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WASH 4 VP PENCE BLACK VOICES FOR TRUMP ATANTA GA EVENT CUTS POOL 110819 2020 IN THIS PART: VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE REMARKS ATLANTA, Ga. - In his pursuit to broaden his base ahead of 2020, President Trump launched a "Black Voices for Trump" coalition in Atlanta Friday - a concerted effort to coalesce a dedicated Democratic-leaning voting bloc around his re-election campaign. "With your help, we're going to travel all across the country to every community, urban, rural, suburban, and we're going to campaign for every last African-American vote in 2020," Trump told the predominantly black audience. (152213) "We've done more for African-Americans in three years than the broken Washington establishment has done in more than 30 years," Trump continued. "We've created 6.7 million new jobs since the election...Last month, the African-American unemployment rate reached the lowest level ever recorded in the history of our country." (154055) While Trump ranted about Democrats hurting the African American community economically, the unemployment rate Trump often touts started to plummet under the Obama administration. Trump's pitch to the black community - which included touting the First Step Act and saying the last administration never tried to get criminal justice reform into law (160033) - runs up against his record over the course of his presidency of racially divisive language, including his 2017 Charlottesville comments, his 2018 "s***hole countries" remark, and in 2019 taking aim at the late Congressman Elijah Cummings. Trump also partly rose to political prominence casting doubt on the former president's birthplace, joining fringe theorists in making false allegations regarding Obama's birth certificate as part of the "birther" conspiracy movement. It didn't take long for the president to start riffing from the stage of the launch event as if it was a campaign rally - railing against the Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and touting his foreign policy win of killing Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and his second in command, adding that the White House is eyeing his third in command. (153635) "America is waking up to the Democrat party's record of suffering and neglect," Trump asserted. "They're nice to you just before the election, and then they forget about you for four years or two years or six years or whatever it may be." (153758) Trump threaded his rebuke of the House's impeachment inquiry into his speech, calling it a "deranged, hyper-partisan impeachment witch hunt" and "a sinister effort." (160352) "It's all a hoax," he said. "Democrats are willing to destroy the foundations of our society...Imagine if Democrats put 10% of the energy they devote to attacking me and my administration to instead making this a better country for African-American citizens." (160428) Despite the uphill battle Trump faces to court the black vote ahead of 2020, he summed up his pitch as a choice between "radical socialism" or the GOP. "If you don't want to have radical socialism...if you don't want open borders, if you don't want out of control political correctness...if you don't want your jobs going overseas, if you don't want your children trapped in failing schools, if you don't want liberal extremists to run your lives, then today, we say, welcome to the Republican party," he said. (161037) He also appeared to pit undocumented immigrants against the black community. "Democrats even shut down the government, to preserve benefits for illegal immigrants. Never have they fought that hard to do anything for the African-American community. They don't fight that way. I see them. I am with them. They don't fight for the African-American community."(160700) Trump repeatedly tried to frame himself as the sole fighter for African Americans, while targeting Democrats, and the first African American president without explicitly naming him, for their "betrayal" of black communities. (153913) "Democrats waged a relentless assault on the cherished values that have always defined African American families," Trump said. "It's amazing that you've stayed so long, it almost becomes a habit." (154012) Invoking his refrain from 2016, when he attempted to appeal to black voters by asking them, "what do you have to lose," Trump called it his "best work" Friday. "I do my best work off-script. My best work. I hate to say this, I also do my worst work off-script," Trump said. "That was my best work...It was a very important statement to be made because honestly, the Democrats have let you down and then I made you a solemn pledge that whether you voted for me or not, I would be your greatest champion." (153320) In 2016, when only eight percent of black voters sided with Trump over Hillary Clinton, according to exit polls, the president still claimed, "This was like a movement in 2016, there was a movement of a lot of people and by the way, you made up a good portion of that movement." (152140) Throughout the speech, Trump invited at least three attendees on stage to vow their support for him. At the top of his remarks, Trump misstated the name of the coalition calling it "Blacks for Trump," before asking the crowd what they prefer, blacks for Trump or African Americans for Trump and the crowd erupting in chants of "Blacks for Trump." (152106) The new outreach effort follows the launch of four other coalitions earlier this year: "Latinos for Trump," "Women for Trump," "Workers for Trump" and newly-created "Veterans for Trump." Before Trump took the stage over an hour after the event started, former GOP presidential candidate and Black Voices for Trump co-chair Herman Cain, Trump campaign senior advisor Katrina Pearson, Kentucky Attorney General-elect Daniel Cameron, Vice President Mike Pence and HUD Secretary Ben Carson warmed up the crowd. Black Voices for Trump advisor board: Herman Cain, co-chair Diamond and Silk, co-chairs Pastor Darrell Scott, co-chair Robin Armstrong Deneen Borelli ---------- PENCE be ready to lend your voice. The election year is upon us. An election day is less than one year away. Most of all, I would encourage you to get out there and tell the story. America is standing tall in the world again, the military stronger than ever before, our god-given liberties more secure and protected than ever. Tell them how we have expanded opportunities like never before and tell them how we share their values. Tell them how the Republican party is their party. Tell them the Republican party is where they belong and finally, have faith. [3:01:02 PM] Have faith in this president who I serve alongside every single night and who has never stopped fighting to keep that promise he made three years ago today to be president for every American. Have faith in our fellow Americans, have faith in your neighbors and friends in look at results and promises made and promises kept and tell them the story of what the president has done for them and their families in the future and finally, have the faith that has always been synonymous with the historic African-American community in this country since before our nation's founding to this very day. [3:02:03 PM] I have the great privilege of -- with their Georgia congressman John Lewis. We went there to mark the anniversary of bloody Sunday and reenacted that March across the bridge. I had my wife and children with me. Those a day I'll never forget. We gathered and had a worship service in like they have done 35 years earlier, we walked to the bridge and as we were walking up, there was an old pastor named Dr. F D reis and I was walking with him. For those of you who have been there, the bridge is actually steep and you have to walk up to [3:03:04 PM] the middle before you can see the other side and the pastor told me they had walked to the top of the bridge and when they reached the top they looked down and saw a sea of flashing lights and police and mounted officers and I looked at him as we looks down on the scene 45 years later , I said to him did you think about turning back? He smiled the way Waldman sometimes smile and he said we had all prayed and decided to go on regardless and so they did. When that March was over, the brutality of that moment would [3:04:07 PM] inspire the passage of the voting rights act and help transform this nation into a more perfect union because of their courage and because of their faith. When it was all over our looked at Dr. Reese and stuck my hand out for what they done for the country and he looked at me one more time and smiled. He said don't think me or what we did here, god did something here. That is paid -- faith. That is the faith of this community. Faith that generations of [3:05:09 PM] African-Americans have gone through for centuries. It is still driving us today to a more perfect union. Faith that where the spirit of the lord is, there is liberty. That means freedom always winds -- wins and if we put our trust in him, we will see our way through these challenging times and reach more Americans than ever before and we will renew and strengthen as never before this one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Men and women, I'm going to get out of the way and let you hear from the one you came to hear. [3:06:16 PM] Have confidence, have faith. We have work to do in less than one year to do it. I'm confident that if we do what we can between now and election day 2020, we will deliver another great victory for every American come November 2020. We will make America safer than ever before, make America more prosperous than ever before. With your hard work and telling our story to every community, we will put president trump back in the white house for four more years and we will keep America [inaudible] Thank you very much. God bless you and god bless America. ?? [3:09:33 PM] ?? ?? [3:11:36 PM] >> [Inaudible] >> I'm not concerned about anything. I have no idea who they are. >> Thank you very much and thank you for your courage to be here because in a society we live here today, it takes a lot of courage to say you are supporting president trump and it is quite interesting how people have tried to manipulate people and how to intimidate people and change their minds. This has been going on. You go back since the Dave's -- the days of slavery. They told ones in the house they were better than the ones [3:12:41 PM] in the yard and the ones in the yard better than the ones in the field and on and on it went trying to divide people today, they say if you are a conservative, then you are somehow an uncle Tom, a horrible person, a demon, what a bunch of craft -- crap. I'm very happy to see you have the courage to come out. It does not bother me anymore because I only worry what god thinks. Sometimes people ask me come up -- ask me, what happens to you -- what happened to you? You've changed. [No audio] [3:13:44 PM] And then to New Haven, Connecticut and then to Baltimore, a bastion of liberalism. Then I did something that liberals are never supposed to do. I listened to a conservative, I listened to Ronald Reagan. I said he does not sound like a horrible, racist person, he sounds just like my mother and at that point I started thinking for myself. It made a big difference in my medical career too. That is the reason that god gave us these conflicts -- complex brains. [3:14:47 PM] For god give you something like that so you can be a sheep and follow someone else or to think for yourself? Don't you find it fascinating that so many people say the president is a racist? It seems like some years ago, Jesse Jackson gave an award in New York City because he opened up some money opportunities for black people. Is that what a racist does? He is the one who finally got a second chance at [indiscernible] >> When he took office, he brought the office of hbcus that could get more money than ever, [3:15:47 PM] opportunities so people could take the money and directed to the places where people do not have opportunities before, and economy or you have the lowest unemployment rates for black people in history and it goes on and on. Let me tell you something. If the is a racist, he's a awfully bad one. He needs to get a lesson from the real racists were people say because of your skin color you have to think a certain way, those are the real racists. The president believes that a rising tides -- rising tide lifts all. The media likes to pick on him, any little thing. He's not perfect. [3:16:47 PM] The only one who was perfect was Jesus and they crucified him. We need to look at the big picture and all the incredible things happening in the missionaries. Talk to your family, talk to your friends. If all they're doing is looking at certain media, they don't even know all the things that he has done and so they perpetrate this horrible image of him being a bad person. I try to work with them all the time. During the campaign when we were having a debate and I cannot hear my name, I was stood there -- I stood there. I was -- I could not hear my [3:17:49 PM] name. I stood there and he was only one who waited until they straight without -- straightened it out. Ladies and gentlemen, Donald Trump. ?? DONALD TRUMP 152000 TRUMP>> Thank you, What a group. Wow. [chanting "four more years"] Well I want to thank you all. It's a big crowd of people outside. We couldn't get them in. We'll do a bigger room the next time. But we want to thank you very much. And I want to thank a special friend of mine, Ben Carson, for the introduction, for, and for doing so much, such a great job at HUD. 152037 And Vice President Mike Pence. Always been there, always been there. He's a great, great gentlemen, great man. And I'm thrilled to be here in the heart of Georgia to launch our incredible new nationwide grassroots effort. Blacks, think of this, blacks for Trump? Black voices for Trump? African Americans for Trump? Call it whatever the hell you want, right? 152106 We like it. What do you prefer? Blacks for Trump or African Americans for Trump? [CHANTS: BLACKS FOR TRUMP] I thought so. Great. Well, I want to thank you and tell you what. We're doing well, we have our best employment numbers and we're gonna get into it but the support we are getting from the African-American community has been overwhelming and I want to thank each and everyone of you for your courage and tenacity and devotion. 152140 To really what's turning out to be a movement. This was like a movement in 2016, there was a movement of a lot of people and by the way, you made up a good portion of that movement, you know that. --(unintelligible) ---So great. And I hear you knocking them dead, you're all over the place, that's good. It's the way it is supposed to work. Right? Someday you'll have to save a ticket for me, I'll walk in with the first Lady and we'll be happy. Good. Seriously, when you're in Washington, I want you to let me know. Great job you're doing. Really appreciate it. 152213 With your help, we're going to travel all across the country to every community, urban, rural, suburban, and we're going to campaign for every last African-American vote in 2020. From the beginning of our campaign, we took on the Washington lobbyists and the special interests, and corporate media, see how that's working. They come at you, but you know what, we're winning, we're winning like no one before. 152247 We took on the corrupt media, lot of it is corrupt, and the political establishment that has failed America for decades, and failed the African-American community for decades. And we're starting to learn about things that we never thought were possible even. Exactly three years ago tonight, on november 8th 2016, the people spoke, and we took our country back and that's what's happening. 152315 We won an extraordinary victory for all Americans and one year from now we are going to win another incredible victory and we are going to do it with a groundswell of support from hardworking African-American patriots. And you know exactly what i'm talking about because altogether, we've never done better, we've never done better than we're doing now. 152337 The Republican party was the original home of African-Americans and now African-Americans are returning. It was a 100 year trip if you think about it. Paris, it was 100 years right? And now, you return and coming back to the Republican party, people forget Abraham Lincoln was Republican, you have to remember that. And you're coming back in record numbers. 152404 We're going to make 2020 a chance, we're gonna give it really something, we're gonna make it a chance that you take, but it's not a chance, because you know exactly what's happening. You've seen, you know when I first came out and started talking about vote for me, that was taking a chance, because I wasn't a politician. Now everything I said has come true, except moreso, more so, but more than we ever thought possible when you look at the numbers and we're going to go into the numbers. 152434 We're going to make 2020 a year of change in black communities all across the country. We've already been doing it. An dblack Americans will join our mission to protect their jobs, defend their safety, and to create a brighter future for every citizen. Together, we will make America greater than ever before. And that's what's happening right now, and you're a big part of what's going on. We're delighted to be joined by Harrison Ford of our black voices coalition. 152507 Fantastic. Where is Harrison? Where's Harrison? Harrison, you didn't even get a good location there. That's why you're doing so well actually. You'll let other people have that good location. Harrison, thank you very much, I appreciate it. Great job you're doing. And our terrific co chairs, Herman Cain and Pastor Darrell Scott. Darrell, thank you Darrell. Come up here Darrell, will you please? 152539 This guy, I watched him, he's so tough, I said, is he really a pastor? He's the toughest guy I've ever seen. He would take them apart. He would go onto the enemy territory. Fake news like CNN. He would take them apart. That was easy for you, wasn't it? Do you want to say a couple of words? Did you speak before? Come, come, come. SCOTT>> God bless everybody. One thing I have learned is if I cannot win the debate, I'm turning it into an argument. Jesus said of Abraham, would [3:26:34 PM] like to see my day? He saw it and he was glad. We see it, we are glad about it. In 2016, courageous black people were able to come forward and announce their support. We saw the day or every five persons would criticize us, one person would hear us. Once someone steps up to the plate, others say they can step up to the plate. You have not seen nothing yet. Wait until we see the harvest [3:27:35 PM] and 2020 -- in 2020. 152716 TRUMP>> Fantastic guy. He's a champ. And again, Darrell I really appreciate you being here. So much. Thank you. Thank you very much, we really appreciate it. And a very special thanks to someone who has been with us right from the beginning, Katrina. Where's Katrina? Katrina Pearson. And she was, I met her, one of the first people I met. In fact, I don't think I was even running then, right? 152744 I said I'm thinking about running and she said it was a good idea and I guess it was a good idea because here we are. We go back to that beautiful Oval Office, right? And we do a lot of things for a lot of people. Thank you, Katrina. Great job you have done. Thank you. And a very special woman who is constantly defending me sometimes I don't need it but sometimes I do. Alvena King. That's right. She is a great -- great woman. Great woman. 152814 And we don't forget. We will never forget. Thank you, Alvena. And we are delighted to be joined as well by former governor Sonny Perdue. Where's Sonny? And now he has a head of Agriculture. Sonny Perdue. The great Sonny Perdue. He's given away a lot of the money from China. We take in the money from China, we hand it over to the farmers, right? And Mrs. Perdue. So Sonny is now the, as you know, secretary of agriculture and he has done an incredible job. Thank you, Sonny, very much. What a job.Thank you. 152846 And we have senator David Purdue. Where is the great DAvidPerdue? Your senator. And I just want to thank, David, you have been so instrumental in the success in this state. We're doing well in this state. When we were -- when we were campaigning, it wasn't really doing so good, Georgia and now it's doing phenomenally well. So we want to thank the, DAvid, we want to thank you. We want to thank your great governor, Brian -- I don't know -- Brian's around here someplace, I think. Brian? Brian? 152920 The state is doing much better than it was when you came in Brian. Brian Kemp, a lot better. So thank you brian and david, and sonny, and everybody, you're incredible people. And we also have a couple of warriors that are incredible and have been right from the beginning. They help us with all of these witchhunts. Every week it's a different witchhunt. And we have representative Rick Allen, you know. Rick, thank you Rick. 152953 Representative, meaning congressman Buddy Carter. Buddy. He's the people they fight. Jody Heise, you know. Jody is great. And a warrior like a few people have ever seen before. I watched him during the Mueller hearing and a lot of people were very very nervous when he started going after everyone. He's been-- he really has been- he's ben incredible. And right at the forefront and he's also a special man, his name is Congressman Doug Collins. Great job. Great job. 153036 Thank you. Thank you. See they like you doug, they better like you. Did a great job for the state. We also have a first lady at this--you know my, our first lady, nation wide, very popular right. But you have a first lady in Georgia named Marty Kemp, who is really popular. Is Marty here? She is here, good. She loves the people, she loves her state, she loves everything about it. And she's made life a lot easier because life is not so easy for Brian. He's out there working all the time. So i want to thank you marty very much, thank you very much for being here. 153113 Lieutenant governor Jeff Dunkin. Former terrific baseball player by the way for those of you who don't know, right Jeff? Your judge, attorney general Chris Carr(?). Chris has done a real job. Thank you Chris. Thanks chris good jobs. And the attorney general elective Kentucky is here. He's become a big star. I don't know, I don't know we had a great kentucky but we got no credit for it. You know, we had a man running for governor who really worked hard. Really worked hard. But he was down a lot, and almost won, and maybe he will. I think he is contesting it, is that right. I think he's contesting it but we brought him up 19 points. And then the media said that was a bad night for trump. 153201 But we also won five of six of the races. And the first African American Attorney General in Kentucky's history -- this is going to be a star. Let's see if I'm right about it. I predicted you. I predicted you. Daniel Cameron. Daniel? You're there some place. Great job, Daniel. So proud of you. Wow. He won by a lot. 153225 He won by a lot. That was a lot of fun we had. We were there the night before. And it was, it was some evening. That was some evening. But that was a tremendous record, you set a record, as you know, for what you were running for. It's been a long time, too. When I ran for office three years ago, I looked at the bleak dismal record of the Democrat Party and as the African American community, what the hell do you have to lose? Right? What do you have to lose? 153254 And I came off stage that night and all these professional handlers, right? I don't have too many handlers, but they'll say, sir, I don't think they're gonna like that. I said no, look, because I read a list. Last in crime, last in this, last in homeownership, last in the economy, lowest wages, all of this stuff. And I said, wait a minute, I'm just reading off a list. And I said, wait a minute, and that's when I said it. It wasn't part of the script. 153320 I do my best work off script. My best work. I hate to say this. I also do my worst work off script. So you never get in trouble when you go by the script. Right, (?). No, I do my best and worst work. And it makes things very excited, too. But that was my best work. I mean, it was a very important statement to be made. Because honestly, the democrats have let you down. And then I made you a solemn pledge that whether you voted for me or not, I would be your greatest champion. 153354 Okay? And you did. You came out, we did very well. I think we're gonna do a lot better this time, because no you know that we do it. Now it's not just talk. Don't forget, I came not as a politician. I came as a businessman, and I said, we're gonna do things that are gonna be great. Business man slash television star. right? We had a lot of fun with "The Apprentice." But I said, we're gonna do a job. And, so, but who knew, I mean, a lot of people, they didn't know, would I pick good judges. They didn't know a lot -- [feed skips] 153425 They see what we've done with judges. We picked, we're at 157 federal and court of appeal judges. We'll be at 182 soon. A record, it's a record. And, we were left by the previous administration 142 judges to fill. Can you imagine that? I thought they may have one. They may have none. I said, how many? Sir, you have 142. I said, you have to be kidding. You have to be kidding. 142. So we'll be at 182. Two great Supreme Court judges. And so it's great. Two great justices of the Supreme Court. 153504 And we're gonna be looking at that whole situation with judges, because we have a lot coming, too, and it's -- You know, there are some saying, greatest thing you can do, greatest legacy, most important thing to do,for president, I say military and defense is always most important somehow, I would say defense. We've totally rebuilt our military. Our military's strong. We did a pretty big number on Al-baghdadi last week. [cheers and applause] 153535 He didn't know what the hell hit him, I can tell you that. They came in. They weren't playing games. They weren't playing games. They came in on those brand new, those beautiful choppers, and they said, they went through, they didn't go through the door, you know. I said, why are they -- because I'm watching this like you watch a movie. Okay? Like you watch a movie. And they came through that door, they boom, boom, boom, that was dyanamite. Boom, they blew a hole. 153557 I said, why don't they just walk through the front door. That's called booby-traps. I said, that makes sense. But you never saw anything go so quickly. And so, it was violent, but it was incredible. It was incredible. He killed a lot of people. He was the founder of ISIS. And ISIS was bad. And when you saw those people in the orange outfits and the horrible things that happened to those people in the orange outfits. This is the man. And we took him out. 153628 And then we took out his second. And we've got our eye on his third. And I vow to pour out all of my heart and soul to fight for your families and for your future. That was after -- it's true. I was reading that list, that horrible list. It was ten points. And everyone was the worst. The worst. The worst. The worst. The worst. The worst. For African American. And every single one was the worst. They had statistics. And I'm saying, you know, man, this is really bad. And we took care of it. 153702 Now, now you have from the worst to the best numbers you've had. For decades, the Democrats have taken African-American voters totally for granted. They have. They didn't do anything for you. Democrats have run America's inner cities at every level of government for 50, 60, and 70 years. And really 100 years, I view it. I think, Paris, right? 100 years. When Detroit last had a Republican mayor in 1962, it had a strong, beautiful economy. Per capita incomes were among the highest in the nation. 153738 And after nearly 60 years of really crooked democrat rule, it's one of the poorest cities in America. It was one of the most successful cities in America. Philadelphia, has a poverty rate more than double the national average. The city has had a Democrat mayor every year since 1952. 153758 20 out of 20, most dangerous cities in America last year were run by Democrats. I'd say that's not too good. Nationwide, 58% of murder victims under the age of 22 are African-American. America is waking up to the Democrat party's record of suffering and neglect. That's what it is. They want your vote. They're nice to you just before the election, and then they forget about you for four years or two years or six years or whatever it may be. 153828 Then they come and they hit you hard for three months, and then they get your vote, and they say bye-bye. No, I see it. I mean, I deal with them all the time. I deal with a crooked political, this guy Schiff, he's a -- [booing] -- No, he's a, he's a crooked politician. Nancy Pelosi should go back home to San Francisco and clean up her district, it's falling apart with drugs and with homeless and with all of the problems, it's not the same San Francisco. Of all -- California's a mess is right. 153858 Of all of the Washington sellouts that have wounded our nation, none has been worse hit than with all the problems. Of all the Washington sellouts that have wounded our nation, none has been worse hit than the democrat party's cruel and betrayal -- I mean, the betrayal of the black community is unbelievable what's happened. It's unbelievable. Democrats bowed at the feet of special interests and trapped your children in failing government schools. You look at the schools. Worst schools. And we're making a lot of progress. 153926 But you have the worst schools of anybody in the country by far. It's not even close. They shipped your jobs overseas with catastrophic and horrible trade deals, which we're changing around rapidly. We have to see what happens with US -- we can't get Nancy Pelosi to approve USMCA. That's between Canada, the United States. 153948 It's a phenomenal deal for us. Democrats through open America's borders to the deadly drugs and ruthless gangs that are all over the place, to mass illegal immigration which hurts the black communities so badly. They pass crime bills that devastated your communities. And democrats waged a relentless assault on the cherished values that have always defined African American families. You know that. 154020 It's amazing that you've stayed so long, it almost becomes a habit. Right? It's a habit. Like it's, oh, we vote for a democrat. Nobody knows why they vote for a democrat. Look, if they don't do the job, you switch. You gotta switch. And some progress has been made like never before perhaps in such a short period of time. But under this administration, all of that has changed, and it's changing even faster now. We're undoing the damage inflicted by decades of corrupt Democrat rule and creating a historic tide of new opportunity and prosperity. 154055 We've done more for African-Americans in three years than the broken Washington establishment has done in more than 30 years. We've created 6.7 million new jobs since the election, a number that if I would've said to the fake news media back there, look at all those cameras. [boos] If I would have said that, no if I would have said that during the campaign, I would have been excoriated. They would have gone wild. How dare he make -- 6.7 million new jobs. Think of that. Since the election. 154132 Last month, the African-American unemployment rate reached the lowest level ever recorded in the history of our country. How do you lose that argument in a debate? Right? The African-American youth unemployment, this was so important to me. You remember how high it was, 60, 70%, has now reached the lowest number ever recorded in the history of our country. Doing really well. The African American poverty rate has reached an all time historic low. Lowest it's ever been. 154207 For the first time ever, most new hires of prime working are are minorities and women. First time that's ever happened. Wages are rising really fast, up 9% since the election, a number that was unthinkable. And they're rising fastest for low income workers. Proportionately, they're rising the fastest for the low income worker. Who would have thought this was going to happen? Almost 2.5 million Americans have been lifted out of poverty since my election, including 150,000 African-American children. 154244 150 thousand. It's a lot. See, when I hear 150 thousand, a lot of people don't know what it means. You know what it means to me? We fill up Yankee stadium three times. Three. That's a lot of people. To bring investment to neglected communities, we've cut a record of job destroying regulations, more than any administration in history, even though we've been here for a short while by comparison. We passed massive tax cuts for working families, saving the typical family of four $2000 year. And over the last two years, my administration has also provided more than $8 billion in contracts and financing to minority owned small businesses which alone has resulted in a minimum of 20,000 brand-new beautiful jobs. 154342 So with us today are Kelvin and Jenile (sp?) King from right here in Atlanta. Kelvin is a graduate of the United States air force academy, greta place, where he was also an all-conference football player. Today, Kelvin and his wife Jenile own a general contracting business and they're doing really well. Kelvin and Jenile, please come up, say a few words, please. Come on up. He looks so happy. He should be happy. Hi, thank you. Thank you both. KING>> Only 80 only 80 seconds. Thank you, Mr. President. This is really cool other way. I am a builder. We own a construction firm here in as a businessman I started it seven years ago out of my bedroom and we were able to generate enough cash to move to the basement and we operated out [3:45:19 PM] of my basement for a few years, but just last year we were able to purchase and operate our very own from thousand square foot office building over near the braves stadium. Because of the policies of this president, the economy is the strongest of my lifetime. Maybe too long to consider how hard it is to find employees. We are hiring. Our future success relies on her ability to ignore the distractions we see on a daily basis. Take advantage of these policies, don't sit on the sidelines. You get in the game and as an air force veteran, I took [3:46:21 PM] advantage of your upgrade of the ba health system -- the V.A. Health system. In the words of a tuskegee airmen, the privileges of being an American belongs to those brave enough to fight for them. Thank you for being brave, thank you for making the black community a priority and thank you for fighting for all Americans. You will get our vote in 2020. No audio] 154716 TRUMP>> That's beautiful. That's really beautiful. Thank you very much. Congratulations. Everyday, we're reversing ruinous trade policies that have shattered black middle class citizens. After the twin disasters of NAFTA and China's entrance into the World Trade Organization, which was a horrible thing for us, one in four manufacturing jobs held by African-Americans were totally gone. They were extinguished. 154744 In the last three decades, Milwaukee lost 27% of all manufacturing jobs, Cleveland lost 42%, Dayton lost 44%, Philadelphia lost 74%. But under this administration, the days of shipping American jobs and wealth to foreign countries, it's over. It's ended. They're coming back here. They're all coming back. They're all coming back. It's happening. You see it. Ten thousand plants are being opened in the United States or have been since we, since we took over. 60 thousand have been lost prior to that. Think of it. 60 thousand. On behalf of African-Americans and all Americans, we're now putting America first. That's a really good thing. 154829 We've had. In other words, we've had it. Right? We're standing up to decades of chronic Chinese trading abuses and replacing the NAFTA catastrophe with the brand new USMCA, a giant victory for farmers and ranchers and manufacturers from coast-to-coast. The do-nothing Democrats, which is what they are, I've come up with that name. I don't think they like it too much, but who cares? 154856 They're do-nothings. All they do is waste their time instead of doing things that they could -- they're just going, let's impeach him. How about the guy. We can't beat him, so let's impeach him. Did you see that one? He was a beauty. We can't beat him, let's impeach him. Good idea. The do-nothing Democrats are blocking a vote on the USMCA. Nancy Pelosi. She's blocking the vote. She doesn't want the vote to take place, because they would rather hurt their political opponents than help their black constituents. It's what it is. 154928 Under my administration, we've added nearly ten thousand new factories in just three years, and we're just getting started. Tremendous numbers are coming in. Everybody wants to be in the USA. You know, we're the hot place. We're the hottest economy by far anywhere in the world. To keep jobs in America, I withdrew the United States from the disastrous job killing Paris Climate Accord. The only one upset about it in the whole country was Paris Denard. I mean, even you like it, Paris, right? Okay, he said he liked it, good. 155006 Democrats want to invest in green global projects. I want to invest in black American communities. [cheers and applause] It's true. So true. [chanting "four more years"] Thank you. Thank you very much. Sixteen. He's going, sixteen more years. Then they all go back, see I told you, he wants to be a dictator. These people are crazy. To revitalize distressed neighborhoods, we created 9,000 opportunity zones. Tim Scott of South Carolina was incredible on that. 155102 Including 26 right here in Atlanta. 8 million African-Americans live in opportunity zones, yet every Democrat voted against giving these black citizens the future they deserve. The republicans got it passed. Not easy. We had no votes from democrats. And now the democrats are saying, we made a big mistake. But they're never going to admit that publicly, I can guarantee you. But they were totally against it. But we had tremendous help. I said Tim Scott was so incredible. Your senators were incredible. David and Johnny. 155137 And it's been incredible. Nobody ever thought that could happen to the extent it's happened. It has revitalized areas and created jobs like nobody thought would be possible. To draw investment to these impoverished communities, we slashed the capital gains tax and opportunity zones to zero. Because people are coming in with very, you know, what would have been high risk money and now they're coming in and they're thrilled. And they're coming in with more and more. Money is now pouring into and property values have skyrocketed. It's coming into the communities. And values are up 20%, 25, 30%. Today we're glad to be joined by Paul Morrow (sp?), a proud army veteran, great person, and a small business owner in Selma, Alabama. 155225 He's building a new concrete plant and an opportunity zone in Montgomery to help support the future home of the brand-new f-35 fighter jets and I'll be in Alabama tomorrow watching the football game. It'll be a good game. It'll be a good game I think. Yeah, so what happened to Georgia, they're not in the game but your team is doing well, right? Doing well. But we'll be there tomorrow. Hey Paul come on up say a few words please. Thank you. Thank you. PAUL 155258 Hell yeah. (?) ready for this one. We going to make it clear. I'm not a politician, I'm just a regular human being from Alabama.and I'm going to make it clear that I got a degree in Alabama. [3:53:44 PM] I am standing on the same stage as Donald Trump. The president of the united States of America. Right behind us, the stars & stripes, the American flag. I think god today that we are one nation. What it stands for is south Dade air conditioning. It is out of homestead, Florida [3:54:45 PM] and originated back in 1987. We became known and then I found a reason to become a war fighter , so back in 2009, we went on and created a lot of jobs and then the recession hit. It got everybody, but I found myself in debt over one million something. There is a reason that god do [3:55:45 PM] what he do. When I got there, I met a football player, and Auburn football player -- an Auburn football player. We did some things in Alabama that was incredible. I know he will probably be me up, but he is one of the grandsons, one of the firefighters that had holes back in his hand back in 1965 and we created an opportunity. By meeting with him, I was able [3:56:48 PM] to bridge that gap down to a couple million dollars in debt. Came here and met with the administration. Can't count them out out, so right now we are in a different stage. We have found a new era. Found a new era. They have created an opportunity zone. [No audio] [3:57:48 PM] You know how it is when you have someone from the white house coming to visit. Everyone was excited about the present of the United States coming and it happened that after they got there, he was impressed by what we were doing already in the businesses we created. Right now, we have taken it to the next level. We have a new plot in a new opportunity zone. Talking about the opportunities and resources that became [3:58:50 PM] available. Generally, one of his teams came down and we had a 100% growth pattern over the last four years , particularly now we will have a 200% growth the next 18 months. This is the new era for this new vision and I can say hello to this audience and this nation. While I'm got a year, I cannot speak for the state of the [indiscernible] [3:59:51 PM] But I know it is strong. In my closing, I will say god bless the United States present, Mr. Donald Trump. God bless sdac in the new jobs we are about to create and somewhat, Alabama -- in
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