
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
WHAT IS A MAMMAL? (2nd Edition)
EBC-45 Beta SP
Color 1987 Educational film about zoology, specifically, the mammals. Includes good, generic shots of a variety of animals. Directed by Bert Van Bork. 00:26:45:00 Color 1987 vs Animals (mostly from Africa): Cheetah, VS wildebeest [misidentified as buffalo] lioness lion yawning zebra, TD to baby zebra (mother and baby animals) eland antelope [misidentified as gazelle] white rhinoceros African elephant bison orangutan rocky mountain goat giraffe CU. (These animals were filmed in the San Diego zoo, but it's not apparent in the shots.) 00:30:54:00 Color 1987 Animated diagrams, brain of various animals. 00:32:00:00 Color 1987 ms Giraffe giving birth, and animated diagram of same newborn giraffe drops to ground mother licks baby good for "animals being born" wobbly baby giraffe, cute baby animals. 00:33:02:00 Color 1987 ws Animals of Australia: Kangaroo hopping, joey in pouch wallaby (kangaroo relative) spiny anteater or echidna (egg-laying mammal) hands pick up the unprotesting spiny animal. 00:34:00:00 Color 1987 Animation sequence showing evolution of mammals, interesting metamorphosis images: rat turns into cow rat into bat rat into seal. 00:34:40:00 Color 1987 ws Sea lions swimming, underwater shot. 00:35:00:00 Color 1987 ms cu Montage of rodents: Woman with hamster pink newborn rodents prairie dogs beaver in pond swimming beaver, beaver lodge mother beaver with babies. 00:36:08:00 Color 1987 cu Orangutan, four CU shots. 00:36:40:00 Color 1987 vs Montage of bats (flying mammal): flying fox cave with bats swarm of flying bats hands hold fruit bat by its wingtips. 00:37:40:00 Color 1987 cu Killer whale (orca) its blowhole, CU. 00:38:50:00 Color 1987 vs Montage of animals: Mountain lion (cougar or puma), mother with kittens (cute baby animals) brown bears catching salmon baby bear with fish chimpanzees (these may by pygmy chimps or bonobo) gorilla CU macaque monkey with baby. 00:41:00:00 Color 1987 ws Hang glider