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Footage Information
Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | ACL-3011 Digibeta; Beta SP |
Color: | Color |
Type: | Compilation |
Year: | 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990 |
Description: | 3011-1 01:00:00:00 -- 01:00:18:26 1940 B W w Sound HISTORICAL RECREATION Reenactment with female actor as suffragette Elizabeth Cady Stanton in bonnet & dress w bow standing in front of a microphone (anachronistic) advocating women's right to vote (at women's roundtable meeting) "The vote is the key to power." DN (8024) 3011-2 01:00:18:27 -- 01:00:25:09 1920 B W w Sound SUFFRAGE VICTORY Newsreel title "1917-1920 WOMAN Wins the Right to Vote" VTM (8102) 3011-3 01:00:26:07 -- 01:00:27:29 1960s B W w Sound WOMEN'S LIBERATION SYMBOL Newsreel title. 1917-1920. Woman wins the right to vote. Women's symbol w fist in middle flashing. (brief) PYN (8083) 3011-4 01:00:27:29 -- 01:02:47:08 1917 B W w Sound SUFFRAGE HISTORY Newsreel VO male narrator. Suffrage history. Suffragette standing w banner. CU woman w suffrage banner. Picketers march at White House in support of suffrage, Washington DC 1913. Police cars leaving station to arrest protesters. Female inmates getting out of train, marching in uniform. VP Thomas Marshall signing 19th Amendment. (Maude Wood Park accepts pen from Marshall). Illinois Gov. Frank Lowden ratifying amendment. Women taking ballots, voting, smiling while leaving polls. Elderly woman votes while looking at camera mistrustfully. Alice Paul taking oath before being first woman to vote in NJ. Women's victory parade- Boston, MA. Gov. Calvin Coolidge & others watching. Carrie Chapman Catt and other suffrage leaders are shown commemorative statues of Susan B. Anthony, other female activists by speaker Gillette. VTM (8102) 3011-5 01:02:48:12 -- 01:03:04:16 1910s B W Silent SUFFRAGE HISTORY WS Suffrage march New York City? Woman carrying banner. Two suffragettes smiling with baskets of feathers, placing on men's hats and lapels in crowd. ARI (8008) 3011-6 01:03:04:17 -- 01:03:49:18 1910s B W w Sound SUFFRAGE HISTORY Woman driving horse & carriage. VS British suffrage march across field. Grainy - British suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst stepping out of carriage in hat & suit, speaking to two women & pointing. Elegantly dressed suffragettes leaving building, speaking to men outside. Suffragettes handing out newspapers from car. VTM (8102) 3011-7 01:03:49:19 -- 01:04:17:04 1910s B W Silent SUFFRAGE HISTORY Suffrage rally in Washington, DC Carrie Chapman Catt speaking to a man & gesturing as group of men watch & laugh outside US capitol. Congresswoman Jeanette Rankin standing on car w flowers, American flag in BG, riding in back w Catt. Uniformed police on foot & horseback controlling protesters. DN (8024) 3011-8 01:04:17:10 -- 01:04:27:06 1910s B W Silent SUFFRAGE HISTORY CU Carrie Chapman Catt posing with unidentified suffragette. ARI (8008) 3011-9 01:04:27:18 -- 01:04:51:16 1910s B W w Sound SUFFRAGE HISTORY Hoover Co Profile VS Suffrage demonstrations (some similar to previous footage but different context narration). Unidentified suffragette speaking to crowd. Women marching w white umbrellas. Arrested suffragettes marching. PA (8076) 3011-10 01:04:51:17 -- 01:05:02:27 1915 B W w Sound SUFFRAGE HISTORY (LABOR) VO female narrator, music "Women haven't yet won the right to vote but they look as if they've won many a job that used to be done by men." Female labor. Good footage VS Female workers at desks in offices. VTM (8102) 3011-11 01:05:02:28 -- 01:06:45:24 1917 B W w Sound SUFFRAGE HISTORY (LABOR) Women at machines in munitions factory during WWI. Woman waving from platform, operating cannon crane. Female elevator operator letting riders in. Female streetcar operators in uniform, female telegraph clerk in cap outside office. VS female river barge captain shakes hands w man on dock, climbs ladder to ship's deck, turns wheel on ship. Office of mostly women working at desks. Male employee talks to his female boss. VTM (8102) 3011-12 01:06:45:25 -- 01:06:55:04 1910s B W Silent SUFFRAGE HISTORY Suffragettes in dresses & hats climbing over & through fence in farm field, smiling at camera ARI (8008) 3011-13 01:06:55:09 -- 01:07:33:08 1918 B W Silent SUFFRAGE HISTORY Newsreel slate: 1918. "Militant suffragettes, who seek to promote their cause by rioting at the White House, are suppressed by the police." LS suffragettes pose with banners at rally. CU women being arrested at demonstration, surrounded by large crowd. Title: "Six of the suffrage 'martyrs.'" VTM (8102) 3011-14 01:07:34:00 -- 01:08:01:17 1918? B W w Sound SUFFRAGE HISTORY Suffrage rally Washington DC with mounted police, streetcars behind crowd. Six suffrage activists posing outdoors, speaking. DN (8024) 3011-15 01:08:03:19 -- 01:08:08:00 1920 B W w Sound SUFFRAGE HISTORY Suffrage leader Carrie Chapman Catt wearing a Tennessee sash shakes hands of men & women as they pass. AFP (8004) 3011-16 01:08:08:01 -- 01:08:12:20 1920s B W Silent SUFFRAGE HISTORY Baby elephant with cloth banner reading "Votes" draped on its back in rain outside of Republican meeting convention. ARI (8008) 3011-17 01:08:12:21 -- 01:08:29:08 1920s B W Silent SUFFRAGE HISTORY Suffragettes at rally hold large banner condemning US Republican party for defeating & blocking ratification of 19th amendment, encouraging "the continued disenfranchisement of women." Suffrage marchers carrying American flag. ARI (8008) 3011-18 01:08:29:09 -- 01:08:56:02 1920s B W Silent SUFFRAGE HISTORY MS six suffragettes singing or reciting. CU Jeanette Rankin speaking- fades to newspaper headline "Jury Probes Suffrage Victory" with young woman reading aloud in front of brick wall w vines. She holds newspaper over her face & lowers it while laughing. ARI (8008) 3011-19 01:08:56:25 -- 01:09:08:27 1920s B W Silent SUFFRAGE HISTORY Suffrage marchers w umbrellas. Good quality - Suffrage activists wearing "Vote for Women" sashes hand out literature to people walking on street. People buying newspapers from newsboys. BH (8012) 3011-20 01:09:08:28 -- 01:09:35:10 1921 ? B W w Sound SUFFRAGE HISTORY Newsreel. VO male narrator. Title slate: "When the 'girls' came to urge suffrage causes in Washington." Large group of women w backs turned. Suffrage leaders grouped around President Warren G. Harding, talking to him, posing for group portrait w president. VTM (8102) 3011-21 01:09:35:15 -- 01:10:25:07 1920s B W w Sound SUFFRAGE HISTORY Newsreel VO male host: Suffrage (19th Amendment) passes - marchers carrying banner for National Woman's Party - (post ratification). Illinois governor Loden signing amendment into state law. National Woman's Party members Annie Arnyell?, jailed suffrage activist signing autographs after release. Native-American activist & suffragette Princess Redbird in traditional costume. VTM (8102) 3011-22 01:10:25:12 -- 01:10:34:08 1910s B W w Sound PANKHURST Grainy- British suffrage leader Emmeline Pankhurst on Russian visit in support of Soviet premier Kerensky's recruitment of women for the Russian army. VO narrator. She salutes regiments in uniform marching in review. Pankhurst shaking hands with Russian general. VTM (8102) 3011-23 01:10:34:09 -- 01:10:52:22 1921 B W Silent FRENCH FEMINISTS, ANTI-FASCISTS Crowds of women marching in anti-fascism protest, holding signs, France, 1921. ARI (8008) 3011-24 01:10:54:19 -- 01:11:01:03 1925 B W w Sound FIRST WOMAN GOVERNOR First female US governor, Nellie Tayloe Ross, is elected in Wyoming. She poses with Native American man in headdress and young boy, group of Native Americans in traditional costume. AFP (8004) 3011-25 01:11:01:04 -- 01:12:25:22 1927 B W w Sound CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT MS Carrie Chapman Catt, former president of the International Woman's Suffrage Alliance, speaks outdoors about the organization's origin - first meeting in Berlin, Germany, 25 year history & current position on global affairs. "In nations where men & women rule, there must no longer be war." AFP (8004) 3011-26 01:12:26:01 -- 01:12:42:03 1930s B W Silent CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT CU American suffrage leader Carrie Chapman Catt speaking in interview (silent) ARI (8008) 3011-27 01:12:42:08 -- 01:14:28:13 1940s B W w Sound FEMINIST ROUND TABLE US First Lady and activist Eleanor Roosevelt being introduced to lead session of Women's Round Table, talks about general history of female achievement & prepares to introduce delegates. (applause) DN (8024) 3011-28 01:14:28:14 -- 01:15:26:10 1940s B W w Sound FEMINIST ROUND TABLE Women register at table for Round Table discussion - female delegate stands & asks question from piece of paper. "Have we allowed tradition to play too important a role in deciding the responsibilities of women to home and family?" DN (8024) 3011-29 01:15:26:11 -- 01:16:08:06 1940s B W Silent FEMINIST ROUND TABLE VS women of various ages at Women's Round Table discussion, talking, listening, sitting in audience. DN (8024) 3011-30 01:16:08:07 -- 01:16:19:12 1940s B W w Sound RECREATIONS Women perform historic vignettes (reenactments) at Round table conference - Woman in dress & bonnet speaks at microphone (anachronistic) about the obsolescence of idea that wife must obey the husband in marriage. "Nowhere in the statutes of today will you find it stated that a woman must obey her husband." DN (8024) 3011-31 01:16:19:13 -- 01:16:29:15 1940s B W w Sound HISTORICAL RECREATION Women perform historic vignettes (reenactments) at Round Table conference - Woman in dress & bonnet speaks at microphone (anachronistic) about the obsolescence of idea that wife must obey the husband in marriage. "I urge you to declare against the idea that women must obey men." DN (8024) 3011-32 01:16:29:16 -- 01:16:51:04 1940s B W w Sound HISTORICAL RECREATION Reenactment at woman's round table meeting. Woman in bonnet speaks at microphone (anachronistic) about the US Bill of Rights, rights of women to assemble, petition, free speech. DN (8024) 3011-33 01:16:51:05 -- 01:17:09:14 1940s B W w Sound HISTORICAL RECREATION Recreation of turn-of-century debate w woman in period costume at Women's Round Table discussion. Woman speaks about male negligence, alcoholism, abuse in marriage. DN (8024) 3011-34 01:17:09:15 -- 01:18:00:17 1940s B W w Sound HISTORICAL RECREATION Reenactments of turn-of-century debate at women's round table. WS Woman in turn-of-century costume w bonnet speaks on stage about importance of education, lack of schools. Cites first college to admit women in 1833 at Oberlin, Ohio. Talks about need for female physicians to treat women. DN (8024) 3011-35 01:18:00:18 -- 01:18:38:07 1940s B W w Sound HISTORICAL RECREATION Reenactments at Women's Round Table meeting. Woman in turn-of century costume w exaggerated Irish brogue questions the decency of men selling women's corsets & underwear, inequality of employment for women. DN (8024) 3011-36 01:18:38:08 -- 01:19:37:19 1910s B W Silent MEN LAUGHING Men & women marching in Socialist demonstration for women's suffrage, carrying banners- "Socialists work and vote. VS Suffragettes handing out literature, marching (good) with insert reaction shots of two fat men laughing uproariously in reviewing stand, looking surprised when recognizing somebody. PET (8078) 3011-37 01:19:37:20 -- 01:19:46:11 1941 Color w Sound Tomorrow Always Comes Girl on floor - man sits in armchair and reads newspaper with headline "Women's Suffrage Wins" as woman works on sewing machine. PA (8076) 3011-38 01:19:46:12 -- 01:19:57:19 1941 Color w Sound "Tomorrow Always Comes" Man and woman sit close together - woman says "Tomorrow always comes - Oh! If it would I would wear a different dress for every day of the year." Man refers to suffrage headline in paper and makes remark about woman wearing trousers. PA (8076) 3011-39 01:19:57:20 -- 01:20:42:24 1948 B W w Sound ANTI-LIBERATION VO narrator. Nurse opens door of Dr. M.F. Farnham, co-author of "Modern Woman: The Lost Sex" gives her critical view of women's liberation and abandonment of femininity. She lectures in office as secretary takes dictation. "Their wives have become their rivals." MT (8069) 3011-40 01:20:42:25 -- 01:21:11:13 1948 B W w Sound MARGARET MEAD ON MARRIAGE CU title of article by American anthropologist Margaret Mead- "Must marriage be for life?" Mead speaks about divorce in office. "There are too many divorces in America today." Divorce as common practice and how institution of marriage has changed and needs study. MT (8069) 3011-41 01:21:11:14 -- 01:23:12:18 1952 Color w Sound Mother Takes a Holiday Three young women in kitchen talking about potential topics for school paper on women's liberation, emancipation - Suffrage, etc. Girls decide to do paper about modern consumer technology giving women "freedom from drudgery." Young woman runs to electric washer & dryer, switching clothes happily, advertising Whirlpool appliances - "Here's real emancipation from old-fashioned chores... the kind of emancipation any woman can understand." GOOD teenagers sitting drinking Coca Cola use of 1950s "slang." PA (8076) 3011-42 01:23:12:19 -- 01:23:14:14 1968 B W Silent Women's liberation symbol with fist in the middle PYN (8083) 3011-43 01:23:14:15 -- 01:29:05:16 1968 B W w Sound MISS AMERICA PROTEST NEWS REEL SHAKY VS Excellent footage of Miss America protest. Feminists board bus to protest at Miss America contest, Atlantic City, New Jersey. Miss America contestant in swimsuit contest walking on runway. Protesters sitting on bus. Anti-Miss America song. VS Feminist barker holding cardboard female figure, advertising her on boardwalk in performance protest. "Yes sir- she don't talk back..." Black woman wearing arm chained. Young men leering at protesters. VO man describing importance of the protest. "When any master sees that he's losing his slave- man, he gets uptight." VS protesters speaking to crowds, walking sheep w Miss America sash. VO feminist anti-Miss America song to tune of "Ain't She Sweet." Interviews w fans of pageant. TV screen shots of pageant. Montage of protest, contestants, sheep, etc. PYN (8083) 3011-44 01:29:09:27 -- 01:30:16:21 1969 B W w Sound WOMEN'S LIBERATION - MARCH Women's liberation protest march. Music VO: acoustic protest song sung by female singer. VS young women in winter clothing carrying signs, banners. PYN (8083) 3011-45 01:30:16:26 -- 01:32:07:21 1969 B W w Sound WOMEN'S LIBERATION - STREET THEATER Women's liberation power symbol (flashes to audio machine gun fire). "She's Beautiful When She's Angry" title screen. Feminist street theater at abortion rally in New York City, March 28, 1969. Women in costume playing parts in play w sign labels around neck- Capitalist, Ad Man, Teacher, Boyfriend, Mother. Reenact 4-H auction. Crowd watching & laughing. Young women enacting issues of race, gender, class, capitalism through comedic theater. Consciousness-raising session: Phyllis Chesler speaking to group of young women seated in room about female role in society. "Boyfriends don't really think about what we are." PYN (8083) 3011-46 01:32:07:22 -- 01:34:19:13 1969 B W w Sound WOMEN'S LIBERATION - STREET THEATER She's Beautiful When she's Angry Feminist street theater at abortion rally in New York City, March 28, 1969. Women in costume playing parts w sign labels around neck- Capitalist, Ad Man, Teacher, Boyfriend, Mother. Crowd watching & laughing. Discussing race, gender, class, capitalism through comedic theater. PYN (8083) 3011-47 01:34:19:14 -- 01:35:43:24 1969 B W w Sound WOMEN'S LIBERATION - STREET THEATER She's Beautiful When she's Angry Feminist street theater. Racism & feminism. Young Black woman wearing "Beulah" tag speaking to other performers about race, gender & society. PYN (8083) 3011-48 01:35:43:25 -- 01:36:05:23 1969 B W w Sound HOLY FEMINIST Women's liberation protest march. VO music: acoustic protest song. Newsreel - woman in religious garb saying prayer to "mother, daughter & holy granddaughter," chanting "Awomen" instead of "Amen." at women's liberation protest. Grainy TU Statue of Liberty. Abortion rights march with banners. VO narrator: "male dominated culture is belabored. no area is spared." VTM (8102) 3011-49 01:36:05:24 -- 01:36:43:13 1971 Color Silent WOMEN'S LIBERATION - MARCH VS women's liberation march in support of freeing Black Panther Ericka Huggins. Male & female students marching toward camera & shouting. Many flags including rainbow flag. HDN (8046) 3011-50 01:36:43:14 -- 01:36:56:07 1971 Color Silent WOMEN'S LIBERATION - SPEAKER AT RALLY Crowd standing & holding photo of Black Panther member Ericka Huggins while reading statement at women's liberation support rally. HDN (8046) 3011-51 01:36:56:08 -- 01:38:18:08 1971 Color w Sound MARGARET MEAD ON FAMILY CU Anthropologist Margaret Mead addressing camera, speaking about nature of family in the future- year 2000) Says there will be no one kind of family, "we're moving towards a world with options." "What we can look forward to is a diversity of families." Determined gender of children so no child will feel unwanted. "The family" is a "crazy piece of fiction & statistical abstraction." GLD (8039) 3011-52 01:38:18:09 -- 01:38:36:07 1970s Color Silent BELLA ABZUG Congresswoman Bella Abzug speaking at women's anti-war protest, Washington, DC HDN (8046) 3011-53 01:38:36:08 -- 01:38:52:02 1973 Color w Sound RIGHT TO CHOOSE 45-year-old woman in sunglasses speaks to reporter in street interview- She never wants to have children and says "Thank God for abortion!" Adds that she is Roman Catholic, laughing. GLD (8039) 3011-54 01:38:52:03 -- 01:39:03:20 1973 Color w Sound RIGHT TO CHOOSE Young woman interviewed talks about changing female choices, not having to get married & have children. GLD (8039) 3011-55 01:39:04:04 -- 01:39:17:24 1973 Color w Sound RIGHT TO CHOOSE CU Young woman wearing sunglasses in headshot interview talks about educating youth about fertility control, preventing unwanted pregnancies, abortion. GLD (8039) 3011-56 01:39:17:25 -- 01:39:45:04 1973 Color w Sound Documentary: music, VO narrator "Back in the city there's women's lib..." LA feminist author Lorna Grant speaks about "Back to the Land" hippie movements as regressive step to "barefoot and pregnant" syndrome for women. GLD (8039) 3011-57 01:39:45:05 -- 01:40:10:03 1973 Color w Sound RIGHT TO CHOOSE Headshot interview: young woman talks about personal experience having hospital abortion- length (6 weeks) need to streamline process. Second young woman talks about abortion and development of "morning after" pill so that women in future won't have to have to experience abortions. GLD (8039) 3011-58 01:40:10:07 -- 01:40:36:04 1975 Color w Sound PATRIARCHY Feminist author Anselma dell'Olio talks about patriarchy, female oppression. "Women have caught on to the Game." GLD (8039) 3011-59 01:40:36:05 -- 01:40:40:18 ca 1977 Color w Sound LESBIANS Women marching, holding "Lesbians Fight for Freedom" banner. LAC (8060) 3011-60 01:40:40:19 -- 01:41:21:25 1975 Color w Sound FEMINISTS SPEAK Sticker on clock on top of stove: "This Exploits Women." VO feminist (Anselma dell'Olio?) talking about gender roles as woman washes dishes in sink. GOOD PAN appliances, kitchen utensils. Redefining jobs of housework, raising children. Interview w young woman (former fashion model Ann Kyle) at restaurant table, talks about how lack of life options for young women. "Somebody's wife, somebody's mother - you can be somebody's anything but you can't be somebody." GLD (8039) 3011-61 01:41:21:26 -- 01:42:24:03 1975 Color w Sound CONSCIOUSNESS RAISING Music, VO narrator- former fashion model Ann Kyle speaking to high school girls about female oppression, new possibilities for women. Other woman talking about experience on dates & condescending attitudes towards women. Girls listening, smoking cigarettes. GLD (8039) 3011-62 01:42:24:04 -- 01:43:01:05 1975 Color w Sound FEMINISTS SPEAK Documentary - music, VO male narrator. New Feminist Repertory Theater founder Anselma dell'Olio sitting beside psychologist Dr. Phyllis Chesler, speaking in interview speaking about gender inequality, competition. GLD (8039) 3011-63 01:43:01:06 -- 01:43:50:29 1975 Color w Sound FEMINISTS SPEAK Documentary VO male narrator- Phyllis Chesler (demanded one million dollars in reparations for damage to women by male psychotherapists.) Headshot interview with feminist & psychologist Phyllis Chesler talking about unrecognized rape within marriage - wives having sex with husbands out of obligation, pity. GLD (8039) 3011-64 01:43:51:00 -- 01:43:58:04 1975 Color w Sound FEMINISTS SPEAK Feminist and psychologist Phyllis Chesler on marriage & prostitution as "sister institutions" oppressing women. GLD (8039) 3011-65 01:43:58:05 -- 01:45:13:08 1975 Color w Sound FEMINISTS SPEAK VO male narrator introduces opposing viewpoint. Cuts to stay-at-home mother with husband and four children in nursery. She talks about enjoying role of married housewife - "It may not be avant-garde, but I think it's great." Holding two babies, she says she finds floor scrubbing and nose-wiping "joyous." GLD (8039) 3011-66 01:45:13:09 -- 01:47:23:00 1975 Color w Sound FEMINISTS SPEAK Documentary VO male host. VS Psychologist Albert Ellis debates feminists Phyllis Chesler, Anselma dell'Olio and others about Freud, psychoanalysis, sexual, economic independence, power. "You cannot just liberate a person's sexual organs. You have to liberate their head first." Unidentified female expert talks about women's need to empower themselves economically. GLD (8039) 3011-67 01:47:23:04 -- 01:54:27:12 1975 Color w Sound ABORTION MARCH - PREDICTIONS FOR FUTURE OF WOMEN Music, VS Women's march for abortion rights- "Women's Strike for Freedom," "Free Abortion on Demand." Albert Ellis and Phyllis Chesler make predictions. Ellis predicts that oppression will decrease, women will not be second class citizens. Chesler predict more women in jail, in undesirable day jobs, need for state-supported child care. VS daycare center. Ann Kyle talks about leaving repressive structure of marriage, sharing care of children. VO Kyle's husband, producer Bob Madero, discussing their break-up, separate apartments. VS couple playing chess, bathing young children. "My identity was so much caught up with him." VO male host- history of their marriage. Female VO "Women are going to turn away completely from looking for male approval." VS women marching, carrying balloons at women's liberation march. VO feminist discussing future - female autonomy, emancipation. VO housewife (Laurie Cantor) criticizes women's lib for implying that a stay-at-home mother cannot be happy. EXCELLENT SOUNDBITE as she stands by crib: "I'm old-fashioned. I like having a man around the house." VS Cantor & family in nursery. GLD (8039) 3011-68 01:54:27:13 -- 01:55:24:13 1977 Color w Sound SELF-HELP VS women in alcoholism treatment center. ECU female counselor talks about special needs of women at clinic. (powerlessness, gender conditioning) Treating alcoholism from feminist lesbian perspective. Women stand in circle, role-playing as angry partners exp. Headshot of interview w counselor discussing the lesbian alcoholism movement, fostering self-respect in women. LAC (8060) 3011-69 01:55:24:14 -- 01:55:56:17 1977 Color w Sound NON-TRADITIONAL JOBS VS Black female judge in courtroom. VO woman "I work because I need the money...In this day and age, every woman has the responsibility to take care of herself." Female court stenographer. Female politician working at desk. VO politician discussing inequality of advancement in politics. EBC (8028) 3011-70 01:55:56:17 -- 01:56:19:25 1977 Color w Sound NON-TRADITIONAL JOBS VS female construction worker on site, female fire fighter in uniform helping combat fire w hose. VO woman w accent discussing the increasing job opportunities for women. VO man saying that more men are going to become secretaries. EBC (8028) 3011-71 01:56:19:26 -- 01:56:41:06 1977 Color w Sound FEMINISTS AND LABOR Black woman speaks to crowd of women at demonstration (not heard) - Sign "Women for Jobs & Justice." Women distributing pamphlets. VS Woman blames inequality on women themselves- "We're more than half the population." Man in favor of equal pay for same jobs. EBC (8028) 3011-72 01:56:41:07 -- 01:56:43:15 1984 Color w Sound CONSERVATIVE FEMINIST... CU woman at Republican Nation Convention wearing a hat w a bumper sticker that states "I Am A Liberated Woman - I Am A Republican." (brief) DN (8024) 3011-73 01:56:43:16 -- 01:57:44:17 1990 Color w Sound ADRIENNE RICH Feminist scholar, lesbian, and poet Adrienne Rich reads poem about the execution of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. GMP (8109) 01:57:44:18 -- END OF TAPE |