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08:01:19 1966, LBJ in Vietnam, on jeep ride w General Westmoreland, soldiers salute, LBJ awards medals. Football: Notre Dame vs. Oklahoma, Terry Hanratty, Rocky Bleir (Bob Bleir), Nick Eddy, Jim Seymour. 08:07:36 1966, LBJ in Far East, visit Bangkok, Thailand, Oriental pagoda, helicopter lands, LBJ & Lady Bird greeted, traditional fingernail dance is performed for them, women w long fingernails, parade. Avalanche, landslide aftermath in Welse mining village of Aberfan, mass burial. Football: Dartmouth vs. Yale, Mickey Beard. 08:13:31 1966, equestrian, horse show, competition. 08:16:10 1966, LBJ returns from Asian tour, crowds at airport, Lyndon & Lady Bird emerge, wave. Deadly California forest fire in Southern California, firemen w goggles, victims put in ambulance. Football: Arkansas vs. Texas A&M, Dave Dickey Florida vs. Auburn, Steve Spurrier. 08:22:05 1966 Giant Columbia river dam built along US-Canadian border, construction, man directs industrial crane. In West Berlin, International Dance Contest for children (8-14 yr olds), ballroom dancers contest, teenagers dance formally (waltz, cha-cha, etc.) , one couple slip and fall on slick dance floor, CU feet moving. Texas State Prison in Huntsville, rodeo for prisoners, bronco busters. 08:28:24 1966 Election Day for Governors, Senators, Congressmen, etc., people vote, George Romney, Senator Charles Percy, Ronald Reagan & Nancy Reagan at ranch (w son Ron Jr.), Governor Edmund Brown, Reagan after victory (Governor of California win), Mrs. George Wallace (Lurleen Wallace) with hubby, RFK, Nelson Rockefeller with supporters, Senator Brooke waves. New eye institute at UCLA, Jules Stein Eye Institute is dedicated. Football: Minnesota vs. Northwestern, Curt Wilson. 08:36:28 1966, LBJ & Lady Bird enter Bethesda Naval Hospital, LBJ in hospital bed for surgery. Gemini finale, final flights of the Gemini Space Progream, Gemini XII. Helicopter takes off, man w binoculars, space capsule splashes down, astronauts rescued, in uniform, James Lovell & Buzz Aldrin welcomed back onto carrier, space walks, Lovell & Aldrin cut cake & eat it. 08:42:45 1966, Moon photos, Lunar Obiter Two, rocket launch, animation of spacecraft approaching moon, scientists look at photos. Miss World beauty pageant, Miss India, Belha Paria, is crowned the winner. Football: Notre Dame vs. Michigan State, Jimmy Raye, Gene Washington, Regis Cavendish, Coley O'Brien, Bob "Rocky" Bleier, Bob Gladio. 08:48:49 1966, JFK remembered, White House, JFK grave at Arlington Cemetery, flame, bust, family kneels & crosses themselves at his grave. Lord Mayor's Show in London, Sir Robert Bellinger reviews the gala parade, AV, Tower, fire breather, Queen's carriage. New Los Angeles Zoo opens, birds, giant turtle, lamb, bears, children, monkeys, leopard, tired children. Baseball: Los Angeles Dodgers' Sandy Koufax retires, career highlights. 08:55:05 1966, Art restoration in Florence, Italy begins, people in mud, saving art, inside Uffizi, man with mask. Christmas, Santa Claus' season, parades in New York and Toronto, Macy's parade, Superman balloon, Popeye, Underdog, Dino the Dinosaur, children watch, Santa on float. Football: In Philadelphia, Army vs. Navy, fans knock down goalpost. Steve Lindell, Terry Young, Carl Woessner. 09:00:58 1966, 25th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Memorial @ site of USS Arizona Bombing Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941. Ships ablaze, sinking, man blowing bugle, flag raised, AV memorial. Crowds cheer Francisco Franco, Franco addresses Spanish legislature. National Christmas tree taken to White House, planted, children watch. Football: Notre Dame vs. USC, Coley O'Brien, Jim Seymour, Ara Paraseghian, coach, cheers on sidelines. 09:07:17 1966, Early winter arrives: heavy snowfalls arrive early snow buries town, wheel spins in snow (or, TIRE SPINS IN SNOW), snow plow down street. LBJ and Mexican President Diaz Ordaz tour a US-Mexican dam in Mexico. LBJ addresses huge crowd. dam being built. U THANT is unanimously reappointed Secretary-General of the United Nations. Soviet Premiere Kosygin visits President Charles De Gaulle. Former Nazi Kurt Kiesinger is elected West German Chancellor. Football: Patriots vs. Bills, Jim Nance, Babe Parilli, Jack Kemp. 09:13:33 1966, In Greece, Aegean Sea Tragedy: Greek ferry, "Heraklion", sinks, hundreds lost man tosses tube from moving helicopter, people rescued from Aegean ship disaster. Marineland Florida, rare Risso's dolphins play around above & underwater, get fed, jump for food. New York's Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lit at night, store windows, christmas shoppers, displays, mechanical toys, boys' choir, boy sings, children caroling outside. 09:19:48 1966, Winter in Washington DC, monuments in snow, Capitol lit at night, Christmas tree lit. New York City Mayor John Lindsay honors marine hero White House Press Secretary, Bill Moyers, resigns United Nations building, Ambassador Goldberg, U Thant, Security Council meets people ride up escalator. Russian State Circus-on-ice. Snow, stunts grizzly bear skates, does laundry, and ice skates with man. 09:26:07 1966, White House Christmas party for local Boys' clubs and neighborhood houses, White House with Christmas trees, children in White House, Santa Claus surrounded by children, Lady Bird Johnson. plane crash and train crash miracles, Huge train wreck, hole in house, car smashed. Laboratory experiment, scientist, man spoons out sugar, makes liquid, it turns gooey, makes 'elastic water'. Grossinger, New York barrel jumping championship (in Catskills), man with trophy gets kiss.