
Footage Information

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Universal Newsreel
DN-LB-275 Beta SP (Vol. 25 Rel. 402)
15:01:10:00 B W 1945 01Mar45 Sd. Philippines. 'Santo Tomas Prisoners Liberated.' Japanese have been holding 3,700 prisoners on campus since 1941. General MacArthur with Honor Guard of the 1st Cavalry Brigade enter the stockades. Ext, shot of university, people outside cheering, waving, hang American flag out of window. MacArthur pulls up in car. Japanese still fighting, attack campus building and injure many interns. 15:01:16:00 B W 1945 Interior grounds of prison or campus, internees walking about, women and men, under nourished, malnutrition, whole families interned. Man walks with toddler in diaper. Sawing wood, HA of tin and thatched huts. VS of prisoners eating and drinking, women, children. 15:02:15:00 B W 1945 Carrying wounded man. 15:02:44:00 B W 1945 Woman smiles after taking pull on cigarette. Red Cross message center, MCU messages from US. 15:03:15:00 B W 1945 Two women cry reading letters, sobbing. 15:03:25:05 B W 1945 Geneva, Switzerland. Central office of Red Cross maintains huge warehouses of food and other essentials for prisoners and internees. Ext, large square in Geneva, couple of people walk across, ornate building in background, cuts to HA pan across warehouse. 15:03:34:00 B W 1945 Conveyor belt sends boxes up huge pile to be stacked. LA of man stacking boxes. MCU boxes with Red Cross label on them, '4 Prisoner of War.' 15:03:50:00 B W 1945 Elaborate filing system, women working at desks. Signs, 'Fichier Italien,' 'Fichier Britannique.' 15:03:55:00 B W 1945 Loading railroad cars with cartons. Trains heading off to prison camps-Kassel, Munchen, Reichsbahn, Steffin. 15:04:07:28 B W 1945 Cleveland, Ohio. 'Ice Jams Rivers' Pan across scene of destruction, lumps and blocks of ice everywhere, lumps of ice covers residential street, boats and homes destroyed. VO, 'Many families were evacuated from the area.' Houses crushed, people walk, climb over ice. Water pump plant was covered by 5 feet of water. Cuts to elevated railroad bridge, people stand on bank of river and watch it flow, full of ice. Ice breaking, river of ice, under bridge, good. 15:05:02:00 B W 1945 Atlantic. 'Flea Fleet Can Take it.' Coast Guard 83 foot boat, VO, 'Mighty Midget.' Good of bow, bouncing up and down in rough water. VS of boat, which was used to rescue downed airmen. 15:05:30:00 B W 1945 Sub-zero temperatures, crew on deck, chipping ice off pipes, boat covered in snow and ice. American flag in tatters and covered in ice. Crew use wooden bats to knock ice off boat. 15:05:54:17 B W 1945 Washington, DC. 'FDR Call for World Accord.' FDR after return from 'Big Three' meeting in Yalta. Reports to special joint session of Congress and the nation, says Japanese and Germany will be brought to unconditional surrender. VS Congress, applause, Roosevelt sits and speaks, VS. ...'The defeat of Germany will not mean the end of the war with Japan, on the contrary, we must be prepared for a long and costly struggle in the Pacific. But the unconditional surrender of Japan is as essential as the defeat of Germany.' Applause. Continues re world peace, wiping out Japanese and German militarism, permanent peace because our children and grandchildren '..of the world must live, and can live.' (Fire damage at end) WWII-Homefront-Philippines-Geneva-Liberation-Conference-Red Cross. Wounded-Evacuated-Philippines. Internment-Camp. Malnourished- Internees. Living conditions-Internees. Mail-Red Cross. Emotion- Weeping. Red Cross-Warehouse-Stock pile. Supplies-Red Cross-POW- Loading. Car-Railroad-Loading. Office-Workers-Women-Red Cross-Filing Weather-Ice. Disaster-Natural-Ice. Damage-Ice. Break-Ice. Bridges. Boat-Coast Guard. Coast Guard-US. Ocean-Atlantic. Government-US-Congress. Speech-Presidential-FDR-Yalta. Propaganda- US. Patriotism-US. Power-World-Political-Military-Economic. Ends 15:08:44:30