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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | PET-136 1 inch |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Newsreel |
Year: | 1945 - 1967 |
Subjects: | Western Wall |
Description: | 01:00:00:00 - 01:01:26:20 VOL. 38 #69 REPORT ON VIETNAM (1965). MOS. On the heels of the major US Marine victory just South of the Chu Lai Base, South Vietnamese troops are stepping up the pace of their search and destroy missions. 'Copters swoop down on jungle pockets that conceal Viet Cong guerrillas and deploy soldiers to surround the area until armored columns can move up. While ground forces slog through the jungle, B-52's continue to make the long flight from Guam to drop bombs on isolated hideouts of the Viet Cong. 01:01:26:21 - 01:05:44:20 VOL. 38 #69 OCEAN EXPLORERS: SEALAB CREW TO STUDY DEPTHS OF THE SEA (1965). As Gemini V continues to probe the mysteries of Outer Space, a different kind of capsule descends into the depths of the sea to explore another of man's remaining frontiers. Sealab II, a self-contained submersible, will be manned by two crews of ten men each for the next thirty days as it rests 215 feet below the surface of the Pacific, off La Jolla, California. Famed Astronaut, Scott Carpenter, is among the men who are taking part in the experiment which began with a descent of Sealab I off the Coast of Bermuda. Man is a most adaptable creature. The Sky above, the Sea below, belong to those who conquer. 01:05:51:05 - 01:12:23:02 VOL. 40 #50 UNITED NATIONS: KOSYGIN DIMS HOPE FOR EARLY PEACE United Nations- MIDDLE EAST (1967) Soviet Premier Kosygin, at the United Nations, demands troop withdrawal in the Middle East to original boundaries, return of all captured territory, and condemns the US for allegedly encouraging Israel. President Johnson urges Israeli-Arab negotiation with world cooperation. In the Old City of Jerusalem, the old dividing wall is demolished and religious pilgrims flock to the Wailing Wall. VIETNAM (1967) USFighter-Bombers step-up the air war over North Vietnam, blasting railroad lines, power stations, supply camps, and enemy convoys. It's the heaviest single day of air attacks since last November. In Florida (1967) The nozzle of a gigantic rocket-engine breaks loose during a static test-firing, shooting flames hundreds of feet in the air, rattling cameras over two miles away, and raining debris over a wide area. NASA has been testing to find a solid-fuel engine. In New York - 1967 fashion. Rudi Gernreich, famous for topless bathing suits, shows off his Fall fashions. They accent plaids and include removable skirts-over-mini-dresses...and reversible coats. 1967 US Open At Baltustrol Golf Course in New Jersey, Jack Nicklaus sets a US Open record with a total 275 to beat Ben Hogan's all-time low score. He wins by four strokes, Palmer finishing second. Amateur Marty Fleckman, third-round leader, fades under pressure the last day. 01:12:29:22 - 01:20:01:01 VOL. 18 #431 FORMAL JAP SURRENDER (1945) (NO AUDIO) On the broad decks of the USS "Missouri," in Tokio Bay, the official Japanese delegation signs the formal surrender documents. Military representatives of each of the victorious Allied powers, then affix their signatures, and hostilities are ended. General MacArthur, Supreme Commander for the Allies, speaks to the gathering, and to the world, stating that hostilities have ceased, and that with God's help, war will be ended forever. In Washington, President Truman offers thanks for the Allied victory, and summons America to work as diligently in the post-war period as she did in the prosecution of the war. (NO AUDIO) 1945 As Yanks occupy the Japanese capital they see that Tokio (Tokyo) is a ruined city. The antiquated Jap fire-fighting equipment was unable to save immense areas which were burned out by fire bomb raids. Yet, most of the buildings in the Mikado's compound are untouched. (NO AUDIO) 1945 THE AFUNA HORROR CAMP (1945) The beatings which Yank prisoners of war took from Jap torture weapons was enough--but the continuous diet of low grade Jap food was too much. To be freed from such tortures produces a very happy lot of Americans. (NO AUDIO) 01:20:22:05 - 01:26:54:21 VOL. 25 #552 INDO-CHINA - OFFENSIVE MOPS UP REDS IN RICE BOWL (1952) In a renewed offensive, French colonial forces round up communists that have infiltrated the rich rice bowl of northern Indo-China. With heavy artillery and napalm bombs they blast villages in which the Reds entrenched themselves. IKE QUITS NATO (1952) PARIS. Ike sends his request to be relieved of his post as commander in Chief of Western Europe's armies. He explains what his status in the army would be should he be nominated at G.O.P. convention. FLOODS SWEEP SEVEN STATES (1952) In the highest flood crest of its history, the Missouri river sweeps over rich farmlands of the middle west and renders 74,000 homeless. HIGHEST HONORS (1952) WASHINGTON, DC Three more Korean war heroes receive the Congressional medal of honor from the hands of President Truman. GREECE (1952). The Greeks not only have a word for it but they have the girls to prove it. Lovely is the word for the maidens who compete for the title of Miss Hellas beauty contest beauty pageant. NEW YORK (1952). Easter Parade. Despite lowering skies and a raw wind, Eastern promenaders are out in force along New york's famed Fifth Avenue. The hats--well, you have to see them to believe them. 01:27:12:18 - 01:33:46:24 VOL. 26 #514 INDO-CHINA: FRENCH CLEANUP DRIVE SLOWED BY RED TRAPS (1953) French and Viet Namese units, carrying out an attack intended to smash Communist forces, find difficult terrain and bitter opposition blunt the edge of their thrust. 19 DIE IN WEST COAST CRASH (1953) Eleven passengers and crewmen die as British transport on the last leg of an 8600 mile flight from Australia, crashes in a mountainside only minutes before landing GREECE (1953) NATO commander Alfred Gunther inspects troops. GREEK RULERS ON US TOUR (1953) King Paul and Queen Fredericka of Greece arrive in New York to begin a month long tour of the U.S get tickertape parade down Fifth Avenue. Later, in Washington, they are guests of President and Mrs. Eisenhower at the White House. The monarch expresses his country's eternal gratitude for US aid. (1953) The 8th Annual Royal Film Performance draws huge throngs for a glimpse of Queen Elizabeth II, and a galaxy of Hollywood (Gary Cooper) and British film notables and stars, attending the gals show. Gary Cooper shakes hands with and talks with Queen Elizabeth II. Diamond fashions - The sixth annual presentation of the country's most fabulous fashion show presents glamorous models in the latest styles, dazzlingly accented by fortunes in brilliant gems. FOOTBALL (1953) LLINOIS-PURDUE--CHAMPAIGN, ILL.--Sophomore stars J.C. Caroline and Mickey Bates lead Illinois to a resounding 21-0 victory over Purdue. USC-OREGON--PORTLAND, ORE.--USC. is toppled from the ranks of the unbeaten in the upset of the week by Oregon, 13-7. FORDHAM-MIAMI--POLO GROUNDS, N.Y.--Fordham's Rams batter the Miami eleven to score a decisive 20-0 win over the Hurricanes. VOL. 26 #515 FLAG SALUTE: UNITED NATIONS UNITS IN KOREA PARADE FOR RIDGWAY (1953) KOREA--US Chief of Staff General Matthew Ridgway revisits Korea. After a visit to President Syngman Rhee, he reviews crack troops of the United Nations forces in the most impressive dress parade since Korean war began. FRENCH FIGHT OUT OF INDO-CHINA RED TRAP (1953) INDO-CHINA--Dramatic action scenes as French and Viet Namese forces battle out of a Red ambush. Aided by fighter-bombers, they rout the Reds in this jungle battle--another hard won victory in a costly war. SCORPION JET SHOWS STING (1953) America's newest jet interceptor, the "Scorpion," shows its sting, a death-dealing battery of 104 air-to-air rockets that spell destruction for any foe. (1953) Marie Dionne, one of the famed quintuplets, forsakes the material world for the spiritual. A touching farewell with her family as she enters the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament Convent. PHILADELPHIA, PA. (1953) --50,000 of the devout crowd into Fairmount Park where children reportedly saw a vision of the Virgin Mary. A bush on the spot has been converted into a shrine--hung with dozens of rosaries and miraculous medals. ARMY SALVAGES BATTLE DEBRIS (1953) KOREA--Tons of shellcases, a fortune in brass and steel scrap, is loaded for shipment to reclamation in US mills. Tanks, bulldozers, and other battle-damaged and service worn equipment, is reconditioned like new in Japan depots--saving millions for US taxpayers. STYLES ON SHIPBOARD (1953) A bevy of beauties promenades on the new Italian liner Andrea Doria, displaying new silhouettes and fabrics in fashions created by Leonard Arkin. NATIONAL HORSE SHOW (1953) Opening night of the National Horse Show draws a gala crowd of high society. Featured on the tanbark is an unusual competition in the jump-off between two young Canadian and English equestriennes. Canada's Mounties perform their Coronation Ride for a colorful climax to the evening. VOL. 25 #414 H-BOMB: ATOMIC HEAD TELLS OF ENIWETOK TESTS (1952) (NO AUDIO) WASHINGTON. A.E.C. Chairman Gordon Dean admits H-bomb tests to newsmen, but refuses further comment. He promises a probe of possible security leaks from Eniwetok. INDO-CHINA: FRENCH FORCES DRIVE TO CUT OFF RED UNITS (1952) (NO AUDIO) French Union forces in strategic northwest delta region spearhead a counter-attack against Reds, as the rainy season ends, and fighting flares again. 1952, GEORGIA. President-elect Eisenhower and the future First Lady celebrate Mamie's birthday with the family. Grandson David's party manners make his famous grandfather laugh heartily MOTION PICTURE PIONEER AWARDS (1952) NEW YORK. Outstanding leaders and pioneers of the motion picture industry are honored by Look Magazine. N.J. Blumberg, pioneer of the year, and Chairman of the Board of Universal-International Pictures, is cited. ISRAEL. Dr. Chaim Weizmann, President of Israel and leader of world zionism, is buried on his estate. The nation he helped bring into being begins a thirty-day period of mourning. FOOTBALL: MICHIGAN--Michigan State holds its undefeated position, trouncing Notre Dame, 21-3. CONNECTICUT--Princeton takes the Big Three Ivy title, defeating Yale 27-21. VOL. 25 #530 EGYPT: PREMIER OUSTED AS RIOTS SWEEP COUNTRY (1952) Focal point of crisis for the West, the ancient Land of the Nile seethes with unrest and violence. On the one hand the British are standing fast to protect their rights to the Suez Canal. On the other, nationalistic feeling runs high in Egypt, with King Farouk summoning a new government to cope with riots and bloodshed. INDO-CHINA: FRENCH REPULSE RED ATTACK ON HANOI (1952) French-led Viet Nam forces, aided by low-flying American-made planes dropping napalm bombs, score a major victory over the communist near Hanoi. Meanwhile, back in Algeria, French paratroopers, trained in American planes and methods, train for future action in Indo-China. At Saigon, Indo-Chinese capital city, square is bloody shambles following blast of Red mine in auto. Scores are Killed. POLITICS: SEN. TAFT ATTACKS US FOREIGN POLICY (1952) NEW YORK. Blasting the New Deal administration for its handling of our foreign policy, Senator Robert A. Taft addresses Republican Women at the Waldorf. Prominent G.O.P. contender, Sen. Taft says Truman policy has given Russia advantage over U.S MILLROSE TRACK AND FIELD MEET (1952) NEW YORK. Highlights of the 45th Millrose Games, "Flying Parson" Bob Richards fails to break old meet mark in the pole vault. Thrilling finish of the "600"--with Chuck Moore and George Rhoden spilling after the finish. The Wanamaker Mile, feature of the meet, with old rivals Don Gehrmann and FBI-Man Fred Wilt doing it again--Gehrmann overtaking Fred in the last 20 yards to win. |