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Universal International Newsreel
Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
Title: | Universal International Newsreel |
File Number: | DN-LB-555 Beta SP |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Newsreel |
Year: | 1948 |
Subjects: | New York City |
Description: | 07:01:20:00 B W 1948 08Jan48 Sd Title: Universal International Newsreel with music under (clean). 07:01:30:00 B W 1948 Sd Washington, DC Truman Speaks To Congress On State Of Union. Motorcade arriving at Capitol. Truman shaking hands with Joe Martin, Sam Rayburn standing beside. President Truman turns to microphones at joint session of Congress. MCU of applauding congressmen. Truman: `High prices must not be our means of rationing. We must deal effectively and at once with the high cost of living. We must stop the spiral of inflation. Many of our families today are suffering hardship because of the high cost of living. At the same time, profits of corporations have reached an all time record in 1947. Corporate profits total 17 billion dollars after taxes. This compared with 12 billion 500 million dollars in 1946, the previous high year. Because of this extraordinarily high level of profits, corporations can well afford to carry a larger share of the tax load at this time. I recommend therefore, that effective January 1, 1948 a cost of living tax credit be extended to our people consisting of a credit of $40 to each individual tax payer, and an additional credit of $40 for each dependent. Thus the income tax of a man with a wife and two children would be reduced $160. The credit would be extended to all tax payers but it would be particularly helpful in the low income group. When we have conquered inflation we shall be a position to move forward toward our chosen goals. As we do so let us keep ever before us our high purposes.' Standing ovation. Post-WWII inflation Economy Speech Tax Cut Taxes 07:03:40:00 B W 1948 Sd San Francisco, California Football. Shrine charity classic of Eastern All-Stars vs Western All-Stars. Muddy field. Herman Weidemyer of St. Mary's broken field running and passing to Bruce of Washington for touchdown. Johnny Lujack with four touchdown passes and running of another. Lujack intercepts a past. East 40, West 9. Sports 1948 College Football Shriners All Star Game. End: 07:04:55:00 07:05:01:00 B W 1948 08Jan48 Morehead City, South Carolina Marines Join Warships In Mediterranean. Second Division troops march along dock with packs and rifles to ship. Four detachments boarding gangway to be stationed in Greek and Italian ports. Posing on board. Marine Colonel Break, commanding them, shakes hands with Navy Captain. Ship sailing. Cold War. Post-WWII. 07:05:55:00 B W 1948 Sd Bear Mountain, New York Skiing. Torger Tokle Memorial Ski Jump established. Memorial ceremonial before 3rd Annual meet named for skier killed in WWII in Italy. Jumpers and spectators with Norwegian leaders. Many falls. Winter Sports Ski Jumping. 07:06:59:00 B W 1948 Sd Brooklyn, New York Boxing [22nd Golden Gloves]. Henry Mesatesta (sp?0 vs James Lilly in 126 lb class. Very hard and wild swinging. Guy yelling from corner. Neither getting anywhere, one relaxes with arm on rope. Flailing. Sports 1948 Amateur Boxing Oddities Bizarre. 07:08:59:00 B W 1948 Sd Title: The End with music under (clean). End: 07:09:04:00 07:09:12:00 B W 1948 12Jan48 Sd Paris, France French Groups Strike Against US Movies. Actors, technicians and writers parading in protest against flood of US motion picture imports. MCU of several actors and actresses. Banner carried. Police breaking up demonstration, fighting, arrests. Narration heavily anti-communist. Cold War Anti-communism Reds Economics Entertainment Post-WWII Propaganda. End: 07:10:16:00 07:10:22:00 B W 1948 22Jan48 Sd Washington, DC House Hears Petrillo Testimony. James Petrillo puts down hand from swearing in and sits down before House Labor Committee. LS of panel. MS of Petrillo leaning on table at microphone. Congressman: `Another point that you raised yourself but I couldn't quite understand it, you said something about people not having any money anymore? A few minutes ago' Petrillo: `They have no money for entertainment.' Congressman: `Well the President just took the, in his statement before the congress here just a very few days ago said that since 1938, the industrial people of the nation, their income dollar for dollar after the payment of all taxes is 50% more than it was then. Now you believe the President don't you?' Petrillo: `Well don't forget, the President must understand also, that if a man got an 18 1 2% increase four years ago, his cost of living went up 50 or 60 %, well the poor devil can't catch up with his high cost of living.' Congressman: `No, but what the President told you was that its just the opposite, since 1938 while the high cost of living has risen 65% the income's rose 115% and after the reduction of income tax they have 50% more. Now don't you believe the President?' Petrillo: `I won't contradict the President.' Congressman: `Well then its true then, isn't it?' Petrillo: `After all he's a professional member of the union, he's a piano player.' Humor Economics Post-WWII inflation Musicians Labor Union 1948. End: 07:11:57:00 07:12:05:00 B W 1948 26Jan48 Sports Sd Bartow, Florida [Yankees Run Baseball School] Students posing with Yankee players at school run by George Stirnweiss (MCU). Red Sox pitcher Mickey Harris shows how to hold ball (CU). Phil Rizzutto hits for fielding practice. Mickey Vernon teaches first base technique. 1948. End: 07:13:07:00 07:13:12:00 B W 1948 26Jan48 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada [Ice-boat Regatta] Men undo sails and boats move out at high speed, around turns. People watching. One tips over and breaks apart as other boats pass. Winter Sports Recreation. 1948. End: 07:14:23:00 07:14:31:00 B W 1948 26Jan48 Si Canada Three Die As Fire Sweeps Thru Village Firemen fighting fire with MCU of burning wooden building. Pulling walls down of house. Good action of burning flames. Smoking ruins and hosing down remains. Tragedy. 1948. End: 07:15:43:00 07:15:52:00 B W 1948 02Feb48 Sports Madison Square Garden, New York City 1948 Millrose Games. Sprinters run 60 yard dash. Won by Tom Carry in 06.2 seconds. Hurdle race won by Harrison Dillard. Wanamaker Mile beginning and following around banked track. Gilbert Dodds leading and sets new indoor record of 4:05.3 Holding trophy and smiling. Indoor Track Meet College Sports. 07:17:16:00 B W 1948 Sd Santa Anita, Arcadia, California [Photo Finish in 1948 Maturity] People in boxes, high angle of huge crowd betting at windows. On Trust ridden to post. Good LA of starting out of gate Lou Costello with binoculars watching race good LA of horses toward camera and around turn. Flashco pulls up at last minute and beats On Trust in photofinish. Costello tearing up racing form. Sports Horse Race Racing Gag. End 07:18:08:00 07:18:17:00 B W 1948 02Feb48 Si Canada [Snow Plows Clear Airport Runway] Large rotary snowplow in ls & CU. Line of plows blowing snow and pushing snow. Rolling to pack snow on runway. Man in parka checking weather gauges and letting loose weather balloon. Transport plane flying over after taking off. Winter Weather Snow Storm Blizzard Aftermath End: 07:19:16:00 07:19:23:00 B W 1948 09Feb48 Si Canada Downhill Ski Race. POV from chairlift. Skier past camera going down steel slope. Big fall. Winner through finish given trophy. Skier flips on skies. Holds trophy. Sports Winter Skiing Ski Racing. 07:20:24:00 B W 1948 Si Canada Champion Mushers Woman with two sled dogs. Queen of winter carnival. Sled teams beginning race. POV from dog sled. Dogs pulling riders on small sleds along road. Spectators at end of race. Man in fur coat presents cut to woman winner. Winter Sports 1948 Celebration Racing Dog Sleds. 07:21:29:00 B W 1948 Si Arctic Plane Tests Man walking by cabin with icicles to ground. Men firing machine guns mounted on stands in snow. Working on fighter plane motor and starting motor. Taxiing past and blowing snow. Jet fighter uncovered, snow broomed off, starting motors and taking off past camera. End: 07:22:34:00 07:22:40:00 B W 1948 16Feb48 Si Canada Governor Opens Art Exhibit. Formal dressed people at art opening, looking at oil paintings and reading program notes. Governor speaking and introducing people who wave or who bid on paintings. Society Wealth. 07:23:30:00 B W 1948 Si Canada Canadians Decorated. Car away from formal building, frieze. Men in MCU with sash around necks and wives posing. Honor Award. 07:24:06:00 B W 1948 Si Canada Carnival At Ste. Agathe (sp?) Skiers down slope together. Sledding on toboggans. Horses pulling skiers in race along road or track. Large Ice Castle with flags and lighted. People lined up going inside. Queen in white fur coat with giant key. Winter celebration Winter carnival. End: 07:24:58:00 07:25:05:00 B W 1948 17Feb48 Sd Cleveland, Ohio Floods And Ice Follow Hard Winter. Boats caught and destroyed in ice. Men working to free them. Boats lifted out of water by ice. (07:25:34) Potomac River, Washington, DC with Chain Bridge over ice jams. Ice moving from thaw with five foot thick ice. Winter weather Spring thaw. 07:26:04:00 B W 1948 Sd Canada [Gandhi Memorial Service] Interior of hall with speaker and people on platform. Indian Sikh, Mackenzie King, MCU of Indians. Poster of Gandhi alongside King speaking at lectern at memorial service. End: 07:27:08:00 |