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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
Title: | MY BROTHER |
File Number: | PET-325 1 inch |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Documentary |
Year: | 1950s |
Description: | 03:02:19:00 B W 1950s Luthern Television Productions. Credits. Pan small picturesque American town. Man sitting in armchair, addresses CAM. INT country store, good. Woman enters with boy who's been beaten up. CU boy's bruised and bloody face. Store keeper cleans boy's wounds. Young boy and teenage boy get dressed in bedroom - they're joined by man, who sits and talks with young boy - a very serious discussion ensues.03:09:50:26 B W 1950s INT woodworking shop, father and older son talk. They are joined by older man - discussion continues. Young boy joins the men. CU boy looking ashamed, coy.03:14:23:19 B W 1950s Businessmen talk in office.03:15:13:20 B W 1950s White boy befriends Chicano boy at baseball field. Two white bully boys approach them, they have words, one boy physically threatens other - if he goes, I go, scene. CU Chicano boy smiling broadly.03:15:58:10 B W 1950s INT soda fountain, general store. Man sits at counter and talks with store keeper. Family at home in living room, man comforts boy. INT store, men talk over counter. Two men enter home of Chicano boy and his mother - conversation. One man looks at framed photo of soldier.03:23:28:16 B W 1950s CU men talking in moving car at night. Conversation continues when car is stopped and parked.03:26:35:17 B W 1950s Men and boys with mits and baseball gear chat at soda fountain counter. (tape ends abruptly) |