
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
DN-78 1 inch
WWII - USSR - Red Square - Kremlin; Soldiers - Marching - Masses;
01:18:44:00 B W 1945 USSR, Moscow Troops parade and march in Red Square, reviewed by Joseph Stalin and others Massed troops, VS, few CUs HA of Red Square full of military units. 01:19:35:00 B W 1945 PEACE IT'S WONDERFUL President Harry Truman announces unconditional surrender of Japan, makes statement (sync sound) Good shot of reporters running for phones Very good montage of V-J Day celebrations across United States, crowds cheering, waving, newspaper headlines, soldiers and sailors kissing women, dancing in street, ticker tape, people held in air and passed over huge crowds - Washington, Chicago, San Francisco - fire crackers in Chinatown Seattle, bawdy sailors, kissing, sexuality HA of New York City, Times Square, day and night celebrations, spotlight on crowd at night. 01:22:25:00 B W 1945 Signing of surrender agreement aboard USS Missouri Admiral Chester Nimitz boards greeted by Admiral Bull Halsey General Douglas MacArthur leads General Wainwright and General Stilwell through ship, past Allied generals, sailors and men Japanese delegation arrives, led by Foreign Minister, Manoru Shigemitsu 01:25:01:00 B W 1945 Japanese delegation facing Allied delegation with table between them, good General MacArthur and others make way to verandah of ship for ceremony MacArthur speech (sync sound) good Shigemitsu approaches table, sits, takes off top hat and glove and begins signing documents MacArthur signing, gives pens to Wainwright and Brit, General Arthur Percival Allied leaders signing 400 B-29s and 1,500 fleet carrier planes fly overhead in formation 01:29:50:00 B W 1945 Admiral King makes speech from podium, thanking men of navy for magnificent work and courage