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Bush / Health care event in Muskegon,
September 13, 2004 PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH "FOCUS ON HEALTH CARE W/ PRESIDENT BUSH" IN MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN- STIX RS20/ X83/ Slugged: 1045 WH MI X83 10:45:53 air force one arrival at event 10:52:29 chanting "four more years" 10:56:02 President bush walks out of AF1 (view blocked by audience) President Bush Remarks 10:57:43 said come to Muskegon and I said okay, see if you can get some people to show up. Listen, I'm here to ask for the vote 10:58:10 I'm here to tell you I have a reason to ask for the vote and we're going to do it a little differently today, I'm going to talk to our fellow citizens about health care.making the world a safer place 10:58:37 before we get started on issues that matter.there's an issue that matters to me, and that is that I hope I can get your help.that means registering people to vote 10:58:59 step one is to remind your friends and your neighbors that we have an obligation 10:59:12 and step.and 10:59:25 and stronger place and a better place when you put dick cheney and me back in office 10:59:39 pull out to ms ("four more years") 10:59:51 perhaps. so laura will be the first lady for four more years. So I said will you marry me, she said fine 11:00:16 just as long as I don't have to give any political speeches, good thing she didn't hold me.she's a genuine, kind, compassionate person.and I love her dearly, she sends her best. 11:00:47 she's out campaigning today, I want to thank my friend Peter Hoestra.and diane thanks for coming, he is a highly respected member of congress 11:01:12 I look forward to working with him to strengthen our 11:01:25 that the world changed .and I look forward to working with you pete.great that you've been selected 11:01:48 I put up the signs and make the phone calls.thank you for what you're going to do over the next few weeks (audio raised slightly) 11:02:16 listen, most people in America agree with my philosophy that the role of to say what can we do to help you, not tell you what to do and that's the fundamental difference in this campaign 11:02:44 systems of govt must change with a changing world.think about the work force, when our dads and the work force has changed a lot of people have more than one job 11:03:15 most massive change in the work force has been women. Women who used to stay at home.haven't reflected this change. Pension planned were designed for yesterday 11:03:39 if you're a baby boomer you don't have to worry about social security.they're going to take away your social security check, it's the most tired, pathetic way to campaign 11:04:05 and baby boomers are fine, we're in good shape.because they're a few lower payer-iners 11:04:26 take some of their own taxes and set aside a personal savings account 11:04:41 this will help people when they have their own personal savings accounts.the worker training programs were designed for yesterday.we ought to promote a lifetime of working for 11:05:06 don't change with them to make sure that people can work.we're going to talk about health care that needs to be changed and modernized. The tax code needs to be changed, it's complicated. 11:05:31 it's a complicated mess, that's what it is. America spent about 6 billion hours filling out.special interest loopholes 11:05:51 to simplify the tax'll help the American worker, it'll help the American family 11:06:09 what I'm telling you is that I recognize the changing world in which we the way one of the biggest changes we have 11:06:27 high productivity increases.a shovel to a mechanized digger. Or from a manual typewriter.our economy to have sustained growth 11:06:56 therefore I put out a plan to make sure.when you're out gathering the vote make sure you remind people what we've been though 11:07:25 about the economy and then we had a recession, the first ¾ of my presidency were declared a recession.handed to us and then we had some corporate scandals and that affected the 11:07:57 affects economic growth, there should be no question today that we will not tolerate dishonesty in the boardrooms of America and then September 11th came and it hurt us 11:08:28 some interesting, not interesting, but some very important lessons we learned form that day.this economy of ours is strong and it's getting stronger 11:09:01 now their pockets in you state.and keep them in place as opposed to resorting to the old 11:09:21 one of the key aspects is to make sure the health care system order to make sure the job base expands in America we need an energy policy that makes us less dependent on foreign sources 11:09:51 I submitted a plan to the united states congress and it's stuck.recognizes technology is going to change 11:10:06 hopefully within a decade people will be driving hydrogen powered.on clean coal technology so we can use 11:10:25 is that someday when we walk in.we're growing more corn then ever and 11:10:40 as ways to diversify our energy supply, I think we ought to be using technology to spend and advance 11:11:01 that congress must pass in order to make us less dependent on foreign sources 11:11:13 the farm economy is strong here, it's strong in Michigan and it's strong around the world 11:11:29 what it's like to be able to sell a product grown here in America.overseas 11:11:43 you're likely to get the product you want at a better price and a better quality.china, you treat us the way we treat you because 11:12:09 one of the reasons we overcame these obstacles is because of well timed tax cuts 11:12:34 we're helping our small business owners, you know 90 percent.well good, there you are, then you understand where tax relief is 11:12:53 and when you provide tax relief from small businesses and that's what's happening here in America 11:13:10 we've got to do something about these frivolous they're able to hire and we must not raise taxes in order to keep this 11:13:31 we've got to keep your taxes low and that's an issue in this campaign 11:13:40 over 2 trillion dollars in new federal spending.that's a lot and they said, how are you going to pay for it, he said, oh don't worry about it, we're going to tax the rich 11:14:04 guess who's going to get stuck, yeah. we're not going to let him win 11:14:16 pull out-applause, cheers 11:14:22 hold on for a second, a couple of other things, we've got a lot of work, I appreciate the cheering 11:14:40 if you run up the top two brackets on, why in the heck would you want to tax small businesses just as the economy is beginning to grow 11:15:05 thirdly you've heard the rhetoric, tax the rich, you've heard that before.and you get stuck with the bill, raising taxes is wrong right now, and we're not going to let him to get away with it 11:15:36 let me talk about health care, we're going to talk about health've already had enough from me already (no), I'm just looking for an make health care available and affordable 11:16:18 way to make sure that doctors keep practicing medicine, I believe health care Washington dc 11:16:41 we have a difference of opinion in this campaign.massive complicated blue print to have our govt take over 11:17:14 says his plan would cost the taxpayers 1.5 trillion in new.but he can't pay for it unless he raises your taxes. Today we're going to talk about a difference of opinion, it starts with, what would you expect from a senator from Massachusetts 11:18:00 we're going to talk about a way to make sure health 11:18:08 quick pull out to ms 11:18:15 I believe we have a duty to our seniors (slow push to bush) 11:18:29 plus I went up to Washington to fix problems, I said if I'm fortunate enough.not to pass them off to future presidents and future generations 11:18:52 medicine was modernizing and Medicare wasn't.for heart surgery 11:19:04 from being needed in the first place, that didn't make any sense, that didn't make any sense for our, it will help you with the cost of drugs, starting in 2005 we'll have preventative 11:19:32 to have. be giving preventative screenings in Medicare and in 2006 prescription drugs will be available 11:20:05 junk lawsuits that are running up the cost of medicine. 11:20:17 available and affordable health care.we've got to do something about lawsuits, make no mistake about it 11:20:33 litigious society, that means that means there's a lot of lawsuits, I'm not even a lawyer and I know the word litigious 11:20:57 because of the defensive medicine being practiced by docs.and it costs the tax payer 11:21:15 this is a national problem's stuck in the United States senate, it passed in the house.the trial lawyers are powerful 11:21:38 I like to remind people you can't be pro doctor, pro patient and pro trial lawyer at the same time. You have to make a choice. my opponent made his choice and he put him on the ticket. I made my choice 11:22:14 we've got to modernize health care (bush seated) 11:22:26 save a lot of money by using technology.we need to expand the government health care 11:22:44 to encourage families.for low income children, it makes sense to make care is available we need to expand community health centers 11:23:10 I made a promise by the way when I was running, these things make sense.rather than an emergency center 11:23:31 every poor county in America ought to have a community health center discussion on health care 11:23:50 Tom Lufkin from Muskegon Family Health Center 11:26:19 POTUS: (ms, push to bush).and the idea is to make sure that preventative health care is available 11:26:44 love their neighbor like they'd like to be loved way to make sure health care is available 11:27:06 I want to thank you for coming tom, another way to make sure health care is's the problem for small business 11:27:25 to spread risk, that's the problem, they're in the midst.try to get a bid 11:27:37 stand alone entity, big companies are able to pool risk because of their they can get the same discounts that big companies get 11:28:06 David Pray - on his small business in Grand Rapids 11:28:40 POTUS 10 that's a small company.he was telling me on AF1 that he has some problems with health care 11:28:58 David Pray 11:29:12 POTUS- they've got a plan here in Michigan where they can pool together. but 11:29:26 Pray 11:29:52 POTUS- so here's what we're talking about, this guy is a responsible guy. the problem is the system is so designed that he can't really do his job because he's unable to pool risk (push to ts) 11:30:20 what we're suggesting is that David be able to pool with companies.not be able to put his employees in the same system as David (pull out) 11:30:51 would mean that a lot of mandates.would not be imposed upon the small businesses and means that more people can bind together 11:31:36 another way, see I've got a strategy to make sure health care is available and affordable 11:31:54 we're going to make sure small businesses are able to afford.I'm going to talk about a very interesting idea called health savings accounts 11:32:14 and helps us hold down the cost of health innovative idea that became the law of the land as a result of the Medicare.first start w/ the name 11:32:42 man- offlobe plumbing ? 11:32:57 POTUS. It's the heart and soul. I'm giving you time to warm up 11:33:11 man 11:33:44 POTUS. HSA, here it is, you buy a high deductible.I think it's 11:34:04 what is your deductible.the insurance company will take care of the cost 11:34:16 most of the 11:34:23 the company is now p9utting in the money to pay for routine 11:34:50 man 11:35:00 POTUS. we're trying to simplify what sounds like a complicated issue.if you spend 2,000 dollars in the year, 1500 of that rolls over for the next year, it's your money 11:35:35 think about a system by the way. 11:36:15 man 11:36:36 POTUS- these work, I'm telling you they work, they make a lot of sense 11:36:48 and health care is more manageable because the decision making is between the patient and the doc 11:37:05 we're going to move people from private health insurance 11:37:19 who do you trust, we trust the people. 11:37:41 another man-ms, bush and others on stage, bush listening 11:38:13 POTUS- would you care to clarify why you're mad at me 11:38:23 man-I'm just mad it wasn't available to me 11:38:35 POTUS- you've got an account up and running 11:38:47 man 11:39:02 POTUS- there is a marketplace in America (push to ts of bush) 11:39:15 your consumers, shop.puts a lot of money in there that you call your own money 11:39:28 is they contribute to the health savings account and he's out shopping 11:39:41 is to encourage people to go into the marketplace 11:39:53 but nevertheless they do the same things.generic drugs quicker to the market, the Medicare bill helps do that 11:40:21 and generics are going to move's an interesting idea, remember, my idea is to protect you as best you can 11:40:39 but in fact it is manufactured in another country.sounds good that they may be able to help us 11:40:57 I'm going to make sure that you're safe because all you need to do is get a batch of drugs that is manufactured elsewhere 11:41:15 so I'm interested in knowing whether or not we can make sure you're safe, that's a duty we have in the federal govt 11:41:30 encourage the consumer to be a price in the speeding up the generic drugs 11:41:59 we've thought through this very carefully, it's common solemn judgment, not right for the American people 11:42:17 it will be costly, it would lead to rationing of healthcare.let me talk to you about making America a safer place on terrorism 11:42:44 that you cannot negotiate with these people, that you cannot hope for the best.with an ideology of hate 11:43:09 to shake our will, to shake the conscience of the free them down overseas so we don't have to face them here at home (applause) 11:43:37 thank you, got a little more work to do though, got some things on my mind, we'll have a chance to do the whole "four more years" thing.I gotta tell you 11:44:05 but the only reason to look backwards is to see how best to lead us forward.lets put him back in there, he's got some good ideas 11:44:26 making sure that families are strong, making sure that systems.and he's got a plan and a vision to make the world a better place 11:44:45 we must use all.people who hide in caves and people who lurk in the dark corners 11:45:04 in order to share intelligence and people will use law enforcement.and that's why it's important for our military to be transformed 11:45:25 America is safer, I laid our a new doctrine saying if you harbor a terrorist you are just as guilty.easy for people to understand and mean what he says. I meant what I said to the taliban 11:45:57 they ignored what we said and that's why they're not longer in power 11:46:06 and as a result of a great united states military.Afghanistan has been liberated from a barbaric group of people, we're safer for it 11:46:29 they were training thousands of people in Afghanistan.way before September 11th 11:46:43 I strongly disagree with that sentiment, they were planning and plotting way before September 11th, by staying on the offensive