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Atomic Physics
Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
Title: | Atomic Physics |
File Number: | DN-LB-080 Beta SP |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Documentary |
Year: | 1948 |
Subjects: | Energy-Nuclear-Atomic. Blasts-Atomic. Post WWII. Energy-Atomic. Politics-United Nations. Medical-Research-Tests- Radiation. Patient-Woman. Guinea pig-Human. Science-Physics-Laboratories-Scientists. Discoveries-Scientific. Experiments-Tests. Guinea Pig. |
Description: | 18:00:37:13 B W 1948 Sd. England. G-B Instructional Ltd. Production with end credits acknowledging sources of material. VO British. Opens with animation, mathematical calculations or formulas about energy and atom splitting. Animated swirl and explosion. Globe rotates, camera pulls back to reveal entire globe. Man working with a machine called a syncatron? Experiments, scientists, physicists. Electrons, ions, radiation. Electro static generator. Protons. VS of machinery. Int laboratory at Cambridge. 18:03:11:17 B W 1948 Part Five. Uranium Fission: Atomic Energy. Cyclatron accelerator. VO re inventor, Prof EO Laurence from University of California. Animation explains principle of machine, shows how it works. Man in pinstripe pants places element into machine. VO refers to Curies first producing artificial radio activity. Man starts turning switches on control panel after walking through area with wall 3 and a half feet thick-protection from radiation. VO re nutrons, neutron beams. Simple display with marbles explains theory. Cuts to shots of Nazi parades, marches, Hitler. Daily Express headline, 'Conscription.' Prof Otto Robert Frisch, Austrian physicist, sitting in armchair in study, talks about other professors and their discoveries. He's reading from notes on table. Animation, atomic table. Uranium nucleus animated. Cuts to experiment in lab, gauges, screen showing uranium atom split. Animated explanations. 18:11:10:08 Hitler gets off ship. Newspaper headline declaring war superimposed over scene of London. Battle montage, good. VO refers to nuclear bomb and animation explains how it might work, talks about atomic pile. New elements created-Neptunium and Plutonium. 18:15:26:21 B W 1948 US heavily guarded facility where nuclear experimentation happened. Scientists at work. First atomic blast in New Mexico. VS of atomic explosions. Hiroshima in ruins, man walking on road carrying sack. Two women walk through wet street surrounded by debris, carrying umbrellas, with white masks covering their noses and mouths. Celebrating end of war, probably VE Day. Men and women in uniform link arms and laugh. Dancing in fountain, one woman has flag, British, Union Jack. Einstein in armchair reads statement about use of atomic energy. Good CU of him. Animated diagrams. Geiger counter in use for medical experiment. radioactive sodium injected into patient's foot. MCU hand on stop watch. It takes 10 seconds for the radiation to reach woman's groin from her foot. The pretext is to prevent post-natal problems. 18:21:27:00 B W 1948 United Nations in session. Dr John Cockcroft, British physicist, speaks to camera re using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and economics of nuclear power. 18:23:15:05 B W 1948 Recreation of Dalton in lab with weighing scales and test tubes. Chart of elements. Montage of scientific discoveries that preceded and resulted in atomic bomb and nuclear energy including the X-ray. Recreations of Becquerel and Curies in labs- Lord Rutherford speaking, no sound-animation explains his theory. Walton splits the lithium atom, strange machine. Ends 18:26:38:00 |