
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
Universal Newsreel
DN-LB-163 Beta SP
Aerials; New York City
03:37:12:00 B W 1945 16Aug45 Sd. Universal Newsreel Opening, 'Covers World- Wide Events.' 03:37:30:00 B W 1945 'Nation Celebrates.' Washington, DC, Ext of White House, crowd outside, MPs trying to control, VS. Cuts to Int, President Truman surrounded by people, press. 03:37:45:00 B W 1945 President's statement, 'I have received this afternoon a message from the Japanese Government in reply to the message forwarded to that government by the secretary of state on August 11th. I deem this reply a full acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration which specifies the unconditional surrender of Japan. In the reply there is no qualification.' Cuts to reporters running for phones, good. 03:38:14:00 B W 1945 Crowds of people celebrate, Washington, Chicago, 03:38:23:00 B W 1945 CU of newspaper headline, 'Victory! Japan Surrenders.' Good CUs of servicemen, soldier held up in air, sailors, dancing, ticker tape in San Francisco. 03:38:46:00 B W 1945 Chinatown, San Francisco, smoke in the streets from fire crackers, CU crackers exploding. 03:39:06:00 B W 1945 Sailors celebrate in Seattle. Sailor kissing woman, she pushes him off. Other sailor bent over kissing woman who's nearly on the ground. VO, 'And to the victors, the spoils. The pose may not be dignified but the young lady is not the least upset. Peace is wonderful.' 03:39:21:00 B W 1945 Rowdy servicemen on street drinking. 03:39:23:00 B W 1945 Parade of navy men, placard, 'Go to it Admiral,' as man on white horse is led through streets, reference to Admiral Halsey's wish to ride Hirohito's white horse through Tokyo. 03:39:40:00 B W 1945 HA of Times Square, New York, crowded with people, huge statue of Liberty, VS of celebrations. Ticker tape, VS, throwing hunks of paper at each other, holding up newspaper front pages. Flags waving, woman up on sailor's shoulders, man held up and passed across crowd. 03:40:22:00 B W 1945 MCU woman kissing serviceman. Drinking. Night shots of Times Square, spotlights on crowd, 24-hour party, VS, neon signs. 03:40:47:16 B W 1945 'Fill 'Er Up' Cars in gas station, sign, 'Gas Rationing Off-No Stamps Required.' Filling up tank. CU gas meter. Man tears up coupon. 03:41:09 POV traffic, good. Full service at station, engine checked, water level, windows cleaned. Sign over garage, 'Mobiloil.' Petrol pumps. 03:41:41:00 B W 1945 'Reconversion Outlook.' CU, John W Snyder, Reconversion Chief, states that the government is committed to a program which will provide jobs for all who want to work. '..We want a stable economy which will avoid the disasters of inflation and deflation...' Says there will be no let up until men and women are in steady decent jobs. 03:42:36:20 B W 1945 'Dawn of the Atomic Age.' New Mexico, atomic bomb blast, mushroom could. VO, 'With that mighty blast on the New Mexico desert a new era in civilization has begun and the doom of Japan is sealed ..' US Army picture of first tests of the atomic bomb taken from 6 miles away. Billowing clouds of smoke, good. VO, 'The atomic age, for better or worse, is here.' 03:43:19:10 B W 1945 'Postwar Life in Berlin.' LS of remains of Reichstaag where black market flourishes. CUs people selling, shoes, camera, cigarettes, Germans, Russians and Americans buying and selling. VO, 'All prices are exorbitant but trade is brisk.' Woman selling ring. 03:43:56:00 B W 1945 VO, 'Non-fraternization was necessary at first and war-weary GIs eager for amusement watched fraulines team up for a bit of light fantastic in one of Berlin's few night clubs.' Women dancing together. Night club sign, 'Femina.' 03:44:09:00 B W 1945 Int, night club, act, woman dancing, people at tables, drinking, dancing, smoking. VO, '..the ban was lifted and a good time was had by all.' 03:44:26:00 B W 1945 GIs on beach, sunning themselves, with German women, VS. Women in swimsuits and bikinis. CU of one soldier sleeping on rug. 03:44:55:00 B W 1945 'Buy Bonds.' The End. Post WWII-US-Germany-Berlin. VJ-Day-Washington-Seattle-San Francisco- Chicago-New Yokr. WWII-Surrender-Japanese. Times Square- New York. Celebration-VJ Day. Victory-over Japan. Kissing-GIs-Soldiers-Women. Drunk-Sailors-GIs. Party-Street-Times Square. Surrender-Japan's. Economy-Post WWII-Black market-Bonds Reconversion-Speech. Poverty-Post WWII. Entertainment-Dancing-Sex Sexuality-Rampant-Heterosexuality-Lesbianism. Power-Atomic-Nuclear Tests-Nuclear-Atomic. Bomb-Nuclear. Age-Atomic. Media-Press- Reporters. OPA. Rations-Lifted-Gasoline. Traffic-Post WWII. Automobiles-1940's-USA. Post WWII-Recoversion. Speech-Reconversion Ends 03:45:03:06 03:45:04:06 B W 1945 15Aug45 Si-Sd. 'Special Release. Final Victory!' Truman and Japanese delegates. Cuts to Pearl Harbor damage, smoke billowing, ships on fire. 03:45:41:00 B W 1945 VS fleet at sea, firing guns 03:45:53:00 B W 1945 Amphibious craft, landings, troops run to shore at night or in heavy fog, good. 03:46:13:00 B W 1945 Wounded vet walks with help of stick, bad arm injury too. CU of soldier, amputee, missing arm. General MacArthur? Shaking hands with civilians, women and men. Cuts to AVs of Pacific island. 03:46:41:00 B W 1945 Naval guns fire, beach landing. AV of huge fleet. 03:46:53:00 B W 1945 VS of US infantry advance, battles, destruction, fire, grenades, explosions, sniper. 03:47:22:00 B W 1945 Body of Japanese soldier falls to ground, legs broken, dead. 03:47:27:00 B W 1945 Pan across POWs? 03:47:35:00 B W 1945 Naval battle, flak, explosions, guns firing, plane down, crashes in ocean. 03:47:57:00 B W 1945 Anti-aircraft guns, Kamikaze planes, one explodes in air, one crashes into aircraft carrier, crew scatters. LS carrier on fire. 03:48:17:00 B W 1945 Evacuation of wounded. Burying dead at sea. 03:48:25:00 B W 1945 Tattered American flag blowing in wind. Bodies overboard. 03:48:40:00 B W 1945 Cemetery, brief. Cuts to airfield. 03:48:49:00 B W 1945 Map, Okinawa, Japan. B-29s in formation. Strafing, VS. 03:49:20:00 B W 1945 Sd. Germany, Potsdam Conference, HA of round table with Stalin, Truman, Churchill etc. 03:49:33:00 B W 1945 Pan across delegates, Ext, includes back row, Bevin, Byrnes linking arms with Molotov. Front, Kalinin, Truman and Stalin. 03:49:43:00 B W 1945 Map of Japan. Cuts to B-29. 03:49:56:00 B W 1945 Si. Newspaper headline, 'Japan Admits Atomic Havoc.' Japanese civilians, refugees, good. 03:50:04:00 B W 1945 Sd. 'Reds Declare War on Japs.' VO broken up. 03:05:09:00 B W 1945 Stalin, Molotov review parade, VS. 03:50:20:00 B W 1945 Si. Night time, dark, Japanese military VIPs arrive, enter building. Japanese leaders pose for camera, Int. Headline, 'Japs Ask Peace!' 03:50:37:00 B W 1945 Sd. Hirohito on white horse surrouded by cavalry men. 03:50:49:00 B W 1945 Si. US leaders arrive for meeting, CU Byrnes. Int, meeting around table, Truman and VIPs. Cuts to ticker tape, celebrations, VJ Day, crowd, flag waving. 03:51:30:00 B W 1945 Sign, 'Cafe Zanzibar.' HA of crowd. 03:51:36:00 B W 1945 New York harbor, Statue of Liberty, HA of deck of troop ship, men waving. 03:51:54:00 B W 1945 Sd. VO, 'Shoulder to shoulder with the Army and the Marine Corps the Navy goes forward for god and country. Its goal, a glorious victory for freedom and democracy..' Sailors transposed over military parade, marching. WWII-Surrender-Japan's-Lead up to surrender. History-Japan's surrender. Leaders-World. Conference-War-Allies. President-US. Celebrations-VJ. Victory-over Japan. War-Ends. Party-Public-VJ Aircraft-B-29. Air Force-US. Propaganda-US. Emperor-Japanese. Animal-Horse. Propaganda-American. Nationalism-US. gEnds 03:52:09:10