
Footage Information

ABCNEWS VideoSource
ISSUE_NO = 1253A NO_OF_ITEMS = 4 ITEM_NO = 4 DESCRIPTION : Now, another great London crowd - this time at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, where the Queen and the Royal Family attended the performance of Benjamin Britten's "Gloriana". The audience was large and distinguished and included many Coronation visitors from overseas. CARD_FILE = 59225 CARD_TITLE : ROYAL OPERA GALA VISIT SHOT_LIST : Cut story - KS. MS Covent Garden Opera House. Crowds. Covent Open House. Poster reads "Gloriana". Arrivals - Mr. Menzies, Mr. Nehru, Queen Salote of Tonga. Interior - in foyer, arrivals, Lord Alexander, Sir David Eccles, Mr. St. Laurent, Countess of Harewood, then Earl of Harewood, Duke & Duchess of Gloucester, then Duchess of Kent, more arrivals of Crown Prince & Princess of Norway. Queen Mother & Princess Margaret enter accompanied by Lord Waverley. Queen arrives & Duke wearing court dress. MS royal family in foyer. Grenadier Guards on stairs. Queen & Duke climb KEYWORDS : Great Britain; Entertainment and Leisure; Music and Dance; Buildings, Landmarks and Monuments; Personalities - Politicians; Sir Robert Gordon Menzies; Australia; Jawaharlal Pandit Nehru; India; Queen Salote Pilolevu Tupou III of Tonga; Indira Gandhi; Personalities - Relatives; Harold Rupert Leofric George Alexander, Earl Alexander of Tunis; Louis Stephen St. Laurent; Canada; Princess Mary, Countess of Harewood, Princess Royal; George Henry Hubert Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood; Prince Henry of Great Britain, 1st Duke of Gloucester; Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester (Lady Alice Montagu-Douglas-Scott); Crown Princess Marina of Greece, Duchess of Kent; King Olav V of Norway; Princess Martha of Norway; Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother; Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon; Sir John Anderson, Lord Waverley; Military - Ceremonial MATERIAL : Br. News C/Neg 01258 Cuts 01420 - Royalty FEET_SHOT = 1386 DATE_SUBD = 06/09/1953