23 footage partner archives
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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | PET-1176 Beta SP |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Outtakes |
Description: | 01:39:02 - 01:39:17 CU faces, angry mob, scared man 01:40:55 - 01:41:09 ZI on box office and man putting up Sold Out sign Missle or rocket on ship. Submarine in ocean. US Navy plane flying low over ocean. Radar screen - oscilloscope. VS of what could be view through periscope, ocean and ships in distance, nice. HA veterans naval hospital w pond. Helicopter at sea. Fake Hollywood Mob violence - riot scene w police. Facial expressions - threatening. Fake political rallies, day and night. Fake, falling off fire escape, mostly shadow against brick wall. Police patrol car at night w CU police in car, driving. |