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1961, 1936
08:01:15 1957, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion announces order for Israel to exit Gaza, United Nations forces move in. First passenger jet transport (Boeing 707) out to set cross-country record, Seattle to Baltimore in 3 hrs & 48 minutes. Dr. Milton Eisenhower gives check for $1.5 million as US contribution to eradication of malaria in Americas. Dalmatian dog gives birth to 17 puppies in The Netherlands. Toy fair, tumble tub, driving game, automatic pitcher. Fashion show displays hats. Knights of Columbus track & field match, Charlie Pratt, Tom Courtney, Don Braggs, Ron Delany. San Juan Capistrano handicap. 08:07:42 1945, Nazi Murder Mills, atrocities: GRASLEBEN--Wounded and emaciated Yanks, captured in von Runstedt's bulge attack of last winter, are fed and given medical care by the Yank armies of liberation. HADAMAR--Protected by gas masks, grave diggers open reeking graves at this converted insane asylum. They discover that 35,000 political prisoners had been slain here, largely by poisoning. CAMP OHRDURF--General Eisenhower, General Patton and General Bradley can hardly believe their eyes when they view torture-gallows, heaps of charred human bodies and lime pits filled with corpses. Although they recoil, Nazi officials are forced to enter barns containing rows of decomposing, lime- sprinkled bodies. BUCHENWALD--21,000 prisoners living in utter filth, stumble around with their broken skulls. Agonized corpses lie everywhere with large tattooed numbers on their sunken stomachs. Two roast ovens were used as crematoria. NORDHAUSEN--Starved corpses strew the ground. Creeping, jabbering, breathing-skeletons are loaded into ambulances for possible treatment. Plump German civilians are forced to handle corpses with their bare hands and carry them to huge mass graves for a semi-civilized burial. 1945, San Francisco Conference of United Nations. 46 United Nations are summoned to draft a charter for a post-war organization to secure peaceofficially opened by Secretary of State Edward Stettinius. In a speech from the White House, President Truman states--"if we do not want to die together in war, we must learn to live together in peace." 08:16:03 1954, Dulles asks Pan American nations to help expel Communism from Western Hemisphere. Guatemala's Foreign Minister Toriello warns against interference in internal affairs. Puerto Rican nationalists are arrested. Among those arrested is Pedro Albizu Campos. British inspector, Colonial Secretary Oliver Lyttleton, goes to Kenya to end Mau-Mau troubles. US Air Force tour ("Wings Over the Americas" squadren) visits Cuba. They arrive in Havana to warm welcome from Batista. Jewish foundation honors Eisenhower with a medal commemorating the first Jewish settlement in America by American-Jewish Tercentenary Delegation. Oil fire in Rotterdam. Baseball: Cleveland Indians spring training, Bob Lemon, Mike Garcia, Early Wynn, Feller. New York Giants spring training, Manager Leo Durocher, Willie Mays. Bicycling world series in Italy, obstacle course. Daytona motorcycle race. 08:22:44 1930, Si. Secretary of State Stimson & peace delegates deliver signed agreement to President Hoover. Solar eclipse in CA Bruges, Belgium religious parade Children fight against diptheria during New York City health week, children dress in costumes representing 25 nationalities Olympic divers dive thru targets New York City hat fashions Government testing fire extinguishers in plane hanger Welsh Rugby team 11, France 10 New York City 60,000 demonstrate on May Day. 08:31 31 1951, MacArthur reviews New York City anticommunist parade ("Loyalty Day"). Great shot of marchers holding banner "Every Communist Is Moscow's Spy". Italians visit ruins of WWII. College boys learn to diaper baby. Firemen training in Italy. Guys fall like dominoes, climb ladders, fall down slide in Roman fireman training. Bareback bronco busting at Texas women's rodeo. All American Girl Baseball League spring training. Women's Baseball. Roger Bannister runs 4:08:03 mile race in Philadelphia, defeats Don Gehrmann and Fred Wilt. Ray Milland narrates PSA of starving babies, Statue of Liberty, USA cities, US Defense Bonds pitch. 08:39:45 1951, US communications man, Robert Vogeler, returns home after 17 months in Hungary prison camp. Israel's Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion in USA to issue Israel bonds. US Air Ace, Capt. James Jabara, exits fighter plane in Korea. Miss Defense Bonds of 1951 in Atlanta, Georgia parade, Dick Powell, Piper Laurie, Tony Curtis, and "Francis" the talking mule, little girl holds BUY BONDS poster. Men splash in water. General MacArthur testifies at Senate War Committee, VP Alben Barkley testifies. 08:45:07 Paris, France street scenes. 08:45:51 1961, JFK asks Congress for defense, space funds. LBJ returns to White House, helicopter, Washington Monument, JFK shakes LBJ's hand. Israeli Premier David Ben-Gurion in Canada w Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, Arab pickets, Ben-Gurion lays wreath on war memorial. Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip at church ceremonies. Glider school trains pilots, mountainous region, glider flies over Germany.