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Space Research and You: Your Health
Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
Title: | Space Research and You: Your Health |
File Number: | PA-1325 1 inch |
Color: | Color |
Type: | Educational Industrial |
Year: | 1970s |
Subjects: | Space program (US) Space research National Aeronautics and Space Admin. (sponsor) Health Medicine Science Scientific research Technology |
Description: | Space Research and You: Your Health Directed by Richard Even. NASA produced film hailing the positive contributions which the space program has made to practical medical science, including materials, microchip technology, and communications. Excellent quality material, no on-screen dialogue (VO narration only). Music is PBS style science music, celebratory yet flat, hard to describe. 0:00:18 Montage of ZOs and ZIs of still photographs of various planets, planets' rings systems, planets' moons, surface of the moon, etc. A couple of the photographs appear to be solarized at 0:07:32 and at 0:09:06 excellent photographs of Saturn. 0:00:58 ms Space shuttle against deep blue sky, on-screen title reads "SPACE research and you". 0:01:08 Title reads "your health" in shining golden letters, against backdrop of outer space, stars in void. 0:01:15 ms Space craft launch in slow-motion, has two small booster rockets. 0:01:25 Animation sequences: vehicle in space separates two outside panels which drop away another vehicle unfolds solar panel arms 0:01:47 artificial satellite or space probe hovers above reddish planet, engine thrusts portion of craft separates and drops away 0:02:14 small space craft opens its parachute outer carapace separates, engines thrust as space craft descends to land on reddish palnet surface. 0:01:33 ms Surgeon and assistants in scrubs huddle tightly around patient on operating table during a procedure continues at 0:01:56 VS 0:02:34 chest x-ray mounted on wall in BG. 0:01:38 ms People busy in a monitor-filled control room, tracking shot. 0:03:04 ecu A pacemaker device, reads "lithium pacemaker", good shot but brief. 0:03:07 ms cu Doctor shakes hands with bare-chested middle-aged man patient doctor holds device beneath patient's breast small computer LCD display, VS finger presses "print" button, CU paper with pacemaker information spools off printer, ZI. 0:04:09 Scienists wear blue surgical scrubs in the laboratory: scientists look through microscopes, MS illuminated stage of microscope, mechanical arm manipulates the slide, ZI hands manipulate various laboratory tools, including petri dish, VS. 0:04:33 ecu Microchip from a PIMS (Programmable Implantable Medication System), good tracking shot. 0:05:17 ms Still photograph of Martian landscape. 0:05:32 ms cu Orthodontist examines boy, inserts and removes cast mold of boy's upper gums and roof of mouth, CU examines different boy briefly at 0:07:09. 0:06:16 Interior chamber of an optical prophylometer, laser beam examines molds of person's mouth, mechanized arms and parts move, VS. 0:06:56 ecu Face of fetus with cleft palate, two excellent shots, very flat image, light blue, scary. 0:07:02 ms Four photographs of children with cleft palates, one severe, ZO. 0:07:30 Technician surrounded by equipment, a film unravels from reel to reel, image digitized which he watches on monitor, MS monitor image of coronary angiogram, cursor manipulates image,CU, VS. 0:09:18 Complicated machine and computer equipment: an ion thruster propulsion system, man moves manipulates machines, VS continues at 0:10:30. 0:09:59 cu A prosthetic knuckle is held on top of a person's hand, hand moves, the prosthetic is manipulated in simulation, VS. 0:11:02 ws Skylab, earth's surface in BG. 0:11:07 ms Astronaut takes blood pressure of another astronaut's leg, fast-motion, in Skylab. 0:11:28 Saguaro cacti, VS the Papago (?) Indian Reservation, Arizona, VS doctor examines Papago Indian girl, mother looks on, MS 0:13:14 girl lies on examination table, MS doctor holds child's hand, CU. 0:12:52 Microwave signal antennae, VS, ZO, ZI. JMR |