at home and as a clerical worker. My father, he had to leave school by the sixth grade to help support the family. I remember: He would leave for work long before my three sisters and I would get up for school. When you work in the fields, and in construction, you rise with the sun. In winter, when Sacramento turned cold and rainy, and the construction jobs disappeared, my dad would somehow find other work - laying a tile floor, canning tomatoes, or hauling someone's trash. 21:46:19 My parents didn't go to college, but they encouraged us - and like so many of you, I became the first in my family to graduate with a four-year degree. I know that education opens doors. Hillary Clinton gets that. She understands that every child deserves a great education, no matter their zip code. As First Lady of Arkansas, Hillary had what she called the Chelsea test. If a school wasn't good enough for her daughter, it wasn't good enough for anyone's child. 21:46:57 That's why as President, she'll bring preschool to every four-year-old in America. She'll rebuild our crumbling schools. She'll give our teachers the support and tools they need, and the pay they deserve. How many of you have student debt? Hillary will fight for debt-free college tuition, because nobody should be priced out of college. And she'll ensure folks can refinance their student loans, because nobody should be held down by the crush of student debt. 21:47:40 I recently went with Carolina my wife to witness our youngest daughter Natalia graduate from high school. Natalia knows the sky's the limit. Hillary wants for all children what we give to our children. Hillary wants to build schools - Donald Trump wants to build walls. His idea of an education plan - Trump University. He once demanded that President Obama release his college transcripts because it would be, "very revealing." I think it would be "very revealing" for Donald Trump to release his college transcript. Who here thinks he did as well as he says he did? 21:48:36 At every stage in his life, Donald Trump has exploited America's laws to put himself first. He uses lawsuits the way my mom uses coupons to drive down the price of products. He uses bankruptcies - six of them - like a wealthy man's get-out-jail-free card. I can't tell you if this man has ever had a callous on his hands. Does he know the price of a gallon of milk ? A loaf of bread? And why don't we know about his tax returns? Why won't he release his tax returns? What is he hiding? Why won't he show the American people who he is? 21:49:23 Let me tell you who Hillary Clinton is. A few months ago, Hillary came to my city of Los Angeles and sat down with people like my parents: grandmothers, DREAMers, and men who work all day in the sun, yet remain in the shadows. As the meeting ended, the crowd swelled all around her. She took every photo requested with families who had never been anywhere close to a future President. People who couldn't even vote. She embraced them, she listened to them and guess what? She proved that she cares. . It's these moments that make this election personal, that define who a President will be. The Hillary Clinton that for 24 years I have known is someone who has always listened to those who have been silenced. Our next Vice-President Tim Kaine nos escucha también - "he listens to us too." 21:50:35 We've come a long way from the days when my dad couldn't walk into a restaurant because of the signs that read, "No dogs or Mexicans allowed." Now is not the time to turn back. There's a saying in Spanish - Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres - "Tell me with whom you walk and I'll tell you who you are." Hillary Clinton has walked with us all her life. 21:51:09 No matter who we are, or where we come from, or what we look like, or how much money we have, or who we love, Hillary Clinton walks with us. So, now, the question is: Are we ready to walk with her? Are we going to fight for a nation where love trumps hate? Are we going to build an America that's Stronger Together? Then, together, let's elect the next President of the United States, Hillary Clinton! KATY PERRY WILL SING "RISE" AND "ROAR" 21:54:19 So both my parents are pastors and staunch Republicans. I didn't finish high school. Unfortunately, I don't have a formal education. But I do have an open mind. And I have a voice. So I'm asking you to have an open mind. And to use your voice. Because on November 8th, you'll be just as powerful as any NRA lobbyist. You'll have as much say as any billionaire. Or you can cancel out your weird cousin's vote if you like. 21:55:01 Because remember it's not where you come from it's what you grow into. So here's how I'm going to use my voice: I'm going to vote for Hillary Clinton. I love Hillary too . I have a couple of saved messages on my phone from HRC. And I bet you guys have to know know I've got a closet full of Hillary-themed dresses.that's right because I have been on the road with her since Iowa.And now guess what if you are listening if you are watching you can join her on the road, too. 21:55:39 If you go to and donate before midnight, you could win a chance to join Hillary on the road and see for yourself why I know she should be the next President of the United States.And maybe, I'll let you borrow one of my outfits too. God Bless. 21:56:06 [PERFORMANCE STARTS]
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