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Uiversal International Newsreels
Footage Information
Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
Title: | Uiversal International Newsreels |
File Number: | DN-LB-559 Beta SP (selected segments) |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Newsreel |
Year: | 1952 |
Description: | 15:01:19:00 B W 1952 28Aug52 Sd Title: Universal International Newsreel with music under (clean). 15:01:29:00 B W 1952 Sd New York City Legion On Parade - 75,000 March in 34th Annual Convention. High angle looking at 5th Avenue past Library and various lower shots of marching units. Reviewing stand with Governor Dewey. West Point cadets in dress whites Legionnaires carrying cornstalks. Ike in civilian clothes marches with Kansas group. Senator Richard Nixon marches with California group. Float and miniature train. 9 1 2 hour parade. Americana Military Veterans American Legion 1952 Patriotism Cold War Anti-Communist. 15:03:12:00 B W 1952 Sd New York City Stevenson Talks - Warns Legionnaires of Red Peril Within. American Legion convention in large hall listens to Adlai Stevenson who speaks wearing Legion cap: `We have joined our strength with that of others and we have done so in self-protection. We seek no dominion over any other nation, and the whole free world knows it. If there are those behind the Iron Curtain who don't know it, it is because their masters don't want them to know it. (applause) Many of the threats to our cherished freedoms in these anxious and troubled times arise, it seems to me, from a healthy apprehension about the Communist menace within our country. Communism is abhorrent! Communism is strangulation for the individual and death for the soul. Americans who have surrendered to this misbegotten idol have surrendered their right to our trust and there can be no secure place for them in our public life. (applause) Yet, as I have said before, we must take care not to burn down the barn to kill the rats. (applause) All of us, all of us, and especially patriotic organizations of enormous influence, like the American Legion, must be vigilant in protecting our birthright from its too zealous friends while protecting it from its evil enemies.' Anti-communism Speech Cold War Presidential Campaigning Patriotism Rhetoric 1952 American Legion Convention. 15:05:07:00 B W 1952 Sd News In Brief New London, Connecticut [Submarine USS Trigger Shake-down Cruise]. High angle shot of sub POV from top of conning tower. View from alongside. Interior with men at controls. Views of diving sub. Moving large torpedo into place man looking through periscope. Surfacing out of water moving along. Cold War 1952 Navy Weapons. 15:06:13:00 B W 1952 Sd Korea [Bunker Hill Fought Over]. Men firing mortars explosions from hilltop. Soldier with binoculars riflemen firing GI talking on two telephones. Jeeps down road evacuating wounded by marine helicopters from hills view of United Nations hospital ship from water & landing on hospital ship. Stretchers unloaded & moved with wounded, others walked. Movie star Audrey Totter arrives and shakes hands with wounded. Communications Military Field Telephone 1952 Korean War Fighting. 15:07:26:00 B W 1952 Sd Sports Annapolis, Maryland [1952 Football Pre-Season Practice]. Players run past camera, hitting tackling dummy. CU of coach Eddy ?? watching. Linemen practice. Guard named Eisenhower. 1952 College Football Sports Training. 15:07:58:00 B W 1952 Sd Title: The End (very dirty). End: 15:08:03:00 15:08:11:00 B W 1952 04Sep52 Sd Title: Universal International Newsreel with music under (dirty). 15:08:22:00 B W 1952 Sd Speed Record - Jet Makes Atlantic Round-Trip In 8 Hours. British Canberra twin-jet bomber takes off from Northern Ireland refueling in Newfoundland, taxies past camera. Pilot Ronald Beumont: `We had breakfast at Aldergrove in Ireland, lunch in Newfoundland, and tea back in Ireland.' Time was 7 hrs 59 miles for 4,000 miles. Aviation Record Military Bomber 1952 Speed Record. England Jet Aircraft. 15:09:19:00 B W 1952 Sd News In Brief Paris, France [Mac Fadden Hits Silk on 84th Birthday] Twin motor plane from ground interior with Bernarr MacFadden waving to camera view of Seine and Paris. Out airplane door after signal by helmeted jump master. View from ground as he descends and lands 50 foot from river. He gets out of parachute as photographers take his picture. MCU. Stunts gags geriatrics old-age physical culture publisher. 15:10:08:00 B W 1952 Sd Paris, France [Fall Fashions Feature Flowing Forms] Women modeling evening gowns on steps and in park setting. Low necklines with straps. Women with fur collars over dress suits. Black with longer skirts, tweed shown. Model feeding pigeons. 1952 Clothes Fashions. 15:11:19:00 B W 1952 Sd Atlantic City, New Jersey [Jersey Joe Walcott Training]. Cutting wood with axe, walking with small white baby in grass, puts boxing gloves on kids while sitting on steps. MCU. Sports 1952 Heavyweight champion boxer. 15:12:01:00 B W 1952 Sd Grossinger, New York [Rocky Marciano Training]. With others out of farmhouse, running, MCU with barn behind. Carrying two buckets for chores, then shadow boxing for the cameras. 1952 Sports Boxer Heavyweight Challenger. 15:12:37:00 B W 1952 Sd Portland, Oregon [Jacqueline Pung of Honolulu Wins 1952 Women's Amateur Golf Tournament]. Teeing off, MCU of Shirley McFedders of UCLA, putting, crowds following. Pung in MCU. Hugs caddy and cries. 1952 Sports Golf. 15:13:19:00 B W 1952 Sd Atlantic City, New Jersey Ice Capades of 1953. Previewing before coming to New York, Chorus line and entire cast in Rockette like high kicking. French Apache duo dance skating routine. Small, or midget, Paul Castle does barrel jumping. Dick Button makes first professional skating appearance with routine. Entertainment Ice-skating Figure skating. 15:15:06:00 B W 1952 Sd Title: REGISTER NOW, SO YOU CAN VOTE in November. 15:15:11:00 B W 1952 Sd Title: The End (dirty) with music under. End: 15:15:16:00 15:15:24:00 B W 1952 15Sep52 Title: Universal International Newsreel with music under (dirty). 15:15:34:00 B W 1952 Sd Korea - Fighter-Bombers Blast Red Targets In North. Fighters of 5th Air Force with bombs mounted. Leaflets in CU that have been dropped urging residents to evacuate. Planes taking off Gun camera of strafing and firing rockets, explosions. Views of bombing mountain valley roads and ridges. Explosions from above. Bombing bridges. Plane overhead. 1952 Korean War. 15:17:02:00 B W 1952 Sd Los Angeles, California Politics - GOP Closes Ranks As Adlai Campaigns. Adlai Stevenson with group visits his birth-site in Los Angeles and waves from porch. Bunting on house and cameramen around him and receives plaque with date of birth. Night and at Shrine Auditorium waving to cheering crowd. 1952 Democratic Presidential Campaign. 15:17:54:00 B W 1952 Sd New York City Sign West 110th & Morningside Drive with Senator Taft arriving at General Eisenhower's home. View from across intersection after Taft goes in. Sitting on couch with Ike. Photographers sitting on curb waiting. Ike & Taft out door and wave to reporters. View of cameramen & reporters. 1952 Republican Presidential Campaign. 15:18:42:00 B W 1952 Sd News In Brief White House, Washington, DC. [President Truman Hosts Representatives of Women's Armed Services] New stamp issue presented. Women military officers posing with Truman, saluting. CU of sheet of stamps. 15:19:26:00 B W 1952 Sd Turkey [NATO General Matthew Ridgway & Wife Arrive] Shaking hands with various military officers. LS of equipment. Reviewing Turkish troops. Cold War. 15:20:09:00 B W 1952 Sd Strasbourg, France [Schumann Plan Into Effect]. Delegates from European countries arrive for meeting of Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community. Adenhauer and others seen. Large interior hall with delegates. Diplomacy Diplomats Economics. Cold War. Industry. 15:20:47:00 B W 1952 Sd Washington, DC Football - Air Force Beats Marines 14 to 6. Shot from sidelines in MCU. Officers standing. Al Doro pass to Mel Grooms gives touchdown for Air Force. Then runs 54 yards. Doro runs for second touchdown. 15:21:51:00 B W 1952 Sd Title: REGISTER NOW, SO YOU CAN VOTE in November! 15:21:56:00 B W 1952 Sd Title: The End (dirty) with music under. End: 15:22:01:00 15:22:07:00 B W 1952 17Nov52 Sd Title: Universal International Newsreel (dirty) with music under. 15:22:18:00 B W 1952 Sd Washington, DC H-Bomb - Atomic Head Tells Of First H-Bomb Tests. CU of Atomic Energy Commission visitor pass. AEC Chairman Gordon Dean at press conference says: `The Commission is concerned however, over certain letters purporting to describe some events in connection with the tests. Investigations are underway leading to possible disciplinary actions, or prosecution, for violation of the task force regulations or the law. Making public further information as to the nature and the results of the tests might seriously injure the interests of the United States and we'll make no further announcements.' Nuclear Bomb Weapons Security Leaks Cold War Newsreel Cameramen November 1952. 15:23:18:00 B W 1952 Sd Indo-China - French Forces Drive Top Cut Off Red units. Planes overhead and bombing Artillery firing against Viet Minh supply line. Rain and deep mud with trucks moving. Dead laying around road. Muddy soldiers evacuate wounded on boats. Tanks through jungle & soldiers and refugees walking with church behind. 1952 Asia Colonialism Revolution Anti-Communist Cold War France Politics Vietnam War. 15:24:23:00 B W 1952 Sd News In Brief Atlanta, Georgia [Ike Relaxes With Family At Mamie Eisenhowers Birthday Party]. President Eisenhower and grand kids eating birthday cake. Grandparents laughing 1952 Grandchildren. 15:25:07:00 B W 1952 Sd New York City [Motion Picture Pioneer Awards by Look Magazine]. Vernon C. Meyers publisher of Look with Jack Cohn, N.J. Blumberg of universal pictures is named pioneer of the year and pose along with four or five others for pictures. Meyers makes statement to the men. Honor. Self-Promotion Advertising Businessmen 1952. 15:26:10:00 B W 1952 Sd Rehoboth, Israel [Dr. Chaim Weizmann, President of Israel Is Buried On His Estate]. People walking past, men carry casket on shoulders as mourners watch. Wreaths placed Wreath Laying Inventor Synthetic Smokeless Gun Powder President of Israel 1952 15:26:46:00 B W 1952 Sd Football East Lansing, Michigan Michigan State 21, Notre Dame 3. Fumble crowd jumping. Touchdown plays and runs. Sports 1952 College Football. 15:27:32:00 B W 1952 Sd New Haven, Connecticut Princeton 27, Yale 21. Rain Ed Mulloy passes & Jerry Jones carries for Yale touchdown. Bob Unger & Frank McVee lead Princeton. Earl Burn takes touchdown pass. Homer Smith runs 92 yards for touchdown. Sports 1952 College Football Ivy League Championship. 15:28:47:00 B W 1952 Sd Title: The End (dirty) with music under. End: 15:28:52:00 15:29:00:00 B W 1952 24Nov52 Sd Title: Universal International Newsreel with music under. 15:29:10:00 B W 1952 Sd Nato `Assault'- Full Dress Landing Attack ? Marines. NATO forces conducting full maneuvers off coast of Turkey. Flagship Columbus and carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt. Aerials over carrier with deck full of planes American, Greek & Turkish officers oversee. Operation Long Step with jet and propeller planes taking off. Amphibious assault vehicles come onto beach in waves. High shot of troops running ashore. Joint officers are watching Admiral Carney (sp?) with binoculars. Troops moving inland. 1952 Cold War. Military Defense Mediterranean. 15:30:42:00 B W 1952 Sd News In Brief United Nations, New York City [President-Elect Eisenhower & John Foster Dulles Visit United Nations]. Arriving and greeted by Trygve Lie, hand shaking view of building EXT, interior of General Assembly. Joined by Lester Pearson, many photographers. Mural painting behind them. 1952. 15:31:39:00 B W 1952 Sd Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania [Variety Club Tent Number One has 25th Anniversary Party]. Men along banquet table with visitors from other cities. Janet Leigh, Tony Curtis, Rhonda Fleming, Van Fleming and baby at telethon for raising money. Charity. Large ice sculpture of 25. Adoption sponsorship. 1952. 15:32:34:00 B W 1952 Sd British Columbia, Canada [underwater TV Camera] Fishing boat with underwater motion picture camera that can be moved under its own power. Can film down to 100 feet transmitting electronic television picture. Scientists monitoring picture. Invention Oddities Science Fish. 15:33:14:00 B W 1952 Sd Football Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles, California USC 14, UCLA 12. 1952 College Football Sports. Carmichael laterals to Jim Sears who runs 60 yards for touchdown. Both teams unbeaten. Paul Cameron throws to Don Stolwick (sp?). Bill Stitz runs for touchdown. Cameron Pass intercepted by Wilhoit who runs back 8 yard line. Sears to Carmichael gives touchdown and USC will play Wisconsin in Rose Bowl. 15:34:15:00 B W 1952 Sd Columbus, Ohio Ohio State 27, Michigan 7. Kress pass intercepted by Fred Bruney of Ohio State, one of 3 he intercepts in upsetting Michigan. John Borton (sp?) of Ohio State passes to Bob Watkins. Morton throws 3 touchdown passes and runs for one. Jocelyn's diving catch. Home coming game. Bob Grimes catches another touchdown pass. 1952 College Football Sports. 15:35:43:00 B W 1952 Sd Title: The End (very dirty) and incomplete. End: 15:35:47:00 15:35:55:00 B W 1952 01Dec52 Sd Title: Universal International Newsreel with music under. 15:36:05:00 B W 1952 Sd Seoul, Korea Korea Awaits Ike - Dignitaries Gather For His Inspection. Gen. Mark Clark & British & French ambassadors to Japan arrive in Korea and greeted by Gen. Van Fleet. Picture taking by photographers and military. Mrs. Van Fleet, Pres. Rhee & Mrs. Rhee join in celebrating Mrs. Van Fleet's birthday. Rhee presents colors to ROK division. Pres. Rhee picks his nose briefly. Large crowd of troops watching. Huge banners painted for General Eisenhower's arrival. Pictures of Ike painted and signs put up. Trolley with welcome Ike sign. Korean War Korean Unification Hopes. 1952 Propaganda. 15:37:38:00 B W 1952 Sd News In Brief McCord Airfield, Tacoma, Washington [Military transport crashes on outskirts in rain & fog]. Military inspecting wreckage where 37 of 39 died enroute home for holidays. Smoking wreckage. Clothes of dead shown. 1952 Air Military Disaster. Aviation crash aftermath. 15:38:29:00 B W 1952 Sd Washington, DC [Mamie Eisenhower Visits Bess Truman in White House]. Wearing fur coat Mamie poses for pictures and greeted by butler. Washington Women's Press Corps interviews her. Cameramen take pictures of Mamie & Bess saying goodbye on front. 1952 President-Elect Ceremony. 15:39:14:00 B W 1952 Sd Seattle, Washington [BARC, New Amphibious Vehicle]. 60 ton vehicle can haul 100 ton load. From water up onto sand, drops front door and unloads tank. Shown to military officers. Each wheel with ten foot tire is driven by separate diesel engine. View of tread pattern in sand & vehicle leaving via water. 1952 Military Invention Oddities Size Large. 15:40:06:00 B W 1952 Sd Washington, DC [Robert Lovett & Charles E. Wilson Hold Press Conference]. Sit at table after Lovett briefed Wilson. Reporters take notes. Government Defense Secretary Cold War. 15:40:32:00 B W 1952 Sd Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey [Operation Rawin] Signal Corps engineers demonstrates device to gather weather information. Balloon launched carrying small radio transmitter which gives wind velocity & direction information to movable radio antenna on ground. Developed for use by Atomic Energy Commission & military. Invention meteorological science. 1952 Army Communications. 15:41:06:00 B W 1952 Sd Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Army-Navy - Middies Sink Cadets By Score Of 7 To 0. Cadets march onto field past camera. 3600 midshipmen march. 100,000 spectators. Newsmen with cameras. President Truman and daughter Margaret Sec. of Army Pace General Irving, West Point Superintendent British Air Marshall Tetter. Mascots unloaded from trailers as cheerleaders jump. Fred Ranko runs for Navy. Phil Monahan runs for Navy and then goes over for touchdown. Cheering. 1952 College Football Army & Navy Military Academy. 15:42:35:00 B W 1952 Sd Title: The End (dirty) with music under. End: 15:42:40:00 15:42:47:00 B W 1952 04Dec52 Sd Title: Universal International Newsreel with music under. 15:42:57:00 B W 1952 Sd Saar Elections - French Faction Wins Plebiscite. Smokestacks and mills. People looking at election posters leaflets on ground. People at polls voting booth and ballot box. Jonas Hoffman (sp?) voting. CU of Hoffman. Dumping ballots out of boxes and counted. Pro-French parties favored by 3 4 of population. Miners looking at newspapers. Anti-German Nationalism Governing Control. Post-WWII 15:44:15:00 B W 1952 Sd News In Brief Atlantic City, New Jersey [14th Annual CIO Convention Meets] LS of banquet hall, Stage with photos of the late Philip Murray, and Walter Reuther (?). Adlai Stevenson at podium speaks: `Perhaps as the defeated candidate whom you were good enough to support, whom you honored, I can be permitted to say that the election should not be considered a disaster, or even a misfortune for labor. What would be a misfortune, and perhaps even a disaster, would be to think so and preoccupied with fear lose sight of labor's larger responsibility to a nation which is also groping its way into a new era.' Applause and standing ovation seen from above. Walter Reuther, UAW head, new Congress of Industrial Organizations President. He walks to podium and speaks (MOS) and stands with Allen Heywood, newly elected Vice President. Labor Union Convention. Politician Politics Democrats. 15:45:29:00 B W 1952 Sd Mexico City, Mexico [Adolfo Ruiz Cortines Takes Oath of Office]. People applaud, Aleman gives embrace. Pan over crowd that includes foreign VIPS including outgoing US Ambassador O'Dwyer and Vice-President-elect Nixon. Soldiers marching & riding on horses in parade, reviewed from balcony. Mexican President 1952 Presidential Inauguration. PRI. 15:46:12:00 B W 1952 Sd Indo-China [French Battle Reds With Counter-Attack] Troops firing machine guns, mortars, artillery carry wounded. Tired troops walk past camera. Vietnam War Anti-Colonialism Revolution Fighting Anti-Communism. 15:46:39:00 B W 1952 Sd England [Royal Mint Producing Coins For Queens Coronation]. Metal fed thru punch presses in CU and long shot. Large master for coins and CU of coin. Portrait Queen Elizabeth Royalty Celebration Preparations Metal Working Industry. 15:47:06:00 B W 1952 Sd Farmingdale, New York Men look on as Air Force under-Secretary Gilpatrick accepts first model of Republic's new fighter jet, Thunderstreak, to replace the Thunderjet. Seen in flight from air as it rolls over and dives. Cold War Military Equipment Military Aviation Development. 15:47:42:00 B W 1952 Sd Germany [Dozen German Shepherd Pups Bottle Fed In Stockings]. Mother dog watches pups drying in stocking bags drying paws from line. Oddities Stunts Animals. 15:48:16:00 B W 1952 Sd Heidelberg, Germany [Santa Claus On Sleigh Float greeted by kids on Army Base]. Kids sit on lap in PX. MCU of faces. Holiday Christmas. Military. 15:48:56:00 B W 1952 Sd New York City Billy Vessels Gets Heisman Grid Trophy. Oklahoma university star in MS shaking hands with John C. Postel, President of Downtown Athletic Club with trophy between. MCU of player & CU of trophy. Footage of running for touchdowns. CU smiling. 1952 Sports Award College Football Star. End: 15:49:43:00 15:49:53:00 B W 1952 22Dec52 Sd Title: Universal International Newsreel (dirty) with music under. 15:50:03:00 B W 1952 Sd Larson, Airbase, Washington 86 Die In Worst Air Disaster. Smoking wreckage of fuselage of globemaster that crashed on takeoff. Men walking through wreckage, baggage. Worst disaster in aviation history. 1952. 15:50:53:00 B W 1952 Sd Ponggam Island, Korea Red Prison Riot - United Nations Guards Kill 87 As POWs Die On Island. Island from water. Prison camp seen with burned buildings. Prisoners carrying garbage cans on poles behind barbed wire. Prisoners had marched singing prohibited songs. Guards opened fire with machine guns. Wounded walked out, helped by others. Prisoners sitting hunched down. Korean War Prisoners of War 1952 Military Atrocity. 15:51:58:00 B W 1952 Sd News In Brief Rome, Italy [Flash Floods South of Rome]. People watch high waters. Bubbling water, water over dams and sitting in fields. Weather water flooding. 1952 15:52:41:00 B W 1952 Sd Los Angeles, California [Hollywood Stars Prepare For USO Tour]. 65 stars and musicians get trays with food sit at tables labeled by destination: Caribbean Alaska Korea Greenland & Newfoundland. Universal International star Beverly Michaels in MCU. George Murphy, head of Coordinating Committee, in MCU with military officers. Alongside planes and waving as boarding. Entertainers 1952 Christmas Tour Military Bases. 15:53:29:00 B W 1952 Sd Sports Detroit, Michigan National Conference Championship Professional Football Game] Fog-shrouded game, Detroit Lions 31, Los Angeles Rams 21. Pat Harder passes to Doak Walker. Harder runs for touchdown. Norm Van Brocklin passes to Taller (sp?). Van Brocklin passes for touchdown. Muddy. Detroit will play Cleveland Browns for 1952 championship. 15:54:47:00 B W 1952 Sd New York City [Sports, 1952 College Basketball] Manhattan College 74, Furman University of South Carolina 73. Coach on sidelines in MS. Spectators applauding. Coach yelling. Hook shot. Player or coach crying after loss. End: 15:56:24:00 15:56:35:00 B W 1952 29Dec52 Sd Title: Universal International Newsreel (dirty) with music under. 15:56:40:00 B W 1952 Sd Beirut, Lebanon 15 Perish On Yuletide Pilgrim Ship. Single stack liner listing heavily aground on reef on coast. People in water swimming to shore. Rescue boats launched from shore rowing over waves to ship. Ship slipping in two as tugboat is alongside. Breeches buoy attempted. Injured brought ashore. Life ring of Champullion, Marseilles. 1952 Holiday pilgrimage disaster. 15:57:55:00 B W 1952 Sd Netherlands Floods And Snow Strike Europe Hard. Holland in ice and snow. Snow falling over canals. Volkswagen being towed with front end wrecked. Windmill. People along streets. Dock with snow, street scenes. (Swish pan, 15:58:22) French villages flooded by Loire and Garonne rivers. French soldiers carry goods, rowboats to houses, people leaving with livestock, pets and goods. Cat leaping from fence to wall over water. 1952 Winter Weather Storms. 15:59:01:00 B W 1952 Sd News In Brief San Francisco, California [Troopship Arrives From Korea]. People waving. Quadruplet GI brothers wave from ship. Anthony, Bernard, Carl & Donald Perricone in MCU pose along dock. 1952 Korean War Returning Military Veterans. 15:59:43:00 B W 1952 Sd New York City [President-elect Eisenhower with wife and Grandchildren in front of Christmas tree]. David, Barbara Ann, & eight month old Susan are held by Mamie. Electric train being played with by David. David kisses Mamie under mistletoe. Holiday. Family. 16:00:27:00 B W 1952 Sd Korea [Entertainers Arrive] Off plane and past camera. Women carrying bags greeted by GIs. Sign welcoming Cardinal Spellman Spellman in army overcoat & fur hat climbs into jeep, waves at camera and driven off. Korean kids watching. Spellman in hospital talking to wounded, bandaged GIs. Mess hall and eating with soldiers. Korean War 1952 Christmas Holidays. Military Tour. 16:01:43:00 B W 1952 Sd Cleveland, Ohio Football - Detroit Lions Win Pro Gridiron Title. Detroit Lions 17, Cleveland Browns 7. Crowd in sun Texas Bobby Layne to Bill ??. Otto Graham. Rough play and tackling. Jim David intercepts. Doak Walker runs 67 yards for touchdown for Detroit. Sports 1952 Professional Football Championship. End: 16:03:07:00 16:03:18:00 B W 1952 29Dec52 Sd Title: Universal International Newsreel (dirty) with music under. 16:03:28:00 B W 1952 Sd 1952 Big Year In Sports Kentucky Derby. Woman reading racing form, crowds at betting windows, Eddie Arcaro riding Hill Gail in slow motion. 16:04:01:00 B W 1952 Grand National Steeplechase with falls over 4 1 2 mile course. Winner through crowd. 16:04:30:00 B W 1952 Rocky Marciano with bandage on face. Sketches of bout. Smiling in MCU. 16:04:55:00 B W 1952 High angle of baseball diamond. Fans jumping up and down. MS of Mickey Mantle Allie Reynolds pitching. Crowd jumping and applauding. Happy players surrounding Casey Stengel. 16:05:26:00 B W 1952 Michigan State cheerleaders and running play by Don Mc?? Good broken field running. 16:05:51:00 B W 1952 LaSalle Explorers in National Invitational Tournament, woman grimacing and gesturing. Applauding. Wins over Dayton in finals. 16:06:21:00 B W 1952 Indy 500 start, Vukovich bounces off wall and Troy Ruttman winning. 16:07:00:00 B W 1952 Waterskiing on bare feet, spinning off jump, diving off skies on jump. Outboard jumping over jump with bounce. Slo-mo-sun IV setting 185 mph on Lake Washington, Seattle, Washington. Camera follows. CU of Ayres. John Cobb with boat Crusader doing speed runs when boat explodes on Loch Ness. 16:08:10:00 B W 1952 Winter and Summer Olympics. Flags bobsled running in snow. German winners. Downhill skiing race won by Italian Men's Giant Slalom won by Sven Erickson Rutland, Vermont's Andre Mead Lawrence won 2 medals for skiing. Ski jumping and falls. Man bows after fall. 16:09:10:00 B W 1952 |