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Entertainment: Roberto Benigni - Italian director wins special award in Rome
TAPE: EF02/0893 IN_TIME: 14:11:14 DURATION: 2:46 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Rome, 19 October 2002 SHOTLIST 1. Pan out: Statue, symbol of peace by sculptor Franco Schepi 2. CA journalists 3. Pan right - building, children's choir 4. SOT Roberto Benigni (English): ''To receive an award from Gorbaciov for the peace is like to receive the Nobel award for physics from Galileo -- the literature prize from Shakespeare, it is the peace in person, Gorbaciov, no? Don't you think? Thank you very much for the 2nd question.'' 5. LS arrival Mikhail Gorbachev 6. SOT Roberto Benigni (English): ''Yes, I am going to ask to them why...I think it is a joke!'' (then begins to ask journalist questions: So how are you, your family, what happening, where are you from?'' 7. MS Rita Levy Montalcini - past Nobel prize winner 8. MS Rigoberta Menchu' Tum - past Nobel Peace Prize winner 9. CA Mikhail Gorbachev 10. SOT Roberto Begnini (English): ''Everybody has to give a contribution to peace, because peace is not the contrary of war, it is a disposition of our soul, to justice, to the I don't have the word in English...but you understood my feeling...'' 11. SOT Mikhail Gorbachev, (Russian) on summit topics: ''(For this summit) Our discussions will be very worried ones, because today's world is full of suffering. Today is a particular morning, however, because we have to celebrate our sculptor Franco Schepi (the sculptor of the prize and statue) and Roberto who is looking at me to be sure we didn't forget to mention him!'' 12. CA Begnini listening 13. SOT continues of Mikhail Gorbachev translation above 14. CA photographer 15. LS award presentation, Begnini and Mikhail Gorbachev hug PINOCCHIO DIRECTOR WINS PEACE PRIZE Italy's Pinocchio, Italy's Oscar winner, Italy's best-loved comic, Roberto Benigni, has taken on another role: that of ''man of peace''. The Gorbaciov foundation pointed Benigni as recipient of a special award in a small ceremony which took place before the opening of the 3rd Summit of Noble Peace Laureates in Rome, where 22 previous Nobel Peace Prize winners, including reformer Mikhail Gorbachev, Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and ex- President of Poland Lech Walesa were preparing to congregate. This year's Noble prize for peace will be awarded to Jimmy Carter. The prize, a symbol of the summit, was awarded to Begnini for the message of peace, brotherhood and integration that his films represent. Begnini's famous rendition of the Holocaust in his film 'Life is Beautiful', sees the director telling the story of a father who keeps his son alive in a concentration camp by joking that they should see themselves as competing in a "contest" that they must win. The film won 3 Oscars in 1999 with its moving portrait of father and son helping to paint a vivid portrait of the suffering of war. Despite his undoubtable credentials, Begnini laughed at himself at the presentation, saying that ''(he) doesn't know why he has been chosen (for the prize) and he will have to ask, that maybe it is a joke.'' However, he added, that to receive a prize of peace from Gorbachev is like winning a noble award in physics from Galileo, or the Literature prize from Shakespeare - showing the great esteem in which he holds the former Russian leader. Whilst full of his normal playful antics, Begnini was careful to highlight the continued importance of peace in a difficult, war-oriented world, saying that not just artists, but ''everybody has to give a contribution to peace, because peace is not the contrary of war, it is a disposition of our soul.'' Although words escaped him in English, his true form as a comic and artist who wants to be sure to reach his audience was obvious, as he hesitated before looking for conformation -- asking ''you understand my feeling?'' Benigni's current film, released in Italian cinemas, is 'Pinocchio', which is still awaiting release internationally. 'Pinocchio' has recorded the most successful film opening ever in his home country. The film, which stars Benigni as the title character, took in a huge $6.9 million (more than 7m euros) on its opening weekend. At a cost of around $45m, it is the most expensive Italian picture of all time. It is based on a book by 19th-century Italian author Carlo Collodi, and is directed by and stars Benigni as the mischievous wooden puppet who dreams of becoming a real boy. Pinocchio opened on 940 screens - the largest number ever in Italy and almost one third of the country's total - on October 11 2002.