
Footage Information

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ACL-3002 Digibeta; Beta SP
B W, Color
1950s, 1960s
3002-1 02:00:00:00 -- 02:02:20:04 1963 B W w Sound MARCH ON WASHINGTON Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. giving I Have a Dream speech on steps of Lincoln Memorial, during the March on Washington DC, August 18, 1963. Bayard Rustin stands to left, wearing eyeglasses. ZI & ZO of MLK giving speech w crowd surrounding him. VS of crowd during speech. DN (8024) 3002-2 02:02:20:05 -- 02:04:30:09 1963 B W w Sound MARCH ON WASHINGTON FOR JOBS AND FREEDOM, AUG. 1963 VS ethnically diverse crowd holding hands & singing We Shall Overcome during March on Washington DC, August 18, 1963. VS as crowd disperses, walking w Lincoln Memorial & Reflecting Pool in BG. Clean up after march. People holding banners & signs. Group of Black adults washing dipping feet in Reflecting Pool. VS Capitol Building & Washington Monument. A. Philip Randolph makes statement, History was written today, which will have an effect on coming generations. Press surrounds him. DN (8024) 3002-3 02:04:30:10 -- 02:05:02:07 1960s B W Silent MARCH ON WASHINGTON MS ZO and ZI Bayard Rustin, civil rights activist & central organizer of the March on Washington, sits at desk & speaks to man. BME (8013) 3002-4 02:05:02:08 -- 02:05:48:19 1950s B W w Sound CIVIL RIGHTS BILL Senator Sam Ervin, Democrat from North Carolina, addresses impossibility of filibuster of Civil Rights Bill, late 1950s. AFP (8004) 3002-5 02:05:48:20 -- 02:06:09:25 1964 B W w Sound CIVIL RIGHTS BILL President Lyndon B. Johnson, invoking late President JFK's memory, urges early passage of Civil Rights Bill in speech to Congress. HA congressmen clapping, giving applause to President. DN (8024) 3002-6 02:06:09:26 -- 02:07:53:12 1963 B W w Sound CIVIL RIGHTS BILL Universal Newsreel (narration by Ed Herlihy). Push Rights Bill - Open Hearings on Vote Legislation. INT White House with LBJ signing letter related to civil rights bill (designed to reinforce the right to vote). Sitting next to the President is Attorney General, Nicholas Katzenbach. VS Katzenbach at press briefing. VS MLK leading march in Montgomery, Alabama. Blacks & Whites link arms & march together. VS crowd & MLK on steps of State House. DN (8024) 3002-7 02:07:53:13 -- 02:09:34:25 1964 B W w Sound CIVIL RIGHTS BILL Universal Newsreel (narrated by Ed Herlihy). Filibuster Ends Senate Moves Ahead on Civil Rights. EXT Capitol Building in Washington DC Democratic whip Senator Hubert Humphrey, Democrat of Minnesota, sits w GOP leader Senator Everett Dirksen, Republican of Illinois. TD of 'Cloture Vote' from Senate. Humphrey makes statement to reporter expressing confidence in success of bill. Sen. Richard Russell, Democrat of Georgia & leader of opposition to civil rights bill, makes statement to same reporter, calling civil rights bill perversion of the American way of life. DN (8024) 3002-8 02:09:34:26 -- 02:12:33:01 1964 B W w Sound CIVIL RIGHTS BILL Universal Newsreel (narrated by Ed Herlihy). Civil Rights, President Signs Historic Bill. VS EXT Washington, DC in 1964 w Capitol Building in BG, Reflecting Pool & Washington Monument, Lincoln statue in Lincoln Memorial, EXT White House. INT White House, LBJ makes statement about Civil Rights Act. Calls it attempt to eliminate last vestiges of injustice in our beloved country. LBJ signs Civil Rights Act with multiple pens, hands pens to Senator Everett Dirksen (Republican of Illinois), Senator Hubert Humphrey (Democrat of Minnesota), MLK, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, Attorney General RFK. PAN Dirksen & Humphrey shaking hands. DN (8024) 3002-9 02:12:33:02 -- 02:12:42:00 1965 B W w Sound SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL Police in riot gear chase & beat marchers in Selma, Alabama. Bloody Sunday, first attempt to march to Montgomery, March 7, 1965. EBC (8028) 3002-10 02:12:42:01 -- 02:13:12:12 1960s B W w Sound CIVIL RIGHTS BILL SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL A. Philip Randolph marching in demonstration. Moving picket line, demonstrators holding banners & signs promoting racial equality and opposing Brutality in Alabama. Police chasing marchers. EXT of White House from behind fence. VTM (8102) 3002-11 02:13:12:13 -- 02:16:38:12 1965 B W w Sound SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL Universal Newsreel (narrated by Ed Herlihy). The Selma Story - President Seeks End to Civil Strife. EXT Capitol Building dome at night. VS US Congress during LBJ's speech on civil rights. VS people marching in demonstrations, holding signs We March With Selma! & We Shall Overcome. VS of Brown Chapel AME Church w sign, starting point & headquarters of the Selma to Montgomery marches. MLK standing on steps of church. VS MLK marching w other African-Americans. Alabama police & state troopers blocking route of demonstration, PAN from police to marchers. Marchers kneel on road & pray as police watch w batons. Marchers on Edmund Pettus Bridge. Marchers march back to Selma. Selma to Montgomery Freedom March. DN (8024) 3002-12 02:16:38:13 -- 02:17:02:25 1965 B W w Sound SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL President Lyndon B. Johnson gives speech to Congress, concerning Voting Rights Act of 1965. Uses famous phrase, We Shall Overcome. AFP (8004) 3002-13 02:17:02:26 -- 02:18:37:29 1965 B W w Sound SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL Universal Newsreel (narrated by Ed Herlihy). The Selma March - Troops Guard Rights Marchers Selma to Montgomery Freedom March. Demonstrators gathering outside Brown Chapel AME Church. MLK giving speech before march. MLK leading march. Crossing Edmund Pettus Bridge. Military police & national guardsmen protecting marchers on roads. Marchers on farmland, where they stay the first night. DN (8024) 3002-14 02:18:38:00 -- 02:18:58:00 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL Group of young African-American and white women singing on the side of the road, Alabama, during the Selma to Montgomery Freedom March. DN (8024) 3002-15 02:18:58:01 -- 02:19:30:23 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL Folk musician Pete Seeger, with guitar case on his back, talks with two black men and white woman during Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. DN (8024) 3002-16 02:19:30:24 -- 02:20:50:15 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL LA MS Black and White demonstrators march on highway with flags, Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. DN (8024) 3002-17 02:20:50:16 -- 02:21:10:27 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL LA MS marchers pass over CAM during Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. SOme carry signs and flags, including a United Nations flag. DN (8024) 3002-18 02:21:10:28 -- 02:21:29:04 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL MS TD REAR VIEW back of older Black woman and child waving as they watch marchers pass during the Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. DN (8024) 3002-19 02:21:29:05 -- 02:21:35:12 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL CU REAR VIEW back of woman holding infant at clothesline, watching marchers pass during the Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. DN (8024) 3002-20 02:21:35:13 -- 02:21:56:04 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL Get Right with God written on cross by the side of a rural road, as people march in BG during the Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. DN (8024) 3002-21 02:21:56:05 -- 02:22:10:24 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL Back of White man wearing Freedom Now t-shirt & talking to Black man smoking pipe, during Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. DN (8024) 3002-22 02:22:10:25 -- 02:23:02:11 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL VS Martin Luther King Jr., his wife Coretta Scott King, and other activists on the road during the Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. One of the marchers is a one-legged man using crutches. DN (8024) 3002-23 02:23:02:12 -- 02:23:22:11 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., his wife Coretta Scott King, and others marching in rain with children up front during the Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. Onlookers wave to marchers. DN (8024) 3002-24 02:23:22:12 -- 02:23:25:12 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL United Automobile Workers sign, UAW Supports Voting Rights Now! Held by off-screen demonstrator during Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. DN (8024) 3002-25 02:23:25:13 -- 02:23:36:27 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL ZO Lutheran signs, Lutherans Care because Christ Cared, held by demonstrators during Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. DN (8024) 3002-26 02:23:36:28 -- 02:24:40:10 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL Black men holding signs, Vote for Freedom, Russell County Branch NAACP, United Steel Workers of America, AFL-CIO. Groups of people with umbrellas standing in rain. Black man holding American flag in crowd. Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. DN (8024) 3002-27 02:24:40:11 -- 02:25:00:10 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL HA ZO Black man holding Baptist Conference of Washington, DC Wants the Vote, sign w PAN to large crowd of marchers during Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. DN (8024) 3002-28 02:25:00:11 -- 02:25:07:18 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL Young White man carries a young Black child on his shoulders in crowd during Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. DN (8024) 3002-29 02:25:07:19 -- 02:25:38:12 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL HA ZO people marching & holding American flags during the Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. DN (8024) 3002-30 02:25:38:13 -- 02:25:48:03 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL Large crowd of people marching on street during Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. DN (8024) 3002-31 02:25:48:04 -- 02:26:04:05 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL Crowds of people move up Main Street, Montgomery during the Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. The State Capitol building is in the BG. DN (8024) 3002-32 02:26:04:06 -- 02:26:27:18 1965 B W Silent SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL ZO folk singer Harry Belafonte performing on stage w other musicians. A. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin sit on platform to left of Belafonte. TD to crowd watching performance. During Selma to Montgomery Freedom March, Alabama. DN (8024) 3002-33 02:26:27:19 -- 02:28:28:08 1965 B W w Sound SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL Universal Newsreel (narrated by Ed Herlihy), Historic Ceremony - The Right to Vote Signed into Law. EXT to INT of Capitol Building w Lyndon B. Johnson giving speech about 1965 Voter Registration Act. VS of Abraham Lincoln statue. VS of audience members listening to the President. LBJ signing bill w politicians & civil rights leaders around him. Martin Luther King Jr. talking to men. DN (8024) 3002-34 02:28:28:09 -- 02:28:42:25 1965 B W w Sound SELMA TO MONTGOMERY FREEDOM MARCH VOTING RIGHTS BILL VS White & Black people at voting booths w narration of Lyndon B. Johnson's 'Voter Registration Act' speech. AFP (8004) 3002-35 02:28:42:26 -- 02:29:32:11 1965 B W w Sound VS mourners at the funeral of Medgar Evers, NAACP State Field Secretary for Mississippi & civil rights activist, in Jackson, Mississippi. Myrlie Evers, Medgar's widow, crying & being comforted. MS of NAACP Executive Director Roy Wilkins giving speech at funeral. Military soldiers holding American flag over Evers' casket at Arlington National Cemetery. VS of widow, Myrlie Evers, at service. VO narrator condemns Evers's Communist activities and says now he is glorified as a martyr in the supposed fight of the Negro people for freedom and justice. AFP (8004) 3002-36 02:29:32:12 -- 02:29:44:13 1960s Color w Sound RACE RIOTS VS destruction in city during & after race riots. Buildings on fire, streets & shops destroyed & looted. Military & police patrolling streets. EBC (8028) 3002-37 02:29:44:14 -- 02:30:01:06 1960s Color w Sound RACE RIOTS VS fires burning in buildings, stores in city after race riots. AV of burnt out buildings (possibly Detroit or Newark). PA (8076) 3002-38 02:30:01:07 -- 02:30:26:17 1960s Color w Sound RACE RIOTS Race riots at night. Car POV through city, various buildings in flames. Speeding fire engine. VS Blacks looting stores. Army or National Guard soldier standing on street w rifle. VO 'people on the street' interviews. EBC (8028) 3002-39 02:30:26:18 -- 02:30:37:14 1960s Color w Sound RACE RIOTS Race riot aftermath in city. AV burning building w smoke rising. Destroyed and burnt-out buildings in city. EBC (8028) 3002-40 02:30:37:15 -- 02:31:12:09 1960s Color w Sound RACE RIOTS Car POV along street w destroyed & smoldering buildings after race riots. VO of man explaining causes for riots. EBC (8028) 3002-41 02:31:12:10 -- 02:33:50:11 1965 B W w Sound RACE RIOTS Universal Newsreel (narrated by Ed Herlihy). Troops Patrol Los Angeles - Damage Heavy in Coast Riots Watts Riots in Los Angeles, California. VS buildings burning, on fire at night. LAPD, police, taking two Black men in to custody. VS Army troops carrying rifles & patrolling through damaged streets. Car POV past destroyed buildings. Soldier walking past wrecked shell of building & carrying Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR). VS police during riots. DN (8024) 3002-42 02:33:50:12 -- 02:34:53:15 1965 B W w Sound RACE RIOTS News of the Day Newsreel (narrated by Peter Roberts). Los Angeles After the Rioting, Watts, California. People with groceries in shopping carts. Crowd of Black people standing outside of Praises of Zion Baptist Church. Cute shot three Black children. Unloading rescue & relief supplies from trucks. Policeman standing guard w rifle outside supermarket, food store. People w shopping bags. VTM (8102) 3002-43 02:34:53:16 -- 02:37:02:02 1967 B W w Sound RACE RIOTS Universal Newsreel (narrated by Ed Herlihy). Riots Decried - President Calls for Law and Order Detroit (Michigan) race riots, 1967. VS AV sections of city burning on fire. Fire engines & firefighters. Burning buildings. Soldiers, National Guard patrolling streets. Destroyed store windows. VS people looting stores, walking w stolen goods on streets. VS destroyed buildings, Car POV's along destroyed streets w VO of President Lyndon B. Johnson condemning riots. DN (8024) 3002-44 02:37:02:03 -- 02:39:04:10 1967 B W w Sound RACE RIOTS Universal Newsreel (narrated by Ed Herlihy). Violence - 24 Dead in Newark Riots. New Jersey. VS firemen fighting fires in burning buildings. Policeman taking Black man in to custody. Armed military vehicle driving on street at night. VS destroyed & looted stores. Press car w smashed window. VS troops taking cover on streets, holding rifles. Soldiers patrolling. Shootout w sniper in buildings & police. VS of building w smoke from bullet hits. Police searching & arresting Black people. Men loaded into paddy wagon. DN (8024) 3002-45 02:39:04:11 -- 02:39:50:05 1967 B W w Sound RACE RIOTS VS Newark, New Jersey riots and unrest. Rioters & police on streets. Firetrucks at night. Burning buildings, fires. People looting. Police making arrests of Black men and women. National Guard troops arriving on trucks. VTM (8102) 3002-46 02:39:50:06 -- 02:40:38:26 1967 B W w Sound RACE RIOTS Newark, New Jersey race riots. Cops and soldiers firing rifles at snipers in building, in rain. Building fires during riots in Detroit (one week after Newark riots). Firemen fighting fires. President Lyndon B. Johnson gives televised statement condemning riots. VTM (8102) 3002-47 02:40:38:27 -- 02:40:43:02 1967 Color w Sound RACE RIOTS Race riots. Soldiers or National Guard troops take cover behind car, fire at snipers. Men loot store. Women run down street while covering heads. DN (8024) 3002-48 02:40:43:03 -- 02:40:46:06 1960s B W w Sound RACE RIOTS Soldier confronts young Black man on street, pushes him around. PYN (8083) 3002-49 02:40:46:07 -- 02:40:47:21 1960s B W w Sound RACE RIOTS Soldier kicks stuff on street next to young Black protester. PYN (8083) 3002-50 02:40:47:22 -- 02:41:02:22 1960s Color w Sound RACE RIOTS VS rioting in late 1960s, some in Washington DC Political unrest montage - with race riots, burning buildings, troops patrolling streets, police & anti-war demonstrations. White woman shouts at camera, Is this America? DN (8024) 3002-51 02:41:02:23 -- 02:41:24:13 1967 B W w Sound 1967 Universal Newsreel, Washington, DC VS of civil rights lawyer Thurgood Marshall in 1967, when he was appointed to the Supreme Court. Marshall w Lyndon B. Johnson. DN (8024) 3002-52 02:41:24:14 -- 02:41:33:02 1967 B W w Sound 1967 Thurgood Marshall stands with his wife Cecilia & two sons, Thurgood Marshall Jr. and John Marshall, at the announcement of his confirmation as a United States Supreme Court Justice. EBC (8028) 3002-53 02:41:33:03 -- 02:42:10:01 1967 B W w Sound 1967 Newsreel, Mississippi. VS civil rights activist James Meredith marching in the Freedom Against Fear march, meeting w people on street. DN (8024) 3002-54 02:42:10:02 -- 02:43:14:26 1967 B W 1967 VS police & investigators at the scene of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. VS rioting & burning buildings in Washington DC Riot police fire tear gas on street in Washington, DC. RFK pleads for calm, gives speech in Indianapolis. VS MLK funeral. Coretta Scott King being helped to coffin. Demonstrators marching on street w coffin being led by two mules. RFK, Richard Nixon walking in funeral procession. VTM (8102) 3002-55 02:43:14:27 -- 02:44:52:06 1960s B W w Sound RHETORIC PHILOSOPHY African-American man (preacher) talks passionately from pulpit about being with the bad niggers... Southern White supremacist man giving speech in microphone calls Lyndon B. Johnson a nigger lover & denounces RFK, J. Edgar Hoover, and the US Government. Calls African-Americans black savages, crowd cheers him on. PAN from Black man (preacher) speaking at pulpit about slavery, and the condition of Blacks in America, as Black audience listens. AFP (8004) 3002-56 02:44:52:07 -- 02:45:49:23 1960s B W w Sound RHETORIC PHILOSOPHY White supremacy rally in Florida. Crowd holding Confederate flags. Man giving speech about Martin Luther King Jr., calls him a coon. Talks of stirring up white men to defend what is rightfully theirs. Crowd cheers enthusiastically. AFP (8004) 3002-57 02:45:49:24 -- 02:46:36:15 1960s B W w Sound RHETORIC PHILOSOPHY Profile of Black man (preacher?) talking about arrests and civil disobedience in America in fight for civil rights & racial equality. AFP (8004) 3002-58 02:46:36:16 -- 02:47:28:27 1960s B W w Sound RHETORIC PHILOSOPHY Black civil rights activist Stokely Carmichael (later named Kwame Ture) gives speech about Malcolm X, describes original intent of the idea behind Black Power. AFP (8004) 3002-59 02:47:28:28 -- 02:48:10:20 1960s B W w Sound RHETORIC PHILOSOPHY Black civil rights activist Stokely Carmichael (later named Kwame Ture) giving speech, defines apathy by speaking of college students & young people organizing demonstrations. AFP (8004) 3002-60 02:48:10:21 -- 02:48:30:08 1960s B W w Sound RHETORIC PHILOSOPHY Black civil rights activist Stokely Carmichael (later named Kwame Ture) giving animated speech about Blacks being 10% of the American population. AFP (8004) 3002-61 02:48:30:09 -- 02:50:23:26 1960s B W w Sound RHETORIC PHILOSOPHY Black civil rights activist Stokely Carmichael (later named Kwame Ture) giving speech. Mentions Ralph Bunch, Howard University professor & one time Under-Secretary of the United Nations. Praises song lyrics (Mississippi Goddam) of singer & pianist Nina Simone, who stands in BG at beginning of shot. Talks about White man's lies, how Rockefeller & RFK never lifted a finger to attain their positions, early slavery in Africa, the Bible & Christianity. AFP (8004) 3002-62 02:50:23:27 -- 02:50:43:18 1960s B W w Sound RHETORIC PHILOSOPHY White reporter interviews a Black civil rights activist for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) concerning the issue of violence within the Black equality movement, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Speaker is either Palmer or Mathis. AFP (8004) 3002-63 02:50:43:19 -- 02:52:34:16 1960s B W w Sound RHETORIC PHILOSOPHY Black civil rights activist for Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) being interviewed by offscreen reporter, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Discusses history & current situation of racial equality in America. Talks of White establishment and notes that for the first people found it fit to be honest with white people. Speaker is either Palmer or Mathis. AFP (8004) 3002-64 02:52:34:17 -- 02:53:46:29 1960s B W w Sound RHETORIC PHILOSOPHY Black representative of the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania branch of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) being interviewed by offscreen reporter, discussing genocide of black children in America and answering to the White man. Speaker is either Palmer or Mathis. AFP (8004) 3002-65 02:53:47:00 -- 02:57:17:19 1960s B W w Sound RHETORIC PHILOSOPHY ZO ZI Black civil rights activist Malcolm X talking to two women and two men about human rights and pursuing the United Nations for support in the cause of Blacks in America. Cuts to VS of Malcolm X speaking from podium. VTM (8102) 3002-66 02:57:17:20 -- 02:59:23:16 1960s B W w Sound RHETORIC PHILOSOPHY Black civil rights activist Malcolm X discusses Afro-American intellectuals, African socialism, the state of women in countries around the world. VTM (8102) 02:59:23:17 END