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ISSUE_NO = 1021A NO_OF_ITEMS = 1 ITEM_NO = 1 CARD_FILE = 51185 CARD_TITLE : REVIEW OF THE YEAR SHOT_LIST : KS CU Book Title "British History". hand opens book, disclosing credit titles. SCU Princess Elizabeth seated, holding Prince Charles, Duke of Edinburgh stands behind them. CU Princess pan to baby on her lap. Crowds line streets. Elevated GV Royal Coach leaves Buckingham Palace with King & Queen on Silver Wedding. Panning round QVM. Interior CU King & Queen - posed shot. Interior - CU King in Nal uniform. FADE Truman before Presidential Election, stands rostrum & addresses huge crowd, saying "Senator Berkeley & I will win this election & make the Republicans like it". Crowds outside White House. Truman wlaks thru crowds acknowledging them. Crowds waving. GV Capitol. FADE GV Test Cricket Ground. Denis Compton batting. Ray Lindwall bowling. Don Bradman clean bowled, Bradman walks pff pitch. Bradman at a luncheon speaks about his creaks & groans that go on in his body out in the field. GV Wembley Stadium with nationalties assembled, pigeons released. GV men's Open 100 metres, Dillard (negro) wins, Ewell thought he had won. Pan of 400 metres Relay, changing the batons. Gv Result Board. MS 80 metres, Fanny Blankers-Koen wins from Maureen Gardner (hurdles). Winner & second on rostrum after race. GV Wembley Arena with all nationalities assembled. FADE UNO Insignia. Sixteen Nations meet in Paris. Truman signs Marshall Aid Pact in America. US Troops patrol in Berlin. Sector sign in Berlin. American & Russian troops talk (silent). Gv Idle railways, deserted.British sector signpost. Idle canals. Dakota flying along air corridor. Map of Berlin, shows supply lines. Sides of bacon, flour etc being loaded onto plane. 5 Nations Pact meets, Trygve Lie as President. CU Pact. MS Monty after alighting from plane. UNO meets in paris, Vyshinsky exercised 28th veto. In Rome, crowds walk thru with clenched fist, banner of Togiatti. SCU Togliatti on rostrum addresses crowds. In Prague, riots are in progress, police, foot & mounted fight with civilians. Still of President Gottwald. SCU Dr Benes. CU Tito. GV palestine fighting & Jewish troops on lookout. King Abdullah inspects ambulance. ambulance convoy passes along roads. Gandhi walks to prayers. GV & MS of Gandhi's burning ghat. MS Jinnah walks amid his people. SCU Jinnah. LS Kashmir hills. GV Patrols in the hills. GV Hyderabad, bridge in fore. Indian Army enter city, tanks, armoured cars, pass along road. GV's Burmese Pagodas. SCU Burmese flag flying. MS of Burmese types in streets of Burma. At No. 10 Downing Street, Mr Attlee hands over independence, to Burmese delegates. GV Ceylon beach with swaying plam trees. GV of Ceylonese delegates at meeting. MS Mr Senanayake at Dominion Conference, attlee at him. Pan of delegates includes Liquat Ali Khan & pandit Nehru. Gv Commonwealth Conference. Exterior shot of Eire Parliament Building. MS Costello with other officials outside. CU Smuts in uniform. African delegates in London. In East Africa, Strachey inspects ground nuts scheme. SCU Ration book being opened in girls hands. Car drives into garage & petrol being issued. MS Belcher posing for cameras. Panning shot of train at speed, with British Railways on side (nationalisation) of same. CU ACM Bennett at his home. SCu Bennett with his wife. CU Sir Charles Reid. Gv Houses of Parliament river in fore. GV Steel furnaces being lined, similar to feeding with fuel. Molten metal runs from ladle. Red hot steel running along conveyors. CU "British History Book" to finish. KEYWORDS : Palmiro Togliatti INDEX : British Royalty, Buildings, Ceremonies & Celebrations, Civil Strife, Clement Attlee, Commerce and Industry, Field Marshal Jan Smuts (PM of South Africa), Field Marshal Montgomery of El Alamein, Ernest Bevin, Food and Drink, Government, Flags, King George VI, Mankind, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Organisations, Personalities, President Harry Truman, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, Sport and Games, Towns and Cities, United Nations, Charles, Prince Of Wales, Library Material, Railways MATERIAL : COMPLETE DUPE - CAN 06305 CUT SOUND LAV - CAN 9758 CUT DUPE NEG - CAN 0855 TRACK - CAN 9992 SCENES FOR OPS - CAN 9812 SLASH - CAN 9892 POS CUTS - CAN 9768 NEG CUTS - CAN 9770 NEG & DUPE CUTS - CAN 9770 NEG & DUPE CUTS - CAN 9812 TOZERS NEG CUTS - CAN 9861 WYANDS NEG CUTS - CAN 0162 LENGTH_SHOT = 420 DATE_SUBD = 12/10/1948