
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
EBC-100 Beta SP; NET-473 DigiBeta (at 01:00:00:00)
Color 1983 Educational film about botany. "Examines the various parts of a typical flower and describes how each contributes to the production and dispersal of seeds." (EFL) Directed by Jerry Haislmaier. 01:09:44:00 Color 1983 cu Time-lapse flowers and plants, VS: snow melts, revealing pine cones, seedlings sprout VS flower opening in time-lapse, nice. 01:10:42:00 Color 1983 ms ws Tractor plowing field. 01:11:00:00 Color 1983 ecu Time-lapse seed sprouting into seedling, VS pea-plant growing. 01:12:00:00 Color 1983 cu Tulip flowers, PAN ECU bee on flower CU PAN fresh fruits time-lapse strawberry growing and ripening tomato ripens. 01:15:50:00 Color 1983 cu Two big green coconuts on tree, man's hands grab and squeeze them sexual metaphor. 01:16:06:00 Color 1983 ms Commercial beehives in orchard. 01:16:26:00 Color 1983 cu Montage of seed dispersal: green apples on tree apple falls, bounces on grass milkweed pods carried by wind tumbleweed rolls around maple tree pods - `helicopter 'type coconut floating in ocean robin bird eats seed CU spiny burr raccoon with burrs in fur skunk with burrs too seed-pod pops when squeezed, ECU dandelion fluff. 01:20:00:00 Color 1983 cu Montage of agriculture: CU head of cow grazing greenhouse INT flower farm agricultural sprinklers water farm field vacuum seed collector machine migrant workers gather watermelons teenage boys load melons onto truck