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ABCNEWS VideoSource
South Africa Greenpeace - Bishop Tutu blesses new Greenpeace ship before Earth Summit
TAPE: EF02/0714 IN_TIME: 22:38:14 DURATION: 1:26 SOURCES: APTN RESTRICTIONS: DATELINE: Cape Town - 23 Aug 2002 SHOTLIST: 1. Various of South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu walking onto Greenpeace ship 2. Various of Tutu greeting crew, clapping hands with them in turn 3. SOUNDBITE (English) Desmond Tutu, South African Archbishop: "Thank you for the people of today. And thank you for the people of tomorrow. The ones who have not yet been born, who because of what you are doing will be able to live in a world that is clean." 4. UPSOUND: Tutu asking crew if they are all believers, all laugh with him 3. Tutu blessing ship 4. Greenpeace members giving Tutu two Greenpeace t-shirts STORYLINE: South African archbishop Desmond Tutu blessed the Greenpeace ship "The Esperanza" and its crew in Cape Town on Friday. He thanked the Greenpeace members gathered for working towards a cleaner, nuclear-free, future. The Esperanza has just returned from a voyage onto the Southern Ocean to protest against the passage of a cargo of plutonium from Japan to the UK. Tutu was in South Africa ahead of the World Summit which opens in Johannesburg on Monday and which is expected to be the largest ever environmental conference with tens of thousands of delegates, observers and protesters.