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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | DN-LB-374 Beta SP |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Newsreel |
Year: | 1960 |
Description: | 16:01:15 1960, GOP names Nixon & Lodge. Ike Eisenhower, Nixon, ticker-tape parade, Henry Cabot Lodge - Nixon's VP running mate. Highlights of the G.O.P'S gala, hundredth-anniversary convention. PRESIDENT EISENHOWER is acclaimed by one million Chicagoans as he arrives in the Windy City. The midwest metropolis, scene of the President's first great political triumph in 1952, gives the Chief Executive an unforgettable welcome. A rousing ovation at the convention itself greets Ike and Mamie. In a stirring speech, the President strongly endorses the Republican bid to the nation. Following Ike's appearance, the convention nominates VICE--PRESIDENT NIXON as the standard bearer in the Presidential campaign. Later Mr. Nixon announces his choice of United Nations Ambassador HENRY CABOT LODGE as his running mate. 16:07:39 1960, Katanga crisis, United Nations meets. Ike Eisenhower, Nixon, JFK & LBJ. Castro blasts USA. Beauty contest parade, Long Beach, California. Brazil vs. Scotland soccer match, Santos scores twice. Horse race. 16:13:58 1960, U2 spy plane trial in Moscow Ike Eisenhower speaks. Air Force balloonist Joseph Kittenger (Navy test pilot) jumps from high altitude balloon (19 1 2 miles high) on Aug. 16, 1960, setting height record for parachute jump. (Man in funny suit, balloon flight, parachute leap "World's Record") 5-month old Prince Andrew travels Amos Alonzo Stagg's birthday Moto-ski machine (JET SKI aka "WAVE RUNNERS"). 16:20:14 1960, OAS (Organization of American States) sanctions vs. Cuba, Ike Eisenhower speaks Asian floods damage vast areas of the Philippines' chief island, Luzon Nuclear submarine, Seadragon, in Arctic Ocean, conquers the the Northwest Passage with the first underwater cruise from the Atlantic across the top of North America Atlantic City, NJ Ice Capades show. 16:26:28 1960, Rhinoceros roundup, rhinoceros is hunted, drugged, goes nuts. Inside & outside upside-down house. Fashion show - leather. 25 Years Ago Today: NEWS EVENTS OF 1935: FDR dedicates Hoover Dam (aka Boulder Dam), Children force themselves into school, Miss America contest, US amateur golf, Boxer Joe Louis. 16:32:47 1960, United Nations opens, Castro speaks, demonstrations, Khrushchev MEXICO HAILS INDEPENDENCE DAY, 150 year anniversary, huge celebrations theater Owners of America presents 'Star of the Year Award' to Doris Day Football: Navy vs. B.C., Joe Bellino. 16:39:05 1960, Ike Eisenhower at United Nations, President Eisenhower speaks at the historic "summit session" of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Khrushchev, Castro, Tito. 25 Years Ago Today (1935): Italy rally, Mussolini, invasion of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, Ethiopian troops. 16:45:25 1960, Leaders at United Nations: Nasser w Tito, cameras, Nasser w Khrushchev, Nasser w Castro, Ike Eisenhower motorcade, Nehru w Ike Eisenhower, Nasser w Ike Eisenhower, United Nations meets, table pounding, Castro speaks Football: Notre Dame vs. Cal, Scarpino, Maryland vs. Texas. 16:51:45 1960, Khrushchev at United Nations buildings, Khrushchev speaks, Nikita Khrushchev takes the speaker's stand for the third time to repeat his demands for the admission of Red China, drastic reorganization of the United Nations, and the removal of Dag Hammarskjold as Secretary-General. King Hussein of Jordan, speaking as the head of a small nation that has experienced imperialism, denounces Red attempts to wreck the United Nations, and terms the new Soviet imperialism the most brutal the world has known. India's Nehru defends the present structure of the world organization, and makes a characteristically eloquent plea for peace. Finally, Dag Hammarskjold speaks in his own defense and defies Mr. K.'s threats, receiving a standing ovation from the General Assembly. Soviet delegation pounds table. |