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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | DN-LB-619 Beta SP |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Outtakes |
Year: | 1940s |
Subjects: | Aerials |
Description: | 13:01:14:00 B W 1940s Excellent shots of bomber airplanes in flight, POV from back on airplane, with tail in shot. Airplanes dive and swoop in sky. Several beautiful shots of airplanes flying in formation, breaking formation. VS airplanes flying low to ground, taking off in formation. CUs planes in flight over clouds, with pilots visible in cockpits. Planes dive. 13:08:30:00 B W 1940s CU pilot gets out of cockpit and gives report to officer. INT air force officers fill in combat reports. Smoking. CU pilot in cockpit prepares to take off. VS airplanes taxi in field, take off. VS airplanes landing. VS formation flying with many airplanes in sky at once. Airplanes take off in formation, VS flying, some excellent. Airplanes taxi on field at dusk. Airplane, with damaged propeller, inspected. 13:21:08:00 B W 1940s Two dirigibles rise in air. Airplane flies over blimp at high speed, dirigible bursts into flames seconds later and falls. VS air attacks on dirigibles, smoke in sky, dirigibles in flames, falling to ground. LS cliffs (looks like Dover, England) Ships at sea. Flak in sky. More footage of dirigibles falling after attack. VS planes flying. AV of dirigible on fire at night. Plane falls from sky. MS smoke rising from behind trees in country area. 13:31:04:00 B W 1940s Civilians and airmen inspect damaged German airplane - poster underneath states "Made in Germany, Finished in England." Officers sit in cockpit. Excellent MS of airplane surrounded by fence with sign on top, "Crashed German Plane Here" Tourist attraction. Nice shot of girls, holding hands, standing with backs to CAM, looking at posters - "Send Up our Fighters - They'll Down the Blighters." VS children looking at posters. CU people put coins into collection can for local fighter plane fund. Man beats wreckage of German plane. MS plane wreckage under armed guard in field. VS sifting through wreckage. Swastikas visible on wreckage. Pan scrap heap of airplane wreckage, men dump scrap, sort through scrap heap. 13:40:00:28 B W 1940s Injured soldier (POW ?) carried to train station on stretcher under heavy guard. Soldier stand guard at smoldering wreck in field. 13:41:09:17 B W 1940s FRANCE LIBRE ACTUALITIES, #10 (1945 with sound) "SAINTE THERESE A PARIS" VS ruins of Paris. EXT cathedral with crowds outside and procession leaving. CU Catholic priests, cardinals, bishops. Row of altar boys. INT cathedral, procession walks up aisle. VS Catholic service, priest speaks from pulpit. VS procession leaving cathedral and open air shots outside with people watching, includes brief shots of nun and children. People try to get better view by looking at reflection on small hand-held mirrors. 13:43:56:11 B W 1940s "OBJECTIF ATTEINT" Military parade and medal award ceremony in French town. Women and girls wear traditional costumes (might be Brittany). VS troop review and medal ceremony. VS liberated Alsace region. Man paints over German sign, young woman hangs French flag from window. People pour into badly damaged church with no roof. VS parade through narrow streets of town led by marching band. Girls wear traditional costumes. 13:46:02:24 B W 1940s "VERS LE RHIN" VS French troops on the move, mud everywhere. Crossing flooded area on amphibious tanks and trucks. AV of flooded region. Infantry walk through flooded area, march through mud in war zone. Tanks and infantry go through bombed town, fires still burning. Wounded POWs moved through town on foot. 13:47:59:14 B W 1940s "LES POCHES DE L'ATLANTIQUE" Animated map of France with coastal towns marked. INT military conference - CU officer, sitting at large table, reads statement to CAM. VS soldiers in field, digging trenches, officer inspects weapons, loading and firing artillery gun. VS military review. 13:50:02:17 B W 1940s "POUR NOS SOLDATS MUSULMANS" VS Muslim troops treated in French-run hospital. Recovering soldiers walk through gardens of hospital. INT nursing staff tend to patients. EXT collecting money for hospital. 13:51:11:05 B W 1940s "LA MARINE CONTINUE" VS on board ship as French sailors are decorated. CU sailors. Medal ceremony. 13:52:18:15 B W 1940s "JUSTICE SERA FAITE!" VS General Charles de Gaulle waving at crowd from convertible. Sign, "Oradour sur Glane" De Gaulle tours bombed out town, shakes hands with line of men. Sign "Ici Lieu de Supplice - Recueillez Vous" Another sign outside of Nazi crematoriums, "Ici Furent Retrouves Deux Corps Calines." De Gaulle walks through town and visits cemetery where he places plaque on grave. 13:53:42:18 B W 1940s "JEUX INTERALLIES" VS boxing matches with knock outs. 13:55:41:00 B W 1940s INDIAN NEWS PARADE (with sound) News story about FDR's death. Various CUs of President Roosevelt. August, 1941, aboard ship with Winston Churchill - Atlantic Charter meeting. FDR and Churchill in Casablanca, January, 1943. FDR posing with large group, including Churchill, Anthony Eden, Molotov, and Josef Stalin. FDR and Churchill (with cigar) in Quebec in 1944. CU FDR speech accepting Democratic Party nomination to run for fourth term as president. Pan convention floor. VS soldiers voting, very good. NBC election chart as counting of ballots begins. People celebrate FDR's re-election in Times Square. FDR and family at Hyde Park (EXT shot) on night of victory. Roosevelt waves to wellwishers from porch, good. Eleanor Roosevelt in shot. 13:57:46:10 B W 1940s King Abduz-Aziz of Saudi Arabia with President Roosevelt on board ship, VS of men speaking, sitting on deck. Emperor Haile Selassie boards ship, salutes, and sits with FDR on wicker chair on deck of ship. King Faruk of Egypt boards, salutes, wearing fez and talks and laughs with FDR. VS members of congress stand to applaud FDR upon return. Standing ovation. 13:58:51:00 B W 1940s Men look at notice of FDR's death in window of US office of War Information in Bombay. Pan down Church of the Redemption in Delhi where memorial service is held. VS people entering church including diplomats, commanders and politicians. VS memorial service in Bombay, attended by allied troops. Memorials attended by Viceroy, V.K. Krishna, Admiral Radford and others. 14:01:03:25 B W 1940s SOVIET NEWSREEL (with sound, 1947) Title "At the Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers" VS central Moscow, the Kremlin. The "Big Four" arrive for meeting. US Secretary of State, George Marshall arrives with Ambassador Walter Smith. British Foreign Secretary, Ernest Bevin, walks into building. France's Minister for Foreign Affairs, Georges Bidault, and Russian Foreign Minister, Vyacheslav Molotov, enter building. VS of ministers sitting on couch after meeting, posing for cameras. Cameramen shoot film and still shots. Ministers shake hands. 14:03:52:12 B W 1940s "The Dutch Ambassador Presents Credentials" New Dutch ambassador enters Kremlin, wearing top hat. INT Kremlin, ambassador presents credentials to President Nikolia Shvernik, Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, Gorky, and Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs. 14:04:50:25 B W 1940s "At Soviet Plants" Excellent shots of INT of synthetic rubber plant and workers. EXT shots of plant. VS construction of automobile plant at Minsk. Workers in plant. Designers work at tables. Illustrations of truck design discussed. 14:07:00:20 B W 1940s "Snow Retention in the Volga Area" VS Russian women and men digging snow, plowing snow to stave off summer drought. Healthy-looking farmers, good. 14:08:02:01 B W 1940s "A One-Man Show" VS retrospective show of artist, Petr Konchalovsky's, work. Shows people looking at paintings and some works, including portraits of Russian artists, writers, and musicians. Still life paintings. Konchalovsky stands next to self-portrait. 14:09:38:03 B W 1940s "Skating Contest" City of Gorky. Figure skaters move towards CAM on ice- covered Volga. Raising tournament flag. VS female and male figure skaters with large portraits of Stalin and Molotov in BG. Couples skate together. 14:10:59:00 B W 1940s (MOS) VS Rocket launch at night, underexposed. Rocket launch, daytime. Launch with time transposed over part of film. Rockets flying through air. LS rocket falling from sky, leaving trail of smoke behind. MCU blast at base of rocket launcher - rocket takes off and flies in sky. VS launches. |