
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
We Saw It Happen R9 of 11
DN-LB-439 Beta SP
WWII - Paper Army - Signs; Shells - Beer Cans; Wooden Guns; Exploding - Ships; Pearl Harbor - Attack - Bombing; Tokyo - Burning; Flying Fortresses - B-24; Axis; Exposions - Aircraft Carriers;
19:09:29:19 - 19:17:34:27 B W 1940s We Saw It Happen R9 of 11 Pacific Germany HI, Pearl Harbor Putting sign tank on truck wooden guns, tin can shells. Battle footage w German & Japanese aircraft. Hitler w Japanese. Bombing of Pearl Harbor, ships exploding. View from air & ships. Burning aftermath 19:11:11 man talks about govt giving auto companies go-ahead but aeronautical industry built. Tokyo burning & Doolittle talks about it. Planes taking off. Battle of Coral Sea described by Capt. Thatch as victory for teamwork. Aircraft carriers exploding lines of bombers taking off in England. Gen. Spaatz bombs dropping. Doolittle, Gen Thatch, Capt Spaatz, Gen (voice) Hitler