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WASH 6 PRESIDENT TRUMP JACKSONVILLE FL RALLY TRAVEL POOL POOL 092420 2020 *DEPATURE/TRAVEL ~202530 President Trump delivered a routine and familiar rally speech Thursday night to another massive packed crowd of thousands of mostly mask-less supporters at an airport in Jacksonville, FL, targeting Joe Biden for not having public events earlier today and falsely claiming he wants to pack the Supreme Courtâ?"even suggesting Republicans could also pack the court. Trump made zero mention of mail in ballots, peaceful transfer of power, or accepting the election results during his just over an hour remarksâ?"was mostly material the president has said at recent rallies. The president started out his speech targeting Hispanic voters, touting a poll that he says shows him doing well with them. He wasnâ?Tt specific as to which poll, but the latest ABC News/Washington Post 2020 Battleground poll from Florida showed Biden with a 13-point lead among Hispanics. Trump even questioned why it took so long for the community to figure out that he loves them. â?oThey want to end the American dream for Hispanic-Americans. We love Hispanic-Americans. [Cheers and applause] Did you see they released a poll today? Theyâ?Tre saying Trumpâ?Ts doing really well with -- what is going on with the Hispanic? It took you so long to figure out that I love you. How long did it take? No more of that stuff. No, the Hispanic-Americans are great and you know, they did. They released a poll today and nobody has ever seen anything like it. The Republicans are beating the Democrats with Hispanic Americans. [Applause] Think of that.â?? 191720 Trump criticized Biden for having no public events on his schedule and his campaign calling a lid at 9:20 this morning, while the president ramps up his stops on the campaign trail. â?oHe is a sleepy guy. Did you see he did a lid this morning, again? Lid, lid. You know what a lid is? A lid is when you put out words, you are not going to be campaigning today. So, he does the lid all the time. I am working my ass off. I am in Texas, I'm in Ohio, Iâ?Tm in North Carolina, South Carolina, I am in Michigan. I am all over the place. Wisconsin.â?? 192150 â?oSo he did a lid today early in the morning that he wonâ?Tt be working today and I donâ?Tt know, I am working so hard. Maybe heâ?Ts right. Think of it. Supposing he never campaigns and he wins. You know how badly Iâ?Tm going to feel? Iâ?Tm working hard.â?? 192255 The president once again attacked Biden and his mental fitness claiming that someone will give him a "big shotâ?? and that heâ?Tll be â?oSupermanâ?? on the debate stage for 15 minutes next week. â?oAnd he is the lowest energy individual I have ever seen -- I've ever seen. So weâ?Tll see what happens, but heâ?Ts lidding up. Maybe he is going to be great at the debate. You know, he has been doing it for 47 years. Somebody said, oh, he wonâ?Tt do well at the debate. I said, youâ?Tre wrong. Heâ?Tll do fine. Heâ?Ts gonna do fine. They will give him a big shot or something and he will go out there. Heâ?Tll have energy. Heâ?Tll have energy, heâ?Tll be like Superman for about 15 minutes.â?? 192323 The president once again attacked MSNBCâ?Ts Ali Veshi and his coverage of the protests and compared him getting hit with a teargas canister to a bullet saying thatâ?Ts only going â?o52 miles per hour.â?? â?oAli Velshi. Remember, he was standing, and he was saying, â?othis is a friendly protest. Itâ?Ts wonderful to see the lovely people that are here.â?? You know, heâ?Ts ducking. And behind him, the entire city was burning down. Do you remember that? The entire city. Why are they doing that? Whatâ?Ts the purpose of it? I don't get it. I donâ?Tt get it. But no, he got in the knee with a canister of teargas. They say it hurts. It hurts. And thatâ?Ts only going 52 miles per hour. A bullet goes about 2000 miles an hour. But they say it hurts.â?? 192701 Though he was in Florida, Trump told his supporters that he was going to win Minnesota because of Rep. Illhan Omar, claiming she has a â?ototal disrespectâ?? for the U.S. and Minnesotans are â?onot too fondâ?? of her. â?oWeâ?Tre gonna win because of Omar. Thatâ?Ts a beauty, thatâ?Ts really -- Sheâ?Ts great. Sheâ?Ts great. She loves our country very much. She has total disrespect for our country. And I think she has hatred for our country. But I would say Omar is a big reason that weâ?Tre gonna win. Theyâ?Tre not too fond of her in Minnesota. Iâ?Tll always fight for the right of all citizens to live in security and peace, so we have law and order.â?? 192753 Trump did mention the shooting of two police officers in Louisville, Kentucky, last night and said he spoke to the governor as well. â?oI will say last night in Kentucky, I spoke to the governor. He pulled out his National Guard and I give him credit.â?? 192550 â?oTwo police officers were shot in Louisville, Kentucky. Every year, dozens of courageous police officers lay down their lives for people that they never met, people that they donâ?Tt know, people they never saw in most cases, right? They lay down their lives for people they have never met. Theyâ?Tre incredible.â?? 193035 Trump falsely claimed Biden wants to pack the court, which he has not said he supporters, while firing back at Democrats who have flouted packing the court if Republicans move forward with confirming a Justice on the Supreme Court, threatening that â?owe could do that too.â?? â?oI could see what that list would be. I can already tell you the people on that list. It would not be good. It would not be pretty. You would not be happy. That would be the end. If given power, Biden and his supporters would pack the court. You know, theyâ?Tre talking about packing the court because we have won races. We have won. Iâ?Tll tell you what. This will be my third and weâ?Tre in great shape. You see the -- do you see whatâ?Ts going on with the Republican party? How unified the Republican party is?â?? 193929 The president even had kind words for Sen. Mitt Romney, once a constant target and opponent of his, and said that he was on board with his SCOTUS decision and suggested that Republicans can pack the court too, not just Democrats. â?oWe are unified. Itâ?Ts a beautiful thing to say. Thank you, Mitt. Thank you, appreciate it. Even Mittâ?Ts on board. Even Mittâ?Ts on board. No, itâ?Ts a good thing to see, Having a unified party. Of course when they did the impeachment hoax, we had 197 to nothing in the house and 52 and a half to a half, that was Mitt, but thatâ?Ts ok. I am no longer angry at Mitt because he is being very nice on the supreme -- heâ?Ts doing -- heâ?Ts doing the right thing. I just want him to do the right thing. But they want to pack the court. We could do that too â?oPack the court.â?? â?oYou know what that means? They want to put on a lot of justices. These are things that are just horrible. I guess we could do that, too, right? We could do that too. But remember, it was Harry Reid that made this all possible. You know, theyâ?Tre angry at us. Listen, Chuck, Cryin Chuck, You know who cryingâ?T Chuck is? Chuck, Every time you complain, remember, it was Harry Reid, your person in charge. He had your job before. It was Harry Reid who made this all possible.â?? 194033 As heâ?Ts done in the past, Trump falsely claimed that Biden wants to give criminals the right to vote while theyâ?Tre still in prison. â?oThey want to give votes to prisoners, people in prison, they want to give votes.â?? 194249 Bidenâ?Ts criminal justice plan states that he â?owill incentivize states to automatically restore voting rights for individuals convicted of felonies once they have served their sentences.â?? Trump championed his coronavirus response yet still hasnâ?Tt mentioned the 200,000 dead milestone and continues to claim that there is a political hit job over a potential coronavirus vaccine. â?oOur early and aggressive action saved many millions of lives. Through Operation Warp Speed, we developed and distributed a vaccine. We will have a vaccine so soon, you wonâ?Tt even believe it. Although theyâ?Tre trying to do a little bit of the political hit. Let's delay it just a little bit. You notice that? Letâ?Ts delay the vaccine just a little bit.â?? 194743 Trump railed over â?ocritical race theory,â?? calling it a â?ocancerâ?? and boasted about firing staff who taught race sensitivity training in the federal government. He also pushed for teaching â?oour children the truth about Americaâ?? in schools, despite downplaying the countryâ?Ts actual legacy of slavery and racism in a recent speech. Weâ?Tll teach our children the truth about America, that we are the most exceptional nation on the face of the Earth and you havenâ?Tt seen anything yet. You see what weâ?Tre doing. I have also issued an executive order to prohibit the teaching of critical race theory in the federal government. That hateful marxist doctrine paints America as a wicked nation, seeks to divide everyone by race, rewrites American history and teaches people to be ashamed of themselves and be ashamed of their country. 195157 Thatâ?Ts not happening anymore. We fired so many of these wiseguys. We had one getting $350,000 a year teaching our military this stuff. And he said, what happened? We said, you are fired, get out. Done. No, many people. Itâ?Ts become -- itâ?Ts become a cancer. Itâ?Ts like a cancer, but many, many people gone. They are not gone and if theyâ?Tre not, let us know and weâ?Tll let them go. 195234 In one bizarre moment, as the president was shouting out members of congress and aides in attendance at the rally, he also claimed to have â?oundercover operativesâ?? at the event who he said he didnâ?Tt want to name because â?othey may lose some effectiveness â?oWe also have some others that are running for different offices in the Republican party. We love the Republican party. They have been incredible. We also have some of our unbelievable undercover operatives. If you don't mind, I will not introduce them. I want to so badly. I want to bring them up here. I want to hug them and kiss them chime not allowed to do. They may lose some effectiveness if I introduce them.â?? 195822 LOG BELOW FROM WASH 4 (HEAD ON): **ROUGH LOG. BOLDED BITES ARE CLEAN.** [7:15:02 PM] âTª âTªâTª [applause] [7:16:04 PM] >> U.S.A. Usa. Usa. TRUMP>> Hello, Jacksonville. We love Jacksonville. I am thrilled to be back in my home state of Florida with thousands of loyal, hard-working American patriots. This is some crowd. I just wish the cameras which show the crowd. They don't want to do this. They don't like to do that, you know? It is harder for us to win because we have a fake news back there. But somehow we just keep on doing it. Isn't it crazy? It is interesting. When Biden comes to Florida, they have like 12 or 13 people he has eight a -- has a hard [7:17:07 PM] time filling up the circles. He we have some he like 30,000 people. That is a lot of people. 40 days fr now we are going to win Florida. We are going to win four more years in the white house. [Cheers and applause] And this is the mt important election in the history of our country. I believe that. It is. Because we are dealing with people that are crazy. Going to raise your taxes. They are going to take away your second amendment. 191720 You know that. Your second amendment is not going anywhere with me, I can tell you that. The Democrat party is being completely taken over by socialists, marxists, and far left extremists. They embrace the policies of communist Cuba, socialist Venezuela. They want to end the American dream for Hispanic-Americans. We love hispanic-americans. [Cheers and applause] Did you see they released a poll today? 191753 Theyâ?Tre saying Trumpâ?Ts doing really well with -- what is going on with the hispanic? It took you so long to figure out that I love you. How long did it take? No more of that stuff. No, the Hispanic-Americans are great and you know, they did. They released a poll today and nobody has ever seen anything like it. The Republicans are beating the Democrats with hispanic Americans. [Applause] Think of that. 191823 No weâ?Tre doing great, we are doing great. And they never like to show those polls. Whenever you see they donâ?Tt show too many polls. Thatâ?Ts only because weâ?Tre winning. Weâ?Tre winning by a lot. We think weâ?Tre winning by like a lot. But the only poll that counts is on November 3rd, right? Thatâ?Ts the only poll that counts., right? So get out there. Don't let them bluff you. Whatever it is. Get out there and vote. The Republican party is the party of jobs, safety, and [7:19:09 PM] freedom and we will ensure America never becomes a socialist for communist country. I said, socialist country. A socialist or communist country. These people are crazy. Kamala is further left than Bernie. I did not know that. She is the furthest left in the U.S. Senate. She was up at 15% when she started. You know that, right? And then S went to 11. 6, 4, 2, 1. She left before Iowa, the great state of Iowa, where I made ethanol possible for them. I gave our farmers 28 billion dollars, thank you very much, China. They were targeting Iowa, [7:20:11 PM] Nebraska. A lot of our great state. Wisconsin. Gave our farmers a lot of money. We have a lot of farmers in Florida. Here is the choice facing every Florida voter. Biden will deliver a crippling shut down. We did that and we saved millions of lives. Your governor has done a great job. Florida is down. The China virus, the China virus. Some people call it coronavirus. That sounds like a beautiful place in Italy. It did not come from Italy, it came from China. This guys talking, he will shut it down. I'm not shutting anything down. We are doing so well. Wait until you see the third quarter. I should not say it -- wait until you see how good the third quarter is going to be. It comes out just before the [7:21:11 PM] election. You will not believe the numbers, you say. You will see numbers, nobody's gonna see those numbers. We are hearing from 25-35% gdp. Nobody has ever heard of that before. I ran -- Iran has a 25% gdp but it is negative. They just announced negative gdp. Be careful. I am delivering a safe vaccine and we are doing a record recovery. It is a record. Next year is going to be the best economic year in the history of our country. Unless a very sleepy guy got in and decided to quadruple everybody's taxes. 192150 He is a sleepy guy. Did you see he did a lid this morning, again? Lid, lid. You know what a lid is? A lid is when you put out words, you are not going to be campaigning today. So, he does the lid all the time. I am working my ass off. I am in Texas, I'm in Ohio, Iâ?Tm in North Carolina, South Carolina, I am in Michigan. I am all over the place. Wisconsin. [FOUR MORE YEARS CHANT] 192227 Thank you. Thank you. But he puts a lid on. So a lid, I didnâ?Tt know what the hell a lid was. I have only been doing this for 3.5 years, right? But a lid is, you know, you are not going to go out today. Youâ?Tre going to stay in your apartment or letâ?Ts put it this way, in his basement. So early in the morning he's put a lid on. That means nothing for the day. I guess they do that for the press. The fake news goes home and they say how great he is as a candidate. They go home and they say heâ?Ts a great candidate. 192255 But he put another lid on the many lids. So he did a lid today early in the morning that he wonâ?Tt be working today and I donâ?Tt know, I am working so hard. Maybe heâ?Ts right. Think of it. Supposing he never campaigns and he wins. You know how badly Iâ?Tm going to feel? Iâ?Tm working hard. And you got to work hard and you know what? I said it today, we cannot have a low energy individual as our president. We canâ?Tt. 192323 And he is the lowest energy individual I have ever seen -- iâ?Tee ever seen. So weâ?Tll see what happens, but heâ?Ts lidding up. Maybe he is going to be great at the debate. You know, he has been doing it for 47 years. Somebody said, oh, he wonâ?Tt do well at the debate. I said, youâ?Tre wrong. Heâ?Tll do fine. Heâ?Ts gonna do fine. They will give him a big shot or something and he will go out there. Heâ?Tll have energy. Heâ?Tll have energy, heâ?Tll be like Superman for about 15 minutes. Biden's plan will crush Florida. My plan will crush the virus and weâ?Tre doing it. Weâ?Tre rounding the turn. [7:24:15 PM] Under my leadership, prosperity will surge. I love normal life. We want to get back to normal life. We will resume the Florida tourism and hospitality industries will reach record highs. Next year, will be one of the greatest years. Mark it down. If I'm Wrong, you will say I am wrong. I will say, sorry about that. We are going to have a great year. Our country is doing great. Our military has never been stronger. We have taken out so many bad ones. Hopefully it is so strong we never are going to have to use it. You want to make it so strong we have never had weapons like this. No country in the world ever possessed the power, the weaponry, what we have is so incredible. Nobody has ever possessed it for. Not Russia, not China, not anybody. We are the envy of the world. [7:25:17 PM] Hope god we never have to use them. Th election is about jobs. It is all made in the usa, everything we have read this election is also about law and order. They said, do not say law and order. That is tough. They said law & order very lightly and safety and liberty. I said, it is about law & order. We have to have law and order. These Democrat run states are a disaster. They are a dister. You look at what is happening all over the country. Look at Portland commit how bad is that? I will say last night in Kentucky, I spoke to the governor. He pulled out his National Guard and I give him credit. Moly they don't want to do that. 192600 I say, let us send the national Guard. I did it in -- remember -- Minnesota. We are going to win Minnesota. So , I did it in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They were having a hard time. And took a little long -- and little longer than we wanted, but we got the okay to get in, we solved that problem in about 25 minutes I think it took. They formed a line, that was the hard part. The easy part was just walking straight ahead, they never flinched. They were not socially distanced, they were right next to each other. 192631 They had 250,000 dollar a piece uniforms, they had more stuff on their head -- Iâ?Tm trying to figure out what is it? They had computers, they had infrared goggles. They had everything. And they walked forward with their canisters of tear gas and pepper spray. And it was -- remember the CNN reporter? He went down. He got hit on the knee with a can of what? Yeah, that is right. He got hit. He said, Iâ?Tm down, Iâ?Tm down. He was down. Thatâ?Ts too bad. I feel badly for him though, he went down. 192701 Ali Velshi. Remember, he was standing, and he was saying, â?othis is a friendly protest. Itâ?Ts wonderful to see the lovely people that are here.â?? You know, heâ?Ts ducking. And behind him, the entire city was burning down. Do you remember that? The entire city. Why are they doing that? Whatâ?Ts the purpose of it? I don't get it. I donâ?Tt get it. But no, he got in the knee with a canister of teargas. They say it hurts. It hurts. 192733 And thatâ?Ts only going 52 miles per hour. A bullet goes about 2000 miles an hour. But they say it hurts. But they cleaned out that city, in a half an hour, they had no problem. Minneapolis. Thatâ?Ts one of the reasons Iâ?Tm going to win. Another would be Ilham Omar. Thatâ?Ts a reason. [BOOS] 192753 Omar. Weâ?Tre gonna win because of Omar. Thatâ?Ts a beauty, thatâ?Ts really -- Sheâ?Ts great. Sheâ?Ts great. She loves our country very much. She has total disrespect for our country. And I think she has hatred for our country. But I would say Omar is a big reason that weâ?Tre gonna win. Theyâ?Tre not too fond of her in Minnesota. Iâ?Tll always fight for the right of all citizens to live in security and peace, so we have law and order. 192821 Joe Biden is weak as hell. He surrendered his party to flag burners, rioters, and anti-police radicals. The Democrat partyâ?Ts war on police. You know, a lot of people say cops. I never liked the word -- You know my father -- Sit down, please. Come on. Weâ?Tll be here for a while. What the hell. We have nothing else to do. I have nothing else to do except run a country. 192851 And the hardest part about running the country is dealing with crazy democrats. You know, weâ?Tre working on stimulus for people. Because itâ?Ts not their fault, it was China's fault. 192901 And we can't get Nancy Pelosi to approve it. She wants to wait until after the election. I said people want their money now. Not gonna have any impact from that standpoint. People want their money now. The Democrat party's war on cops is putting the lives of innocent police officers in danger, but my father had great respect -- always had great respect for law enforcement, for the police. And one time I said dad, the cops are out there. Look at that. They look great. And he says, never use the word cops, itâ?Ts police. 192930 Thatâ?Ts the kind of respect he had. He thought -- I donâ?Tt want to, you know, right? Look, I have a couple of pretty rough looking guys. No, itâ?Ts true. But, I always find it a little hard. You know, I just left an impression. Police, he thought it was slang. And I don't think they -- how many? We got a lot of them here. Does anybody mind the term cops? Who is here thatâ?Ts a policeman or woman? Policemen. Do they mind? A lot of them. A lot of them. Do they mind that term, cops? 193004 No. They just want respect and they just want to be allowed to do their job properly because nobody can do it. Do you agree with that? That is what I say. Alright, then iâ?Tll start calling them cops. He said, we don't mind. Just respect us and let us do our jobs. Earlier this month two sheriff's deputies were ambushed at close range in Los Angeles, California. I called them both and they were okay, but they were hit. They were hit badly. Last night, as you know, two police officers were shot in Louisville, Kentucky. 193035 Every year, dozens of courageous police officers lay down their lives for people that they never met, people that they donâ?Tt know, people they never saw in most cases, right? They lay down their lives for people they have never met. Theyâ?Tre incredible. Law enforcement, let's give them a hand, please. [Applause] [7:31:31 PM] Pres. Trump: Thank you very much. I tell them all the time, we have endorsements from all of them. I tell them, you have idea how much you are loved. You do not get the true story. That is a lot of people back there. That is a lot of fakers back there. The problem with being on live, you make a little bit of a mistake and they say this was a horrible mistake. >> Four more years. Pres. Ump: All right, thank you. That is enough of that. It is very dishonest it is a shame. It does hurt our country. [7:32:34 PM] They do not show the protesters. Cities are burning down, storefronts are being exploded. They would have you believe there is nothing happening. It is the most incredible thing. No matter what your philosophy is, why would you want to -- wouldn't want to show the facts? And then we fix it. Republican cities don't have trouble. Republican states do not have trouble. You go to different states, some of these governors, friends of mine. I have friends on both sides. Republican governors, red states, they look like, how is a thing like this possible? Because they have law and order. That is what it is. For the entire summer, Joe Biden was silent as his far left supporters assaulted police officers. Harassed citizen Americans and set fire to buildings. There were rioters, looters. They were anarchists. He called them peaceful [7:33:37 PM] protests. He said, there peaceful protests. He may believe it. Honestly, he may S they are peaceful. I think he believes it. I actually do. It is the other ones you have to worry about because they call the shots, not him. He has called for the ridiculous cutting of police funding. Abolishing cash bail, if you can believe that and the closing of our prisons. That is a good idea. He even describes law enforcement as the enemy. Has taken it back, I assume. He has taken everything back. He has taken anti-fracking ck. But it is the first thing they say, they stick with. Biden Anti-police crusade must stop. I will always stand with the hero of law enforcement. [7:34:41 PM] I was honored to receive the endorsement of 48 sheriffs right here in Florida. Three weeks ago. And all over the country, law enforcement from Texas, Arizona, Ohio. Michigan, Wisconsin. Pennsylvania, New York's finest. They had never endorsed a presidential candidate. The national troopers coalition. Chicago, how about that? Chicago police, they endorsed me. All the major law enforcement organizations. >> Usa. [7:35:41 PM] Usa. [Indiscernible] Pres. Trump: They go back home to mommy, they say mommy, I am sorry. I am sorry. You know the incredible thing about that? I didn't hear anything except our crowd. They have no voice. They are screaming at the top of their lun, but their lungs are very small. I didn't hear -- all you hear -- like this here. If you wouldn't recognize the we wouldn't even know they exist. The headline -- we had one young protester. The headline will be, trumps rally broken up by protests. One very young girl, she is a [7:36:41 PM] girl. Am allowed to say a girl? She looks like she's about 16 years old. How the hell did that Happen 250 generals and military leaders. Hundreds and hundreds of military spouses have given their complete and total endorsement to our campaign. To uphold the law of our land. And to old our constitution as written. 193654 On Saturday, I will be announcing my nominee to the U.S. Supreme court. [Applause] Itâ?Ts true. Itâ?Ts gonna be a big deal. We are doing it on the -- Weâ?Tre doing it at the white house. The rose garden of the white house. Unless itâ?Ts raining in which case we will still do it there, thatâ?Ts okay. Itâ?Ts beautiful, the white house, so beautiful. We love the white house, right outside the oval office and you know, they don;t want us to do it. 193738 The Democrats say, you shouldn't do it. Why? We have a lot of time. Let me ask you the one simple question. If it was them instead of us, do you think theyâ?Td do it? No, this will be a very talented person. It will be a woman. I am sorry, men. It will be a woman. All right, ready? Who would rather see a man? Oh, thatâ?Ts trouble. Try it again. Who would rather see a man? That is not good. Who would rather see a woman? [Applause] I think it would be -- I think [7:38:45 PM] it would take tremendous coage. I don't care how great the man is. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to tell you that Jim Fitzgerald -- you would see a lot of very unhappy faces, right? My opponent refuses to else his list of potential justices because they will be handpicked by extremists like representative Alexandria oh because you Corte-- Ocasio Cortez. Sometimes known as AOC. One of the three is Omar. They will pick the first. If bid does that, if he puts an extremist into that position, he loses everything that is like normal. If he does the other way, he loses the left. I would love to have him put up a list. 193929 I could see what that list would be. I can already tell you the people on that list. It would not be good. It would not be pretty. You would not be happy. That would be the end. If given power, Biden and his supporters would pack the court. You know, theyâ?Tre talking about packing the court because we have won races. We have won. Iâ?Tll tell you what. S, this will be my third and weâ?Tre in great shape. You see the -- do you see whatâ?Ts going on with the Republican party? How unified the Republican party is? 194000 Right? No, we are unified. Itâ?Ts a beautiful thing to say. Thank you, Mitt. Thank you, appreciate it. Even Mittâ?Ts on board. Even Mittâ?Ts on board. No, itâ?Ts a good thing to see, Having a unified party. Of course when they did the impeachment hoax, we had 197 to nothing in the house and 52 and a half to a half, that was Mitt, but thatâ?Ts ok. I am no longer angry a Mitt because he is being very nice on the supreme -- heâ?Ts doing -- heâ?Ts doing the right thing. I just want him to do the right thing. But they want to pack the court. 194033 You know what that means? They want to put on a lot of justices. These are things that are just horrible. I guess we could do that, too, right? We could do that too. But remember, it was Harry Reid that made this all possible. You know, theyâ?Tre angry at us. Listen, Chuck, Cryin Chuck, You know who cryingâ?T Chuck is? Chuck, Every time you complain, remember, it was Harry Reid, your person in charge. He had your job before. It was Harry Reid who made this all possible. 194103 Thank you very much, Harry. I hope you are enjoying your evening. No, they blame us. Harry Reid gave us the power, nuclear option. Thank you Harry, very much. He wants to pack the court -- supreme court with radicals who will terminate the second amendment, confiscate your firearms, eliminate the right to self defense, strike under god from the pledge of allegiance and all other places. [7:41:50 PM] Scared down crosses -- tear down crosses from public spaces and force taxpayers to fund extreme late-term abortions. 194147 These far-left justices would release violent criminals, shield foreign terrorists, impose sanctuary cities and declare the death penalty totally unconstitutional. Hey, It will be totally unconstitutional. They want to declare it unconstitutional for even the most depraved mass murderers. And itâ?Ts a tough thing, itâ?Ts a tough thing. They came to my office today on the death penalty -- for clemency. I said, what was the crime? The crime was so horrible, 194222 that I won't tell you what it was, but it has been going on for 21 years or so. The crime was so horrible that this person committed that I said, look, I just canâ?Tt talk about it. It was so -- it was so horrible. And thatâ?Ts usually the case -- usually the case. Like the Boston bomber. And by the way, they want to give votes to prisoners, people in prison, they want to give votes. 194249 So we immediately said, remember, Bernie? Crazy Bernie. Bernie is -- Iâ?Tll tell you one thing about him. He is the greatest loser I have ever seen. No, Itâ?Ts true. No, I mean that in a respectful way because what they did to him with Hillary was bad, but this time was even worse. Elizabeth pocahontas Warren would have left the campaign one day before super Tuesday. Bernie, with her ideology, basically because she is a radical left. And she was really fresh to him, but she was really fresh -- how bad was Elizabeth Warren to Joe Biden? There was only one person that was worse. Who was worse? Kamala. I said, heâ?Tll never -- [7:43:34 PM] this shows you my great instinct. He will never pick kamala because no human being who has been treated worse than kamala. She called him a racist? She called him xenophobic. She called him all sorts of things. Things that were so bad, I cannot say them. I said, she is out. He picks her. We always pick people going up, not going down. How good is Mike pence? Is he great? He is a solid guynd he is a great guy and a great vice president. He is in Michigan, he is everywhere. Where did you gooday, Mike? I went to Michigan, north Carolina, soh Carolina. I went to Wisconsin. [7:44:51 PM] He is an incredible guy. He les the people of this country. You cannot do better than Mike pence. If you want to save America, you must get out and vote. In just 3.5 years, we have secured our borders. We built awesome power of the U.S. Military. A blooded ISIS caliphate -- obliterated ISIS caliphate. Fixed and disastrous trade deals and they were a disaster. I said, who agreed to this? Stupid people. We brought jobs back to America. You Had the greatest year here have ever had last year. The greatest year you have ever had. Under 16 years of presidents, Obama and bush, household income [7:45:52 PM] rose only 2000 $900 -- $2900. In three years, and including energy, because look at the savings, how are you doing at the gas pump? Did you ever think that was going happen. In three years -- less than 3000 -- you went up $10,000 including energy. We lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty. The largest poverty reduction in the first three years of any president in the history of our country. We built the greatest economy in the history of the world. Not only here. Everywhere. For years, I heard that China, and 2019, was going to overtake us. Thatid not happen. And then they released the plague but it did not happen. I got hit hard themselves. [7:46:55 PM] I wonder if they understood they were going to get hit, too. They could have stopped it. They could have stopped it going all over the world, 188 countries including Europe and the United States. We have added record 10.6 million jobs. Including 3.3 million first panic Americans. Both numbers are a record. When the plague arrived from China, we launched the largest mobilization since World War II. We pioneered lifesaving therapies. Europe has almost a 50% greater mortality rate than the U.S.. You see they are being hit very hard. The fake news saying, I don't know if you are doing as well as Europe. Now Europe is exploding again. They do not want to talk about [7:47:56 PM] that. That is not good for their narrative. 194743 Our early and aggressive action saved many millions of lives. Through Operation Warp Speed, we developed and distributed a vaccine. We will have a vaccine so soon, you wonâ?Tt even believe it. Although theyâ?Tre trying to do a little bit of the political hit. Let's delay it just a little bit. You notice that? Letâ?Ts delay the vaccine just a little bit. 194804 But we have three great companies and then others also. Johnson and Johnson. Right? Pfizer. Moderna. Great companies, all of them great companies. And theyâ?Tre right there. Theyâ?Tre way advanced, way advanced. Theyâ?Tre in the final steps. I took historic action to get critical relief for American workers through our paycheck protection program. We saved 3.2 million Florida jobs. [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] 194834 Weâ?Tre launching a historic effort to bring our medical supply chains back home where they belong. In 1996, Joe Biden voted to obliterate Puerto Rico's thriving pharmaceutical industry. I am reversing that and weâ?Tre going back so that Puerto Rico can get its pharmaceutical industry back and theyâ?Tre going to have it back soon. That was Joe Biden that did that. And then theyâ?Tll vote because automatically, I donâ?Tt know, they vote for a Democrat. Whatâ?Ts the purpose? Heâ?Ts the one that did it. [7:49:06 PM] Look how devastated -- what he did to our African-American community and people do not want to talk about it. What he did was devastating. He is not good for anyone, let's face it. Last week, I announced $13 billion that goes to disaster relief for Puerto Rico. They got hit hard. I pe they remember that. That Was given by Trump, not by the Democrats. Our hearts are also with the communities in the panhandle. [7:49:58 PM] I love the panhandle. [Applause] You are great -- your governor is doing a great job. He said they love you in the panhandle. I think I am out like 99.9%. We took care of -- we took care of the panhandle. He remembers -- do you remember hurricane Sally? We took care of it. Ron said, we need more money. I said, how much? I said, you got it. Don't come back. Sir, we need more money. That is I guess a good governor, that is what a good governor does, right? That is what a good governor does. Approved a major disaster declaration. We will be with you every step of the way. We are there so fast other presidents took a long time to approve them. [7:51:00 PM] We know what is going to happen. We took care of Florida. November 3, Florida will decide whether we return to record prosperity or whether allow Joe Biden to kill the recovery. Impose a four between dollar tax hike. Then -- ban American energy, destroy the suburbs. Give free health care to illegal aliens which means millions of people are going to pour into our country. And Dr. Rate children with anti-amerin lies. To combat the toxic left-wing propaganda, I announced something that was very popular. Are launching a new pro-american lesson plan called 1776. [Applause] [7:52:07 PM] >> Usa. Usa. 195157 TRUMP>> Weâ?Tll teach our children the truth about America, that we are the most exceptional nation on the face of the Earth and you havenâ?Tt seen anything yet. You see what weâ?Tre doing. I have also issued an executive order to prohibit the teaching of critical race theory in the federal government. That hateful marxist doctrine paints America as a wicked nation, seeks to divide everyone by race, rewrites American history and teaches people to be ashamed of themselves and be ashamed of their country. 195234 Thatâ?Ts not happening anymore. We fired so many of these wiseguys. We had one getting $350,000 a year teaching our military this stuff. And he said, what happened? We said, you are fired, get out. Done. No, many people. Itâ?Ts become -- itâ?Ts become a cancer. Itâ?Ts like a cancer, but many, many people gone. They are not gone and if theyâ?Tre not, let us know and weâ?Tll let them go. 195305 But we have to unite together as one proud American family, thatâ?Ts what we are. We are joined tonight by some incredible warriors, some incredible people. One of them that iâ?Tm most proud of is a man that came to this state and what a job he has done. Your great governor, Ron Desantis. 195338 He is doing a great job. Ron is doing a great job. Ron, how are we doing in the election? How are we doing on November 3rd, Ron? Okay, He says good. We better do good. Well, he won a great primary. [7:54:08 PM] And then he beat a man who had a great future. I do not think it is T good. He did not choke under pressure. Much more important is the first lady of Florida, Casey to Santos -- DeSantis. The mayor of Jacksonville. A really good guy, I got H -- he wanted to do it so bad. We wanted to have a Republican national convention rit here in Jacksonville. But the timing was a little B bad. We got hit with covid as they say. We got hit with the China virus. But he was absolutely fantastic. Your mayor, Lenny curry. -- curry. [7:55:10 PM] Are you ready? Some of the greatest, toughest warriors you ever will meet during the impeachment hoax, they said this is the biggest pile of crop you have ever seen. I am the only guy history who ever got impeached for perfect conversation. Everybody said, what is wrong with this? We sent it to the justice department, we said, please check this. Thankfully, there were people who were taking it down, exact notes, and it was perfect. We sent it to T justice department. Please examine this conversation. They called back and sd, what exactly are you looking for here? These guys are used to looking at killers and drug dealers. We said, explained to us, what are we looking for? This W the greatest hoax. [7:56:11 PM] Today, you see what happened they caught him? They got him cold. We will talk about it. They now find out trump was 100% truthful. It was hoax. They got them cold. It was just announced. Dan convened a - they got them cold. We will talk about in a second. These are warriors. When I needed warriors, I had them. Representative Matt Gaetz. [Applause] What a great guy. What a guy. Big future. Thank you, Matt. Thank you. He is very shy on television, right? He is great. Thank you, Matt. Ted Yoho. [7:57:11 PM] Ted? Great job. A man in charge of all spying, he was so good, Matt and Ron and Ted and a lot of people came to see me. Mike, another great one. Thank you, Mike. His John Rutherford here? [Applause] What a good job, John. Thank you for the help. Miael waltz has been so great. Candidate for congress, cat. [7:58:17 PM] Cat was in the oval office. I said, how are you doing? I am a 42. 42 points. That was a big trump district. That W a great when you had -- win you had. I really appreciate it. 195822 And we also have some others that are running for different offices in the Republican party and we love the Republican party. They have been incredible. They have been incredible. We also have some of our really unbelievable, undercover operatives. And if you don't mind, I wonâ?Tt introduce them, alright? I donâ?Tt think weâ?Tre gonna introduce them. I want to so badly. I want to have them stand up, bring them up here. I want to hug them and kiss them which iâ?Tm not allowed to do because of social distancing. 195856 But somehow They may lose some effectiveness if I introduce them. So theyâ?Tre in the crowd, saw two of them and I wonâ?Tt bother, but they are great, great champions of our country. Thank you. [Cheering and applause] [19:59:14] And also, here is a woman -- I mean, she was tough. She was in charge of a great state, Michigan, and she said, Republicans hadn't won Michigan in man decades. I was doing so much for the business and jobs and bringing people back, recommending and telling them, you're losing your business to Mexico, Canada, and told musical, they gave the man of the year in Michigan -- and 12 years ago, they gave me the man of the year in Michigan. All of a sudden, I am running for office. A woman, it was unbelievable, [8:00:20 PM] she said, come give a speech. She Said I'm in charge of Michigan. I said, I hear we don't ha a chance, we should win Michigan. She said, you will win here if you come here. She call again, and again, I couldn't take it. She wanted me to do one more. I know you are going to win, do one more. Just two weeks left. And I said this is it, I devoted a lot of time to Michigan and everyone says you can't win. By the way, just got a poll, we are the points up in Michigan. She used to call me Mr. Trump, I sn't president yet, she said, sir, please, this one time, three weeks out. I said, this is it. That's it. So I did it. The net before the election, she [8:01:21 PM] said, you are going to win Michigan, but you have to make one more stop. [Laughter] And I made it on election day. I arrived at 12:15 in the now morning, that was no election day -- now election day. I started speaking at 1:00 in the morning on election day. My wife said, are you crazy? We have 32,000 people. The reason I went, she wanted us there, but we found out that Croghan Hillary clinton, Barack hussein Obama, and Mrs. Obama and Bill Clinton were traveling to Michigan unexpectedly, because as Bill Clinton told them months ago, you are going to have trouble with trump in Michigan. They didn't nt to listen to him. He sd you're going to have trouble in Wisconsin, too and be careful of Minnesota. This was Clinton. They were laughing. They thought it was very funny. But they knew they were in trouble. I went there, I started speaking [8:02:22 PM] at one of clock -- at 1:00 in the morning with 2000 people that Grand Rapids. They had 500 people. In Grand Rapids. I said, we are not going to lose this day, as far as the eye can see. I said, we are not losing Florida, I can tell you that. You can feel it. You have an instinct. We are joined, as well, by a group of incredible supporters who have recently walked away from the Democrat party. They walked away from the Democrats. They just registered as a Republican. Thank you. Thank you. They are going to be voting for us. I thank you. [8:03:22 PM] You are all over the place. Thank you. Ank you. They are smart. They've common sense. We have spent the last four years reversing the terrible damage Joe Biden inflicted over the last 47 years. Together, we have taken on a corrupt and broken system that's been throwing everything at us from the very beginning. Remember this, I have done more in 47 months than Joe Biden has done in 47 years. [Cheering D applause] [Crowd chanting] 200401 But today, a trove of text messages was released from the FBI agents involved in the Russia witch hunt. Did you -- you had to see this? This is what I was talking about before. The headline from the federalist reads, "Trump was right, explosive new FBI text, detail internal (?) over handling of the crossfire hurricane investigation." That was the name. We caught them. We had them before this, but this is like -- remember the insurance policy? Darling, darling, oh I love you so much, darling. She is going to win, isn't she? Yes, 100 million to one. 200443 That is not good odds for me. They might not have been great but they were a lot better than that. 100 million to one, Lisa. I love you so much. But it was for some reason she doesnâ?Tt win, we have an insurance policy. Thatâ?Ts what weâ?Tve been living through. Their insurance police. You can't be any more obvious than that. These people are scum. They were trying to do a coup, who would think? [Applause] And we caught them before that, we caught them spying on our nation. 200518 And theyâ?Tve gotten caught. Letâ?Ts see what happens with them now, but this was a big day. This was a big day, never forget. They are coming after me because I am fighting for you. Thereâ?Ts a lot of truth to that [Cheering and applause] For decades, our politicians spent trillions of dollars rebuilding foreign nations, fighting foreign wars, and defending foreign borders. 200544 But now, we are finally protecting our nation, rebuilding our cities, and we are bringing our jobs, our factories, and our troops back home to the usa. [Cheering and applause] Joe Biden champions every globalist betrayal of America for 47 years. He was a cheerleader for nafta, the worst trade deal ever made, emptied out your factories. And he was a cheerleader for China's entry into the world trade organization. I took the toughest ever action to stand up to China's rampant theft of american jobs [20:06:27] And I proudly signed a historic executive order making it official government policy to buy American and hire American. [Cheering and applause] By the way, you have to see this guy, he is using my slogan. I saw it the other day, "Buy erican." I've been saying that for five years. I'm telling you. You have to come up with your N slogans, Joe. We invested $2.5 trillion in the U.S. Military to launch the first new branch of the U.S. Armed forces in nearly 75 years after the air force, the [8:07:33 PM] space force. We passed V.A. Choice and V.A. Accountability. We have a 91% O -- 91% approval rating in the V.A. The highest and history. -- The highest in history. 91% approval. We used to see things in the news about how badly vets were treated. Now we have a 91% approval rating. Today, I can announce the V.A. Is approving a new lease for a brand-new vet-- veterans' health care clinic. We kled the four and leader of ISIS, al-baghdadi. We took out the world's number one terrorist all over the world. Number one. [Cheering and applause] [8:08:35 PM] The mass murder of American troops and many others, qasem soleimani, is dead. He deserved to be taken out. I kept my promise, recognized the uth capital -- pro capital of Israel, and opened the American embassy in Jerusalem. -- The true capital of Israel, and opened the American embassy in jerusalem. [Cheering and applause] I also recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan heights, and instead of endless war, we are forging peace in the Middle East. He saw what was happening. [Cheering and applause] -- You saw what was happening. [Cheering and applause] I was nominated for two Nobel [8:09:35 PM] peace prizes last week. You know. [Cheering and applause] And I told our great first lady, I was nominated for the Nobel peace prize. I'm here to come home early. I have to watch it on NBC news, which one of the biggest scam jobs I've ever seen. Mbc. Probably worse than CNN, NBC. We will watch second blaze NBC. -- Place NBC. They are bed. -- They are bad. Ladies and gentlemen, they start off with something else, something else. Now the show was almost over, they are now mentioning the Nobel peace prize. This is very embarrassing, but [8:10:36 PM] th it was ok, because two days later, I got nominated again. That was for Israel. [Cheering and applause] I got nominated. And I remember when Obama got -- they said, Barack hussein Obama was disseminated for the Nobel peace prize. -- Was just nominated for the Nobel peace prize. What happened? In Serbia, they are not killing each other anymore. Totally different. The first was Israel. Bahrain, uae, this one was Kosovo. I said, first lady, let's give it another shot. When Barack ama got his Nobel prize, immediately after he got elected, they asked him why did he get it, he had no clue. Nobody knew. It was a big story. Breaking news -- they didn't [8:11:40 PM] have breaking news when I got it. We understand the press. We understand it very well. The lesson ministration made a pathetic one-sided deal with the Castro dictatorship that betrayed the Cuban people and enriched the commonest regime. My opponents stand wh socialism and communism, I stand with the proud people of Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua. You're going to win that very singular. The lesson ministration, also negotiating the terrible -- the last administration also negotiated the terrible deal with Colombian drug cartels. They surrendered the narco terrorists -- to the narco terrorists and caused illicit drug production to soar. We worked with our Colombian partners to launch a historic rebel operation against the drug traffickers. [8:12:40 PM] Since April, we have seen the have disrupted 227 metric tons of narcotics. Nobody has done anything like at. Nail-biter and has put forward the most injuries and extreme platform of any major par nominee in history. The bad news is, you doesn't know what it is. The Biden plan would destroy social security and destroy protections for pre-existing conditions. Will drain your medicare by giving free health care to illegal immigrants. Alimmigration enforcement will [8:13:45 PM] enforce totally open borders. He wld terminate our travel bans on jihadist regions. Remember I got that approved? They kept saying he lost. Have a travel ban -- we have a travel ban. And increase the floodgates to radical islamic terrorism. He wants to ban school choice and charter schools, which are absolutely imperative for our children. In the second term, I will provide school choice to every parent in America. A vote for Republican is a vote for safe communities, great jobs, and a limitless future for all Americans. In conclusion, we will make America the manufacturing superpower of the world, and we will end our reliance on China once and for all. [Cheering and applause] [8:14:48 PM] We will make our medical supplies right here in the U.S. We will hire more police. Increase penalties for wrongful law enforcement and then sanctuary cities. We will defend the dignity of work in the sanctity of life. We will uphold religious liberty, free speech, and the right to keep and bear arms. [Cheering and applause we will strike down terrorists who threaten our citizens, and we will keep out of America, of our great country, we will stay away from those ridiculous foreign wars. -- Endless foreign wars. They never end. Endless foreign wa. They are all coming home. We will maintain America's unrivaled military might. And we will ensure peace through strength, and nobody has strength like we have strength. Peace through strength. [8:15:51 PM] We will and surprise medical bills, require price transparency, and for the reduce health insurance premiums and the cost of prescription drugs. They will be coming down by 30% -70%. They are spending a lot of money right now, big pharma. We will strongly protect medicare and social security, and we will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions. [Cheering and pause] Americ will land the first woman on the moan, and the United States will be the first nation to land an astronaut on Mars. -- The moon, and the ted states will be the first nation to land an astronaut on Mars. [Crowd chanting] [8:17:02 PM] Thank you. That's really nice. I had such a nice life before doing this. But no administration has ever done, in the first three and a half years, not even close, what we have done. And that is very gratifying, I want to tell you. [Cheering and applause] And thank you very much. We'll restore patriotic education. We will teach our children to love our country, honor our history, and always respect our great American flag. [Cheering and pause] [Crowd chanting "U.S.A."] And we will live by the timeless [8:18:04 PM] words of our national motto -- "In god we trust." [Cheering and applause] For years, you had a president who apologized for America. Now you have a president who is standing up for Americans, standing up or the great people of Florida. -- For the great people of Florida. [Cheering and applause] Get your friends, get your family, get your neighbors, get your coworkers, and get out and vote. We have to win this election. The most important election we have ever had. Early voting has already begun. Don't wait. Vote. It is safe. Go out and vote. Here we are doing very well, that is what the word is, we'll see. From Tampa, to Tallahassee, from Orlando, to Miami, from Pensacola, to write here in Jacksonville -- [cheering and applause] [8:19:05 PM] We stand on the shoulders of Florida patriots who gave eir blood, sweat, and Test for this beloved nation. We inherit the legacy of American heroes across the oceans, blaze the trail, settle the continent, pave the wilderness, dug out the Panama canal, laid down the railroads, raise that the skyscrapers, went to world wars, defeated fascism and communism, and from here, in this beautiful, beautiful state, this son-drenched state of Florida, -- sun-drenched state of Frida, launched American astronauts to the moon. We made America into the single greatest nation in the history of the world, and the best is yet to come. [Cheering and applause] Proud citizens like your build this country. Together, we are returning the por to you, the American people. [Cheering and applause] [8:20:07 PM] With your help, your devotion, your drive, we are going to keep on working. We a going to keep on fighting. And we are going to keep on winning, winning, winning. [Cheering and applause] We are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under god. [Cheering and applause] And together, th the incredible people of Florida, we will make America wealthy ain. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again. Thank you, Florida. Thank you, Florida. âTªâTª ##
Archived Unity File