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1300 WH PRESS BRIEFING CUTS FS24 74 FOX POOL WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING WITH PRESS SECRETARY KAYLEIGH MCENANY 13:26:02 I have no announcements and I won't get ahead of the president but what I will say is the president has said that he will be willing to invoke the snap back options soon and I'll leave that to him. The president said this week the only way we lose this election is if the election is Rick. Begs the question does the president believe there's any circumstance under which you can lose the election fairly. The president believes he's done a great job for the American people and he believes that will show in November he believes- that voter fraud is real. On in line with what we see all across the country particularly with mail in ballots which are prone to fraud. Yes it is very firstly and given the president's tweet I'm good here lashing out at them and is to be still going to be using Goodyear tires I'm not going to comment on security matters. 132645 Q>> Okay, and then I want to follow up with a question I asked the president last week but he didn't answer. I asked him about Q-anon, so I wanted to know, have you ever heard the president talk about Q-anon and what does he think of the conspiracy theory? 132655 MCENANY>> No, I've never heard of that. There's a lot of media focus on that but, certainly never heard of that from the president. 13:27:02 Q>> It doesn't follow up on. With Michael. Said over the- with three. To the president saying make sure to get out and vote because the only way we're going to lose this election is that the election is rigged. Does the president. Is the president saying if he doesn't win the selection. That he will not. Accept the results. And let's see what's- as always sad whole see what happens- and make a determination aftermath it's the same thing he said. Last November he wants a free election a fair election anyone's confidence in the results of the election particularly. When you have states like Nevada doing mass mail out voting. I to their voting rolls and then they tried this in the primary was a massive failure ballots were piled up in trash cans ballots were pinned. To apartment dartboards. And with that being the system. Of the president wants to take a hard look at this and make sure that these are fair. Election results and not subject. To fraud. Yes White House reached out to policy of the Democrats to talk on the next couple of days. About simulants. Yeah I have no 13:28:06 updates on. The first conversations that we've been having but what I'll say is this is I know- the speaker on is interested in potentially a skinny build- with post office funding but what we want here at the White House is we're certainly open. To post office funding we did after all offer r that ten billion dollars that was. Turned down- so we're open to that but what we want to see in there. Is relief for the American people who are hurt. On through no fault of their own for unemployed Americans we want to see enhanced unemployment insurance. P. P. P. We want to see small businesses get taken care of that money goes directly to pay rolls so to pay workers and- thus keep jobs. On and we're interested in seeing stimulus checks go out to the American people as well. Share if you're- aware House open to the twenty billion. Of the- are proposing tend to. That cats no we don't have a cap or certainly open to looking at the twenty five billion but we one included in there. Relief for the American people that thus far speaker Pelosi has been entirely uninterested in as this president has taken unilateral 13:29:07 action. To protect American subject to objection to protect Americans were unemployed. To protect Americans I via a tax cut. Through payroll deferral so this presents taken action still were waiting on a reckless speaker Pelo see to get back and do her job. All of that and then I'm gonna question I'm- are there other. Things that the president could do in the reality TV executive action. To address this problem with the postal service to ensure that the calf suppression funding is there anything that you could do to do. To fill the gap. So the post office- does have sufficient funding through twenty. Twenty one and- they do you currently have cash on hand they've been given that ten. Billion dollar line of credit through the cares act so that's important to note. On and look we're looking at the post office funding- to do a speaker Pelosi but that must also include- money for hard working Americans as well in the president just underscore this mention yesterday. That he wants to protect postal workers 13:03:08 these are great hardworking Americans and he wants to make. The post office solvents on and to protect those post office jobs and he mentioned. On Amazon- needing to write raise the price of packages for Amazon as a way. To help the solvency with. The post office. With the re agree between. And the- Arab Emirates. There is great and on the part of the Iraqis to purchase. Thirty five. Of what the president does on. Those hi and aircraft to be Maradi at this and would that require progress changes to removes the qualitative military edge- that is guaranteed Israel this summer so we don't confirm or comment on proposed defense sales or transfers until they are formally notified Congress- circle back on your first point to about first office funding I did want to highlight. I'm at peace that was written by Ruth cold way who's a retired chairwoman and commissioner of the us postal regulatory commission I believe it was in The New York Times. On and she said quote that the post office 13:31:09 has access to about twenty five billion and Cash its own forecasts predict that it will have enough money to operate and to twenty twenty one so this notion that there's this emergency. Of for which Nancy Pelosi needs to rush back to Capitol Hill to solve is a farce it is false the real thing that's happening here is Nancy Pelosi is feeling pressure from remembers. From her constituents because she's not delivered relief for the American. People and president trump has. Thank you Kaylee today the president in. Americans to buy your tires suggest that they had a ban on my hands but it appears that their policy is just a ban on political speech is pretty common for most companies. Source the president retaliating. Against a private company for their dress code and potentially jeopardizing American jobs 133149 MCENANY>> So Good Year needs to come out and clarify their policy-- There was an image-- Q>> They released a statement. Have you seen that? MCENANY>> They failed to clarify -- Yes, I did see their statement which still failed to clarify their policy. What happened is there was an image that was put out that showed that certain speech was acceptable, black lives matter insignia for instance, but what was not allowed was blue lives matter. What was not allowed was MAGA hats. What was clearly targeted was a certain ideology. They have not denied that that image was presented at one of their facilities and they need to come out-- 133220 Q>> --racial equality, racial justice. That is okay, but not political speech. That's pretty standard across the board right now. That's not that unusual. Did the president even reach out to Good Year before he tweeted? MCENANY>> They came out and said equity issues. As far as I'm concerned blue lives matter is an equity issue. There have been police officers across this country that have been targeted because they wear the badge. Look no further than Dallas where five police officers died. So black lives matter, an organization whose -- and their DC branch said black lives matter means defund the police. 133247 One of their presidents in New York said "we will burn down the system." We all remember in 2015, the yelling of "pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon" at a black lives matter rally -- Q>> (inaud.) .. reach out -- 133258 MCENANY>> -- that speech is allowed. But blue lives matter is not allowed. And I will stand at this podium and say blue lives matter is an equity issue. And GoodYear needs come out and acknowledge that. 133308 Q>> (inuad., reporters talking) .. jobs at risk. 133310 MCENANY>>Well, to the -- let me just address that. The reason he called for the boycott was over MAGA. MAGA is pretty much si -- unanimous with blue lives matter these days, if you've seen the endorsements. [1:33:20 PM] life of the west. Rule in fact that was the operational changes Luisa join him husband at the postal service like those mails machine. He said he would the operation changes for forward but does he did of role in fact the one that are affect able. So depressed made his. Clear on this. And it is on making the per office solving via Amazon package rates being. On it's important to note this works so for letters magazines catalogs the post office can only. Raise prices by the rate of inflation wear ads with packages and commercial freight I like Amazon they can raise those competitive prices and other Postmaster General Luis to joy as proposed doing just that time because we don't believe that Amazon. To be able to push [1:34:12 PM] expensive packages to the post office on and burden them further when they've already had issues-ith funding- and the push it there but yet take advantage of the cheaper shipping it's a business model that works for Amazon but it's not one that works for the American people now clearly not one that works for the post office. Operational change he's the president made clear that Amazon he thinks that's the best way to go and I'll let him answer any further on that yes thanks Kaylee- the president last night congratulated Laura Loomer burger finally when Florida- he's also backed Marjorie Taylor. Green and Georgia both expressed anti Muslim sentiments the president endorsed their use of their views of Muslims and does he believe that those views belong Congress. The president routinely congratulates people who affect who officially- get the Republican nomination for Congress so he does that as a matter of course- he hasn't done a deep dive into. On the statements by these two particular women I don't know if he's even seen that but he supports the Muslim community- he supports a community of [1:35:12 PM] faith more broadly in this country. Yes the president said that it costs of been a consideration in selecting the White House and the location for his acceptance speech on- next week. And I'm wondering if. The cost terms of costs to three purposes it's a considering when he's selecting plans travel. To his homes in Florida New Jersey. On look the president on and make that he to look at costs with regard to that. He tries to but the Press is in. I time to leave the House done I like every pass. Have yes. The firm that us. Face phase one part for master of my high are still on track and if so give a big the past be a trade represent on deuce in the Thomas expressed desire. I China with per to covid and pandemic on I don't have a date for any of talk but it is safe to say should they continue would be between. The trade [1:36:15 PM] representative's. 133610 Q>> Kayleigh, back to Good Year for a second. Set the issue of the best aside. When the president says, "don't buy Goodyear tires, get better tires for far less," is he imploring that to his supporters? Or is that the official policy of the US federal government that the president is direct in saying, do not buy Goodyear tires going forward? 133631 MCENANY>> The president was talking to his supporters when he tweeted that in particular. And look, this president will never apologize for standing with law enforcement. He won't, he thinks it's unacceptable. If you can wear a black lives matter hat, guess what? You should be able to wear a blue lives matter one too, particularly when our police officers are targeted like they were in Dallas, particularly when David Dorn lost his life amid these riots. 133654 He will always stand against our police officers in blue lives matter for some reason not being an equity issue as Goodyear appears to maintain. Q>> So for all the police out there that have Goodyear tires on them that inevitably need to be replaced, that is fine, go ahead and purchase -- 133710 MCENANY>> I haven't spoken to him about that in particular. You can ask him later in the 5pm hour. Q>> Thank you, Kayleigh. As the White House continues to spearhead its vision and its victory for Middle East peace, what commitments does the White House hope to establish with the visit from the Prime Minister from Iraq tomorrow? 133728 MCENANY>> Yeah, so that visit we are very much looking forward to that tomorrow. The president looks forward to welcoming Prime Minister Kadhimi to the White House. The US/IRAQ strategic partnership is based upon a common goal for a stable, secure and prosperous Middle East, and Iraq is a key partner to the US on a range of regional security issues, including the enduring defeat of ISIS. 133749 So all of those matters will be discussed tomorrow. Yes, John? Q>> The president's been very bullish on the potential of convalescent plasma. And it appeared as though the FDA was poised to issue an emergency use authorization for convalescent plasma. But a number of the president's top advisors in the medical field, including Drs Collins and Fauci said "Let's put a hold on the EUA. It's too early, we don't yet know about the true efficacy of convalescent plasma. Does the president agree with putting off the emergency use authorization or is he of a different mind of it? [1:38:25 PM] MCENANY>> Yes I haven't spoke to the per about per Ian les on you can him that lay the staff but I did- follow up and with the fda on at a testing issue- and I wanted to look into- the average time for a point of care test has you all. On ask often about her point of care more rapid test on in the average te for point of care test from submission to the fda ought to decision for covid related rapid point of care test was twenty days. On and by comparison that for a bowl of flu and strep point of care test was over one Hundred Days I saw this fta under this president has managed to prove these rapid point of care tests that you all ask about. On at a [1:39:16 PM] rate five times faster than for a bowl out flu and strep which have taken more than a hundred days on average and just before I walked out here Attorney General Barr announced some very. Good new news on last week of course we learned that the- suspected killer of legend Talla pharaoh was charged which was very encouraging to see operation legend was of course named after legend tele ferro the four year old. Boy who was shot and killed and his dad on this is been going on for six weeks on there did I thousand federal agents from F. Dea. ATF and us marshals working side by side with state and local authorities operation legend is a very good example of cooperation and action which is a sharp contrast to those who merely expressed empty sentiments or worse hold blatant disregard for the unacceptable violence in our cities of which many children have fallen victim to. A the president cares the president wants law and order store he wants peace in our streets of this president took action and [1:40:17 PM] day- the Attorney General can announce under the leadership of this president. That federal. Agents have made over one I was arrest. As part of pop. Legen many of these arrest are for via state. In now. Homicides in as ag Barr notes that means ninety killers would still be on the streets today without the law and order actions of president trump. On and as the mother of legend tele ferro said. On DC ended she said quote- my one and only child who fought through open heart surgery. At four months is gone due to senseless gun violence children are supposed to be our future. And our fourth four year old son did not even make it to kindergarten I stand here today as a mother fighting against violence for my son. Legend Tallaght pharaoh my family and I support operation legen and we strongly want our communities and everyone else behind us. Today legend Telfair was once again honored. By the actions of operation legen and we can thank president trump and the work of Attorney General Barr for that great news thank you all very much.
Footage Information
Source | ABCNEWS VideoSource |
Direct Link: | View details on ABCNEWS VideoSource site |
Date: | 08/19/2020 |
Library: | ABC |
Tape Number: | DCU047650 |
Content: | 1300 WH PRESS BRIEFING CUTS FS24 74 FOX POOL WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING WITH PRESS SECRETARY KAYLEIGH MCENANY 13:26:02 I have no announcements and I won't get ahead of the president but what I will say is the president has said that he will be willing to invoke the snap back options soon and I'll leave that to him. The president said this week the only way we lose this election is if the election is Rick. Begs the question does the president believe there's any circumstance under which you can lose the election fairly. The president believes he's done a great job for the American people and he believes that will show in November he believes- that voter fraud is real. On in line with what we see all across the country particularly with mail in ballots which are prone to fraud. Yes it is very firstly and given the president's tweet I'm good here lashing out at them and is to be still going to be using Goodyear tires I'm not going to comment on security matters. 132645 Q>> Okay, and then I want to follow up with a question I asked the president last week but he didn't answer. I asked him about Q-anon, so I wanted to know, have you ever heard the president talk about Q-anon and what does he think of the conspiracy theory? 132655 MCENANY>> No, I've never heard of that. There's a lot of media focus on that but, certainly never heard of that from the president. 13:27:02 Q>> It doesn't follow up on. With Michael. Said over the- with three. To the president saying make sure to get out and vote because the only way we're going to lose this election is that the election is rigged. Does the president. Is the president saying if he doesn't win the selection. That he will not. Accept the results. And let's see what's- as always sad whole see what happens- and make a determination aftermath it's the same thing he said. Last November he wants a free election a fair election anyone's confidence in the results of the election particularly. When you have states like Nevada doing mass mail out voting. I to their voting rolls and then they tried this in the primary was a massive failure ballots were piled up in trash cans ballots were pinned. To apartment dartboards. And with that being the system. Of the president wants to take a hard look at this and make sure that these are fair. Election results and not subject. To fraud. Yes White House reached out to policy of the Democrats to talk on the next couple of days. About simulants. Yeah I have no 13:28:06 updates on. The first conversations that we've been having but what I'll say is this is I know- the speaker on is interested in potentially a skinny build- with post office funding but what we want here at the White House is we're certainly open. To post office funding we did after all offer r that ten billion dollars that was. Turned down- so we're open to that but what we want to see in there. Is relief for the American people who are hurt. On through no fault of their own for unemployed Americans we want to see enhanced unemployment insurance. P. P. P. We want to see small businesses get taken care of that money goes directly to pay rolls so to pay workers and- thus keep jobs. On and we're interested in seeing stimulus checks go out to the American people as well. Share if you're- aware House open to the twenty billion. Of the- are proposing tend to. That cats no we don't have a cap or certainly open to looking at the twenty five billion but we one included in there. Relief for the American people that thus far speaker Pelosi has been entirely uninterested in as this president has taken unilateral 13:29:07 action. To protect American subject to objection to protect Americans were unemployed. To protect Americans I via a tax cut. Through payroll deferral so this presents taken action still were waiting on a reckless speaker Pelo see to get back and do her job. All of that and then I'm gonna question I'm- are there other. Things that the president could do in the reality TV executive action. To address this problem with the postal service to ensure that the calf suppression funding is there anything that you could do to do. To fill the gap. So the post office- does have sufficient funding through twenty. Twenty one and- they do you currently have cash on hand they've been given that ten. Billion dollar line of credit through the cares act so that's important to note. On and look we're looking at the post office funding- to do a speaker Pelosi but that must also include- money for hard working Americans as well in the president just underscore this mention yesterday. That he wants to protect postal workers 13:03:08 these are great hardworking Americans and he wants to make. The post office solvents on and to protect those post office jobs and he mentioned. On Amazon- needing to write raise the price of packages for Amazon as a way. To help the solvency with. The post office. With the re agree between. And the- Arab Emirates. There is great and on the part of the Iraqis to purchase. Thirty five. Of what the president does on. Those hi and aircraft to be Maradi at this and would that require progress changes to removes the qualitative military edge- that is guaranteed Israel this summer so we don't confirm or comment on proposed defense sales or transfers until they are formally notified Congress- circle back on your first point to about first office funding I did want to highlight. I'm at peace that was written by Ruth cold way who's a retired chairwoman and commissioner of the us postal regulatory commission I believe it was in The New York Times. On and she said quote that the post office 13:31:09 has access to about twenty five billion and Cash its own forecasts predict that it will have enough money to operate and to twenty twenty one so this notion that there's this emergency. Of for which Nancy Pelosi needs to rush back to Capitol Hill to solve is a farce it is false the real thing that's happening here is Nancy Pelosi is feeling pressure from remembers. From her constituents because she's not delivered relief for the American. People and president trump has. Thank you Kaylee today the president in. Americans to buy your tires suggest that they had a ban on my hands but it appears that their policy is just a ban on political speech is pretty common for most companies. Source the president retaliating. Against a private company for their dress code and potentially jeopardizing American jobs 133149 MCENANY>> So Good Year needs to come out and clarify their policy-- There was an image-- Q>> They released a statement. Have you seen that? MCENANY>> They failed to clarify -- Yes, I did see their statement which still failed to clarify their policy. What happened is there was an image that was put out that showed that certain speech was acceptable, black lives matter insignia for instance, but what was not allowed was blue lives matter. What was not allowed was MAGA hats. What was clearly targeted was a certain ideology. They have not denied that that image was presented at one of their facilities and they need to come out-- 133220 Q>> --racial equality, racial justice. That is okay, but not political speech. That's pretty standard across the board right now. That's not that unusual. Did the president even reach out to Good Year before he tweeted? MCENANY>> They came out and said equity issues. As far as I'm concerned blue lives matter is an equity issue. There have been police officers across this country that have been targeted because they wear the badge. Look no further than Dallas where five police officers died. So black lives matter, an organization whose -- and their DC branch said black lives matter means defund the police. 133247 One of their presidents in New York said "we will burn down the system." We all remember in 2015, the yelling of "pigs in a blanket fry them like bacon" at a black lives matter rally -- Q>> (inaud.) .. reach out -- 133258 MCENANY>> -- that speech is allowed. But blue lives matter is not allowed. And I will stand at this podium and say blue lives matter is an equity issue. And GoodYear needs come out and acknowledge that. 133308 Q>> (inuad., reporters talking) .. jobs at risk. 133310 MCENANY>>Well, to the -- let me just address that. The reason he called for the boycott was over MAGA. MAGA is pretty much si -- unanimous with blue lives matter these days, if you've seen the endorsements. [1:33:20 PM] life of the west. Rule in fact that was the operational changes Luisa join him husband at the postal service like those mails machine. He said he would the operation changes for forward but does he did of role in fact the one that are affect able. So depressed made his. Clear on this. And it is on making the per office solving via Amazon package rates being. On it's important to note this works so for letters magazines catalogs the post office can only. Raise prices by the rate of inflation wear ads with packages and commercial freight I like Amazon they can raise those competitive prices and other Postmaster General Luis to joy as proposed doing just that time because we don't believe that Amazon. To be able to push [1:34:12 PM] expensive packages to the post office on and burden them further when they've already had issues-ith funding- and the push it there but yet take advantage of the cheaper shipping it's a business model that works for Amazon but it's not one that works for the American people now clearly not one that works for the post office. Operational change he's the president made clear that Amazon he thinks that's the best way to go and I'll let him answer any further on that yes thanks Kaylee- the president last night congratulated Laura Loomer burger finally when Florida- he's also backed Marjorie Taylor. Green and Georgia both expressed anti Muslim sentiments the president endorsed their use of their views of Muslims and does he believe that those views belong Congress. The president routinely congratulates people who affect who officially- get the Republican nomination for Congress so he does that as a matter of course- he hasn't done a deep dive into. On the statements by these two particular women I don't know if he's even seen that but he supports the Muslim community- he supports a community of [1:35:12 PM] faith more broadly in this country. Yes the president said that it costs of been a consideration in selecting the White House and the location for his acceptance speech on- next week. And I'm wondering if. The cost terms of costs to three purposes it's a considering when he's selecting plans travel. To his homes in Florida New Jersey. On look the president on and make that he to look at costs with regard to that. He tries to but the Press is in. I time to leave the House done I like every pass. Have yes. The firm that us. Face phase one part for master of my high are still on track and if so give a big the past be a trade represent on deuce in the Thomas expressed desire. I China with per to covid and pandemic on I don't have a date for any of talk but it is safe to say should they continue would be between. The trade [1:36:15 PM] representative's. 133610 Q>> Kayleigh, back to Good Year for a second. Set the issue of the best aside. When the president says, "don't buy Goodyear tires, get better tires for far less," is he imploring that to his supporters? Or is that the official policy of the US federal government that the president is direct in saying, do not buy Goodyear tires going forward? 133631 MCENANY>> The president was talking to his supporters when he tweeted that in particular. And look, this president will never apologize for standing with law enforcement. He won't, he thinks it's unacceptable. If you can wear a black lives matter hat, guess what? You should be able to wear a blue lives matter one too, particularly when our police officers are targeted like they were in Dallas, particularly when David Dorn lost his life amid these riots. 133654 He will always stand against our police officers in blue lives matter for some reason not being an equity issue as Goodyear appears to maintain. Q>> So for all the police out there that have Goodyear tires on them that inevitably need to be replaced, that is fine, go ahead and purchase -- 133710 MCENANY>> I haven't spoken to him about that in particular. You can ask him later in the 5pm hour. Q>> Thank you, Kayleigh. As the White House continues to spearhead its vision and its victory for Middle East peace, what commitments does the White House hope to establish with the visit from the Prime Minister from Iraq tomorrow? 133728 MCENANY>> Yeah, so that visit we are very much looking forward to that tomorrow. The president looks forward to welcoming Prime Minister Kadhimi to the White House. The US/IRAQ strategic partnership is based upon a common goal for a stable, secure and prosperous Middle East, and Iraq is a key partner to the US on a range of regional security issues, including the enduring defeat of ISIS. 133749 So all of those matters will be discussed tomorrow. Yes, John? Q>> The president's been very bullish on the potential of convalescent plasma. And it appeared as though the FDA was poised to issue an emergency use authorization for convalescent plasma. But a number of the president's top advisors in the medical field, including Drs Collins and Fauci said "Let's put a hold on the EUA. It's too early, we don't yet know about the true efficacy of convalescent plasma. Does the president agree with putting off the emergency use authorization or is he of a different mind of it? [1:38:25 PM] MCENANY>> Yes I haven't spoke to the per about per Ian les on you can him that lay the staff but I did- follow up and with the fda on at a testing issue- and I wanted to look into- the average time for a point of care test has you all. On ask often about her point of care more rapid test on in the average te for point of care test from submission to the fda ought to decision for covid related rapid point of care test was twenty days. On and by comparison that for a bowl of flu and strep point of care test was over one Hundred Days I saw this fta under this president has managed to prove these rapid point of care tests that you all ask about. On at a [1:39:16 PM] rate five times faster than for a bowl out flu and strep which have taken more than a hundred days on average and just before I walked out here Attorney General Barr announced some very. Good new news on last week of course we learned that the- suspected killer of legend Talla pharaoh was charged which was very encouraging to see operation legend was of course named after legend tele ferro the four year old. Boy who was shot and killed and his dad on this is been going on for six weeks on there did I thousand federal agents from F. Dea. ATF and us marshals working side by side with state and local authorities operation legend is a very good example of cooperation and action which is a sharp contrast to those who merely expressed empty sentiments or worse hold blatant disregard for the unacceptable violence in our cities of which many children have fallen victim to. A the president cares the president wants law and order store he wants peace in our streets of this president took action and [1:40:17 PM] day- the Attorney General can announce under the leadership of this president. That federal. Agents have made over one I was arrest. As part of pop. Legen many of these arrest are for via state. In now. Homicides in as ag Barr notes that means ninety killers would still be on the streets today without the law and order actions of president trump. On and as the mother of legend tele ferro said. On DC ended she said quote- my one and only child who fought through open heart surgery. At four months is gone due to senseless gun violence children are supposed to be our future. And our fourth four year old son did not even make it to kindergarten I stand here today as a mother fighting against violence for my son. Legend Tallaght pharaoh my family and I support operation legen and we strongly want our communities and everyone else behind us. Today legend Telfair was once again honored. By the actions of operation legen and we can thank president trump and the work of Attorney General Barr for that great news thank you all very much. |
Media Type: | Archived Unity File |