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Universal Newsreel
Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
Title: | Universal Newsreel |
File Number: | DN-LB-549 Beta SP |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Newsreel |
Year: | 1945 |
Subjects: | Aerials; New York City |
Description: | 20:14:55:00 B W 1945 05Feb45 Si & Sd Philippines MacArthur Makes Good His Promise. 1941 attack on Manila with people running in streets, Japanese planes overhead. High angle of people running thru street. Smoke rising. Dead in streets. US & British surrender on Corregidor and marched by Japanese. Train car with MacArthur and ?? on platform shaking hands with civilian. MCU of MacArthur in doorway. (20:15:43) MacArthur & others toasting in front of British & American flags. MacArthur as head of Military Command in Australia speaking to group: `When I landed on your soil I said to the people of the Philippines from whence I came, I shall return.' 20:16:06:00 B W 1945 On board Battleship looking at map with Adm. Nimitz. Planes overhead, Planes circling ships. Carrier and view of crash landing with plane flipping over edge & pilot rescued. Another landing on carrier. Flak over Lingayen Island and landing craft going ashore, soldiers off landing craft and wading thru water. MacArthur riding on landing craft and wading ashore leading other army VIPS. American flag put up on palm tree. MacArthur walking past camera and palms. Through town streets. Church. Government & other buildings in Manila. WWII Pacific. 20:17:55:00 B W 1945 Si B-29 Crews Hit Burma Rail Bridge. Parked B-29's. Unloading gasoline drums from transport planes and rolling onto wooden platform, emptying into trough and piped to storage tanks. B-29 of 20th Bomber Command starting motor and taking off. AV over Siam city from high altitude, Bombs exploding blasting bridge. WWII CBI front. Army Air Force. 20:18:54:00 B W 1945 Si New York City War Shipping Tied Up By Icy Hudson. Freighters sitting in frozen New York Harbor. View from ship going through ice as it opens. Coast Guard ice breaker circling freighter. Captain in pilot house. Sheets of ice moving about. Docks seen across ice. Weather winter WWII Homefront. 20:19:51:00 B W 1945 Sd 5,000,000 Servicemen Want V-Mail. Soldiers mail call bundles of letters sorting women feeding microfilming machines and processing of film. Original letter, roll of film containing 1800 letters, and print soldier gets. Pouches compared. Rolls of film scanning and printing on to paper. Soldiers running toward camera. WWII military correspondence invention photography miniaturization light weight mail bags. 20:21:03:00 B W 1945 Si Madison Square Garden, New York Millrose Games. High angle start of 4-man sprint with runner falling. Crowd. 4 man sprint again. Winner in mcu. 5 runners on banked track crowd watching. Camera follows around corners and sprint at finish. Flashbulbs popping Sports College Track Racing Running. End: 20:22:19:00 20:22:26:00 B W 1945 12Feb45 Burma Life-Line To China Re-Opened. Crates loaded on army trucks. MCU of Brigadier General L.A. Pick shaking hands on opening of Pick's Pike, 478 Ledo road from Ledo, Burma to the Burma Road at China's Myitkyina junction. First convoy of 100 trucks with supplies from seen from ground and air. Refueling trucks. Racism in narration. WWII construction roads Corps of Engineers Engineering feat ceremony. 20:23:49:00 B W 1945 Sd Chinese Flee Jap Horror. High angle of many Chinese refugees with supplies moving in front of advancing Japanese soldiers. Pulling carts through mountains. Camp with thatched roofs and people sleeping along road. Road crowded with refugees. WWII. 20:24:51:00 B W 1945 Sd Washington, DC Dewey Wants Active Peace Role For US. Governor Dewey speaking at annual Lincoln Day Republican Dinner: `Its obvious that we cannot and must not risk another Great War. Its equally obvious that aside from adequate military forces and bases for our defense in the future, our only hope for avoiding war lies in effective international cooperation for peace. Its perfectly obvious to the rest of the world, and it ought to be to us, that America has staggeringly out-produced every other nation on earth. Our 130 million people have produced many of the winning instruments of war for Great Britain, Russia, China as well as for ourselves. Its obvious to the rest of the world, and it ought to be to us, that this is because of the enormous initiative and inventive genius which springs from the very heart of our system. Ours is a system that rewards achievement, in which men can create and build, with the full knowledge that they and their families will benefit as well as society as a whole. Ours has been a system whereby Labor is free to work, to organize, and to share into the limit of its productive capacity in the good things of life which are produced by everybody. The very heart of that system is the classic liberal concept that every man is his own master, and that Government exists to keep men free.' Applause political lies misrepresentation rhetoric politicians cynicism glittering generalities WWII home front propaganda economics conservatives self-promotion Capitalism Patriotism Patriotic. 20:26:33:00 B W 1945 Sd St. Nazaire, France St. Nazaire Civilians Evacuated. Germans & US truce talk with MCU of officers talking. Red Cross train into station to take refugees women and children boarding train and smiling from train. CU of wheels. Railroad train leaving station. WWII European Front Exchanges Nazi officers. 20:27:18:00 B W 1945 Sd Honorable Discharge. War dogs of K-9 corps getting trained for duty by GIs. Gag shot of dogs sitting in front of movie screen with Hitler shown speaking. Debriefing by soldiers at dog ranch. Various dogs seen in cages and in station wagon unloaded at families house. WWII homefront Pets Obedience Training Animals Family. 20:28:22:00 B W 1945 Sd Madison Square Garden, New York N.D. Cagers Beat NYU. Notre Dame 66, NYU 60. Ball handling and passing with good shooting. Multiple shots of crowds cheering in MCU. Good layup. Sports College Basketball. WWII Homefront. End: 20:29:47:00 20:29:55:00 B W 1945 29Mar45 Reds Roll On In Nazi Germany. Artillery firing from fields. Explosions rockets fired from forest. Very large explosion tanks across field. German dead. German prisoners through trenches with hands up. Burning village. USSR soldiers through towns with burning buildings. Russian troops fighting WWII eastern front. Propaganda. 20:31:04:00 B W 1945 Sd Aberdeen, Maryland Fire Bombs For Japan. 500 lb incendiary bombs napalm jelly pulled from bomb and shown. Bombs being tested, dropped from fighter planes and exploding in flames and burning with heavy black smoke. Burning among tropical island trees. 20:32:15:00 B W 1945 Sd Washington, DC Peace Code For Labor And Industry. Eric Johnson, President of United States Chamber of Commerce, with William Green, President of AFofL, and Philip Murray, Pres. of CIO sign a code committing management and labor to joint national interests in the post-war period as people looking on. MCU and CU of document. Handshaking. Johnson speaks: `We do not pretend that this charter of management and labor is a perfect one. There are many improvements that can, and must, be made. We are each trying to protect America in our own way. Our boys, and our sons and brothers, are doing it with bayonets and bombs on the battlefields of the world. We in production are doing it with machines and goods. But we must do more than physically protect America. We must also protect the ideals for which America stands: Freedom, Equality of Opportunity, Democratic Institutions that will bring our people closer together in the post-war period. And that will mean a stronger, a better America. Planning Post-WWII WWII Homefront Labor Unions Workers. Rhetoric. patriotism Patriotic Business Employers Employees Industry. 20:33:42:00 B W 1945 Sd Bombs Wreck Munitions Ship. US Convoy attacked by Japanese planes plane shot down. Munitions ship explodes in tremendous cloud of debris. Military disaster Naval disaster Explosion Mushroom cloud WWII battle. Navy cameraman. 20:34:29:00 B W 1945 Sd New York City `On Stage Everybody'. Looking toward audience as Denton Warburg, standing before the NBC Blue Network microphone introduces an oriental woman, one of the 10 winners from the radio production finals of `On Stage Everybody' to star in the Universal film of the same name. Another winner is Strawberry Russell, Bob Hopkins who does impersonations, Cyril Smith does faces. C.V. Prutzman of Universal hands out contracts to Georgiana Banister Billy Usher, male vocalist Ronnie Gibson Jean Hamilton Eileen Woods. All seen in MCU. WWII Homefront Radio Broadcast Self-promotion Starlets Motion Pictures Black entertainer. 20:35:34:00 B W 1945 Sd New York City It's A Navy Slugfest. Knockdown by light weight boxer amateur boxing between sailors of different navy units. Shake hands at end. Another fast paced boxing match intercut with audience shots. Knockout. WWII Homefront Sports End: 20:37:18:00 20:37:26:00 B W 1945 09Apr45 Sd Okinawa, Ryuku Islands Landings On Okinawa. Admiral's 5-star flag flying over barracks in Guam as Adm. Nimitz with other VIPS setting out for Okinawa invasion. Convoy of Task Force 58, Admiral Mitscher boards flagship as 1400 ships get underway. Sailors shooting dice, playing accordion and Ernie Pyle on board watching sailor dancing on shipboard. Officer handing out native money to US 10th Army. AV over airfield. Guns of battleships and others bombarding island. Rocket barrages fired and landing explosions. POV from landing craft as officers watch from ship. First troops marching ashore. Throwing grenades into pillboxes and inspecting dead. Destruction near Naha. Civilians with children come out of the hills. Fleet docked offshore and American flag flying on beach. WWII Invasion fighting Pacific Islands. 20:39:53:00 B W 1945 Sd Burma Mandalay Recaptured. RAF dive bombing seen from air. Explosions around city AV over pagodas as fire burns near. Artillery firing, tanks moving close to temples. Captured Japanese flag. Australian troops moved into city. Blindfolded prisoners removed and bowing. British flag flying. Ornate temples with soldiers and rifles. WWII CBI Front Fighting Battle. 20:41:15:00 B W 1945 Sd Allied Net Tightens On Germany. US Third Army advancing across fields in fog and wet weather with smoking hillside and tanks firing. German prisoners running up road field with 1500 POWs. Trucks along road as burning German equipment and dead Nazis. Dead horse & wrecked wagon. Rocket banks loaded, sighted, and fired from remote control box. Seen for first time in newsreels. Rockets mounted on trucks and fired in barrages. WWII European Front. 20:42:57:00 B W 1945 Sd Washington, DC Final Plans For Security Conference. Secretary Stettinius meeting with Ambassadors Halifax of Britain, Gromyko of Russia & China's Amb. Way (sp?) prior to the San Francisco Conference to form United Nations. Assistant Secretary Archibald MacLeish speaking: `Peace has always been the policy of the American people peace is now the necessity of the American people. If there is another war, if there is another aggressor, the United States will be the first target of that aggressor's action. We need peace to continue to be ourselves we need peace to construct the world we Americans have always wanted to construct.' WWII Allies Planning United Nations Founding WWII Conferences. 20:43:57:00 B W 1945 Sd Atlanta, Georgia Golfers Entertain Wounded. Naval Air Station hosts veterans watching golf instruction from Byron Nelson. Joe Kirkwood does trick shots hitting ball off black veteran. Comedy. Racism. Sports Gags. WWII Homefront. Recuperation. End: 20:44:48:00 20:44:55:00 B W 1945 23Apr45 Si Ottawa, Canada Shots of government buildings Prime Minister MacKenzie King in MCU, other officials. Passenger train in Ottawa and VIPs talking alongside, others saying goodbyes, etc. Train out of station. Leaving for San Francisco Conference. Post-WWII Diplomacy WWII Conferences Diplomacy Diplomats. 20:45:43:00 B W 1945 Si Canada Stanley Cup Hockey Play Offs. Ice skating Goals, cheering spectators. WWII Homefront Professional Sports. End: 20:46:24:00 20:46:31:00 B W 1945 23Apr45 Sd (French) France (?). Canadians Return To Vi?? Ridge. Canadian troops reviewed in front of huge WWI monument, wreaths, planes flying over, tapes. Flag flying and marching band toward camera with sound. Veterans carrying banners. Tribute Remembrance Ceremony WWI memorial. End: 20:47:31 20:47:38:00 B W 1945 31Aug45 Sd Manila, Philippines MacArthur Honored. Mac & Philippine President walk into Congressional chambers where he is honored before leaving for Tokyo, Japan. Speech not covered. Applause good CU past camera. Many US & Philippine military seen. Post-WWII Hero 20:48:21:00 B W 1945 Sd Hurricane Hits Texas. Twisted metal, downed trees, floodwaters across streets. Houses moved and collapsed. Broken walls. 3 killed. Disaster weather storm aftermath. 20:49:11:00 B W 1945 Sd Big `E' Struck By Kamikaze. Carrier Enterprise with guns firing, Kamikaze planes shot out of sky. Several planes downed. MS of one burning plane across sky. Plane into water very near ship. Seen from distance with smoke going up. Shipboard and firefighting on deck, hosing down planes, carrying wounded, working on cleaning ship. Coming into dock with people waving and burned area on side of ship visible. WWII Pacific Fighting Battle Aircraft carrier. 20:50:45:00 B W 1945 Sd New York City Latest In Footwear. Tacky floral fabrics and sandals shown in CU. Evening outfit with model smoking cigarette. Black gabardine shoes & dresses. High heels, large bows, square purses. WWII homefront. Fashions. Oddities. 20:52:02:00 B W 1945 Sd Lake Forest, Illinois The World Of Sports Golf. Babe Didrikson Zaharias loses to Phyllis Otto, Northwestern student in Women's Western Amateur Golf Tournament. Each teeing off, crowds follow. Otto putts and long chip shot. Each putting successfully, crowds follow. Shaking hands. CU of winner. WWII homefront. 20:53:15:00 B W 1945 Sd Olympic Pool, Los Angeles, California Diving. 6 divers off at once. View from above as Jean Kessler dives. Helen Morgan does half gainer. Sammy Lee does forward somersault. Vickie Manelow. Johnny Reilly & Sammy Lee dive together. Patricia Alsner from San Francisco does slow motion twist. Helen Morgan who won the National AAU Diving Championship does a final graceful dive. End: 20:55:01:00 20:55:09:00 B W 1945 17Sep45 Si Miami, FL Florida Hurricane! Trees and heavy wind with water breaking over edge of shore. MCU of branches blowing. Good rainy windy weather. Florida Biltmore (?) hotel seen behind trees. Streets flooded and trees falling. Man picking up debris. Downed street lights. burning building with flames in the wind and firemen trying to hose water into the wind. Aftermath of burned building, downed trees. Boy pulling on debris and gathering coconuts. Woman inspects remains of house blown apart. Hangers damaged and destroyed at US Navy Blimp Base at Richmond, Florida where 366 planes were destroyed and property loss was estimated at $35,000,000. Weather Caribbean storms. 20:58:28:00 B W 1945 Si Tokyo, Japan Yanks Enter Tokyo. Soldiers marching up road along dock man watching with patch of 1st Cavalry Regiment seen in CU. Men shake hands in front of sign: `1st Cav. Div., First in Tokyo'. 7th Cavalry Regiment in vehicles past Japanese kids holding US & British flags. Japanese along roads. Some decomposition in film. MacArthur's car arrives at US Embassy he gets out and reviews troops. Flag is raised and all salute. Mac on balcony. WWII-End Occupation of Japan. 20:59:51:00 B W 1945 Si Kawaguchi, Japan [Warsaw Butcher Captured] Nazi Col. Joseph Meisinger (the war criminal responsible for killing over 100,000 Jews in Warsaw, Poland) surrenders at resort near Mt. Fujiama. He comes out with cigar and is searched after surrendering to 3 war correspondents. Sitting at table with 2 US officers and in CU. WWII. 21:00:13:00 B W 1945 Si Nagoya, Japan [Mitsubishi Aircraft Works Destroyed by B-29 Raids] AVs over docks and destroyed factories. Steel roofs after bombings. Planes on factory floor and Japanese workers standing beside airplane motors in wreckage. WWII Aftermath Factory. 21:00:57:00 B W 1945 Si Ann Arbor, Michigan Football! Michigan 27, Great Lakes 2. Running, fumble. Rough game in sunshine. College Sports Football. End: 21:02:32:00 21:02:39:00 B W 1945 24Sep45 Sd New York City Strike Hits New York's Skyscrapers. 15,000 elevator & service workers out. Crowd picketing on sidewalk outside Rockefeller Center. Newspaper headlines postman passing out mail in lobby of Empire State Building. Workers climbing steps. Men sitting and wiping off sweat. Women walking down stairs and stopping to rub feet. Garment workers with placards carried by women. Streets with trucks parked. Man raising box by rope for food. Labor Union. Elevator strike Striking workers. Post-WWII Labor Strike. Oddities. 21:03:58:00 B W 1945 Sd Robot Planes For Targets. Workers assembling miniature planes Soldiers putting on propellers, packing parachutes into fuselage. Mounted on catapult and launched over desert. Guided by joy stick control. Gunners firing at target. View of bullets being fed into the machine gun. Parachute deployed and plane landing after being hit. CU of hit on wing. Narration says as used to train gunners during WWII. Invention. Technology. Drone Airplane. 21:05:30:00 B W 1945 Sd Personalities In The News Washington, DC [President Truman Awards Retiring Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson Distinguished Service Medal]. Walking together in front of White House. As reporters watch he has medal pinned on. Gen. Marshall in background. Retirement. Government Workers. 21:05:49:00 B W 1945 Sd New York City [Joe Louis Receives Legion Of Merit]. Gen. Kells pins on as people applaud. Military saluting him and CU of Lewis saluting. WWII Sports Boxers Entertainers. 21:06:08:00 B W 1945 Sd Los Angeles, California [Shirley Temple, 17, Bride Of Sgt. John Agar, 24]. Posing with husband and bridesmaid. Fans held back by police. MCU. Movie stars actress Wedding Bride Groom WWII Hollywood. 21:06:28:00 B W 1945 Sd Chungking, China [Madame Chiang Arrives From US]. High angle thru crowd at airport. Greeted and walked into small airport building. With Gen. Chiang Kai Shek who's wearing sun helmet and civilian clothes. At dinner table with US fliers. CU eating with chopsticks. WWII. 21:07:15:00 B W 1945 Sd Alberta, Canada Horse Meat For Europe 2 horses grazing, Cowboys on horseback looking over prairies dozen or so horses rounded up herd of ca 1,000 to waterhole. Moving across prairie into pole corral. 2 Indians counting horses moving through town street, into pens and loading onto railroad cars. Seen inside car. Train leaving station with cattle cars. Shipping to Belgium for horsemeat and some for work horses. Post-WWII aid food. Animals horses. 21:08:28:00 B W 1945 Sd Lafayette, Indiana Purdue Beats Marquette. Purdue's Shaw runs and with Demoss (sp?) sets up several touchdowns. Rain and spectators in umbrellas. Hickey passes, Ruden runs. Much sliding of the wet field. Sports college football. End: 21:10:10:00 21:10:18:00 B W 1945 01Oct45 Si Guam Sailors Become Farmers. High angle shot of cattle in pens. Sailors feeding, CU come at water trough. Turkey pen with turkeys strutting. Sailor with 2 small calves. 2 sailors without shirts, one with arm over other's shoulder, walking in milking barn with bucket. MCU Milking cows. Drinking from tin cup. Pouring milk into pasteurizer. Nurse serving milk to wounded, recuperating GIs laying in sun on lawn. Drinking in MCU. Model farm supplies all personnel with fresh meat, milk and eggs. Post-WWII Agriculture Aid Navy homosexuals 21:11:25:00 B W 1945 Si South Bend, Indiana Notre Dame 7, Illinois 0. Kick off on sunny day. Good broken field running for touchdown. End: 21:11:59 00 21:12:05:00 B W 1945 01Oct45 Si San Diego, California [US Navy Unveils The Ryan FR-1 Fireball]. First warplane equipped with jet and internal combustion propulsion. Climbs at more than 5,000 feet per minute. Row of planes, pilots in one taxiing and taking off past camera. Wheels up. AVs of two in flight doing rolls and with others flying over in letter F. Flying with propeller going and without. Military invention WWII. 21:12:56:00 B W 1945 Sd England Aviation In The News [Britain Demonstrates the De Havilland Vampire] Twin fuselage jet fighter airplane on ground. Taking off a bit wobbly. Sound of motor. AVs of it doing maneuvers and a low level pass over field and steep climb. Jet Airplane Invention WWII airplane. 21:13:38:00 B W 1945 Sd Football West Point, New York Army 32, Airmen 0. Airmen of Personnel Distribution Command AAF of Louisville, Kentucky lose in opening game. Sync sound of crowd cheering as Army runner scores touchdown. Applauding cadets. Long passes for other scores. Sports College football. End: 21:14:48:00 21:14:47:00 B W 1945 01Oct45 Si Man with tattoos assembling artificial leg. Men being given physical therapy. One legged man playing ping pong, others exercise, practice walking. Man without hand, using hook at desk while writing letter. Another with two hooks gets into car and drives. POV from in car as man shifts gearshift. Man at dinner table with wife eating. WWII Veterans Wounded rehabilitation Amputees Disabled. Family. Training. 21:16:14:00 B W 1945 Si Canada (?) Old flivver car loaded with students up to front of college and students run in. Students dressed up walking in front of college building carrying books. Military woman and sailor, both in uniforms, with man in college gown as other students around. Interior of lecture hall. Men taking notes. Professor writing on blackboard. Students, some in uniform, looking through microscopes. Students going into classroom building some in uniform. Sailor smoking in MCU. LS of lecture hall in gymnasium. Pan over rows of barracks, men walking out as railway gate lifts. Into building. Standing and shaking hands. Pan over CU of faces. University students Post-WWII college education. End: 21:17:34:00 21:17:40:00 B W 1945 04Oct45 Sd Lunebery, Germany Horror Camp Trial. Men & women of Belsen on trial. Guards outside of building. Local people watch as defendants are unloaded out of trucks and brought in past camera. Irma Gresser (sp?) in MCU. Defendants wearing numbers in courtroom. Sit in dock. Joseph Kramer in MCU. Various views of British defense lawyers and judges. Post-WWII War Crimes Trial. 21:18:41:00 B W 1945 Sd Washington, DC President Opens War Fund Drive. President Truman in MCU reads statement in front of mic: `The appeal of the National War Fund and your local Community War Fund is a human appeal for three causes. For continued friendly services for the men and women who still have a job to do in the Armed Forces for health and welfare services for our own people at home and for relief and assistance for the war-stricken people of liberated countries, our allies who fought by our side. We have won the victory of arms now let us push on to greater conquest. To total victory of human justice and decency and faith in mankind. Let us be generous, and let us give abundant thanks to God in victory by showing our generosity.' Fund raising appeal Post-WWII aid assistance. 21:19:41:00 B W 1945 Sd Personalities In The News Oakland, California Admiral Chester W. Nimitz arrives and leaves plane past saluting sailors. MCU of smiling. Puts a lei on wife then shakes hands and poses with Governor Warren of California. Arrivals. Hero Post-WWII. 21:20:07:00 B W 1945 Sd Washington, DC [President Osmena at the White House Oval Office] Visiting with Pres. Truman and Paul McNutt, High Commissioner, on reconstruction problems in the Philippines. Post-WWII aid assistance. 21:20:23:00 B W 1945 Sd Plymouth Sound, England [Duke & Duchess of Windsor] En route to Paris on liner MCU on deck. View of shore. Waving from ship. At LeHavre, France tugboat guiding liner to shore Duke & Duchess down gangplank and talking to journalists. British Royalty Post-WWII returning. 21:21:00:00 B W 1945 Sd Under-water ??? Frogmen on side of pool fitted with masks rowing rubber raft and dive down into swimming pool. Seen underwater showing how they cut through submarine nets. (21:21:54) US frogmen off Balikpapan, Borneo preparing dynamite charges go over sides of boat and explosives thrown over sides. View from PT boat and man bringing swimmers back into moving boat. WWII navy divers. 21:22:47:00 B W 1945 Sd World Series Detroit, Michigan Detroit Tigers pose, Commissioner Happy Chandler in CU at fence. Chicago Cubs pose. Pitchers warming up, Hal Newhouser for Detroit. Managers O'Neil & Grim shake hands. Chandler throws out ball in MS. Johnson of Cubs hits singles Nicholson hits to wall for triple driving in 2 runs to get total of 4 runs in first inning. Chicago wins first game 9 to 0. Sports Professional Baseball. End: 21:25:02:00 21:25:08:00 B W 1945 08Oct45 Si Tokyo, Japan New Japanese Foreign Minister. Japanese man (Mamoru Shigemitsu?) with wooden leg out of building and talks with US photographer. Ext. of large building. Interior with Japanese man (Shigeru Yoshida ?) in dark suit seated. Post-WWII. Military Occupation of Japan. 21:25:42:00 B W 1945 Si Yokohama, Japan Shore Leave In Japan. Sailors in Japanese streets and buying from people selling from blankets on street. Sailor carrying bird cage, others holding clothes. Post-WWII |