
Footage Information

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DN-LB-488 Beta SP
08:01:15 ?? 08:28:26 ?? 08:50:25 Hampton Institute Presents Its Program of Education For Life (1941) Color outtakes. African Americans. Campus, personalities and activities, Hampton, Va. R.1: Emancipation Oak, tree under which Hampton was founded. Bronze tablet, with Booker T. Washington and others, on chapel wall. Buildings. Students on campus. Hampton president Howe and wife. Student counselling. Home decoration and weaving classes. R.2: Dressmaking, nursing and dietetics classes. Students buy produce from vendor's wagon, serve lunch to small children, and cook in "practice house," as other students perform home making chores. R.3: Classes in nursing, librarianship, business, biology, horticulture and science. Female students play soccer and hockey. R.4: Communications students at WTAR radio station. Male choir singing. Agriculture class studies pine trees, egg production, farming and soil testing. R.5: Agriculture students study swine and sheep ranching and farm construction. Classes in automobile mechanics, metal work, tailoring, upholstering and printing. R.6: Construction and brickmasonry. Male students perform African dance in costume on campus. R.7: Scenes around Hampton and of nursery school children. Man chops log outside house as woman and baby watch. Church and Colored Community Center. Male students work at gas station. Goat pulls small cart. Men work at construction site. Negro and white children play outdoors at nursery school. Inside, teacher reads to children children eat snack, and nap. R.8: George Phenix Primary School on Hampton campus children perform on Parents' Night. R.9: Artist paints at waterfront instructor and class watch. R.10: Agriculture students run tractor, tend sheep and baby chicks, spray trees and widen a ditch. Students of science, horticulture, business and banking. R.11: At rural school, children enter, and study model houses. Large campus building. Bakery students home economics in practice house. Student teacher with nursery school class. R.12: Montage of machine shop, automobile mechanics, brickmasonry, hot-lead printing, surveyingand chemistry classes. R.13: Art classes, painting on canvas, mural and sculpture. Students of piano, organ and dance. Mixed student choir practices. Dressmaking and weaving. R.14: Regimental band marches on lawn. Campus life students relax, play tennis, attend track and field games football practice aviation class. Piper Cub lands. Student and instructor board training plane. R.15: Women students welcome male visitors, serve lunch. Military students arrive in troop truck and repair other trucks. Retake of final scenes of edited production, including "The End" title.