
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
News Magazine of the Screen, The (Vol. 4, Issue 2)
PA-0082 Beta SP
Educational Industrial
theodore teddy roosevelt rough rider atomic cannon agriculture art
News Magazine of the Screen, The (Vol. 4, Issue 2) 0:00:00 - REPORT ON KOREA Soldiers from India arrive to fight as allies in Korea Chinese & North Korea POWs Korean school children, in field, pledge allegiance to flag GIs & Korean civilians attend church VS paratroopers jump from airplanes in airborne training exercise 0:02:15 - President Dwight Eisenhower, and wife, Mamie, greet son John Eisenhower, on his return home from military duty in Korean CU General William Dean, returns from Korean prisoner-of-war camp (POW) families (children, wives) united with returning soldiers in England 0:03:08 - REPORT ON GERMANY VS Chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, campaigns in West German elections German policemen struggle with communist agitators German civilians watch American soldiers leave for maneuvers (mock nuclear attack) German policemen parade, Olympic Stadium, West Berlin (GOOD SHOT OF DRUM CORPS) VS East German boys & girls visit West Germany (Children's Airlift Project) hungry children eat food in camp dining hall 0:05:20 - ATTEMPT TO SLAY SULTAN Attacker tries to stab Sultan of Morocco on way to mosque for prayers 0:05:52 - MID-ATLANTIC SEA RESCUE Sailors jump into ocean from sinking freighter ('Greenville') 0:07:00 - ART Various Italian postage stamps with art work shown in ECU sculptor ? works in studio on variety of subjects, including group equestrian of Czar Nicholas II and his generals sculpted baby fondled by live baby 0:09:09 - AGRICULTURE WS waters flow from Grand Coulee Dam through spillway INT dam large size pumps & control room WS cultivated & irrigated crop land, Columbia River basin, Washington. 0:10:48 - SCIENCE Professor (Llewellyn Heard) entertains college students with magic show, ('playing with fire'), at outdoor chemistry lab set up in band shell 0:13:05 - MILITARY SCIENCE -- ATOMIC CANNON Soldiers their bodies wired for heat tests, run on hot desert sand dunes in Mojave Desert, California soldier walks threadmill in desert to measure endurance giant nuclear cannon transported to test site...shoots nuclear shell...nuclear explosion, atomic cloud forms 0:15:00 - Malayan natives float down river on house rafts with all their possessions, to relocate to new location VS Malayans construct new homes & village (communist threat in Kelantan state) 0:17:40 - AMERICA'S HERITAGE Short historic retrospective, BIO, Theodore Roosevelt (TR), done in photographs WS Sagamore Hill TR film footage - he campaigns for office, hunts in Africa, meets press at White House, speaks at large WWI street rally (Sarah Bernhardt, also speaks at rally brief), visits army training camp, WS, speaks before vast crowd (GOOD CAM PAN OF CROWD) 0:21:00 - Theodore Roosevelt speaks (sync-SOUNDTRACK, from very rare re-recorded phonograph cylinder) VS, EXT & INT, Sagamore Hill, New York TR gravesite CU TR