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Entertainment Buffalo Soldiers - Delayed release of black comedy 'Buffalo Soldiers'
TAPE: EF03/0669 IN_TIME: 14:18:06 / 21:10:18 DURATION: 3:53 SOURCES: Miramax RESTRICTIONS: No re-use/re-sale of film clips without clearance DATELINE: n/a SHOTLIST Miramax Material 1. Film Trailer - 'Buffalo Soldiers' 2. SOUNDBITE (English) Joaquin Phoenix : "He's pretty awful. Some things that he does are questionable, but it never really comes from a place of malice as much as out of necessity, partly to survive and partly to stave off the utter boredom that the soldiers experience. That was what was really interesting. In talking to a lot of the soldiers that we used in the film as actors, sitting down talking and saying what's it like on a base, you have gone through boot camp, you know that there are no awards. It's the military during peace time, what is it like. And 99 percent of them said it is unbelievably boring. " 3. Film Trailer - 'Buffalo Soldiers' 4. Various from film set 5. Set up Joaquin Phoenix and Gregor Jordan, Director, on set 6. SOUNDBITE (English) Gregor Jordan, Director: "When I first heard about it I was instantly interested, because my father was a pilot in the airforce in Australia and he actually fought in Vietnam. I spent the early part of my life growing up on air force bases around Australia, so I was kind of familiar with the military life and to have a movie set in that world, I thought was quite interesting." 7. Film clip - 'Buffalo Soldiers' 8. SOUNDBITE (English) Anna Paquin: "She definitely likes to have her fun, especially when it's something that's going to annoy dad. But she is not a bad girl. She is just the result of a lot of circumstances that she has grown up with. Being on a military base and being around lots of violence. And it just makes her different to any other girl who has had a very nice sheltered life, and has never seen anything like that. " 9. Film Trailer - 'Buffalo Soldiers' SOLDIERS BEHAVING BADLY Long delayed satirical black comedy 'Buffalo Soldiers' finally premiered this week in New York. Based around life on a US army base in West Germany during the 1980s, the movie was completed in 2001, but Miramax declined to release it immediately after September 11th. Set on an American Army base in West Germany as the Berlin Wall is about to fall, 'Buffalo Soldiers' chronicles the exploits of military clerk Ray Elwood, played by JOAQUIN PHOENIX ('Quills', 'Gladiator'). Stationed on the base in the midst of peacetime with little to do, Elwood is the ultimate risk-taker dabbling in arms dealing, selling military supplies on the black market all to make his side career very lucrative. Just as Elwood is about to pull off his most lucrative deal yet, a new sergeant, Robert E Lee, appears. The tough Vietnam veteran, played by SCOTT GLENN ('Training Day', 'Vertical Limit') is determined to root out the bad elements in the company. Elwood must divert his powers of charm and calculation towards a new target - the sergeant's daughter Robyn (ANNA PAQUIN 'X-Men 2'). According to the Hollywood Reporter, "Buffalo Soldiers" recalls the "irreverent spirit of 'Catch 22' and 'MASH,'" and hits the "satiric bull's-eye with deadly accuracy." But as American soldiers continue to face resistance in Iraq, the film, which portrays American GI's taking hard drugs and engaging in various forms of illegal activity as they attempt to stave off the boredom of the Cold War, has also caused media controversy with it's poster tag line, 'Steal All You Can Steal'. 'Buffalo Soldiers' is on limited release in the USA from 25 July, 2003. CLEARANCE DETAILS Buffalo Soldiers Miramax 1212 941 3800