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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | EBC-296 Beta SP |
Color: | Color |
Type: | Educational |
Year: | 1958 |
Description: | 04:27:30:00 Color 1958 An art history (European, with token references to America) overview of the evolving styles of painting and sculpture from the thirteenth to the twentieth centuries as found in the collection National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. Byzantine, early Italian Romanesque, Renaissance, European old masters, Impressionism, post-Impressionism, etc. Very good footage of paintings and painting details. VO narration. 30:00 minutes. [Three-star]. JMR. 04:27:40:00 - 04:28:26:00 Color 1958 HA ZI to the domed roof of the National Gallery building in Washington, DC. 04:28:26:00 - 04:28:47:00 Color 1958 VS people visiting the National Gallery of Art walking up the wide limestone steps and onto the grand portico CUs the walking feet and legs. Can read as any Neoclassical Washington, DC building. 04:28:47:00 - 04:29:44:00 Color 1958 National Gallery: VS visitors walking around in sculpture galleries of the museum VS two different large water fountains with sculpture statues. 04:29:44:00 - 04:30:50:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: ZI to a Byzantine religious icon altarpiece painting of Mary Madonna and Christ child CU PANS of details of a different Byzantine icon painting of Mary and Christ child. 1200s 1300s. 04:30:50:00 - 00:31:30:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS CUs of details of Duccio di Buoninsegna's (Siena, Italy) religious icon altarpiece painting "The Calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew" (1308 1311). 00:31:30:00 - 00:32:20:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS CUs of details of Giotto's religious icon altarpiece painting "Madonna and Child" (1320 1330). 00:32:20:00 - 00:32:50:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: TD a Renaissance sculpture of a woman CU the slowly spinning head of a Renaissance sculpture of a woman. 00:32:50:00 - 00:33:10:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS CU details of Benozzo Gozzoli's religious altarpiece painting "The Dance of Salome" (1461-1462). 00:33:10:00 - 00:33:51:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS CU details of Fra Angelico and Filippo Lippi's religious altarpiece painting "The Adoration of the Magi" (c. 1445). 00:33:51:00 - 00:34:18:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS CU details of Andrea del Castagno's ceremonial, processional painted shield "The Youthful David" (c. 1450). 00:34:18:00 - 00:34:41:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS a marble sculpture statue by Donatello. 00:34:41:00 - 00:35:21:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS a terra cotta bust of Lorenzo de' Medici by Andrea del Verrocchio and Orsino Benintendi (1478 1521). 00:35:21:00 - 00:36:03:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: ZI to CU of Botticelli's portrait painting "Giuliano de' Medici" (c. 1478). 00:36:03:00 - 00:36:10:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: visitors walking around in sculpture gallery of the museum. 00:36:10:00 - 00:36:57:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: CU Raphael's miniature painting "Saint George and the Dragon" (c. 1506) CU Raphael's painting "The Alba Madonna (c. 1510). 00:36:57:00 - 00:37:19:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: CU details of Giorgione's painting "The Adoration of the Shepherds" (1505 1510). 00:37:19:00 - 00:37:46:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of Jacopo Tintoretto's painting "Christ at the Sea of Galilee, c. 1575 1580 00:37:46:00 - 00:38:58:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details from the paintings of El Greco -" Madonna and Child with Saint Martina and Saint Agnes" (1597 1599), "Laocoon" (1610-1614), and "Saint Martin and the Beggar" (1597 1599). 00:38:58:00 - 00:39:11:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: a water fountain with Cupid-like statue in middle of a sculpture gallery. 00:39:11:00 - 00:39:54:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of Jan van Eyck's "The Annunciation" (c. 1434 1436). 00:39:54:00 - 00:40:16:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: CU details of a 1400s Flemish portrait painting by Roger Van der Weyden. 00:40:16:00 - 00:40:34:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of Hans Holbein the Younger's portrait painting, "Edward VI as a Child" (1538). 00:40:34:00 - 00:41:06:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of Velasquez's portrait painting "Pope Innocent X" (1600s). 00:41:06:00 - 00:41:30:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of two different 1600s Flemish paintings of Anthony van Dyck. 00:41:30:00 - 00:42:12:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: museum visitors walking slowly past row of paintings hung on gallery wall ZI to Johannes Vermeer's "Woman Holding a Balance" ( c. 1664) also details of Vermeer's "Girl with the Red Hat (1665). 00:42:12:00 - 00:43:19:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of Rembrandt van Rijn's "Self-Portrait," (1659), "The Mill" (1645 1648) and a descent-from-the-cross painting. 00:43:19:00 - 00:43:41:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: CU a bronze bust of King Louis XIV by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, c. 1700. 00:43:41:00 - 00:44:15:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: details of three different Antoine Watteau paintings, including "Italian Comedians" (1720). 00:44:15:00 - 00:44:37:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: details of Jean-Honor Fragonard's painting "The Swing" (1765). 00:44:37:00 - 00:45:08:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: details of Franois Bouche's painting "Venus Consoling Love" (1751) also Bouche's "Madame Bergeret" (1746). 00:45:08:00 - 00:46:18:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: details of several portrait paintings and prints by Francisco Goya, including "The Marquesa de Pontejos" (c. 1786). 00:46:18:00 - 00:46:25:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: people walking through gallery, POV through series of doorways receding into distance. 00:46:25:00 - 00:46:45:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: details of misc. 1700s English paintings. 00:46:45:00 - 00:47:06:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: details of John Constable's painting, "Salisbury Cathedral from Lower Marsh Close" (1820). 00:47:06:00 - 00:47:36:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: details of Joseph Turner's painting, "Keel Men Heaving in Coals by Moonlight" (1835). 00:47:36:00 - 00:47:43:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: detail of Jacques-Louis David's portrait painting, " "The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries" (1812). 00:47:43:00 - 00:48:04:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: details of Edward Savage's portrait painting, "The Washington Family" (1789-1796). 00:48:04:00 - 01:48:33:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of Benjamin West's portrait painting, "Colonel Guy Johnson and Karonghyontye (Captain David Hill)" (1776). 01:48:33:00 - 01:48:43:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of John Singleton Copley's 1700s portrait painting of Lord Howe. 01:48:43:00 - 01:49:42:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of Gilbert Stuart's portrait paintings, "George Washington (Vaughan portrait) (1795) and "Catherine Brass Yates (Mrs. Richard Yates) (1793 1794). 01:49:42:00 - 00:50:11:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of Winslow Homer's painting "Breezing Up (A Fair Wind)" (1873-1876). 00:50:11:00 - 00:50:22:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of George Inness' painting "The Lackawanna Valley" (c. 1856). 00:50:22:00 - 00:51:02:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of James McNeill Whistler' portrait paintings, "Alice Butt" (c. 1895) and "Symphony in White, No. 1: The White Girl" (1862). 00:51:02:00 - 00:51:25:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of an 1800s Edouard Manet Impressionist painting (?). 00:51:25:00 - 00:51:59:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of Pierre August Renoir's Impressionist painting "A Girl with a Watering Can" (1876). 00:51:59:00 - 00:52:34:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of Claude Monet's Impressionist paintings, "Palazzo da Mula, Venice" (1908) and "Rouen Cathedral, West Faade, Sunlight" (1894). 00:52:34:00 - 00:53:06:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of Camille Pissarro's Impressionist painting, "Boulevard des Italiens, Morning, Sunlight" (1897). 00:53:06:00 - 00:53:29:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of Edgar Degas' Impressionist painting, "Four Dancers" (c. 1899). 00:53:29:00 - 00:53:52:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of Mary Cassatt's Impressionist painting, "Girl Arranging Her Hair" (1886). 00:53:52:00 - 00:54:12:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's painting "Quadrille at the Moulin Rouge" (1892). 00:54:12:00 - 00:54:47:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of Vincent van Gogh's paintings "La Mousm" (1888) and "The Olive Orchard" (1889). 00:54:47:00 - 00:55:22:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS details of Paul Gauguin's paintings "Self-Portrait" (1889) and "Fatata te Miti (By the Sea)" (1892). 00:55:22:00 - 00:55:49:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: CU face of slowly rotating Greek marble statue of a woman. 00:55:49:00 - 00:55:55:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: CU detail of Amedeo Modigliani's painting "Woman with Red Hair" (1917). 00:55:55:00 - 00:56:32:00 Color 1958 National Gallery of Art: VS visitors walking through sculpture galleries and past water fountains adorned with bronzes. 00:56:32:00 Color 1958 EXT the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. |