
Footage Information

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DN-LB-702 Beta SP
B W Color
1943, 1956, 1960s
Color 1966 Indonesian President in Russia and China, 1956. Miscellaneous Vietnam, 1966 10:01:21:05 Color 1956 SUKARNO VISITS RUSSIA AND CHINA (1956 with sound) Montage of scenic Indonesia with Hollywood-type soundtrack. Pineapple grove, CU pineapple. VS farming, women harvest. Indosnesian ruins, good. VS city life, street scenes. LS shot of Indonesian flag blowing in wind. Group of children. VS military parade - President Sukarno salutes. Animated map shows route from Indonesia to Russia. 10:04:02:28 Color 1956, 1960s Excellent establishing shot of Moscow. People wait at airport for President Sukarno - holding flags, banners, posters. Russian party officials arrive to greet Sukarno - includes Bulganin, Khrushchev, Kaganovich, and Malenkov, excellent. Sukarno is greeted by communist party officials - hand shaking, holding bouquets of flowers, cameramen at work, reviewing troops. Russian official, and Sukarno, make speeches. VS motorcade through Moscow street, spectators cheer and wave from sidelines. INT VS Sukarno meeting with Russian officials and communist party leaders. Various EXT and INT shots of Kremlin as Sukarno takes tour, good. Portrait of Lenin on wall. EXT Sukarno visits Stalin's mausoleum, good. Sukarno waves at Russian people, pats boy on head. 10:11:55:00 Color 1956, 1960s VS Sukarno's arrival in China - President Sukarno and Mao Tse-tung, surrounded by military, walk through cheering crowd - Chairman Mao and Sukarno smile and wave, excellent. VS Chinese women and girls presenting Sukarno with flowers. Mao Tse-tung and Sukarno travel through streets in convertible, waving at spectators who wave Indonesian flags and throw flower petals at leaders, excellent. Billboards with messages welcoming Sukarno. Billboard with Sukarno portrait, good. INT Mao Tse-tung receives Sukarno - Sukarno and others move along reception line shaking hands. Mao proposes toast - VS Chairman Mao, Sukarno and guests in huge ballroom drinking and toasting, good. 10:17:50:04 Color 1956 EXT Sukarno, Mao, and others in rain - leaders have umbrellas held over them. VS Mao and Sukarno reviewing military parade - Chinese troops goose-stepping in heavy rain, splashing in puddles as they march, good. Civilians march in parade as leaders watch, smile, and wave - CU Sukarno, Mao and Chinese spectators, good. "1956" prop carried in parade. VS dancers and performers in parade, wearing traditional costumes and dancing with dragon props. Floats with female dancers wearing white. Women parade with hoops and scarves. VS fireworks at night. 10:22:28:29 Color 1956, 1960s MS Sukarno and Mao Tse-tung get out of car. They review troops at airport. VS Sukarno shaking hands, bidding farewell. He waves from top of stairs on airplane. Masses greet Sukarno as motorcade drives through second Chinese city - spectators wave flags, cheer, wave flowers, good. Sukarno walks through crowd. CU Sukarno playing cymbals, excellent. Pan industrial city. INT Sukarno touring industrial plant - steel mill, pipe manufacturing, good. 10:27:55:15 Color 1956, 1960s VS President Sukarno addressing huge crowd at industrial plant, good. VS plant with huge pipes. HA pan EXT of factory. INT car manufacturing plant ? Car tires move overhead on pulley system. Workers greet Sukarno. INT Sukarno tours factory - assembly lines, auto industry. Sukarno speaks to female worker, shakes her hand. VS Sukarno in car on assembly line. He claps his hands when he gets out of car. 10:31:49:11 B W 1943 Bombing Missions over Sicily, June 1943 (MOS) VS P-38 Lightning airplanes on bombing missions over Sicily, Itlay, WWII. (out of focus, scratched.) 10:32:51:18 B W 1943 P-38 bombers flying in formation (slightly better quality - pity, because there's some beautiful flying and good CAM angles). P-28 taxis. VS P-28 airplanes taking off, flying in formation. Air to air shots of planes in flight (poor quality, soft focus) 10:35:50:01 B W 1943 Nice formation flying - airplanes fly towards CAM across cloudy sky. Good shot of P-38 airplanes breaking formation and soaring in sky. P-38 bombers fly low to ground, close to CAM, very good. Four airplanes fly towards CAM in formation, over runway, excellent. VS flying. Airplane taxis on runway. 10:37:49:02 B W 1943 VS P-38 airplanes flying in formations of four, CU and LS. Bombers fly in v-shape formation. WA shot of P-38 airplanes flying in line over airstrip and breaking formation to rise into sky. P-38 airplanes landing. Airplanes taxi, dust rises. VS formation flying in groups of four. LA Arrowhead shape formation flying (v-shape). VS formation flying over runway. Airplanes approach CAM in single file and fly low over runway, good. Airplanes fly low in groups of four. 10:43:12:01 Color 1966 OPERATION KICKOFF, VIETNAM (Color, MOS, 1966) (173rd Airborne Brigade) VS sergeant preparing two 106mm rounds for detonation. MS soldier in village destroying canoes with axe. Black and white soldiers examine hypodermic needle, syringe. VS woman, girl and children sitting in field. Soldiers search village, going into thatched huts. Old man sits on ground and soldiers question him. Village man smokes as soldier checks his papers. Three Vietcong suspects questioned, tied up, and blind folded. Blindfolded POWs taken from truck and handed over to military intelligence. Tags attached to Vietcong POWs. Skyraiders drop bombs and napalm on Vietcong positions, soldiers in FG watch. VS explsions. VS evacuation of wounded - wounded soldier on litter is placed aboard UH-1D helicopter. Ambulance helicopter takes off. Soldiers drag remains, wrapped in tarp, along ground. 10:51:15:00 Color 1956, 1960s OPERATION ABILENE (First Infantry Division) VS officer briefs soldiers of the Second Batallion, 18th Infantry. Soldiers sit on ground in field and listen - tents and vehicles in BG. CU shots of soldiers. 105mm artillery gun loaded and fired, VS including CUs. VS Major General William E. DePucy and Colonel Albert E. Milloy studying map in tent. VS soldiers briefed before entering, and searching, village of Ap An Phu. VS searching huts. Armored vehicles drive through village. VS Vietcong prisoners sitting in back of truck, both are blindfolded, one holds hat over face. CU prisoners. Vietcong prisoner sits on ground beside jeep and is questioned by American officers - reel to reel tape machine recording. VS POW including CUs. VS trucks and jeeps driving on dusty road. WA of OH-13 helicopter landing in field. 10:59:05:00 Color 1956, 1960s OPERATION ABILENE VS black and white soldiers erecting utility tent. Vietnamese soldier checks old man's ID pass in field. CU papers and photo identification. VS soldiers search village. Tanks parked. American soldiers follows Viet Cong prisoner into tunnel in ground. VS men questioned. Prisoners taken. M-113s drive on dusty road. M-48 tank drives through bomb-damaged field with downed trees, good. VS soldiers check men's ID. Vietnamese POW tied up and blindfold put over his eyes. CU hands being bound with rope behind prisoner's back. POW put on top of M-113 military vehicle. Vehicle drives on dirt road. MS Vietcong prisoner sits on ground, soldiers stand over him. Viet Cong POWs sit on ground, surrounded by barbed wire and guarded by American soldiers. Prisoners sleeping on ground - lying on cardboard. POWs smoking. 11:07:13:00 Color 1966 OPERATION MOSBY, PHASE II, PLEIKU, SOUTH VIETNAM. (First Cavalry Division, April, 1966) VS including CUs of soldiers walking across grassy field and boarding UH-1D helicopters at Ankhe - helicopters take off, excellent. Air to air, helicopters in flight. VS helicopters landing and soldiers get out. CU soldier on radio. MS soldier setting up 81mm mortar. CU sentry dog. VS Two CH-47 supply helicopters land and take off. MS M-102 105mm howitzer artillery gun. VS loading and firing artillery gun. MLS CH-47 on ground - mechanical mule drives down helicopter's ramp carrying boxes of supplies. VS soldiers unload helicopter. 11:12:23:21 Color 1956, 1960s Montagnard Vietcong suspect, on hunkers, is questioned - stripped and blindfolded. Stripped prisoner points when questioned. VS officers talk, briefing. Vietcong prisoner squats, blindfolded, eats rations from can. Points to area on map. Officers, sitting on ground, look at map. 11:15:21:29 Color 1956, 1960s Soldiers search through village, walk Vietcong suspect through village. American soldiers sets hut on fire, burning hut. VS soldiers approach village of Montagnard. MS soldiers on radio, wearing leaf camouflage on helmets. VS villagers assembled - women, children and men. Male villagers are picked out of crowd, lined up and counted, and taken away through jungle under guard. AVs of military camp - tents and artillery. Officers study map and discuss. AVs - hills, mountains, lake, camp. VS camp with tents, helicopters parked, equipment. 11:20:13:00 Color 1956, 1960s VS soldiers of the 319th Artillery load and fire 105mm Howitzer artillery gun - CU shells, loading, and firing, good. VS soldiers in tent plot fire mission. VS soldiers on mess line - food spooned onto plates. VS loading and firing Howitzer, good. 11:23:30:18 Color 1956, 1960s VS two Vietcong prisoners in field, Tuyhoa, South Vietnam One prisoner stands, with hands bound behind his back, and he answers questions. Second POW lies on ground in grass, hands bound behind his back, under heavy guard. American soldiers seem very threatening - POWs look scared. Americans search clothes, look at ID. POWs placed in helicopter - INT helicopter with POWs and US soldiers. Guard pushes Vietcong prisoner - POWs brought to stockade - they kneel on ground. (humiliation