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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | ACL-3030 Digibeta |
Color: | B W and Color |
Type: | Compilation |
Year: | 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s |
Subjects: | Aerials, New York City |
Description: | 3030-1 01:00:00:00 -- 01:00:35:00 SURFING Waikiki Beach, HI. Caption "Sport afloat on outrigger canoe at the famous Waikiki Beach" Excellent early surfing. TS Men surf beside canoe, riding same wave. TS surfer jumps from his surfboard to other man's, falling in water. 1929 B W Silent VTM (8102) 3030-2 01:00:35:01 -- 01:00:39:18 SURFING The Leader News VO male host. Man and woman surfing. Male surfer stands on head on surfboard. 1938 B W w Sound PA (8076) 3030-3 01:00:39:19 -- 01:00:42:03 SURFING The Leader News VO male host. CU female surfer in swimcap and swimsuit smiling w arms outstretched as she tries to balance on board. Staged CU shots intercut with real surfing footage - funny. 1938 B W w Sound PA (8076) 3030-4 01:00:42:04 -- 01:00:53:09 SURFING The Leader News VO sexist male host: Chevy sedan parks by beach with two surfboards strapped to roof. Women in bathing suits untie surf boards. Men and women run to sea carrying long surfboards. 1940s B W w Sound PA (8076) 3030-5 01:00:53:10 -- 01:01:13:07 SURFING Aqua Frolics Caption "Australian surf-boarding!" Three shots of men surfing (scratched). VO male host. 1946 B W Silent PA (8076) 3030-6 01:01:13:08 -- 01:01:46:03 SURFING Three shots of people surfing in Hawaii. TS people and couples surfing with boat in FG. Three men surfing, one standing on his head. Good MS two men riding same wave. 1948 Color Silent AFP (8004) 3030-7 01:01:46:04 -- 01:01:52:10 SURFING MS Three Australian surfers stand on beach posing with long decorated surf boards, Australia. VO male host talks about evolution of surfboard from wider to longer. 1953 B W w Sound DN (8024) 3030-8 01:01:52:11 -- 01:02:20:13 SURFING VS surfers in Australia on modest waves with excellent British VO, "Away he goes on a rushing, roaring roller coaster." 1953 B W w Sound DN (8024) 3030-9 01:02:20:14 -- 01:03:43:04 SURFING Men lean surf boards against thatched hut on beach. VO male host describing features, materials in surfboards. VS men surfing, doing stunt tricks. Three men get on one board and fall off. Men have women ride high atop their shoulders, fall over. 1954 B W w Sound HC (8044) 3030-10 01:03:43:05 -- 01:03:59:24 SURFING Hawaii "Wonderful World" VS line of men standing up and surfing, one surfing with small dog on front of surfboard. 1959 Color w Sound PA (8076) 3030-11 01:03:59:25 -- 01:04:06:10 SURFING Man carries surf board on beach with palm trees, Hawaii 1950s Color Silent PET (8078) 3030-12 01:04:06:11 -- 01:04:31:16 SURFING MS Young man carries surfboard to ocean edge, hops on board and paddles out to waves. VS man surfing in distance, Hawaii. 1950s Color Silent AEN (8003) 3030-13 01:04:31:17 -- 01:05:05:21 SURFING Hawaii. Male VO host, Hawaiian guitar music. VS men and women surfing, outrigger canoe riding toward shore. 1950s Color w Sound VTM (8102) 3030-14 01:05:05:22 -- 01:06:14:28 SURFING Hawaii. VO female narrator talks about canoe ride, make and composition. HA red outrigger canoe by beach shore. VS side view of tourists and Hawaiians rowing canoe, catching wave back to shore. 1950s Color w Sound VTM (8102) 3030-15 01:06:14:29 -- 01:06:18:13 SURFING CU line of men hopping up on boards and surfing, with mountains in BG, Hawaii. Audio: music. 1960 Color w Sound VTM (8102) 3030-16 01:06:18:14 -- 01:06:51:25 SURFING Hawaii. Side view of men stand on boards and surfing w mountains in BG. Good TS Two surfers ride same wave, one wearing cap and shorts. 1963 Color Silent PET (8078) 3030-17 01:06:51:26 -- 01:07:05:28 SURFING WS large group of surfers paddling in water, waiting for wave and surfing 1963 Color Silent PET (8078) 3030-18 01:07:05:29 -- 01:07:13:10 SURFING WS rows of surfers riding waves 1963 Color Silent PET (8078) 3030-19 01:07:13:11 -- 01:07:20:12 SURFING WS Surfers paddling on surfboards in calm water as catamaran sailboat drifts in FG 1963 Color Silent PET (8078) 3030-20 01:07:20:13 -- 01:08:33:08 SURFING Music, German VO. Hawaii. Good VS surfers, beach culture. MS Two young women wearing bikinis carry surfboard on beach. VS children bodysurfing, men surfing. Showy surfer stands and turns in 360 circle on board, rides wave and surfs off after complete ride. 1963 B W w Sound DWZ (8123) 3030-21 01:08:33:09 -- 01:08:59:03 SURFING WS Good clear shot of man in shorts surfing modest wave, then woman, CA. 1966 Color Silent PET (8078) 3030-22 01:08:59:04 -- 01:09:07:24 SURFING MS man surfing does silly 360 degree turn on surfboard, falls at end of ride, CA 1966 Color Silent PET (8078) 3030-23 01:09:07:25 -- 01:10:30:04 SURFING VS surfing competition in Hawaii, Group of men carry surfboards into water, paddle out and ride waves. VS teenagers, white, Hawaiian spectators watching from shore. Three surfers ride in group on same wave. Good VS surfers in numbered jerseys take individual rides. Some wipeouts. 1966 B W Silent HD (8045) 3030-24 01:10:30:05 -- 01:10:35:15 SURFING Man surfs at sundown in near-silhouette, Australia. Audio - music. 1968 Color w Sound VTM (8102) 3030-25 01:10:35:16 -- 01:10:38:15 SURFING Young man and woman paddle out to sea on surfboards to catch waves. Audio: band instrumental music. 1968 Color w Sound IMS (8133) 3030-26 01:10:38:16 -- 01:10:42:06 SURFING MS female surfer in bikini stands up on surfboard. Audio: band instrumental music. 1968 Color w Sound IMS (8133) 3030-27 01:10:42:07 -- 01:10:45:23 SURFING Girl wearing bikini waxes surfboard on beach. Audio: band instrumental music. 1968 Color w Sound IMS (8133) 3030-28 01:10:45:24 -- 01:10:48:18 SURFING Young woman wearing bikini stands and surfs in ocean. Audio: band instrumental music. 1968 Color w Sound IMS (8133) 3030-29 01:10:48:19 -- 01:10:50:23 SURFING Convertible sportscar drives down coastal highway with surfboard in back. VS beach culture. Man surfs, children play in surf. Audio: bright music. 1968 Color w Sound IMS (8133) 3030-30 01:10:50:24 -- 01:11:04:01 SURFING Good clear shot: Man in white shorts surfing loses balance and falls, as his surfboard continues to ride wave, CA 1960s Color Silent PET (8078) 3030-31 01:11:04:02 -- 01:12:39:12 SURFING Nice montage of people surfing in CA - young man rides wave in close to shore. Blonde woman in bikini surfs and paddles board back out to catch waves - some falls. Hispanic men riding small waves, some falling. 1960s Color Silent PET (8078) 3030-32 01:12:39:13 -- 01:12:45:21 SURFING Hawaii. AV people in outrigger canoe boat surfing. VS HA man surfing. Audio: Hawaiian-style vocal song. 1960s Color w Sound AFP (8004) 3030-33 01:12:45:22 -- 01:13:04:26 SURFING Hawaii. VS several Hawaiian surfers Audio: instrumental fun music. 1960s Color w Sound AFP (8004) 3030-34 01:13:04:27 -- 01:13:25:23 SURFING Male surfer lifts woman onto shoulders, she balances on one leg while surfing, CA. 1960s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-35 01:13:25:24 -- 01:13:51:23 SURFING Surfer hunkers down in curl through breaking waves. Surfer starts with stomach on board rides over crest of huge wave. 1960s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-36 01:13:51:24 -- 01:14:09:25 SURFING WS Good three surfers ride on same foamy wave toward CAM, falling off to one riding board on stomach as wave crashes on top of him. 1960s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-37 01:14:09:26 -- 01:14:31:10 SURFING SLO MO WS excellent two surfers dropping in on top of big wave, falling. Second clip, one surfer stays on board 1960s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-38 01:14:31:11 -- 01:14:38:04 SURFING WS Surfers fall in, get hurled by huge wave, surfboard shoots out of crashing surf. 1960s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-39 01:14:38:05 -- 01:15:05:07 SURFING WS PAN Many surfers riding two close waves, hazy-looking. One surfer gets caught in middle of wave with arms outstretched. Other surfers paddle on boards in FG. 1960s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-40 01:15:05:08 -- 01:15:13:04 SURFING MS Excellent three surfers close together (middle one wears red shorts), one falls and surf board is thrown out of surf. 1960s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-41 01:15:13:05 -- 01:15:22:27 SURFING WS Fat Hawaiian man surfing quickly on small wave, hunkering on board with shorts hanging low. 1960s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-42 01:15:22:28 -- 01:15:49:27 SURFING SLO MO WS man in silhouette surfing at dusk and crouching on board with light glinting on waves. 1960s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-43 01:15:49:28 -- 01:16:06:04 SURFING CU feet of three surfers stepping to tip of surf boards during rides, last SLO MO. 1960s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-44 01:16:06:05 -- 01:16:25:04 SURFING Blonde male surfer in red shorts surfing, CA. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-45 01:16:25:05 -- 01:16:40:22 SURFING Nice surfing falls. Fat Hawaiian surfer falls with ass in the air, second guy falls on his ass onto his board. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-46 01:16:40:23 -- 01:16:49:25 SURFING WS Group of surfers riding same wave have collision, two remain on boards. Surfer crouching on board trips up other surfer who falls in wave. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-47 01:16:49:26 -- 01:16:58:18 SURFING Good CU feet of surfer on surfboard stepping forward and back to adjust during surf ride 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-48 01:16:58:19 -- 01:17:19:25 SURFING Two classic surfing shots. Two surfers riding pipeline with huge blue wave breaking behind them. Three surfers ride huge wave, then two after one falls. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-49 01:17:19:26 -- 01:17:36:24 SURFING Lone surfer drops down and surfs on huge waves, riding as surf crashes behind him, falling. (film slightly hazy) 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-50 01:17:36:25 -- 01:17:47:14 SURFING Several surfers ride just in front of white surf across huge wave with lots of ocean spray, surfer disappears and reappears. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-51 01:17:47:15 -- 01:17:51:20 SURFING Lone surfer riding on huge wave gets swallowed by crashing surf. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-52 01:17:51:21 -- 01:17:57:16 SURFING SLO MO surfer crouching and falling on wave. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-53 01:17:57:17 -- 01:19:18:16 SURFING Four good successful surf rides. Two surfers ride in curl of huge wave. Man crouches, adjusts and falls to stomach on surfboard. Man drops in and rides huge wave. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-54 01:19:18:17 -- 01:19:29:06 SURFING Lone surfer in black trunks surfs through treacherous waves and crouches through curl. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-55 01:19:29:07 -- 01:19:54:11 SURFING SLO MO male surfer makes drop in as other surfers get left behind, rides huge wave. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-56 01:19:54:12 -- 01:19:57:22 SURFING SLO MO surfer falls on wave and surfboard is flipped into air. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-57 01:19:57:23 -- 01:20:08:12 SURFING Excellent: Lone surfer rides back wave of two large rolling waves, rides over crest and pops off surfboard. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-58 01:20:08:13 -- 01:20:23:17 SURFING Lone surfer rides wave, gracefully weaving back and forth. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-59 01:20:23:18 -- 01:20:31:02 SURFING Hazy: SLO MO Surfboard flips in air in FG with lone surfer barely in front of crashing surf in BG. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-60 01:20:31:03 -- 01:20:49:25 SURFING SLO MO Lone surfer rides on large deep blue wave, crouching through curl and turning out over crest of wave. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-61 01:20:49:26 -- 01:21:20:07 SURFING SLO MO Surfer falls off surfboard at top of wave as board is flipped in air. Excellent: surfer stays low and moves along pipeline of breaking wave, sitting down on board. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-62 01:21:20:08 -- 01:21:51:23 SURFING 4 clips, last 2 in slo mo - Surfers are swallowed up by powerful waves. One surfer wipes out during drop in as other survives on wave. Surfer wiping out at top of huge crashing wave. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-63 01:21:51:24 -- 01:22:13:05 SURFING Two clips, Hawaii. WS surfer running huge pipeline, wiping out in surf shot from shore with spectators heads in FG. Surfer gracefully cuts through wave pipeline, over crest of wave. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-64 01:22:13:06 -- 01:22:29:11 SURFING SLO MO side view two surfers drop in and ride huge wave. 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-65 01:22:29:12 -- 01:22:49:16 SURFING Excellent SLO MO clean shot w good lone surfer riding huge wave 1960s, 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-66 01:22:49:17 -- 01:22:59:04 SURFING MS man almost in silhouette surfing in large wave, CA. Audio: instrumental music. 1970 Color w Sound GLD (8039) 3030-67 01:22:59:05 -- 01:23:15:23 SURFING VS surfer riding wave intercut with heads of seals bobbing in water, CA. Audio: Jazzy song w vocals. 1970 Color w Sound GLD (8039) 3030-68 01:23:15:24 -- 01:23:27:22 SURFING Awkward surfer in silhouette rides wave, CA. Audio: same song from previous clip, male VO: "We never can have enough of nature." 1970 Color w Sound GLD (8039) 3030-69 01:23:27:23 -- 01:23:43:05 SURFING VS Surfer wearing partial wet suit rides wave, CA. VO scientist Carl Sagan talking about extraterrestrial life and "oxygen chauvinism" to surf guitar music. 1970 Color w Sound GLD (8039) 3030-70 01:23:43:06 -- 01:23:50:25 SURFING Surfer in wet suit floating on surfboard close to CAM, waiting for wave, surfing, CA. Audio, VO Carl Sagan continued from last clip. 1970 Color w Sound GLD (8039) 3030-71 01:23:50:26 -- 01:23:57:27 SURFING Reflections on New Jersey Man surfs on Jersey shore, NJ. VO male narrator. 1970s Color w Sound PA (8076) 3030-72 01:23:57:28 -- 01:24:07:17 SURFING Surfer emerges from under spray of wave, and rides before he's enveloped and his board flies in the air, Hawaii. Audio: ocean surf noises. 1970s Color w Sound GEO (8116) 3030-73 01:24:07:18 -- 01:24:25:29 SURFING VS Surfers body surf huge waves on surfboards, Hawaii. Audio: ocean surf noises. 1970s Color w Sound GEO (8116) 3030-74 01:24:26:00 -- 01:24:47:21 SURFING Hawaii WS ZI surfer riding huge treacherous wave, ending up lying on his surfboard and bodysurfing in front of the wave. 1970s Color w Sound GEO (8116) 3030-75 01:24:47:22 -- 01:25:35:19 SURFING VS men surfing, riding waves, falling off boards, Magic Island, Hawaii 1970s Color Silent GEO (8116) 3030-76 01:25:35:20 -- 01:26:31:00 SURFING Black high school students attend lifeguard training from white instructor on beach, Los Angeles, CA. Montage of students falling quickly off surfboards, riding for longer time. VO instructor, audio: blues music. 1970s Color w Sound LAC (8060) 3030-77 01:26:31:01 -- 01:26:43:12 SURFING Flashy competition surfer in wet suit doing cutbacks while riding wave 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-78 01:26:43:13 -- 01:27:16:09 SURFING VS Flashy surfers in wet suits ride waves in competition. People on beach with "Los Angeles Surfing" banner. Competitors ride waves, doing cutback moves, etc. 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-79 01:27:16:10 -- 01:27:31:00 SURFING MS surfer in yellow and green rides wave, cutting back and through front of wave. Audio: majestic drums, rock music. 1989 Color w Sound EBC (8028) 3030-80 01:27:31:01 -- 01:27:47:22 SURFING Surfer in black trunks and t-shirt drops in and surfs through curl of large wave, in foam of crashing wave. Audio: ocean noise. 1989 Color w Sound EBC (8028) 3030-81 01:27:47:23 -- 01:28:12:26 SURFING SLO MO surfer wearing blue trunks rides wave and falls into it. Audio: disco-type music. 1989 Color w Sound EBC (8028) 3030-82 01:28:12:27 -- 01:28:25:11 SURFING Five surfers push car through ditches on muddy road, with surf boards tied on roof rack 1950s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-83 01:28:25:12 -- 01:28:30:28 SURFING MS man sits behind steering wheel of odd beach-buggy vehicle with surf board in back, beside coastal highway. 1950s or 1960s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-84 01:28:30:29 -- 01:28:34:07 SURFING (gag) Speeded up film of car w surfboard on roof rack driving on road toward and past CAM 1950s - 1960s ? Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-85 01:28:34:08 -- 01:28:53:19 SURFING (SURFER DUDES) Surfers riding on hood of car on muddy and water-logged road pushing car with surf boards on roof rack. Man sits on back fender of car as it moves. 1950s - 1960s ? Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-86 01:28:53:20 -- 01:28:58:10 SURFING MHA car driving on highway with two long surfboards strapped on roof rack. 1960s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-87 01:28:58:11 -- 01:29:16:29 SURFING (surfer dudes) VS Blonde surfer dudes hanging around in beach parking lot, looking at surf. Opening door of car with surfboards on roof rack. Car with surfboard on roof turns corner, almost hits man sitting in road and drives toward CAM. 1960s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-88 01:29:17:00 -- 01:29:32:00 SURFING Three surfer dudes lean on car in parking lot with surfboards on roof rack. 1970s (?) Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-89 01:29:32:01 -- 01:30:10:16 SURFING - SURF BOARD SPOOF Surfing spy gadget spoof. Man in suit, wraparound sunglasses carrying briefcase walks up stairs, opens briefcase and produces miniature surf board. He blows into plastic pipe and 'transforms' it into a full-size surfboard. 1960s - 1970s ? Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-90 01:30:10:17 -- 01:30:25:23 SURFING GAG EXT store with Surfboards sign. Man exits, gets into car (Volkswagen Beetle) w surfboard sticking out of sunroof and speeds off on highway. 1960s - 1970s ? Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-91 01:30:25:24 -- 01:30:29:17 SURFING GAG Classic slapstick on beach. Man carrying surfboard turns, whacking other man across head with board. 1960s - 1970s ? Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-92 01:30:29:18 -- 01:30:40:04 SURFING (BOARDS) Time-lapse animated MS four unfinished surfboards turn into four finished painted boards 1960s - 1970s ? Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-93 01:30:40:05 -- 01:30:45:23 SURFING VW van drives past CAM with surf boards on roof rack, Hawaii. 1960s ? Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-94 01:30:45:24 -- 01:31:00:04 SURFING Hawaiian surfer carries surfboard from baggage compartment of airplane, steps onto runway and puts board into back of station wagon. 1960s? Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-95 01:31:00:05 -- 01:31:11:26 SURFING Surfer dudes in parking lot stand by car and look at surf. CU blonde boy carrying surfboard on beach. 1960s? Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-96 01:31:11:27 -- 01:31:26:26 SURFING VS man wearing face mask sands surfboard in shop. CU surfboards compressing and expanding. EXT: Surfboard shop with station wagons in front. 1970s? Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-97 01:31:26:27 -- 01:31:41:05 LIFE GUARDS Man tries to resuscitate boy on beach who almost drowned as other boy scouts help by rubbing his legs, Old Orchard Beach, ME. 1920 B W Silent VTM (8102) 3030-98 01:31:41:06 -- 01:31:48:14 LIFE GUARDS Excellent WS Florida lifeguards pose in a line on beach in uniforms and caps. Burly lifeguard flexes his muscles as woman in swimsuit takes his measurements with tape measure. 1937 B W Silent TAP (8098) 3030-99 01:31:48:16 -- 01:34:25:15 LIFE GUARDS VS Lifeguards making rescue on beach in Santa Monica, CA. VO male narrator outlines procedure. LA lifeguard scanning with binoculars from tower, phoning beach patrol officer. Lifeguard paddles out on surfboard to rescue drowning man, pulling him onto board. Good side view lifeguard catches wave, transporting unconscious man to shore on surfboard. Paramedic administers oxygen to man, lay blanket over him. 1955 B W w Sound HC (8044) 3030-100 01:34:25:16 -- 01:34:37:03 LIFE GUARDS Reflections on New Jersey WS lifeguards ride wave in rowboat toward shore, Jersey Shore, NJ 1970s Color w Sound PA (8076) 3030-101 01:34:37:04 -- 01:35:08:19 LIFE GUARDS Hawaii. Lifeguard directs people out of water because of hazardous surf. VS huge waves w studio of ocean surf noise, people standing and laying on beach watching. 1970s Color w Sound GEO (8116) 3030-102 01:35:08:20 -- 01:35:45:15 LIFE GUARDS 1970s VS Students, mostly Hispanic and Black boys taking lifeguard training on beach in Los Angeles, CA. Audio: rock instrumental music, Santana-ish. Kids receive their official lifeguard T-shirts, do jumping jacks, sit-ups, running in place exercise on beach to banjo music. 1970s Color w Sound LAC (8060) 3030-103 01:35:45:16 -- 01:36:48:18 LIFE GUARDS 1970s VS Students, mostly Hispanic and Black boys taking lifeguard training on beach in Los Angeles, CA. White instructor teaches first aid bandaging, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, CPR techniques to students. Boys 1970s Color w Sound LAC (8060) 3030-104 01:36:48:19 -- 01:37:30:12 LIFE GUARDS VS Student lifeguard trainees practice rescue of boy in water, Los Angeles, CA. VO instructor detailing procedure. Boys swim out and carry boy back in tube through water. 1970s Color w Sound LAC (8060) 3030-105 01:37:30:13 -- 01:37:42:28 LIFE GUARDS VS lifeguards in action (training) including women, Gateway National Recreation Area, New York or NJ. VO male park ranger. Simulated rescue. Black lifeguard stands in tower. Female lifeguard runs into water with life preserver. 1970s Color w Sound DN (8024) 3030-106 01:37:42:29 -- 01:37:46:14 LIFE GUARDS Three female life guards carry body from ocean during training rescue simulation of drowning victim, Gateway beach area, New York or NJ. 1970s Color w Sound DN (8024) 3030-107 01:37:46:15 -- 01:37:57:06 LIFE GUARDS Female lifeguard administers mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to hairy male practice victim on beach. Female lifeguard blows whistle on tower, New York 1970s Color w Sound DN (8024) 3030-108 01:37:57:07 -- 01:38:07:09 RED FLAG PAN empty beach with ocean surf, red flag blowing in wind. Muffled female VO. 1989 Color w Sound EBC (8028) 3030-109 01:38:07:10 -- 01:38:24:07 SUNSET WS Two sunsets with palm trees in silhouette blowing in FG, Hawaii. 1950s Color Silent PET (8078) 3030-110 01:38:24:08 -- 01:38:32:05 SUNSET Couple in silhouette in FG watching beautiful orange sunset with strips of clouds over ocean, Hawaii. 1960s Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-111 01:38:32:06 -- 01:38:47:29 SUNSET WS ZI couple walking along beach shore at sunset w sun ring, Hawaii (not gender specific). Audio: music, male VO. 1970 Color w Sound DN (8024) 3030-112 01:38:48:00 -- 01:39:05:00 SUNSET ZI on sunset on horizon over ocean with sun rays on water and sand in FG, CA. 1970s Color Silent DN (8024) 3030-113 01:39:05:01 -- 01:39:42:08 SUNSET VS sun setting on horizon over ocean, seagulls in silhouette flying in front of sun, CA. 1970s Color Silent DN (8024) 3030-114 01:39:42:09 -- 01:39:49:10 SUNSET MS seagulls walking on seashore at sunset, New York. Audio: bird noises, ocean waves. 1970s Color w Sound DN (8024) 3030-115 01:39:49:11 -- 01:39:57:13 SUNSET VS huge sunset on horizon over ocean. Audio: orchestral music. 1982 Color w Sound DN (8024) 3030-116 01:39:57:14 -- 01:40:00:12 ROMANCE WS White couple running along seashore at beach lined with palm trees, Hawaii. 1960 Color w Sound VTM (8102) 3030-117 01:40:00:13 -- 01:40:47:07 SHOT REMOVED 03 30 04 3030-118 01:40:47:08 -- 01:40:55:27 ROMANCE American Thrift MS White couple in silhouette sit on fence and watch sun setting over ocean. 1962 Color w Sound PA (8076) 3030-119 01:40:55:28 -- 01:41:03:28 ROMANCE Never Among Strangers White couple walk along beach, holding hands. Audio: surf music. 1968 Color w Sound DN (8024) 3030-120 01:41:03:29 -- 01:41:10:21 ROMANCE Reflections on New Jersey MS 1970s young white couple walk in ocean surf, picking up shells, etc. at Gateway National Rec. Area. NJ. Audio: male VO: "The ocean is all things to all people." 1970s Color w Sound PA (8076) 3030-121 01:41:10:22 -- 01:41:16:01 ROMANCE White couple sit together on sandy beach, talking, CA. 1960s Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-122 01:41:16:02 -- 01:41:21:19 ROMANCE WS couple walk along beach shore at sunset in silhouette. Audio: VO, acoustic guitar. 1982 Color w Sound DN (8024) 3030-123 01:41:21:20 -- 01:41:35:13 PARTY VS beach party with food, men and women dancing in light slacks, sun dresses, Brazil? LA people at party dance arm-in-arm in front of palm trees. Audio: Brazilian music. 1968 Color w Sound VTM (8102) 3030-124 01:41:35:14 -- 01:42:46:24 SPRING BREAK VS College students on beach during Spring Break, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Italian VO. Group of students do the Twist on beach. Young woman in bikini speaks in Italian to CAM. sunbathing, gawking, doing the twist. 1960s B W w Sound AFP (8004) 3030-125 01:42:46:25 -- 01:43:18:12 SPRING BREAK Spring Break in Fort Lauderdale, FL. VO male host. VS young women in bikinis, couples driving in convertibles, CU wheeling kegs of beer on dolly, cops on duty, students drinking glasses of beer, toast CAM. 1960s DN (8024) 3030-126 01:43:18:13 -- 01:45:56:03 BEACH STORY VS Atlantic City. VO male host, bright music. People walk along boardwalk. Families sit in lounge chairs. Lifeguards stand on boat beach patrol station, surveying boardwalk. Burly lifeguards walk among sunbathers on crowded beach. Elderly couple look at young 'newlywed' couple on beach, recall their own romance (young people in old-fashioned 1890s bathing suits) Couple sits in roller chairs on wooden boardwalk, are pushed by Black worker past attractions. Colored awnings on beach. 1950 Color w Sound AFP (8004) 3030-127 01:45:56:04 -- 01:46:22:10 BOARDWALK Home movies w musical score, Atlantic City, NJ. VS woman walks with her two sons in matching suits on boardwalk, take roller chair tour pushed by Black worker on boardwalk. Man in suit walks with two boys on boardwalk. 1930s or 1940s B W w Sound PET (8078) 3030-128 01:46:22:11 -- 01:46:53:09 BOARDWALK HA crowds move on boardwalk, beaches in BG in rain, Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York 1933 B W Silent PET (8078) 3030-129 01:46:53:10 -- 01:47:05:01 BOARDWALK HA WS crowded boardwalk with crowded beach in BG, Coney Island. 1933 B W Silent PET (8078) 3030-130 01:47:05:02 -- 01:47:16:11 BOARDWALK HA WS Coney Island boardwalk and crowds on jampacked beach. ca 1933 B W Silent PET (8078) 3030-131 01:47:16:12 -- 01:47:32:09 AV Two AVs over crowded beach at Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York 1930 B W Silent AFP (8004) 3030-132 01:47:32:10 -- 01:47:40:15 AV Miami Beach, FL. AV along strip of beach and palm trees, water. 1930s B W Silent DN (8024) 3030-133 01:47:40:16 -- 01:47:53:19 AV AV tropical beach cove with palm trees and land jutting into ocean, Hawaii? Audio: instrumental, string music. 1970s Color w Sound DN (8024) 3030-134 01:47:53:20 -- 01:48:07:05 BEACH FUN GAG VS car POV driver in car tries to run over man on beach seashore. WS Volkswagen man chasing man down shore. 1960s - 1970s ? Color Silent ROL (8135) 3030-135 01:48:07:06 -- 01:48:57:04 BEACH FU |