
Footage Information

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At The Summit - Leaders Open Big-4 Parley At Geneva
DN-B-146 Beta SP
Meeting - Summit - Big-4 - 1955; Speech - Eisenhower - Geneva - 1955; WWII - Remembered - Eisenhower - 1955; Diplomacy - Geneva - 1955;
03:21:41:05 - 03:23:40:00 B W 1955 07 18 At The Summit - Leaders Open Big-4 Parley At Geneva Switzerland, Geneva Flags, pedestrians, army at airport. documents inspected. Eden arrives on plane. Faure off plane. Cameraman w telephoto. Ike off plane. He speaks at mic about coming with an army 11 years before... Now armed with something more. Soldiers w walkie talkie. Bulganin, Molotov, & Khrushchev arrive. Bulganin at mic. USSR delegation walks across airport. Eden, Anthony Faure, Prime Minister Eisenhower, Pres. - 1955 Bulganin, - 1955 Molotov, - 1955 Khrushchev - 1955