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Physical Damage, General Views, Hiroshima
DN-LB-052 Beta SP
12:01:16:00 Color 1946 13Mar46 Si Hiroshima, Japan. Cameraman, Harry Mimura, directed by Daniel McGovern. Atomic bomb destruction. Building 4, approx 330 degrees from zero. VS of building with dome, good, int and ext. Rubble outside, columns, circular tower, brick, windows, door frames. Post WWII-Japan-destruction. Bomb-atomic-aftermath. 12:03:48:12 Color 1946 Building 12, VS of building, pan down, no glass in windows, rubble at ground level. Cuts to shot of south side of building with roof collapsed, cracks up wall. Post WWII-Japan- destruction. Bomb-atomic-aftermath. Structural damage. 12:04:06:00 Color 1946 Buildings 22, 23 and 24, all western views. Scaffolding near roof of 22. Pan down 23 with rubble at ground level. Scaffold- ing and debris at side of building. Post WWII devastation. 12:04:37:17 Color 1946 15Mar46 Hiroshima. Cameraman, Harry Mimura, directed by First Lt Daniel A McGovern. Eastern side of buidling 4, cuts to south eastern corner of building. Dead trees in foreground. Post WWII destruction. Atomic-bomb. Nuclear-bomb-aftermath. 12:05:01:00 Color 1946 Building 12, complete collapse of roof. Concrete and rubble, fallen walls. VS of building, some with soldiers in frame. Telegraph wires. CUs of destruction. Post WWII-devastation. 12:06:29:00 Color 1946 Building 23, south side of building with burn or scorch marks, perhaps. Cuts to Building 24 with scaffolding and tram-trolley driving past. People on street. Post WWII-Japan-destruction. Bomb- atomic-aftereffects. Civilians-pedestrians. Transportation. 12:06:49:00 Color 1946 21Mar46 West bank of Motoyasu River. Pan right to left across river bank, mountains in background. Buildings, shacks, dead trees. Destruction, debris in river. Post WWII-Japan-devastation. Bomb-nuclear-aftermath. 12:07:29:00 Color 1946 Bridge 22 located approx 200 feet from zero. Bridge is standing but is damaged. Cuts to south east corner of bridge with man leading horse and family on cart across. Business area of Hiroshima in background. Post WWII-Japan-devastation. Bomb-atomic-effects. Daily life. Family. 12:07:52:19 Color 1946 29Mar46 PAN across area between the Ota and Tenma River. Shacks, huts, buildings and severe destruction, nuclear holocaust. People walking on roads, telegraph poles. Rubble, dead trees, wasteland. Bus on road. River and bridge. Post WWII-Japan. 12:09:04:20 Color 1946 Shot from tower of Red Cross hospital, looking east across the south of Hiroshima, from Motoyasu and Kyo Bashi rivers. Buildings flattened, some still standing, rubble, ruins with mountains in background. Building 112, gas plant. Building 128, steel frame mangled. LS of Imperial University Teacher's College, building 32. Chimneys. Fire damage on university, other buildings flattened. People seen in distance. Post WWII-Japan-destruction. Atomic-bomb- aftereffects. Architecture-Japanese. 12:09:52:19 Color 1946 Area between Motoyasu and Kyobashi rivers with buildings in far background. Car drives across elevated road. VS of buildings. Entrance of Gokoku shrine, approx 575 feet from zero. Man coming thru pulling cart, people leaving, walking up road. Mountains in back- ground, dead trees, barren landscape. VS of shrine with people. Man passes on bicycle, surreal shots. Post WWII-Japan-devastation. Bomb- atomic-aftermath-survivors. Religion-Buddhism. Civilians. 12:15:32:11 Color 1946 02Apr46 Building 46, 2025 feet from zero. Structure completely collapsed. Cuts to shot of mangled steel frame of building. Rubble. Post WWII destruction. 12:16:43:00 Color 1946 West of district E of Motoyasu river. LS river banks with buildings, rubble, burnt trees, smoke and mountains in back- ground. Cuts to longer shot of river with boat moving, buildings on bank. Closer shot of destruction along river, figure moving on road through devastated area. Concrete and rubble, flattened structures. Post WWII-Japan-destruction. 12:17:42:00 Color 1946 Between Motoyasu and Tenma rivers. Horse pulling man and cart along road, surrounded by destruction and devastation. Flattened landscape. Four white columns still standing. Couple pulling and pushing cart along road. Pans across scene to river. Car moving on other side of bank, several tall buildings standing amongst wreckage. Post WWII-Japan-aftermath. Bomb-atomic-survivors. 12:18:36:00 Color 1946 03Apr46 Si Hiroshima, Japan. USAF 11077. Cameraman- Harry Minura. Director-Daniel A McGovern. Roof of building. MCU of flash burn shadow on concrete. Cuts to roof of Communications Hospital building and flash burn on cylindrical column. Post WWII- Japan-destruction. Blast-atomic-effects. 12:19:13:00 Color 1946 Flash burn shadow cast by bolt on desulfurization tank. Bolt is moved to show full force of burn. Good. Cuts to cog and wheel at same location, atomic shadow. Post WWII-Japan. Blast-atomic effects. 12:19:37:25 Color 1946 08Apr46 Iron ladder moved from boiler to show flash burn. Shut-off valve wheel shadow on side of tank, MCU too. Cuts to flash burn on side of gas storage tank. VS, gas holder number 1. CU of bolts or rivet heads and flash burn shadows. West of tower clearly shows flash burn shadow of ladder, good. Post WWII-Japan. Blast- nuclear-effects. Industry. 12:21:40:22 Color 1946 Flash burn shadow on side of two cylindrical columns or pipes near the desulphurization tank. MCU of shadow. VS, shadow of bamboo ladder on gas tank, good. Pan down steel column. Post WWII- Japan. Bomb-atomic-blast-effects. 12:23:12:23 Color 1946 Tank number 2 showing flash-burned areas, including bamboo ladder and spiral stairs, good. VS of circular steel stairway burns and shadows. MCU of exposed and unexposed area showing good contrast. Post WWII-Japan. Bomb-nuclear-effects. 12:23:54:04 Color 1946 Looking down on ruptured gas tank, pool of brown liquid. 12:24:04:29 Color 1946 VS of rivets on steel column. Cuts to wide shot of top of ruptured gas dome, mountains in background. Steel girders, columns with flash burns. Shadow, flash burn of roller on steel girder, VS. People in background. Post WWII-Japan. Nuclear-bomb-aftermath. 12:25:06:19 Color 1946 09Mar46. Cameraman-Sgt RV Wizbowski, director-McGovern. Marshaling Yard, Hiroshima. West side of railroad coach shows blistering effect of flash burn. Cuts to faint shot of flash burn shadow of camouflage net on tank, VS, some clearer. Post WWII-Japan. Atomic-bomb-aftereffects. 12:25:40:28 Color 1946 25Mar46 Two oil storage tanks with extensive flash burns. Pan down tank showing CUs of burns. Post WWII-Japan-damage. 12:26:20:13 Color 1946 Portable 100 gallon gas pump and storage tank surrounded by rubble. Truck passes in background. Clear burn and shadow of manual valve cast by flash. Shot of burn with pump handle. MCUs of burns, VS. Post WWII-Japan-destruction. Bomb-atomic-effects. 12:27:11:26 Color 1946 27Mar46 Trolley or tram car on street, looks burned out. Man passes in background pushing hand truck. VS of flash burned areas on car, demonstrated by Dan Dyer. Post WWII-Japan-destruction. 12:27:41:03 Color 1946 29Mar46 Imperial University, northern most corner. VS of flash burns. Door open, men in shot. Steel rings. Lamp on wall. Paint peeling off door. Post WWII-Japan. Bomb-atomic-aftermath. 12:28:29:00 Color 1946 30Mar46 Flash burn on red berry bush, VS. Bush located approx 7275 feet from zero. Bamboo grove, approx 7400 feet from zero flash burned, barbed wire. Post WWII-Japan. Bomb-atomic-effects. 12:29:04:27 Color 1946 31Mar46 Japanese man sits on granite steps at entrance of Sumitomo Bank, approx 925 feet from zero. Recreation of where man was sitting on August 6, 1945 at 1:14 am. Man disappears and shadow remains, two angles. Flash burns and shadows on stone work. Post WWII-Japan. Recreation. Bomb-atomic. Death. 12:30:39:18 Color 1946 15Mar46 Building 96 approx 375 feet from zero. VS of flash burns and shadows. Building surrounded by rubble and debris. Post WWII-Japan-destruction. Bomb-nuclear-aftermath. 12:31:20:28 Color 1946 Building 95 showing flash burn on concrete tower of G wing. Young Japanese boy smiles at camera and stands beside plank of wood that has been moved to reveal shadow. Straw rope remains on piece of lumber, not burned. Post WWII-Japan-destruction. Bomb- atomic-aftereffects. 12:31:36:00 Color 1946 25Mar46 Cameraman-Bolm, director-McGovern. Bamboo grove approx 6725 feet from zero. VS of trees, some burnt and dying, some look okay. Burnt trunks. Post WWII-Japan. Bomb-atomic-aftereffects. 12:32:20:16 Color 1946 21Mar46 Cameraman-Wizbowski. 1935 Ford Sedan. VS of effects of flash burn on paint. Pulling pieces to show burns and shadows. Post WWII-Japan-devastation. Bomb-atomic-effects. 12:33:05:18 Color 1946 02Apr46 Bridge 20. Recreation of man pulling cart with occupant because shadow of same was transposed into the concrete on bridge. Flash rays from atomic bomb also burnt shadows of hand- railings into asphalt. People walking across bridge. MCU atomic shadow. Moving shot of sun shadow and railings. People under bridge by water. Post WWII-Japan. Atomic-bomb-aftermath. Death. 12:34:42:26 Color 1946 04Apr46 Roof stairwell entrance. Shots of shadows cast by ladder and overhanging ledge. 12:35:01:15 Color 1946 08Apr46 Si Hiroshima, Japan. USAF 11078. Director- McGovern. HA, int of gutted church. Priest walks from under choir loft with four Japanese children. Priest removes caps and genuflects. VS of destruction, ruins and rubble. Priest possibly facing what used to be altar. Bell tower. More genuflecting. CU of very young boy holding priest's hand. Priest is young, he looks towards sky where roof was. Post WWII-Japan-destruction. Atomic-bomb-aftermath. Religion-Catholic. 12:36:27:08 Color 1946 Man tends small barley patch in south east Hiroshima. He wears white overalls that are dirty, bending over, surrounded by ruins, bricks, rubble. Cuts to newly-constructed yellow pine homes located on what was the Japanese Transport Regiment Barracks, north of Gokuko Shrine. Couple of people walking. Dead trees, burned. VS of housing. VS of daily life of people in new pine housing. Family. Children, women, men. Cooking out of doors. Post WWII-Japan- devastation. Atomic-bomb-aftermath. Rebuilding-housing-homes. 12:37:14:10 Color 1946 22Mar46 Cameraman-H Mimura. Packed cemetery with tomb stones. Crypt stone displaced by explosion, bones scattered about. MCU and VS of human bones. Post WWII-Japan-destruction. Graves. Dead-buried. 12:37:40:19 Color 1946 27Mar46 Auditorium of Hiroshima City Hall. This is a reenactment of a Buddhist ceremony performed over the remains of those killed at Hiroshima. Establishing shot with rows of small boxes which contain the ashes of the dead stacked along wall. Girl, or young woman, virgin, kneels in prayer. Virgin prays, incense burning, she does something over small jug. Pan of boxes of remains with Japanese characters on them. Man enters room where virgin is sitting at table, candle in candlestick burning. Male officials also in room at other table. The man is collecting the remains of a relative. He bows to officials, hands over chit of paper. Official locates box belonging to man and hands it over with a bow. Virgin takes box, bows, she places box on altar. Religion-Buddhism-Ritual. Post WWII-Japan. Bomb-atomic-deaths. Gender-role-virgin. Dead-Remains-Cremated. 12:39:27:08 Color 1946 31Mar46 Collecting tiles for new roof from rubble. Woman sifts thru layers of debris disgarding as she goes. Dead trees, telegarph poles, damaged buildings, mountains in background. Woman's son with pile of slates in his arms. Woman finds something, beckons husband who collects it and puts it in their pile. Post WWII-Japan- destruction. Atomic-bomb-effects. Salvage. Rebuilding. Family. 12:40:14:15 Color 1946 Japanese man searches rubble where his house used to stand. Ruins of Catholic church close by, trees or telegraph poles damaged and leaning to right. Cuts to four boys sifting thru rubble. Tram, cable, trolley car passes in background. Boys find broken crockery, bowls and plates. Salvaging tiles from what used to be a kitchen sink. Post WWII-Japan-destruction. Atomic-bomb-aftermath. Salvage. Scavengers. Rebuilding. 12:41:12:03 Color 1946 MLS of cemetery, grave yard. Mountains in background, broken headstones, rubble in foreground. Woman walking thru towards camera dressed in black, carrying flowers. She places flowers at her son's grave which has a statue of Buddha. When she finishes arranging the flowers she claps her hands together and prays, on her hunkers. Post WWII-Japan-damage. Dead-burial plot. Family-mother. 12:41:56:15 Color 1946 01Apr46 Woman walks thru rubble and past building 13. She either has bandage or head gear on her, not clear. Cuts to entrance of damaged savings bank, people going in and out. To resume business a wooden structure was built inside the shell of the damaged building. Post WWII-Japan-destruction-rebuilding. Bomb-atomic-effect Business-banking. Customers-savings bank. 12:42:29:15 Color 1946 People, one pulling cart, walking on road that has been partially cleared out of rubble. Surrounded by destruction. 12:42:56:13 Color 1946 WA, man walks thru rubble, slabs of concrete of building 13. Surrounded by destruction, damaged white buildings in background. Dead trees, tree trunks. Cuts to man clearing, raking patch of land where his house used to be. Preparing garden. Post WWII-Japan- destruction-rebuilding. Gardening. 12:43:29:03 Color 1946 02Apr46 Telephone maintenance man up telegraph pole repairing lines. Post WWII-Japan-Rebuilding. 12:43:43:06 Color 1946 Group of children collecting sea shells along banks of Motoyasu river, standing in water up to their ankles. 12:44:01:27 Color 1946 03Apr46 Choguko press, newspaper published in gutted building in the heart of Hiroshima. Because of paper conservation measures the publication was a daily two-page paper. Three reporters, all men, sit at table writing, man in middle wears hat and is smoking. MCU of reporter with hat writing. He hands his story to the editor. Chalk board hanging behind desk with Japanese characters on it. The editor has a vase with flower in it, he reads story and selects photographs from pile on his desk. He calls 'copy girl' who collects material, bows, and delivers to makeup desk. Man at makeup desk smokes pipe, woman and other man work at same table. Bare light bulbs hang from ceiling. Make-up editor outlining area on paper with ink. Typesetting rack with typesetters working by hand, two women and one man. MCU of typesetters working, cuts to MCU of their hands pulling characters. VS of typesetting, tools, and finally full page lay out. Cuts to translation editor's desk with copy of Newsweek, glass jar with blooms in it. Editor at work, shot over shoulder. Giant presses start rolling, VS. Men stack bundles of newspapers, VS. Pressman inspects finished copy. CU of newspaper. V-shaped twin roller rolls newspaper through press. 12:50:28:00 Color 1946 15Mar46 Pedestrian traffic, bicycle and trolley car move past destroyed Agricultural Society building located approx 3700 feet from zero. Post WWII-Japan-destruction-transportation. Bomb-nuclear- aftermath. 12:50:40:03 Color 1946 22Mar46 VS women drying green seaweed on a line. Woman takes seaweed out of metal bucket. People pass by. Rubble and slate on ground but roadway clear. Small shacks, housing. CU of seaweed on line. Post WWII-Japan-destruction-daily life. Food-seaweed. 12:51:19:19 Color 1946 24Mar46 VS Japanese boys salvaging tiles from rubble. They use hammer with a rail spike as tools. Cuts to several laborers loading corrugated sheet metal scrap into truck. One man on top of pile of metal in truck. Post WWII-Japan-destruction-rebuilding-work. Atomic-bomb-aftermath. Ends 12:52:07:25