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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | DN-SLB-063 Beta SPAFP-25AR 16mm |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Documentary |
Year: | 1943 |
Description: | B W 1943 WWII propaganda documentary in the "Why We Fight" series. A rough outline of Russian military history and a laudatory description of the geography, industry, culture, resources, cities and proud people of the USSR precedes and leads into the Nazis' encroachment into Southeastern Europe and bloody world of the Eastern Front. Focusing exclusively on the heroism and determination of the USSR Russian civilians and soldiers, the film elliptically presents the hated Nazi regime and the Wehrmacht as an unseen enemy. The resilience of the USSR Russian forces is stressed through a wide array of combat footage (spiced up by the occasional feature film excerpt). The troop movement map animations (abundant, but of little stock value) of the massive German strike against the USSR Russia between 1941 and 1943, specifically at the battles of Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad, reveal the strategic complexities of these campaigns. By early 1943, the bitter winters and superior numbers of the USSR Russian Army had taken their toll on the German Army, and the film ends with von Paulus' surrender, in direct disobedience of Hitler's directive. 00:06:05:00 B W 1943 Kaiser Wilhelm II reviews German soldiers. 00:06:13:00 B W 1943 Marching Russian WWI soldiers. 00:06:21:00 B W 1943 WWI soldiers operate artillery cannons. 00:07:50:00 B W 1943 Mining scenes: miners, mine cars full of mined ore, VS. 00:08:06:00 B W 1943 A tree is felled in snow-covered forest, two shots. 00:08:17:00 B W 1943 A field of oil derricks. 00:08:32:00 B W 1943 INT operations at a smelter foundry. 00:08:45:00 B W 1943 Farm scenes: harvester vehicles reap fields of grain farm workers in the fields workers with pitchforks in a huge enveloping pile of freshly picked cotton flock of sheep on the move more grain fields and harvesters. 00:09:35:00 B W 1943 Large patriotic communist parade and celebration through Red Square, Moscow: people of various ethnicities in all manner of costume march, dance, hold banners and flags, VS, some HA. Good shots. 00:10:30:00 B W 1943 Cossacks and the natives of the Don river valley: man rides horse and swings his sword to cut row of thin branches alongside path in equestrian contest. 00:10:48:00 B W 1943 Ethnic folk scenes from Ukraine: classic Russian Cossack dancing, man dances with knees close to floor man spins round and round women in festive clothing clap to the music. 00:11:13:00 B W 1943 Caucasus region ethnic folk scenes: music and dancing people clap to music CU shots of people of various regional ethnicities man drinks from horn. 00:11:36:00 B W 1943 Man rides horse through picturesque mountainous countryside, waves to people whom he passes, VS VS men and women of Central Asian ethnicity three musician men (Mongolian?) play guitar-like instruments, balalaikas (?) Lapps people from the Ural mountains. 00:12:43:00 B W 1943 Moscow: skyline, the Kremlin, street scenes, streetcars montage of Muscovites at their various jobs, VS. 00:13:43:00 B W 1943 Ballerina dances on stage conductor faces his orchestra. 00:16:01:00 B W 1939 The Russo-German Non-aggression Pact, 1939: Joachim von Ribbentrop and Vyacheslav Molotov at the signing ceremony, VS Stalin smiles, MS. 00:16:23:00 B W 1943 USSR Russian weapons manufacturing, VS. 00:16:42:00 B W 1943 USSR Russian soldiers in training, exercise drills, VS. 00:17:32:00 B W 1943 Hitler, Mussolini and Nazi Generals look over maps spread before them on table. 00:17:53:00 B W 1943 Hungarian peasants in festive clothing bundle and stack their harvested crop of grain Hungary cavalry soldiers march down street. 00:18:17:00 B W 1943 Field of oil derricks in Roumania Roumanian soldiers march down street. 00:18:57:00 B W 1943 Admiral Horthy of Hungary, CU King Michael of Roumania, MS General Antonescu of Roumania, MS King Boris of Bulgaria, MS. 00:19:45:00 B W 1943 Hitler and Mussolini shake hands, CU. 00:19:58:00 B W 1943 Greek soldiers march, they wear skirts more at 0:20:32. 00:20:18:00 B W 1943 Mussolini in uniform salutes a soldier. 00:21:48:00 B W 1943 Soldiers march convoy of sidecar motorcycles German soldiers, tanks and vehicles advance toward Russian front. 00:24:59:00 B W 1943 War-weary, dejected German soldiers traveling near the Russian front. 00:27:11:00 B W 1943 A long line of USSR Russian soldiers walks down road in countryside. 00:27:24:00 B W 1943 USSR Russian front Eastern Front combat montage: tanks, artillery, machine gun, grenades, advancing soldiers, urban combat, some good shots. 00:29:18:00 B W 1943 Dead German soldiers lie sprawled over their burning tanks and vehicles amid ruined USSR Russian city, VS, good shots. 00:29:50:00 B W 1943 Large crowd of USSR Russian citizens stands together calmly with hardened, determined faces. 00:30:30:00 B W 1943 The patriotic USSR Russian citizenry supports its country in any way possible, montage: determined men and women walk together, toward enlistment workers engaged in all manner of physical labor, soldiers stand at attention, VS. War mobilization. 00:31:45:00 B W 1943 A large hydroelectric dam, insulated power coils, open floodgates, VS. 00:32:14:00 B W 1943 Woman sets fire to thatch roof of house by means of a burning torch. 00:32:24:00 B W 1943 USSR Russian partisan army montage: guns are distributed to partisans a leader instructs phalanx of partisans in proper use of rifle phalanx of partisans on the march, in the field brief combat scenes, some feature film outtakes of gun combat. 00:33:40:00 B W 1943 German soldiers advance into the USSR, past derelict vehicles, VS. 00:34:19:00 B W 1943 Marching USSR Russian ski soldiers dressed in white parkas, they carry their skis and ski poles over their shoulders. 00:35:06:00 B W 1943 A service in a crowded USSR Russian church, priest (possibly Archbishop Sergei of Moscow) swings censer at the altar, somewhat marred by titles. 00:35:42:00 B W 1943 Officer reads orders to assembled USSR Russian soldiers, CU shots of their attentive faces. 00:35:59:00 B W 1943 USSR Russian soldiers launch offensive, (various places along Eastern Front?) montage: pilots and paratroopers board their airplanes tanks, cavalry and soldiers (most dressed in white parkas for snow combat) take their positions officers drop their arms in signal for attack, cannons fire in response, VS low-flying airplanes advancing soldiers tanks move through thin forest, snow-covered ground, soldiers take shelter behind the tanks advancing cavalry soldiers jump off of supply train flatbed artillery explosions ski soldiers advance tank rolls over trench, soldier ducks for cover etc. Good sequence. 00:39:04:00 B W 1943 Liberation of occupied USSR Russian territory: convoys of USSR Russian soldiers move through towns, people greet the liberators with cheers, applause, handshakes, smiles, kisses, etc. one soldier rips down a sign bearing the Aryanized name of a USSR Russian town, "Kalinin." Unfortunately, most of these shots are marred by titles. 00:40:35:00 B W 1943 Aftermath of German occupation: USSR Russian war refugees drag their belongings behind them, packed onto sleds, down snow-covered road friends and relatives are reunited, shake hands and hug an abandoned town on fire church ruins. 00:41:26:00 B W 1943 EXT home and museum of Peter Tchaikovsky montage of sheet music superimposed over shot of symphony orchestra playing Tchaikovsky works, the music plays on the soundtrack. 00:42:30:00 B W 1943 EXT the home of Leo Tolstoy Tolstoy's grave and the surrounding snow-covered cemetery. 00:42:50:00 B W 1943 Frozen corpses of USSR Russian civilians lie in gruesome pile in the snow, people stand over them solemnly, others bend over the bodies and cry soldier walks with his arm around an injured girl with a bloodied face crowd looks at public gallows with several dead people hanging from the crossbeam people grieve and cry as they lean over corpses of loved ones morbid mass-hanging scene, bodies dangle from crucifix-like gallows, this is a feature film outtake. 00:45:34:00 B W 1943 Combat montage: machine gun nest, advancing USSR Russian tanks and soldiers German POWs march at gunpoint. 00:46:49:00 B W 1943 Leningrad, VS: skyline, street scenes, statue of Lenin, soldiers march through city. 00:47:39:00 B W 1943 USSR Russian civilian men, women and children dig trenches, pile sandbags, etc. in preparation for German attack and siege. 00:48:09:00 B W 1943 Air raid siren sounds in Leningrad: people run through streets, intercut with shots of siren PA speaker the empty streets of the city air raid wardens lookouts gaze skyward through binoculars antiaircraft cannons are raised and aimed German bomber planes attack, drop bombs antiaircraft guns shoot fusillade of shells the battle continues into the night, people point klieg lights searchlights skyward burning airplanes crash to the ground. Aftermath: buildings on fire people dig through ruined buildings wounded man is loaded on truck a dead child a dead elephant people cry, mourn the dead with solemn faces. 00:51:09:00 B W 1943 German soldier jumps into sidecar of motorcycle, motorcycle drives away. 00:51:24:00 B W 1943 Winter in snow-covered Leningrad: antiaircraft gun nests street scenes, people drag belongings behind them on sleds USSR Russian soldiers at their positions in the trenches surrounding the city, guns pointed person walks down street dragging invalid person on sled behind people walk past idled streetcars people lower buckets into holes dug through the ice-covered streets to obtain water food rationing: shopkeeper cuts a small slice of hard bread group of women work with shovels and pickaxes, clear blocks of ice and rubble from city street. 00:53:26:00 B W 1943 German artillery units shell Leningrad with furious fusillade, explosions, VS an enormous German Thor cannon. 00:54:01:00 B W 1943 Cannons firing shells intercut with brief shots of USSR Russian workers manufacturing weapons and munitions, VS. 00:54:53:00 B W 1943 People drag corpses on sleds behind them as they walk down the cold city street, VS. 00:55:38:00 B W 1943 Tractors tow snow plows across the frozen expanse of Lake Ladoga convoy of trucks makes its way over this ice road German bomber planes attack the road, antiaircraft shells are fired back railroad workers lay railroad tracks across the ice supply train makes its way over the ice. 00:58:03:00 B W 1943 USSR Russian soldiers (still in their white parka uniforms) and tanks charge, advance. 00:59:09:00 B W 1943 Little girl in a fur coat rides tricycle. 00:59:14:00 B W 1943 Leningrad street scenes, the arrival of spring: window washer, streetcars, people cram into streetcar little children stuffed into their bulky winter coats, they look like penguins. 01:00:04:00 B W 1943 USSR Russian sailors crowd the deck of their battleship and clap during a performance men and women on stage perform a traditional Russian folk dance Cossack dance, good shots. 01:00:48:00 B W 1943 German POWs with shaved heads are walked through Leningrad streets at gunpoint, people look at them reproachfully, woman yells at them and spits. 01:02:49:00 B W 1943 Stalingrad street scenes. 01:04:29:00 B W 1943 German soldiers on the march in the Caucasus region. 01:04:40:00 B W 1943 Guns are distributed to inhabitants of the Caucasus, men march with guns over their shoulders. 01:05:12:00 B W 1943 The German attack on Stalingrad: artillery shelling Aerial bombing building fires advancing soldiers German soldiers enter the city, patrol the ruined streets long urban combat sequence, good gritty shots soldier buries a land mine with his hands sniper USSR Russian antiaircraft shelling soldier crawls very low to ground, good shot grenade throwing soldiers fight amid a landscape of ever-increasing ruin and rubble. 01:10:54:00 B W 1943 USSR Russian reserve soldiers march toward and into the ruined city. 01:11:26:00 B W 1943 USSR Russian generals look over maps spread out over table among them are General Kosakoff, General Rakossovsky and Marshal Voronoff (?). 01:11:50:00 B W 1943 Soldiers of the Northern Army and Southern Army run across snow-field and proudly greet and embrace each other, as their armies join forces outside of Stalingrad. Staged. 01:12:15:00 B W 1943 Christmas time in Stalingrad: people buy Christmas trees child carries small Christmas tree (this stuff has got to be staged children on a slide children watch a dancing dog two boys play game - "which hand is it in?" - boy chooses the right hand. 01:13:08:00 B W 1943 Women working in armaments factory, manufacturing shells. 01:13:41:00 B W 1943 USSR Russian artillery fortification in the ice, many cannons fire a fusillade of shells German bomber airplanes attack Stalingrad flamethrower ice glider vehicle USSR "rocket guns" (Katushas), small missile launchers fire in rapid succession soldiers advance through the snow. 01:15:01:00 B W 1943 The Battle of Stalingrad is over: the ruins of Stalingrad, VS soldiers greet each other, embrace and kiss German Generals, now POWs, among them is Field Marshal von Paulus, leading the delegation at a formal surrender conference long line of German POWs files into Stalingrad weary and dejected POWs, VS, CU. 00:18:52:00 B W 1943 Gung-Ho montage of marching soldiers of the Allied nations double-exposed with waving flags. |